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Herein, we studied phorate for its toxicological effects in human lymphocytes. Phorate treatment for 3 h has induced significant increase in the lymphocytic DNA damage. Compared to control, comet data from highest concentration of phorate (1000 µM) showed 8.03-fold increase in the Olive tail moment (OTM). Cytokinesis blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay revealed 6.4-fold increase in binucleated micronucleated (BNMN) cells following the exposure with phorate (200 µM) for 24 h. The nuclear division index (NDI) in phorate (200 µM) treated cells reduced to 1.8 vis-à-vis control cells showed NDI of 1.94. Comparative to untreated control, 60.43% greater DCF fluorescence was quantitated in lymphocytes treated with phorate (500 µM), affirming reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and oxidative stress. Flow cytometric data of phorate (200 µM) treated lymphocytes showed 81.77% decline in the fluorescence of rhodamine 123 (Rh123) dye, confirming the perturbation of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm). Calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) treated with phorate (1000 µM) exhibited 2.3-fold higher 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) DNA adduct formation, signified the oxidative DNA damage. The alkaline unwinding assay revealed 4.0 and 6.5 ct-DNA strand breaks when treated to phorate and phorate-Cu (II) complex. Overall, the data unequivocally suggests the cyto- and genotoxic potential of phorate in human lymphocytes, which may induce comparable toxicological consequences in persons occupationally or non-occupationally exposed to insecticide phorate.  相似文献   
Novel phylogenetic lineages of as yet uncultivated crenarchaeota have been frequently detected in low to moderate-temperature, marine and terrestrial environments. In order to gain a more comprehensive view on the distribution and diversity of Crenarchaeota in moderate habitats, we have studied 18 different terrestrial and freshwater samples by 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic surveys. In seven different soil samples of diverse geographic areas in Europe (forest, grassland, ruderal) and Asia (permafrost, ruderal) as well as in two microbial mats, we have consistently found one particular lineage of crenarchaeota. The diversity of Crenarchaeota in freshwater sediments was considerably higher with respresentative 16S rDNA sequences distributed over four different groups within the moderate crenarchaeota. Systematic analysis of a 16S rDNA universal library from a sandy ecosystem containing 800 clones exclusively revealed the presence of the soil-specific crenarchaeotal cluster. With primers specific for non-thermophilic crenarchaeota we established a rapid method to quantify archaeal 16S rDNA in real time PCR. The relative abundance of crenarchaeotal rDNA was 0.5-3% in the bulk soil sample and only 0.16% in the rhizosphere of the sandy ecosystem. A nearby agricultural setting yielded a relative abundance of 0.17% crenarchaeotal rDNA. In total our data suggest that soil crenarchaeota represent a stable and specific component of the microbiota in terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   


When creating mechanistic mathematical models for biological signaling processes it is tempting to include as many known biochemical interactions into one large model as possible. For the JAK-STAT, MAP kinase, and NF-κB pathways a lot of biological insight is available, and as a consequence, large mathematical models have emerged. For large models the question arises whether unknown model parameters can uniquely be determined by parameter estimation from measured data. Systematic approaches to answering this question are indispensable since the uniqueness of model parameter values is essential for predictive mechanistic modeling.  相似文献   
