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Ultrasounds are emitted by developing rodents, and changes withage in several parameters of vocalization have been reportedfor numerous myomorphs. In this paper I integrate with ultrasonicvocalization several behaviors which change during development.Included are studies controlling stimulation by olfactory, thermal,and tactile cues as well as detailed studies of specific responsessuch as movement, suckling, grooming, and huddling. Developmentis analyzed in well-known species, such as the rat (Rattus norvegicus),and in less familiar species, especially the pine vole (Microtuspinetorum). Lacking the capacity for physiological thermoregulation, altricialrodent pups with their mother use several behavioral strategieswhich facilitate thermoregulation. Inside the nest, pups adjustthe temperature by changing their huddling. The mother regulatesthe length of suckling bouts according to her body temperature.When a pup is removed from the warm nest, vocalizations of thepup can increase the likelihood of retrieval by the mother andthereby indirectly facilitate thermoregulation. In several species which have been studied, vocalization ratesare highest when pups begin to move into and out of nests andexhibit olfactory-directed movement. As olfactory preferencesbecome established and movement is coordinated, a decline invocalization appears in rat, mouse, hamster, spiny mouse, andpine vole. In the gerbil, however, the decline precedes competencein olfactory-directed movement. In the presence of home shavings, young rats emit low ratesof vocalization, while pine vole young emit calls at a highrate. This contrast may relate to the intensive attachment ofyoung pine voles to the mother in early life.  相似文献   
Understanding nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes from agricultural soils in semi‐arid climates is necessary to fully assess greenhouse gas emissions from bioenergy cropping systems, and to improve our knowledge of global terrestrial gaseous exchange. Canola is grown globally as a feedstock for biodiesel production, however, resulting soil greenhouse gas fluxes are rarely reported for semi‐arid climates. We measured soil N2O and CH4 fluxes from a rain‐fed canola crop in a semi‐arid region of south‐western Australia for 1 year on a subdaily basis. The site included N fertilized (75 kg N ha?1 yr?1) and nonfertilized plots. Daily N2O fluxes were low (?1.5 to 4.7 g N2O‐N ha?1 day?1) and culminated in an annual loss of 128 g N2O‐N ha?1 (standard error, 12 g N2O‐N ha?1) from N fertilized soil and 80 g N2O‐N ha?1 (standard error, 11 g N2O‐N ha?1) from nonfertilized soil. Daily CH4 fluxes were also low (?10.3 to 11.9 g CH4‐C ha?1 day?1), and did not differ with treatments, with an average annual net emission of 6.7 g CH4–C ha?1 (standard error, 20 g CH4–C ha?1). Greatest daily N2O fluxes occurred when the soil was fallow, and following a series of summer rainfall events. Summer rainfall increased soil water contents and available N, and occurred when soil temperatures were >25 °C, and when there was no active plant growth to compete with soil microorganisms for mineralized N; conditions known to promote N2O production. The proportion of N fertilizer emitted as N2O, after correction for emissions from the no N fertilizer treatment, was 0.06%; 17 times lower than IPCC default value for the application of synthetic N fertilizers to land (1.0%). Soil greenhouse gas fluxes from bioenergy crop production in semi‐arid regions are likely to have less influence on the net global warming potential of biofuel production than in temperate climates.  相似文献   
Bioethanol production from sugarcane is discussed as an alternative energy source to reduce dependencies of regional economies on fossil fuels. Even though bioethanol production from sugarcane is considered to be a beneficial and cost‐effective greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategy, it is still a matter of controversy due to insufficient information on the total GHG balance of this system. Aside from the necessity to account for the impact of land use change (LUC), soil N2O emissions during sugarcane production and emissions of GHG due to preharvest burning may significantly impact the GHG balance. Based on a thorough literature review, we show that direct N2O emissions from sugarcane fields due to nitrogen (N) fertilization result in an emission factor of 3.87±1.16% which is much higher than suggested by IPCC (1%). N2O emissions from N fertilization accounted for 40% of the total GHG emissions from ethanol–sugarcane production, with an additional 17% from trash burning. If LUC‐related GHG emissions are considered, the total GHG balance turns negative mainly due to vegetation carbon losses. Our study also shows that major gaps in knowledge still exist about GHG sources related to agricultural management during sugarcane production, e.g. effects of irrigation, vinasse and filter cake application. Therefore, more studies are needed to assess if bioethanol from sugarcane is a viable option to reduce energy‐related GHG emissions.  相似文献   
Methane is a major product of anaerobic degradation of organic matter and an important greenhouse gas. Its stable carbon isotope composition can be used to reveal active methanogenic pathways, if associated isotope fractionation factors are known. To clarify the causes that lead to the wide variation of fractionation factors of methanogenesis from H2 plus CO2 (), pure cultures and various cocultures were grown under different thermodynamic conditions. In syntrophic and obligate syntrophic cocultures thriving on different carbohydrate substrates, fermentative bacteria were coupled to three different species of hydrogenotrophic methanogens of the families Methanobacteriaceae and Methanomicrobiaceae. We found that C‐isotope fractionation was correlated to the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) of CH4 formation from H2 plus CO2 and that the relation can be described by a semi‐Gauss curve. The derived relationship was used to quantify the average ΔG that is available to hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea in their habitat, thus avoiding the problems encountered with measurement of low H2 concentrations on a microscale. Boreal peat, rice field soil, and rumen fluid, which represent major sources of atmospheric CH4, exhibited increasingly smaller , indicating that thermodynamic conditions for hydrogenotrophic methanogens became increasingly more favourable. Vice versa, we hypothesize that environments with similar energetic conditions will also exhibit similar isotope fractionation. Our results, thus, provide a mechanistic constraint for modelling the 13C flux from microbial sources of atmospheric CH4.  相似文献   
The effect of stand age on soil respiration and its components was studied in a first rotation Sitka spruce chronosequence composed of 10‐, 15‐, 31‐, and 47‐year‐old stands established on wet mineral gley in central Ireland. For each stand age, three forest stands with similar characteristics of soil type and site preparation were used. There were no significant differences in total soil respiration among sites of the same age, except for the case of a 15‐year‐old stand that had lower soil respiration rates due to its higher productivity. Soil respiration initially decreased with stand age, but levelled out in the older stands. The youngest stands had significantly higher respiration rates than more mature sites. Annual soil respiration rates were modelled by means of temperature‐derived functions. The average Q 10 value obtained treating all the stands together was 3.8. Annual soil respiration rates were 991, 686, 556, and 564 g C m?2 for the 10‐, 15‐, 31‐, and 47‐year‐old stands, respectively. We used the trenching approach to separate soil respiration components. Heterotrophic respiration paralleled soil organic carbon dynamics over the chronosequence, decreasing with stand age to slightly increase in the oldest stand as a result of accumulated aboveground litter and root inputs. Root respiration showed a decreasing trend with stand age, which was explained by a decrease in fine root biomass over the chronosequence, but not by nitrogen concentration of fine roots. The decrease in the relative contribution of autotrophic respiration to total soil CO2 efflux from 59.3% in the youngest stand to 49.7% in the oldest stand was explained by the higher activity of the root system in younger stands. Our results show that stand age should be considered if simple temperature‐based models to predict annual soil respiration in afforestation sites are to be used.  相似文献   
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