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Summary Awn length of four isogenic lines of barley differing by two genes for awn development (A andB) and their short iinkage blocks was evaluated at a wide range of plant densities (0.002 to 3.345 m2/plant) for two years. Awn development was reduced at high plant density. The quarter-awned genotype (aaBB) became phenotypically awnless (aabb) at high plant density. Similar results were obtained each year and the genotype x plant density effect was the major portion of the genotype-environment interaction variance. Additive ( A , B ) and additive x additive ( AB ) gene effects were computed for each plant density for lateral and central floret awn length. For lateral awns AB was not affected, but A and B increased with decreased plant density. In contrast, for central awns A and AB decreased and B increased with decreased plant density.Central floret awns measured at each spike node showed that high plant density reduced awn development most in the lower half of the spike. This is the zone of most rapid awn differentiation and since culm elongation and spike growth rates were greatly increased by high plant density, it was suggested that rapid growth invoked a stress on awn development and differentially altered the expression ofA andB.
Zusammenfassung An 4 isogenen Gerstenlinien, die sich durch zwei Gene für Grannenbildung (A undB) und entsprechende kurze Kopplungsblocks unterscheiden, wurde zwei Jahre lang die Länge der Grannen bei verschiedener Standdichte (0,002 bis 3,345 m2 je Pflanze) untersucht. Bei dichtem Bestand ergab sich eine Beeinträchtigung der Grannenbildung, der viertelbegrannte Genotyp (aaBB) wurde phänotypisch grannenlos (aabb). Die Ergebnisse stimmten in beiden Jahren überein, der Effekt Genotyp x Standdichte hatte den Hauptanteil an der Interaktionsvarianz Genotyp: Umwelt. Additive ( A , B ) und additive x additive ( AB ) Genwirkungen wurden bei jeder Standdichte für die Grannenlänge der Seiten-und Mittelährchen errechnet. Bei den seitlichen Grannen wurde AB nicht beeinflußt, aber A und B erhöhten sich mit abnehmender Standdichte. Im Gegensatz dazu gingen bei den mittleren Grannen A und AB zurück, während für B bei abnehmender Standdichte ein Ansteigen festzustellen war.Messungen der mittleren Grannen jeder Ähre zeigten, daß hohe standdichte der Pflanzen die Grannenbildung am meisten in der unteren Hälfte der Ähre reduzierte. Das ist die Zone, in der sich die Grannen am schnellsten differenzieren, und da die Halm- und Ährenwachstumsraten durch hohe Standdichte stark gesteigert wurden, scheint das schnelle Wachstum auf die Grannenentwicklung hemmend einzuwirken und die Manifestierung vonA undB unterschiedlich abzuändern.
The use of plant genetic resources contained in a large collection may be enhanced by specifying subsamples, called core samples. Five strategies for selecting a core sample from a collection of 3000 durum wheat accessions were applied and evaluated using four qualitative and eight quantitative spike characters. Each of the following strategies generated about 500 accessions for the core sample: random, random-systematic according to chronology of entry of the accessions into the collection, stratified by countryof-origin, stratified by log frequency by country-of-origin, and stratified by canonical variables. The first three strategies produced samples representative of the whole collection, but the remaining two produced the desired effect of increasing frequencies from less-represented countries-of-origin for several characters. The stratified canonical sample increased phenotypic variances. The quality of core samples is dependent upon good passport and evaluation data to partition the collection. The multivariate approach is extremely useful, but requires considerable data from the whole collection. Ecogeographic origin may be used in the absence of evaluation data on several characters to select useful core samples.  相似文献   