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs) interaction with human serum albumin (HSA) and DNA was studied by UV–visible spectroscopy, spectrofluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to analyze the binding parameters and protein corona formation. TEM revealed protein corona formation on TiO2-NPs surface due to adsorption of HSA. Intrinsic fluorescence quenching data suggested significant binding of TiO2-NPs (avg. size 14.0 nm) with HSA. The Stern–Volmer constant (Ksv) was determined to be 7.6 × 102 M?1 (r2 = 0.98), whereas the binding constant (Ka) and number of binding sites (n) were assessed to be 5.82 × 102 M?1 and 0.97, respectively. Synchronous fluorescence revealed an apparent decrease in fluorescence intensity with a red shift of 2 nm at Δλ = 15 nm and Δλ = 60 nm. UV–visible analysis also provided the binding constant values for TiO2-NPs–HSA and TiO2-NPs-DNA complexes as 2.8 × 102 M?1 and 5.4 × 103 M?1. The CD data demonstrated loss in α-helicity of HSA and transformation into β-sheet, suggesting structural alterations by TiO2-NPs. The docking analysis of TiO2-NPs with HSA revealed its preferential binding with aromatic and non-aromatic amino acids in subdomain IIA and IB hydrophobic cavity of HSA. Also, the TiO2-NPs docking revealed the selective binding with A-T bases in minor groove of DNA.  相似文献   
Wnt proteins form a family of secreted signaling proteins that play a key role in various developmental events such as cell differentiation, cell migration, cell polarity and cell proliferation. It is currently thought that Wnt proteins activate at least three different signaling pathways by binding to seven transmembrane receptors of the Frizzled family and the co-receptor LRP6. Despite our growing knowledge of intracellular components that mediate a Wnt signal, the molecular events at the membrane have remained rather unclear. Now several publications(1-4) indicate that Frizzled receptors are G-protein coupled and kinases were identified that phosphorylate the co-receptor LRP6. These data deepen our understanding of Wnt-mediated signal transduction and provide more insight into how specificity may be achieved.  相似文献   
To extend comparative metagenomic analyses of the deep-sea, we produced metagenomic data by direct 454 pyrosequencing from bathypelagic plankton (1000 m depth) and bottom sediment of the Sea of Marmara, the gateway between the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Seas. Data from small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene libraries and direct pyrosequencing of the same samples indicated that Gamma- and Alpha-proteobacteria, followed by Bacteroidetes, dominated the bacterial fraction in Marmara deep-sea plankton, whereas Planctomycetes, Delta- and Gamma-proteobacteria were the most abundant groups in high bacterial-diversity sediment. Group I Crenarchaeota/Thaumarchaeota dominated the archaeal plankton fraction, although group II and III Euryarchaeota were also present. Eukaryotes were highly diverse in SSU rRNA gene libraries, with group I (Duboscquellida) and II (Syndiniales) alveolates and Radiozoa dominating plankton, and Opisthokonta and Alveolates, sediment. However, eukaryotic sequences were scarce in pyrosequence data. Archaeal amo genes were abundant in plankton, suggesting that Marmara planktonic Thaumarchaeota are ammonia oxidizers. Genes involved in sulfate reduction, carbon monoxide oxidation, anammox and sulfatases were over-represented in sediment. Genome recruitment analyses showed that Alteromonas macleodii ‘surface ecotype'', Pelagibacter ubique and Nitrosopumilus maritimus were highly represented in 1000 m-deep plankton. A comparative analysis of Marmara metagenomes with ALOHA deep-sea and surface plankton, whale carcasses, Peru subsurface sediment and soil metagenomes clustered deep-sea Marmara plankton with deep-ALOHA plankton and whale carcasses, likely because of the suboxic conditions in the deep Marmara water column. The Marmara sediment clustered with the soil metagenome, highlighting the common ecological role of both types of microbial communities in the degradation of organic matter and the completion of biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   
In a clinical phase I/II trial, pediatric patients with high-risk malignancies were treated with ex vivo IL-2-stimulated donor natural killer (NK) cells after transplantation with haploidentical stem cells. To evaluate the potential negative effects of the immunosuppressive drug mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) used for immunotherapy, the functionality and signaling of ex vivo NK cells was investigated. Our results show that during NK cell expansion, long-term (9 days) incubation with mycophenolic acid (MPA), the active metabolite of MMF, in therapeutically relevant concentrations led to the severe inhibition of NK cell proliferation. This correlated with a significantly reduced cytokine/chemokine secretion and the inhibited acquisition of