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Levans produced by four Zymomonas mobilis strains showed antitumour activity against sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich carcinoma in Swiss albino mice. Levans from two strains (ZAP and CP4) had the highest effects. NMR analysis showed that the polymers were composed only of fructose units. The results suggested that the antineoplasic effect is associated to the polysaccharide molecular weight and that a particular molecular weight range may be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   
The internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1 and ITS2) of the 18S-25S nuclear ribosomal DNA sequence and the intervening 5.8S region were sequenced from three individuals in each of eight taxa of the Mimulus guttatus species complex. Three discrete variants, or "types," of ITS sequences were found, among which 30%-40% of sites differed, compared with 1%-2% within types. Dot plots indicate that these types were not related by conspicuous rearrangements or inversions. More than one ITS type was often found in the same taxon, and two of three ITS types span species boundaries, indicating their presence prior to speciation. These ITS sequences showed essentially no positional homology with the nearest sequenced relative, tomato. In contrast, the 5.8S region was relatively unvaried, with 8 of 162 sites varied in the sample among all eight taxa. The phylogeny inferred by the most common ITS sequence type, rooted by the two other ITS types, agreed with isozymes in showing the distinctness of M. nudatus, M. laciniatus, and M. tilingii from the other five taxa.   相似文献   
We ask under what circumstances two methods of dispersal-for-distance should be combined, given that the second method may carry the diaspore back towards its point of origin. The combination is made possible when the morphological adaptations of the diaspore are compatible. It is advantageous when the return on investment in the first method of dispersal declines sharply beyond some level of investment. The median seed achieves the best net distance when the two methods achieve similar distances; the upper decile of seeds achieve nearly a simple sum of the two distances. The first two conditions apply to the combination of ballistic with ant-dispersal, which is widespread in Australian sclerophyll shrubs. Mother plants’fitnesses could well be determined by the upper decile of distances their seeds achieve. It remains an open question whether the addition of ant-dispersal to ballistic dispersal achieves the selective advantage of distance or of placement.  相似文献   
The differentiation in organ culture of a rat nephroblastoma is compared with differentiation of normal rat metanephric tissue under the same conditions. The nephroblastoma arose in a 19 week old female Fischer F344 rat given a single intraperitoneal injection of 4.0 μmole methyl(methoxymethy1)nitrosamine (DMN-OMe)/g body weight at one day of age. The tumor consisted almost entirely of spindle cells although a few well-differentiated tubules were scattered throughout the tumor mass. No primitive tubules were seen, but focal aggregates of tumor cells suggestive of nascent epithelial differentiation were frequent. Fragments of the nephroblastoma were cultured on gelfoam sponge in Williams Medium E supplemented with hydrocortisone, insulin, and fetal bovine serum. Within one day extensive tubulogenesis was observed. High mitotic activity resulted in a steady increase in the size of cultured explants over a period of 6 days. By day six, differentiating tubules filled the explant tissue. Cultured fragments were nearly indistinguishable histologically from normal F344 rat fetal kidney explanted to organ culture on day 15 of gestation and grown in vitro for the same period.  相似文献   
采用随机扩增多态 DNA(RAPD)分析研究了中国3种珍稀濒危兰科植物硬叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum micranthum Tang et Wang)、麻栗坡兜兰(P. malipoense S.C.Chen et Tsi)和独花兰(Changnienia amoena Chien)的遗传多样性与群体遗传结构.12个RAPD引物在2种兜兰中共扩增出131条带.对4个硬叶兜兰群体的检测表明其物种水平的多态条带百分率(PPB)为 71.6%,Nei 的基因多样度(h)为 0.217 1,Shannon多样性指数 (I) 为 0.330 1;4个群体的平均多样性水平为 PPB = 45.2%,h = 0.145 7,I = 0.220 4,低于远交兰花的平均水平.在总遗传变异中,群体间遗传变异占20.31%,略高于远交物种的平均水平.在物种水平上,麻栗坡兜兰的PPB为49.5%,h为0.117 4,I为0.176 4,均大大低于硬叶兜兰.对11个独花兰群体采用16个RAPD引物共扩增出119条带.物种水平PPB=76.5%,h=0.194 1,I=0.305 8;在群体水平上,上述3个指标的平均值则分别为37.2%、0.119 7和0.181 0,均低于远交兰花的平均水平.群体间的遗传变异占45.27%,遗传分化明显高于远交物种的平均水平.导致3个物种遗传多样性偏低而群体间遗传分化较高的主要原因在于人为的过度采挖和生境的片断化.研究结果为兰花保护策略和措施的制定提供了理论基础.  相似文献   
Indiscriminate discharge of pharmaceutical waste into the aquatic ecosystem may pose serious health challenges to aquatic biota. The effect of acute exposure to ibuprofen was evaluated using changes in behaviour and haematological parameters under static bio-assay method in Clarias gariepinus. Test specimens were exposed to acute concentrations of ibuprofen (0.28, 0.33, 0.38, 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h durations respectively. Behavioural and phenotypic changes were observed in surviving fish. There were significant (p < 0.05) concentration and duration-dependent increases in erythrocyte (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), pack cell volume (PCV) and leukocytes (WBC) in treated fish compared to the control. Insignificant decreases (p > 0.05) in mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were observed in treated fish compared to the control. Ibuprofen elicited dose and duration- dependent decrease in neutrophil counts with the decreases being significant (p < 0.05) in the higher doses of 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1. Ibuprofen did not elicit any significant changes in monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. Changes observed in this study showed that ibuprofen negatively affected the health of the fish and we recommend that discharge of ibuprofen into the aquatic environment should be monitored and controlled.  相似文献   


The selection of the most accurate protein model from a set of alternatives is a crucial step in protein structure prediction both in template-based and ab initio approaches. Scoring functions have been developed which can either return a quality estimate for a single model or derive a score from the information contained in the ensemble of models for a given sequence. Local structural features occurring more frequently in the ensemble have a greater probability of being correct. Within the context of the CASP experiment, these so called consensus methods have been shown to perform considerably better in selecting good candidate models, but tend to fail if the best models are far from the dominant structural cluster. In this paper we show that model selection can be improved if both approaches are combined by pre-filtering the models used during the calculation of the structural consensus.  相似文献   
While long-term fixation and storage of specimens is common and useful for many research projects, it is particularly important for space flight investigations where samples may not be returned to Earth for several months (International Space Station) or years (manned mission to Mars). We examined two critical challenges of space flight experimentation: the effect of long-term fixation on the quality of mouse bone preservation and the preservation of antigens and enzymes for both histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses, and how the animal/sample processing affects the preservation. We show that long-term fixation minimally affects standard histological staining, but that enzyme histochemistry and immunolabeling are greatly compromised. Further, we demonstrate that whole animal preservation is not as suitable as whole leg or stripped leg preservation for long-term fixation and all histological analyses. Overall, we recommend whole leg processing for long-term storage of bone specimens in fixative prior to embedding in plastic for histological examination.  相似文献   
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