The continuous increase in global population prompts increased wheat production. Future wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding will heavily rely on dissecting molecular and genetic bases of wheat yield and related traits which is possible through the discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in constructed populations, such as recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Here, we present an evaluation of 92 RILs in a bi-parental RIL mapping population (the International Triticeae Mapping Initiative Mapping Population [ITMI/MP]) using newly generated phenotypic data in 3-year experiments (2015), older phenotypic data (1997–2009), and newly created single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker data based on 92 of the original RILs to search for novel and stable QTLs. Our analyses of more than 15 unique traits observed in multiple experiments included analyses of 46 traits in three environments in the USA, 69 traits in eight environments in Germany, 149 traits in 10 environments in Russia, and 28 traits in four environments in India (292 traits in 25 environments) with 7584 SNPs (292 × 7584 = 2 214 528 data points). A total of 874 QTLs were detected with limit of detection (LOD) scores of 2.01–3.0 and 432 QTLs were detected with LOD > 3.0. Moreover, 769 QTLs could be assigned to 183 clusters based on the common markers and relative proximity of related QTLs, indicating gene-rich regions throughout the A, B, and D genomes of common wheat. This upgraded genotype–phenotype information of ITMI/MP can assist breeders and geneticists who can make crosses with suitable RILs to improve or investigate traits of interest.  相似文献   
The complex hexaploid wheat genome offers many challenges for genomics research. Expressed sequence tags facilitate the analysis of gene-coding regions and provide a rich source of molecular markers for mapping and comparison with model organisms. The objectives of this study were to construct a high-density EST chromosome bin map of wheat homoeologous group 2 chromosomes to determine the distribution of ESTs, construct a consensus map of group 2 ESTs, investigate synteny, examine patterns of duplication, and assess the colinearity with rice of ESTs assigned to the group 2 consensus bin map. A total of 2600 loci generated from 1110 ESTs were mapped to group 2 chromosomes by Southern hybridization onto wheat aneuploid chromosome and deletion stocks. A consensus map was constructed of 552 ESTs mapping to more than one group 2 chromosome. Regions of high gene density in distal bins and low gene density in proximal bins were found. Two interstitial gene-rich islands flanked by relatively gene-poor regions on both the short and long arms and having good synteny with rice were discovered. The map locations of two ESTs indicated the possible presence of a small pericentric inversion on chromosome 2B. Wheat chromosome group 2 was shown to share syntenous blocks with rice chromosomes 4 and 7.  相似文献   
The US Wheat Genome Project, funded by the National Science Foundation, developed the first large public Triticeae expressed sequence tag (EST) resource. Altogether, 116,272 ESTs were produced, comprising 100,674 5' ESTs and 15 598 3' ESTs. These ESTs were derived from 42 cDNA libraries, which were created from hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its close relatives, including diploid wheat (T. monococcum L. and Aegilops speltoides L.), tetraploid wheat (T. turgidum L.), and rye (Secale cereale L.), using tissues collected from various stages of plant growth and development and under diverse regimes of abiotic and biotic stress treatments. ESTs were assembled into 18,876 contigs and 23,034 singletons, or 41,910 wheat unigenes. Over 90% of the contigs contained fewer than 10 EST members, implying that the ESTs represented a diverse selection of genes and that genes expressed at low and moderate to high levels were well sampled. Statistical methods were used to study the correlation of gene expression patterns, based on the ESTs clustered in the 1536 contigs that contained at least 10 5' EST members and thus representing the most abundant genes expressed in wheat. Analysis further identified genes in wheat that were significantly upregulated (p < 0.05) in tissues under various abiotic stresses when compared with control tissues. Though the function annotation cannot be assigned for many of these genes, it is likely that they play a role associated with the stress response. This study predicted the possible functionality for 4% of total wheat unigenes, which leaves the remaining 96% with their functional roles and expression patterns largely unknown. Nonetheless, the EST data generated in this project provide a diverse and rich source for gene discovery in wheat.  相似文献   


