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B cell activating factor from the TNF family (BAFF) stimulates B‐cell proliferation and survival, but excessive BAFF promotes the development of aggressive B cells leading to malignant and autoimmune diseases. Recently, we have reported that rapamycin, a macrocyclic lactone, attenuates human soluble BAFF (hsBAFF)‐stimulated B‐cell proliferation/survival by suppressing mTOR‐mediated PP2A‐Erk1/2 signaling pathway. Here, we show that the inhibitory effect of rapamycin on hsBAFF‐promoted B cell proliferation/survival is also related to blocking hsBAFF‐stimulated phosphorylation of Akt, S6K1, and 4E‐BP1, as well as expression of survivin in normal and B‐lymphoid (Raji and Daudi) cells. It appeared that both mTORC1 and mTORC2 were involved in the inhibitory activity of rapamycin, as silencing raptor or rictor enhanced rapamycin's suppression of hsBAFF‐induced survivin expression and proliferation/viability in B cells. Also, PP242, an mTORC1/2 kinase inhibitor, repressed survivin expression, and cell proliferation/viability more potently than rapamycin (mTORC1 inhibitor) in B cells in response to hsBAFF. Of interest, ectopic expression of constitutively active Akt (myr‐Akt) or constitutively active S6K1 (S6K1‐ca), or downregulation of 4E‐BP1 conferred resistance to rapamycin's attenuation of hsBAFF‐induced survivin expression and B‐cell proliferation/viability, whereas overexpression of dominant negative Akt (dn‐Akt) or constitutively hypophosphorylated 4E‐BP1 (4EBP1‐5A), or downregulation of S6K1, or co‐treatment with Akt inhibitor potentiated the inhibitory effects of rapamycin. The findings indicate that rapamycin attenuates excessive hsBAFF‐induced cell proliferation/survival via blocking mTORC1/2 signaling in normal and neoplastic B‐lymphoid cells. Our data underscore that rapamycin may be a potential agent for preventing excessive BAFF‐evoked aggressive B‐cell malignancies and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   


Total hip or knee arthroplasty is an elective procedure that is usually accompanied by substantial blood loss, which may lead to acute anemia. As a result, almost half of total joint arthroplasty patients receive allogeneic blood transfusions (ABT). Many studies have shown that post-operative auto-transfusion (PAT) significantly reduces the need for ABT, but other studies have questioned the efficacy of this method.


The protocol for this trial and supporting CONSORT checklist are available as supporting information; see Checklist S1. To evaluate the efficacy of PAT, we conducted a Cochrane systematic review that combined all available data from randomized controlled trials. Data from the six included trials were pooled for analysis. We then calculated relative risks with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for dichotomous outcomes and mean differences with 95% CIs for continuous outcomes.

Findings and Conclusion

To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis to compare the clinical results between PAT and a control in joint replacement patients. This meta-analysis has proven that the use of a PAT reinfusion system reduced significantly the demand for ABT, the number of patients who require ABT and the cost of hospitalization after total knee and hip arthroplasty. This study, together with other previously published data, suggests that PAT drains are beneficial. Larger, sufficiently powered studies are necessary to evaluate the presumed reduction in the incidence of infection as well as DVT after joint arthroplasty with the use of PAT.  相似文献   
A suppression subtractive hybridization cDNA library was used to screen the differently expressed (up-regulated) genes in the photosynthesis–fermentation approach (PFA) of Chlorella protothecoides cultivation. A total of 87 clones were obtained and sequenced, in which 78 clones were homologous to known genes in databases. Among them, the ammonium transporter gene (CpAMT1) was characterized in detail. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that the expression of CpAMT1 was significantly induced by PFA and correlated with lipid accumulation. The up-regulation of CpAMT1 was suppressed by glutamine, while the lipid biosynthesis was also inhibited. Further analysis showed that the expression of CpAMT1 was correlated with glutamine synthetase activity, suggesting that CpAMT1, along with glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase, may be responsible for nitrogen sensing in C. protothecoides. Together, these results imply that the ammonium transporter CpAMT1 could be the initial sensor of nitrogen deficiency and channels the carbon excess toward lipid biosynthesis.  相似文献   
呼吸道合胞病毒(Respiratory syncytial virus,RSV)属于副粘液病毒科,是一种下呼吸道感染最主要的RNA病毒.呼吸道合胞病毒感染是引起全球婴幼儿高致死率的呼吸道感染病原,仅次于疟疾,但用于检测RSV感染的选择相对较少.本文通过抗原抗体结合原理,建立呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)IgM抗体AlphaLISA快速检测方法.小鼠抗人IgM单克隆抗体偶联的受体微球与临床血清样品中RSV特异性IgM抗体结合,RSV特异性IgM抗体再与生物素标记的RSV抗原结合,生物素连接偶联链霉亲和素的供体微球;受体微球和供体微球的距离被拉近小于200nm,680nm荧光激发供体微球生成单线态氧,扩散给受体微球,发射波长为520~620nm的荧光,荧光强度与血清中RSV特异性IgM抗体呈正比.结果显示,该方法批内变异系数与批间变异系数均小于10%,不与其他呼吸道病原体发生交叉反应,与间接免疫荧光法具有较好的一致性,总符合率达83.33%.该方法具有微量检测、快速省时、操作简便等优势,可快速检测RSV的IgM抗体,为早期确诊RSV感染提供高效可行方案.  相似文献   
DREB(dehydration responsive element binding)转录因子通过调控下游多个抗逆相关基因的表达,能有效提高植物的抗逆性。将构建的植物高效表达载体GmDREB::pCAMBIA1304,借助优化的floral-dip法,转入模式植物拟南芥,并经潮霉素Hygromycine(40-50mg·L^-1)抗性筛选得到22棵抗性植株。对抗性植株再进行PCR和GUS检测获得19颗阳性苗,阳性率为86.3%。对T1代种子进行抗性分离比例统计,有4个株系的分离比例接近3:1,符合孟德尔遗传定律,说明外源基因GmDREB在这些株系的染色体中可能是单拷贝插入。继续对上述4个株系的后代进行抗性筛选.现已得到2个纯合的转基因株系。导入的报告基因GUS组织染色检测表明,转入大豆DREB基因在拟南芥的根系和子叶中均有大量表达,并在叶脉中表达。  相似文献   


