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M-MuLV-specific DNA probes were used to establish the state of integration and amplification of recombinant proviral sequences in Moloney virus-induced tumors of Balb/Mo, Balb/c and 129 mice. The somatically acquired viral sequences contain both authentic M-MuLV genomes and recombinants of M-MuLV with endogenous viral sequences. All reintegrated genomes carry long terminal repeat (LTR) sequences at both termini of their genome. In the preleukemic stage a large population of cells exhibiting a random distribution of reintegrated M-MuLV genomes are seen, but during outgrowth of the tumor, selection of cells occurs leaving one or a few clonal descendants in the outgrown tumor. In this latter stage recombinant genomes can be detected. Although these recombinants constitute a heterogeneous group of proviruses, characteristic molecular markers are conserved among many individual proviral recombinants, lending credence to the notion that a certain recombinant structure is a prerequisite for the onset of neoplasia. The structure of these recombinants shows close structural similarities to the previously described mink cell focus-inducing (MCF)-type viruses.  相似文献   
Chagasic megacolon is accompanied by extensive myenteric and, simultaneously, moderate submucosal neuron loss. Here, we examined changes of the innervation pattern of the lamina propria (LP) and muscularis mucosae (MM). Two alternating sets of cryosections were taken from seven non-chagasic colonic and seven chagasic megacolonic specimens (the latter included both the dilated megacolonic and the non-dilated transitional oral and anal zones) and were immunohistochemically triple-stained for smooth-muscle actin (SMA), synaptophysin (SYN) and glial acid protein S100 and, alternatively, for SMA, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and somatostatin (SOM). Subsequent image analysis and statistical evaluation of nervous tissue profile areas revealed that, in LP, the most extreme differences (i.e. increase in thickness or decrease in nerve, glia and muscle tissue profile area, respectively) compared with control values occurred in the dilated megacolonic zone itself. In contrast, the most extreme differences in the MM were in the anal-to-megacolonic zone (except the profile area of muscle tissue, which was lowest in the megacolonic zone). This parallels our previous results in the external muscle coat. A partial and selective survival of VIP-immunoreactive in contrast to SOM-immunoreactive nerve fibres was observed in both mucosal layers investigated. Thus, VIPergic nerve elements might be crucial for the maintenance of the mucosal barrier. The differential changes of neural tissue parameters in LP and MM might reflect a multifactorial rather than a pure neurogenic development of megacolon in chronic Chagas’ disease.  相似文献   
A synthetic gene coding for human interleukin 4 (IL-4) was cloned and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast) as a C-terminal fusion protein with the yeast prepro alpha-mating factor sequence, resulting in secretion of mature IL-4 into the culture medium (0.6-0.8 micrograms/ml). A protocol was developed for purification of this protein. Crude cell-free conditioned medium was passed over a concanavalin A-Sepharose affinity column; bound proteins were eluted and further purified by S-Sepharose Fast Flow cation exchange and C18 reverse-phase h.p.l.c. Highly purified IL-4 was obtained by this method (0.3-0.4 mg per litre of culture) with a recovery of 51%. Thermospray liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry showed the C-terminal N-glycosylation site to be largely unmodified, and also showed that the N-terminus of the purified recombinant IL-4 (rIL-4) was authentic. Thiol titration revealed no free cysteine residues, implying that there are three disulphide groups, the positions of which remain to be determined. We have characterized the biological activities of the purified rIL-4. This material is active in B-cell co-stimulator assays, T-cell proliferation assays and in the induction of cell-surface expression of CD23 (the low-affinity receptor for IgE) on tonsillar B-cells. Half-maximal biological activity of the rIL-4 was achieved at a concentration of 120 pM. We have radioiodinated rIL-4 without loss of biological activity and performed equilibrium binding studies on Raji cells, a human B-cell line. The 125I-rIL-4 bound specifically to a single class of binding studies on Raji cells, a human B-cell line. The 125I-rIL-4 bound specifically to a single class of binding site with high affinity (Kd = 100 pM) and revealed 1100 receptors per cell. Receptor-ligand cross-linking studies demonstrated a single cell-surface receptor with an apparent molecular mass of 124 kDa. Two monoclonal antibodies have been raised to the human rIL-4, one of which blocks both the biological activity of rIL-4 and binding to its receptor.  相似文献   
The unique short region and part of the repeat region of virulent pseudorabies virus strain NIA-3 was replaced by the corresponding region of the avirulent NIA-4 strain by transfection with subgenomic DNA fragments. The resulting hybrid virus showed a reduced virulence in both mice and pigs. Therefore, important markers for virulence are located in the unique short or repeat region or both of pseudorabies virus. We provide evidence that the terminally located repeat is not required for the generation of progeny with intact pseudorabies virus genomes. Apparently, the terminal repeat is regenerated from the internal repeat.  相似文献   
