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Enormous genomic resources have been developed for plants in the monocot order Poales; however, it is not clear how representative the Poales are for the monocots as a whole. The Asparagales are a monophyletic order sister to the lineage carrying the Poales and possess economically important plants such as asparagus, garlic, and onion. To assess the genomic differences between the Asparagales and Poales, we generated 11,008 unique ESTs from a normalized cDNA library of onion. Sequence analyses of these ESTs revealed microsatellite markers, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and homologs of transposable elements. Mean nucleotide similarity between rice and the Asparagales was 78% across coding regions. Expressed sequence and genomic comparisons revealed strong differences between the Asparagales and Poales for codon usage and mean GC content, GC distribution, and relative GC content at each codon position, indicating that genomic characteristics are not uniform across the monocots. The Asparagales were more similar to eudicots than to the Poales for these genomic characteristics.  相似文献   
We have developed a rice (Oryza sativa) genome annotation database (Osa1) that provides structural and functional annotation for this emerging model species. Using the sequence of O. sativa subsp. japonica cv Nipponbare from the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project, pseudomolecules, or virtual contigs, of the 12 rice chromosomes were constructed. Our most recent release, version 3, represents our third build of the pseudomolecules and is composed of 98% finished sequence. Genes were identified using a series of computational methods developed for Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) that were modified for use with the rice genome. In release 3 of our annotation, we identified 57,915 genes, of which 14,196 are related to transposable elements. Of these 43,719 non-transposable element-related genes, 18,545 (42.4%) were annotated with a putative function, 5,777 (13.2%) were annotated as encoding an expressed protein with no known function, and the remaining 19,397 (44.4%) were annotated as encoding a hypothetical protein. Multiple splice forms (5,873) were detected for 2,538 genes, resulting in a total of 61,250 gene models in the rice genome. We incorporated experimental evidence into 18,252 gene models to improve the quality of the structural annotation. A series of functional data types has been annotated for the rice genome that includes alignment with genetic markers, assignment of gene ontologies, identification of flanking sequence tags, alignment with homologs from related species, and syntenic mapping with other cereal species. All structural and functional annotation data are available through interactive search and display windows as well as through download of flat files. To integrate the data with other genome projects, the annotation data are available through a Distributed Annotation System and a Genome Browser. All data can be obtained through the project Web pages at http://rice.tigr.org.  相似文献   
以江口萝卜猪为试验材料构建DNA池,采用直接测序技术对猪L-FABP、I-FABP、H-FABP、A-FABP基因进行SNPs快速筛查,共检测出7个SNPs,分别为intron1-T1745C、exon2-T125C、exon2-A131C、exon2-C153A、exon2-A65T、exon2-G40A、intron3-C65T。其中intron1-T1745C、intron3-C65T位于内含子上;exon2-T125C、exon2-C153A为同义突变;exon2-A131C、exon2-A65T、exon2-G40A为错义突变,分别使编码氨基酸发生Glu→Ala、Lys→Met、Glu→Lys的改变,对其进行生物信息学分析表明,突变前后的等位基因频率估算,mR NA二级结构预测,蛋白质二级、三级结构预测分析均有差异。  相似文献   

The authors approached the journal to correct a mistake in the data presented in Appendix␣Fig S3D. The authors state that the mouse images in Appendix␣Fig S3D mistakenly displayed images from Fig 2F and Appendix␣Fig S1F. The images in Appendix␣Fig S3D are herewith corrected. The authors state that this change does not affect the conclusions or the statistics. The source data for these panels have been added to the original publication.The authors note that the following sentence needs to be corrected from: Appendix Figure S3D. Original. Appendix Figure S3D. Corrected. “Interestingly, several well‐established accumulation signatures of succinate, malate, hypoxanthine, and xanthine induced by endurance exercise (Lewis et␣al, 2010) were found to be decreased by endurance exercise (Figs 1D and EV1A–D)”.to“Interestingly, several well‐established accumulation signatures of succinate, malate, hypoxanthine, and xanthine induced by endurance exercise (Lewis et␣al, 2010) were found to be decreased by resistance exercise (Figs 1D and EV1A–D)”.Further, the authors requested to amend the legend of Appendix␣Fig S3R to indicate that the same sample for the iWAT group, “WT+2%AKG” treatment, is shown in Fig 3P. The corrected legend reads: “(R‐S). Representative images (R) and quantification (S) of p‐HSL DAB staining from male OXGR1OEAG mice treated with AKG for 12 weeks (n = 6 per group). The same sample is shown as in Fig 3P .The authors regret these errors and any confusion they may have caused. All authors approve of this correction.  相似文献   