To compare multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) with cardiac catheterization and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in comprehensive evaluation of the global cardiovascular anatomy in patients with pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (PA-VSD).


The clinical and imaging data of 116 patients with PA-VSD confirmed by surgery were reviewed. Using findings at surgery as the reference standard, data from MDCT, TTE and catheterization were reviewed for assessment of native pulmonary vasculature and intracardiac defects.


MDCT was more accurate than catheterization and TTE in identification of native pulmonary arteries. MDCT is also the most accurate test for delineation of the major aortopulmonary collateral arteries. The inter-modality agreement for evaluation of overriding aorta and VSD were both excellent. In the subgroup with surgical correlation, excellent agreement was found between TTE and surgery, and substantial agreement was also found at MDCT.


MDCT can correctly delineate the native pulmonary vasculatures and intracardiac defects and may be a reliable method for noninvasive assessment of global cardiovascular abnormalities in patients with PA-VSD.  相似文献   
Two nanoplanktonic marine coccolithophores, Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica, were grown at 23°C with a 16-hour light and 8-hour darkness regimen. The cells were dried at room temperature and then subjected to pyrolysis at 100° to 500°C under anoxygenic conditions to produce hydrocarbons. Temperature-dependent profiles of the liquid-saturated hydrocarbons (saturates) produced during pyrolysis were very similar for the two strains, although the total amount was higher in E. huxleyi than in G. oceanica. The amount of saturates produced was only 0.05% to 0.15% below 200°C, but about 2.1% to 2.8% at 300°C. Their major components were normal alkanes in a series ranging from nC11 to nC35 with the predominant peak at nC15. At 400° and 500°C most of saturates transformed into gaseous compounds. The major saturates identified in all pyrolysates were normal C31 monounsaturated and diunsaturated alkenes, a series of normal alkanes, phytenes, C28 sterenes, and steranes. Profiles of saturates in gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy varied with increasing pyrolysis temperature and also differed between E. huxleyi and G. oceanica. The two coccolithophores are useful candidates for the production of renewable liquid fuel through pyrolysis—especially E. huxleyi, which has higher production. The results also provide information for further studies on the characterization, source, and paleogeographic distribution of marine sediment. Received October 28, 1998; accepted February 15, 1999  相似文献   
汉坦病毒H8205部分核壳蛋白基因在E.coli中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据汉坦病毒H8205株NP基因的序列,设计一对引物,扩增NP前292个氨基酸多肽基因片段,克隆于表达载体pGEX3X,与载体中26kD的谷胱苷肽巯基转移酶(GST)融合表达。SDSPAGE显示表达产物(GSTNP)主要以包涵体形式存在。Westernbloting表明此融合蛋白有抗原性。包涵体经分离、洗涤、溶解后,Sepharose6B层析纯化,用此融合蛋白作抗原,进行ELISA法检测临床HFRS病人标本的IgG和IgM,有很好的特异性和敏感性。有生物活性的汉坦病毒H8205NP的体外表达成功,为汉坦病毒基因工程抗原的大量制备奠定了基础,也为汉坦病毒的临床检测和流行病学调查提供了一种廉价、安全、可靠的抗原。  相似文献   
The use of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly necessary to mitigate global warming. Recently much research has been focused on identifying suitable biomass species, which can provide high-energy outputs, to replace conventional fossil fuels. This paper reports an approach for increasing the yield of bio-oil production from fast pyrolysis after manipulating the metabolic pathway in microalgae through heterotrophic growth. The yield of bio-oil (57.9%) produced from heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides cells was 3.4 times higher than from autotrophic cells by fast pyrolysis. The bio-oil was characterized by a much lower oxygen content, with a higher heating value (41 MJ kg(-1)), a lower density (0.92 kg l(-1)), and lower viscosity (0.02 Pas) compared to those of bio-oil from autotrophic cells and wood. These properties are comparable to fossil oil. The research could contribute to the creation of a system to produce energy from microalgae, and also could have great commercial potential for liquid fuel production.  相似文献   
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