Critical comparisons have been made in 12 patients of four methods for measuring cholesterol absorption from the intestine. Methods I-III depend on the use of labeled cholesterol (intravenously or continuous labeling orally) in conjunction with sterol balance measurements; Method IV can be carried out with only a single test dose containing labeled cholesterol plus labeled beta-sitosterol. In the latter technique absorption is calculated as the loss of cholesterol relative to beta-sitosterol during intestinal transit. Method III (isotopic steady-state method) proved to be undependable because of uncertainties in determining the existence of an isotopic steady state. However, Method IV gave good agreement with Methods I and II, and it appears to have certain practical as well as theoretical advantages. Although Method IV requires collections of stools for up to 8 days, it is nevertheless the most rapid and the simplest of all the methods for estimating absorption. It can also be used in certain situations, such as in fur-licking animals, when Methods I and II are inadequate. Therefore, this method would seem to be a valuable addition to other isotopic techniques for estimating cholesterol absorption in man.  相似文献   
Studies on the interaction of cholesterol absorption, synthesis, and excretion were carried out in eight patients using sterol balance techniques. Absorption of dietary cholesterol was found to increase with intake; up to 1 g of cholesterol was absorbed in patients fed as much as 3 g per day. In most patients, increased absorption of cholesterol evoked two compensatory mechanisms: (a) increased reexcretion of cholesterol (but not of bile acids), and (b) decrease in total body synthesis. However, the amount of suppression in synthesis was extremely variable from one patient to another; one patient had no decrease in synthesis despite a large increment in absorption of dietary cholesterol, and two patients showed a complete suppression of synthesis. In the majority of cases the accumulation of cholesterol in body pools was small because of adequate compensation by reexcretion plus reduced synthesis, but in a few patients large accumulations occurred on high cholesterol diets when absorption exceeded the compensatory mechanisms. These accumulations were not necessarily reflected in plasma cholesterol levels; these increased only slightly or not at all.  相似文献   
Systematic computer alignment of mycoplasmal 16S rRNA sequences allowed the identification of variable regions with both genus- and species-specific sequences. Species-specific sequences of Mycoplasma collis were elucidated by asymmetric amplification and dideoxynucleotide sequencing of variable regions, using primers complementary to conserved regions of 16S rRNA. Primers selected for Mycoplasma pneumoniae, M. hominis, M. fermentans, Ureaplasma urealyticum, M. pulmonis, M. arthritidis, M. neurolyticum, M. muris, and M. collis proved to be species specific in the polymerase chain reaction. The genus-specific primers reacted with all mycoplasmal species investigated as well as with members of the genera Ureaplasma, Spiroplasma, and Acholeplasma. No cross-reaction was observed with members of the closely related genera Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Bacillus, and Clostridium or with any other microorganism tested. On the basis of the high copy number of rRNA, a highly sensitive polymerase chain reaction assay was developed in which the nucleic acid content equivalent to a single organism could be detected.  相似文献   
In subjects fed a cholesterol-free diet there are three possible sources of intestinal lymph cholesterol: a) mucosal synthesis; b) absorption of endogenous (biliary) cholesterol; and c) transudation of plasma lipoproteins into the lacteals of the intestinal wall. To test these possibilities, the extent of transudation was measured by means of [3H]beta-sitosterol administered intravenously as a marker. Absorption of biliary cholesterol was reduced by oral administration of beta-sitosterol (9 g/day), and mucosal synthesis of cholesterol was evaluated by comparisons of plasma/lymph [14C]cholesterol specific activity ratios after intravenous administration of a single dose of labeled cholesterol. Studies were carried out on six patients with filarial chyluria. In five patients fed a cholesterol-free diet the results indicated that lymph cholesterol was largely derived by transudation of plasma lipoproteins into the lacteals from the intestinal blood supply, without contribution from de novo mucosal synthesis or from absorption of endogenous cholesterol. The intestinal lymph of one patient fed cholesterol (2 g/day) contained cholesterol originating mostly from plasma transudation and from dietary absorption, with little contribution from absorbed endogenous cholesterol. In all experiments the larger part of the cholesterol transported away from the intestine in the lymph was carried in chylomicrons, even though it had its origin in plasma lipoproteins.  相似文献   
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