The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus is an excellent model organism for studying ecological vicariance in the Neotropics due to its broad geographic range and its preference for forested areas as roosting sites. With the objective of testing for Pleistocene ecological vicariance, we sequenced a mitocondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker and two nuclear markers (RAG2 and DRB) to try to understand how Pleistocene glaciations affected the distribution of intraspecific lineages in this bat.  相似文献   


Maraviroc activity against HIV-2, a virus naturally resistant to different HIV-1 antiretroviral drugs, has been recently demonstrated. The aim of this study was to assess HIV-2 susceptibility to cenicriviroc, a novel, once-daily, dual CCR5 and CCR2 antagonist that has completed Phase 2b development in HIV-1 infection.


Cenicriviroc phenotypic activity has been tested using a PBMC phenotypic susceptibility assay against four R5-, one X4- and one dual-tropic HIV-2 clinical primary isolates. All isolates were obtained by co-cultivation of PHA-activated PBMC from distinct HIV-2-infected CCR5-antagonist-naïve patients included in the French HIV-2 cohort and were previously tested for maraviroc susceptibility using the same protocol. HIV-2 tropism was determined by phenotypic assay using Ghost(3) cell lines.


Regarding the 4 R5 HIV-2 clinical isolates tested, effective concentration 50% EC50 for cenicriviroc were 0.03, 0.33, 0.45 and 0.98 nM, similar to those observed with maraviroc: 1.13, 0.58, 0.48 and 0.68 nM, respectively. Maximum percentages of inhibition (MPI) of cenicriviroc were 94, 94, 93 and 98%, similar to those observed with maraviroc (93, 90, 82, 100%, respectively). The dual- and X4-tropic HIV-2 strains were resistant to cenicriviroc with EC50 >1000 nM and MPI at 33% and 4%, respectively.


In this first study assessing HIV-2 susceptibility to cenicriviroc, we observed an in vitro activity against HIV-2 R5-tropic strains similar to that observed with maraviroc. Thus, cenicriviroc may offer a once-daily treatment opportunity in the limited therapeutic arsenal for HIV-2. Clinical studies are warranted.  相似文献   
Indiscriminate discharge of pharmaceutical waste into the aquatic ecosystem may pose serious health challenges to aquatic biota. The effect of acute exposure to ibuprofen was evaluated using changes in behaviour and haematological parameters under static bio-assay method in Clarias gariepinus. Test specimens were exposed to acute concentrations of ibuprofen (0.28, 0.33, 0.38, 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h durations respectively. Behavioural and phenotypic changes were observed in surviving fish. There were significant (p < 0.05) concentration and duration-dependent increases in erythrocyte (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), pack cell volume (PCV) and leukocytes (WBC) in treated fish compared to the control. Insignificant decreases (p > 0.05) in mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were observed in treated fish compared to the control. Ibuprofen elicited dose and duration- dependent decrease in neutrophil counts with the decreases being significant (p < 0.05) in the higher doses of 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1. Ibuprofen did not elicit any significant changes in monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. Changes observed in this study showed that ibuprofen negatively affected the health of the fish and we recommend that discharge of ibuprofen into the aquatic environment should be monitored and controlled.  相似文献   
Summary The zymogram phenotypes of glucose-phosphate isomerase (GPI), alcohol dehydrogenase-1 (ADH-1), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), lipoxygenase (LPX), esterase (EST) and the banding patterns of gliadin and glutenin seed storage proteins were determined for Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring (CS), Dasypyrum villosum, the octoploid amphiploid T. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring D. villosum (CS × v) (2n=8x=56; AABBDDVV), and for five CS-D. villosum disomic addition lines. The genes Gpi-V1, Adh-V1, Got-V2, and Sod-V2 coding for GPI-1, ADH-1, GOT-2, and SOD-2 isozymes were located in D. villosum on chromosome 1V, 4V, 6V, and 7V, respectively. Genes coding for gliadin- and glutenin-like subunits are located in D. villosum chromosomes 1V. There are no direct evidence for chromosomal location of genes coding for GOT-3, EST-1 and LPX-2 isozymes. The linkage between genes coding for glutenin-like proteins and GPI-1 isozymes in chromosome 1V is evidence of homoeology between chromosome 1V and the chromosomes of homoeologous group 1 in wheat.Research supported by the National Research Council (Italy) and National Science Foundation (USA). International cooperative project, Grant No. 85.01504.06 (CNR)  相似文献   
We constructed high-density deletion bin maps of wheat chromosomes 5A, 5B, and 5D, including 2338 loci mapped with 1052 EST probes and 217 previously mapped loci (total 2555 loci). This information was combined to construct a consensus chromosome bin map of group 5 including 24 bins. A relatively higher number of loci were mapped on chromosome 5B (38%) compared to 5A (34%) and 5D (28%). Differences in the levels of polymorphism among the three chromosomes were partially responsible for these differences. A higher number of duplicated loci was found on chromosome 5B (42%). Three times more loci were mapped on the long arms than on the short arms, and a significantly higher number of probes, loci, and duplicated loci were mapped on the distal halves than on the proximal halves of the chromosome arms. Good overall colinearity was observed among the three homoeologous group 5 chromosomes, except for the previously known 5AL/4AL translocation and a putative small pericentric inversion in chromosome 5A. Statistically significant colinearity was observed between low-copy-number ESTs from wheat homoeologous group 5 and rice chromosomes 12 (88 ESTs), 9 (72 ESTs), and 3 (84 ESTs).  相似文献   
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