surface receptors regarding cytotoxicity (e.g., NKp30, NKp44, NKp46, NKG2D), adhesion/migration (e.g., ICAM-1/CD54, LFA-1/CD11a, CD62L, CXCR3) and activation (e.g., CD25). Moreover, MPA prevented phosphorylation of the central signaling molecules STAT-3/-4/-5, AKT and ERK1/2. In contrast, short-term (24 h) MPA incubation of IL-2-stimulated NK cells had no or only marginal effects on the activated NK cell phenotype, including receptor expression, cytokine/chemokine secretion and intracellular signaling. Further, short-term MPA incubation only moderately affected the highly cytotoxic activity of previously IL-2-stimulated NK cells. In conclusion, while long-term MPA incubation significantly compromised ex vivo NK cell functionality, previously IL-2-activated NK cells seemed to be rather resistant to short-term MPA treatment. This finding supports the use of IL-2-activated NK cells as immunotherapy, especially for patients treated with MMF after haploidentical stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   
Protists kill their bacterial prey using toxic metals such as copper. Here we hypothesize that the metalloid arsenic has a similar role. To test this hypothesis, we examined intracellular survival of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (D. discoideum). Deletion of the E. coli ars operon led to significantly lower intracellular survival compared to wild type E. coli. This suggests that protists use arsenic to poison bacterial cells in the phagosome, similar to their use of copper. In response to copper and arsenic poisoning by protists, there is selection for acquisition of arsenic and copper resistance genes in the bacterial prey to avoid killing. In agreement with this hypothesis, both copper and arsenic resistance determinants are widespread in many bacterial taxa and environments, and they are often found together on plasmids. A role for heavy metals and arsenic in the ancient predator–prey relationship between protists and bacteria could explain the widespread presence of metal resistance determinants in pristine environments.  相似文献   
In an ongoing clinical phase I/II study, 16 pediatric patients suffering from high risk leukemia/tumors received highly purified donor natural killer (NK) cell immunotherapy (NK-DLI) at day (+3) +40 and +100 post haploidentical stem cell transplantation. However, literature about the influence of NK-DLI on recipient's immune system is scarce. Here we present concomitant results of a noninvasive in vivo monitoring approach of recipient's peripheral blood (PB) cells after transfer of either unstimulated (NK-DLI(unstim)) or IL-2 (1000 U/ml, 9-14 days) activated NK cells (NK-DLI(IL-2 stim)) along with their ex vivo secreted cytokine/chemokines. We performed phenotypical and functional characterizations of the NK-DLIs, detailed flow cytometric analyses of various PB cells and comprehensive cytokine/chemokine arrays before and after NK-DLI. Patients of both groups were comparable with regard to remission status, immune reconstitution, donor chimerism, KIR mismatching, stem cell and NK-DLI dose. Only after NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) was a rapid, almost complete loss of CD56(bright)CD16(dim/-) immune regulatory and CD56(dim)CD16(+) cytotoxic NK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells and eosinophils from PB circulation seen 10 min after infusion, while neutrophils significantly increased. The reduction of NK cells was due to both, a decrease in patients' own CD69(-) NCR(low)CD62L(+) NK cells as well as to a diminishing of the transferred cells from the NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) with the CD56(bright)CD16(+/-)CD69(+)NCR(high)CD62L(-) phenotype. All cell counts recovered within the next 24 h. Transfer of NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) translated into significantly increased levels of various cytokines/chemokines (i.e. IFN-γ, IL-6, MIP-1β) in patients' PB. Those remained stable for at least 1 h, presumably leading to endothelial activation, leukocyte adhesion and/or extravasation. In contrast, NK-DLI(unstim) did not cause any of the observed effects. In conclusion, we assume that the adoptive transfer of NK-DLI(IL-2 stim) under the influence of ex vivo and in vivo secreted cytokines/chemokines may promote NK cell trafficking and therefore might enhance efficacy of immunotherapy.  相似文献   
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