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Non-selected and Na2SO-, K2SO4- or KCl-selected callus culturesof Vaccinium corymbosum L. cv. Blue Crop were grown on mediasupplemented with 0, 25 and 50 mM Na2SO4 (non-selected and Na2SO(-selectedonly), 0, 25 and 50mMK2SO4 (non-selected and K2SO4-selectedonly) or 0, 50 and 100 mM KCl (non-selected and KCl-selectedonly). On all media, growth of selected callus (on a fresh-weightor dry-weight basis) was greater than that of non-selected callus,and selected callus grew optimally on the level and type ofsalt on which it was selected. Selected callus was friable andmaintained a higher f. wt:d. wt ratio. Tissue water potentialin selected callus was more negative than in non-selected callus. Flame photometry and chloridometry showed Na+, K+ and Claccumulated in callus to concentrations equal to or greaterthan the initial concentration in the medium. Turbidometry showedthat tissue SO42- concentration was lower than the concentrationin the medium. In most cases selected callus accumulated moreNa+, Ksup, SO42– or Cl than non-selected callus.Vacuolar ion concentration was measured by electronprobe X-raymicroanalysis, and on most media selected callus had highervacuolar ion concentrations than non-selected callus. SO42–and Cl were accumulated in the vacuoles at concentrationshigher than the external medium, but vacuolar Na+ concentrationdid not reach external concentration on Na2SO4 and on potassiumsalts was maintained between 12 and 17 mM. Vacuolar K+ concentration(approx. 142–191 mM on no salt) decreased on Na2SO4 andincreased on K2SO4 and KCl. There was no precise correlation between total or specific ionaccumulation (Na+, K+, SO42– and Cl and fresh-weightyield. Results suggest that selection results in adaptationin response to decreased water potential of the medium. Vaccinium corymbosum, blueberry, electronprobe X-ray microanalysis, callus, in vitro selection, salt tolerance, KCl, K2SO4, Na2SO4  相似文献   
Abstract. Chemical signals from secretions of different exocrine glands modulate a variety of behavioural patterns in termite societies. These signals have multiple functions and may be interactive. During food exploitation workers of the African termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) employ, on foraging trails, the secretion from the sternal gland both for orientation and recruitment to a food source. The secretion from the labial gland, released onto the food by gnawing termites, stimulates additional workers to gnaw at the same site, thereby forming aggregations of gnawing termites. An interaction between these two pheromones during food exploitation is demonstrated for the first time. The volatile signal from the sternal gland inhibits in a dose-dependent manner the non-volatile, highly persistent, signal from the labial gland. The development of gnawing aggregations is inhibited and established ones are dissolved. Behavioural evidence for the perception of both the volatile signal from the sternal gland by olfactory neurones and of the non-volatile signal from the labial gland by gustatory neurones on the antennae is given. The interaction of the two pheromones as a basis for the development of distinct commuting and gnawing zones on the food source, and as a means for a dynamic regulation of food exploitation, is discussed.  相似文献   
Leaf architecture and epidermal characters in Zelkova, Ulmaceae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Zelkova , with six extant species in Eurasia - three in East Asia (Z. schneideriana, Z. serrata, Z. sinica) , one in south-western Asia (Z. carpinifolia) and two in southern Europe (Z. abelicea, Z. sicula) - was investigated with respect to leaf architecture and epidermal characters by LM and SEM. The leaf venation of Zelkova is relatively uniform, while leaf size and shape are highly variable. Characters such as teeth and epidermal cells, trichomes and stomata provide useful specific distinctions. Beginning in the Miocene, increasing aridity in Central Asia would appear to have been responsible for isolating the eastern Asiatic species from their European/western Asiatic counterparts. The European range underwent further changes in response to Quaternary climatic oscillations.  相似文献   
Four fallow deer, Cervus dama, became infected with Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) sp. by oral application of triturated guts from tabanids collected in an area with deer but without any cattle; four control calves remained negative. Upon challenge with triturated guts from tabanids from an area with pastured cattle, the four calves became infected with Trypanosoma (M.) theileri. The prepatent period in deer was five days or less. Haematopota spp. and Tabanus spp. were identified as vectors of the deer trypanosomes. It is concluded that the trypanosomes of C. dama belong to a Megatrypanum species that is not identical with T. theileri.  相似文献   
Regeneration and reestablishment of synaptic connections is an important topic in neurobiological research. In the present study, the regeneration of auditory afferents and the accompanying effects in the central nervous system are investigated in nymphs and adults of the bush cricket Tettigonia viridissima L. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). In all animals in which the tympanal nerve is crushed, neuronal tracing shows a regrowth of the afferents into the prothoracic ganglion. This regeneration is seen in both adult and nymphal stages and starts 10–15 days after nerve crushing. Physiological recordings from the leg nerve indicate a recovery of tympanal fibres and a formation of functional connections to interneurones in the same time range. Electrophysiological recordings from the neck connective suggest additional contralateral sprouting of interneurones and the formation of aberrant connections. The regeneration processes of the tympanal nerve in nymphal stages and adults appear to be similar.  相似文献   
1. Acoustically guided movement in a three‐dimensional space is a complex behavioural task performed notably by birds, bats, and some insect species. The precision of acoustic orientation depends on the directionality of the hearing system as well as on auditory behaviour. 2. The fly Emblemasoma auditrix Diptera (Sarcophagidae) is a parasitoid of the cicada Okanagana rimosa Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadidae) and locates its host in the complex habitat of a forest. The phonotactic behaviour of the fly was analysed experimentally with emphasis on the vertical domain in the field. Different experimental setups allowed discriminating subsequent steps in the phonotactic behaviour of E. auditrix. 3. During the phonotactic flight, flies first landed on landmarks, which were used to re‐adjust to the elevation of the sound source. Acoustic targets were located from these resting positions. The sound source elevation was detected at the start of the flight as the longitudinal body axis was adjusted to the inclination of the target sound source. 4. Flies usually did not land directly upon the sound source, but landed nearby, and most often above the target. Within the target area, types of movement for the final approach differed in respect to target position; flies walked predominantly if the final target was located above or below, but for horizontally located targets much of the distance was covered by flight. 5. In conclusion, E. auditrix can locate the acoustic target in complex habitats and uses a flexible multi‐step approach for short‐range phonotaxis.  相似文献   
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