低温胁迫是萱草(Hemerocallis fulva)生长过程中经常会遭遇的一种非生物胁迫。比较了萱草叶片在低温处理(10、5、0 ℃)下转录组与对照(15 ℃)数据的差异,共筛选出差异表达基因2 457个,其中上调基因1 253个,下调基因1 204个。差异表达基因主要富集在细胞过程、代谢过程和催化活性等49个GO过程,代谢途径、次生代谢产物的生物合成、植物激素信号转导等42条KEGG代谢途径中。其中参与植物激素信号转导通路的差异表达基因发生了不同程度的变化,GH3.10基因上调至对照组的13.624倍,IAA1基因下调0.120倍;参与可溶性糖合成通路的差异基因发生了0.076~28.114倍不同程度的变化。随后对3个低温处理组共有的29个差异表达基因进行热图和网络调控分析,基于基因在网络调控中的位置,对ABCF5OFPsSWEETs等基因在冷应答的作用进行了分析。本研究结果为进一步挖掘萱草低温响应的关键基因及耐寒萱草种质开发、分子育种提供了一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Indehiscent sporangia are reported for only a few of derived leptosporangiate ferns. Their evolution has been likely caused by conditions in which promotion of self-fertilization is an evolutionary advantageous strategy such as the colonization of isolated regions and responds to stressful habitat conditions. The Lepisorus clathratus complex provides the opportunity to test this hypothesis because these derived ferns include specimens with regular dehiscent and irregular indehiscent sporangia. The latter occurs preferably in well-defined regions in the Himalaya. Previous studies have shown evidence for multiple origins of indehiscent sporangia and the persistence of populations with indehiscent sporangia at extreme altitudinal ranges of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). RESULTS: Independent phylogenetic relationships reconstructed using DNA sequences of the uniparentally inherited chloroplast genome and two low-copy nuclear genes confirmed the hypothesis of multiple origins of indehiscent sporangia and the restriction of particular haplotypes to indehiscent sporangia populations in the Lhasa and Nyingchi regions of the QTP. In contrast, the Hengduan Mountains were characterized by high haplotype diversity and the occurrence of accessions with and without indehiscent sporangia. Evidence was found for polyploidy and reticulate evolution in this complex. The putative case of chloroplast capture in the Nyingchi populations provided further evidence for the promotion of isolated but persistent populations by indehiscent sporangia. CONCLUSIONS: The presented results confirmed the hypothesis that indehiscent sporangia promote the establishment of persistent population in different regions of the QTP. These results are consistent with the expectations of reproductive reassurance by promotion of self-fertilization that played a critical role in the assembly of populations in isolated locations and/or extreme habitats.  相似文献   
Garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) belongs to the monocot family Asparagaceae in the order Asparagales. Onion (Allium cepa L.) and Asparagus officinalis are 2 of the most economically important plants of the core Asparagales, a well supported monophyletic group within the Asparagales. Coding regions in onion have lower GC contents than the grasses. We compared the GC content of 3374 unique expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from A. officinalis with Lycoris longituba and onion (both members of the core Asparagales), Acorus americanus (sister to all other monocots), the grasses, and Arabidopsis. Although ESTs in A. officinalis and Acorus had a higher average GC content than Arabidopsis, Lycoris, and onion, all were clearly lower than the grasses. The Asparagaceae have the smallest nuclear genomes among all plants in the core Asparagales, which typically have huge genomes. Within the Asparagaceae, European Asparagus species have approximately twice the nuclear DNA of that of southern African Asparagus species. We cloned and sequenced 20 genomic amplicons from European A. officinalis and the southern African species Asparagus plumosus and observed no clear evidence for a recent genome doubling in A. officinalis relative to A. plumosus. These results indicate that members of the genus Asparagus with smaller genomes may be useful genomic models for plants in the core Asparagales.  相似文献   
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