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The winter ecology of the Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis was studied in northern Finland in 1991-95. The data consist of 26 radiomarked hawks, of which 331 day and 299 night positions were located. Average range size was 9894 ha for males (minimum convex polygon, n = 4) and 6282 ha for females ( n = 11). Ranges calculated by the 75% harmonic mean contour gave range areas of 3283 ha for males ( n = 3) and 2753 ha for females ( n = 11). Harmonic mean centres concentrated near human settlements, implying better food availability there compared with woodland areas. Some Goshawks preyed upon animals living in the city dump in late winter. Goshawks preferred deciduous and mature conifer forests and avoided open areas such as fields and bogs. They also avoided very heterogeneous sites. The winter diet consisted mostly of Mountain Hares Lepus timidus (30.9%), Red Squirrels Sciurus vulgaris (23.6%), Brown Rats Rattus norvegicus (12.7%) and forest grouse Tetraonidae (27.1%), of which Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix was the most important (14.5%). By weight, hares constituted 70% of the biomass consumed.  相似文献   
1. We examined species–environment relationships and community concordance between aquatic bryophytes and insects in boreal springs. We sampled bryophytes (Marchantiophyta and Bryophyta), benthic macroinvertebrates and environmental variables in 138 springs in Finland, spanning a latitudinal gradient of 1000 km. Macroinvertebrates were subdivided into two groups: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera (EPTC taxa) and chironomid midges (Diptera; Chironomidae). Our aim was to test whether EPTC taxa could be used as surrogates in biodiversity surveys and bioassessment for the two less-well known organism groups, chironomids and bryophytes.
2. Bryophyte assemblages were clearly differentiated along gradients in thermal conditions and water chemistry (pH, conductivity). Chironomids and EPTC were also differentiated in relation to thermal conditions and, to a lesser extent, physical habitat variables, but were only weakly associated to spring water chemistry. Chironomid and EPTC assemblages were more concordant with each other than with bryophytes, but all concordances were relatively weak.
3. Our results suggest that even if the overall compositional patterns of the three taxonomic groups were significantly concordant, the relative importance of environmental drivers underlying their community compositions differed strongly. The results thus imply that spring bryophytes and insects are relatively poor surrogates for each other. The proportion of spring specialists was highest in bryophytes, promoting their primacy for spring bioassessment and biodiversity conservation. We suggest that adequate variation in water chemistry be assured to protect spring bryophyte biodiversity, whereas preserving the physical variation of springs is more important for macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   
Species traits explain recent range shifts of Finnish butterflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study provides a novel systematic comparative analysis of the species characteristics affecting the range margin shifts in butterflies towards higher latitudes, while taking phylogenetic relatedness among species into account. We related observed changes in the northern range margins of 48 butterfly species in Finland between two time periods (1992–1996 and 2000–2004) to 11 species traits. Species with positive records in at least ten 10 km × 10 km grid squares (in the Finnish National Butterfly Recording Scheme, NAFI) in both periods were included in the study. When corrected for range size change, the 48 butterfly species had shifted their range margins northwards on average by 59.9 km between the study periods, with maximum shifts of over 300 km for three species. This rate of range shifts exceeds all previously reported records worldwide. Our findings may be explained by two factors: the study region is situated in higher latitudes than in most previous studies and it focuses on the period of most prominent warming during the last 10–15 years. Several species traits exhibited a significant univariate relationship with the range margin shift according to generalized estimation equations (GEE) taking into account the phylogenetic relatedness among species. Nonthreatened butterflies had on average expanded their ranges strongly northwards (84.5 km), whereas the distributions of threatened species were stationary (−2.1 km). Hierarchical partitioning (HP) analysis indicated that mobile butterflies living in forest edges and using woody plants as their larval hosts exhibited largest range shifts towards the north. Thus, habitat availability and dispersal capacity of butterfly species are likely to determine whether they will be successful in shifting their ranges in response to the warming climate.  相似文献   
The systematic structure and postglacial population history of the freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris were explored in an allozyme survey of 65 populations across Northern Europe. A strong multilocus pattern of differentiation discriminated populations of the north‐east (north‐eastern Norway, northern Finland) from those in the west and the south (southern and central Scandinavia, Denmark, Poland). This principal division is attributed to postglacial colonization of the area by two main refugial races or lineages, one from the east (Russia), the other from the south (north‐western European continent). The strongly diverged Eastern and Western races (Nei's D= 0.3, from 22 loci) now meet in a secondary contact zone across a narrow sector of northernmost Norway. Genetic population compositions in this zone vary in a mosaic pattern, and show no evidence of reproductive incompatibility. Similar contacts of eastern and western lineages, far older than the latest glaciation, are now known from a number of taxa and they constitute a general pattern in Fennoscandian phylogeography. Within the Western Gammarus race, the populations through coastal north‐western Norway are further distinguished from those in southern Scandinavia and Denmark by a set of unique alleles at high frequencies (D = 0.12). This suggests an independent early colonization of the coastal region by another distinct stock, either along an early deglaciated coastal corridor from the south‐west, or directly from the ice‐free continental shelf off the Norwegian coast – a hypothesis that has also previously been presented for G. lacustris, and parallels controversial suggestions of local refugia for other taxa in Scandinavia. The coastal population type only later could come into contact with Gammarus invading over the mountains from the south; these two population types now smoothly intergrade. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 79, 523–542.  相似文献   
1. The structure of bryophyte communities in streams in relation to habitat characteristics, especially disturbance, is described. Disturbance in rivers is quantified as movement of the stream bed, whereas in small streams water level fluctuation is used as an indicator of disturbance frequency. 2. Canonical correspondence analysis differentiated frequently disturbed sites from more stable ones. The existence of a disturbance gradient was confirmed in a subset of the study sites using long-term records of discharge variation. A parallel change was detected in the species composition of bryophyte communities with low-statured, potentially fast colonizers dominating the disturbed end and large perennial species the stable end of the gradient. 3. A consistent pattern of zonation of bryophyte species was found along the gradient from continually submersed to persistently dry conditions in small streams and lake outlets. An abrupt increase in species richness occurred at or just above the water line, where facultatively aquatic species tolerant of both conditions formed the bulk of the community. 4. The relationship between species richness and standing crop in stream bryophyte communities was consistent with the hump-backed model of Grime (1979), especially at the within-habitat scale. Quadrats of low and very high standing crop were characterized by low species richness, while peak richness was observed at intermediate standing crops. 5. A few perennial species (e.g. Fontinalis spp. and Rhynchostegium riparioides) capable of monopolizing space dominated the most stable habitats. Species composition in low biomass sites was more variable, yet only one basic growth-form (small-statured species with high allocation to spore production) seemed possible in these highly disturbed streams. In habitats of intermediate biomass, small-scale disturbances apparently allow the formation of a more varied bryophyte community. 6. A habitat templet for stream bryophyte life strategies and community structure is presented. Disturbance is proposed to be the factor filtering out traits unsuitable for a given environment. The potential of stream bryophytes for testing and developing general ecological theory is emphasized.  相似文献   
Northern Europe was postglacially colonized from different directions by distinct phylogeographical lineages of the bullhead Cottus gobio L. (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes). These lineages have then come into contact in coastal habitats of the currently brackish Baltic Sea and in the freshwaters north of it. We studied the patterns of intergradation in the contact zones in four morphometric and six molecular characters. In the north, intergradation between the western (W) and eastern (E) bullhead lineages is found both among rivers (west‐to‐east) and along individual rivers (south‐to‐north). The locations of the transition zones probably relate to the timing of the initial contact, subsequent Baltic shoreline displacement (i.e. emergence of the lower river reaches), and dispersal barriers caused by variations of coastal salinity. The transitions (clines) in different characters are, however, not geographically coincident. Mitochondrial DNA clines are generally found upstream and to the east of the other transitions, and GPI‐1 allozyme clines are mostly shifted downstream in the rivers, and west of the other transitions on the broader scale of the Baltic Sea. The location of the mtDNA clines may best reflect the initial contact between lineages, and the displacement of the other clines could result from dispersal being overall asymmetric (predominantly downstream) and sex‐biased (stronger in males). Alternatively, the non‐coincidence might reflect selection against deleterious cytonuclear character combinations. No clear evidence of reproductive incompatibility between the lineages was seen in local population structures; no remaining genetic correlations were observed locally among traits. In another transition area, a coastal transect in southern Finland, clinal patterns similar to those in the northern contact zone were recorded, but the population compositions could not be explained by simple in situ mixing of any of the putatively pure, invading refugial lineages. Probably, the bullhead stocks that initially came into contact in this southern study area already represented mixtures of the invading lineages. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 535–552.  相似文献   
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