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糖类应答元件结合蛋白(ChREBP)是2001年发现的葡萄糖信号途径中的一个新的候选转录因子,在哺乳动物体内可结合到糖酵解和脂肪合成酶相关基因启动子区的糖类应答元件(ChRE)上,激活这些基因的转录,并与SREBP-1c协同作用,调节糖酵解和脂肪合成酶相关基因的表达。该文介绍ChREBP的基因结构、表达调控、活性调节、生物学功能及其作用机制等的最新研究进展。  相似文献   
The interaction between rare-earth ions and DNA from Bashibai sheep was studied by microcalorimetry and electrochemistry. The DNA chain was found to have four to five binding sites for rare-earth ions. The binding affinity was about 10??-10?? M. It was also found that smaller ions caused more heat to be released in the process of binding and bound more readily to the nucleic acid chain. This is attributed to the enhanced ability of polarization of smaller ions and reduced steric hindrance compared to larger ions. The electrochemistry results show that rare-earth ions could be inserted into the DNA helix, producing a new complex with electrochemically active groups. The rare-earth ions and DNA complex reached equilibrium after a 90-min incubation at room temperature.  相似文献   
牦牛基因组微卫星富集文库的构建与分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据生物素与链亲和素的强亲和性原理,用链亲和素磁珠亲和捕捉与生物素标记的微卫星寡核苷酸探针(CA)12、(CCG)8、(CAG)8、(TTTC)8退火结合的含有接头和牦牛微卫星序列的单链限制性酶切片段,获得单链目的片段,经PCR扩增形成双链,然后克隆到pMD18-T载体上,转化至DH5α中,首次成功构建牦牛基因组微卫星富集文库。测序结果发现,阳性克隆率为77%(37/48),说明构建的牦牛基因组微卫星富集文库是一个高质量的文库。牦牛富集微卫星文库的建立和牦牛微卫星的筛选将为下一步进行牦牛基因组结构的分析、牦牛遗传连锁图谱的构建、分子进化和系统发育研究、标记辅助选择以及经济性状的QTL定位提供大量的微卫星标记。  相似文献   
DAZ家族新成员BOULE蛋白的结构与功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BOULE蛋白是2001年发现的DAZ家族的新成员,是人类精子发生过程中减数分裂的关键调控因子. BOULE基因表达的改变或BOULE蛋白的缺乏可引起减数分裂阻滞和精子生成障碍,从而导致无精子症并产生不育. BOULE蛋白的一级结构中含有DAZ家族的特征结构域,包括DAZ重复和RNA结合域(RBM),因此,将其列为继DAZ、DAZL之后DAZ家族的第3个成员.本文对BOULE的发现过程、结构和定位进行了总结回顾,并重点介绍了其在精子发生减数分裂中的作用及其作用机制.  相似文献   
中国水稻功能基因组研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在过去的10年中,我国在水稻功能基因组研究方面取得了显著成绩,建立发展了水稻功能基因组研究技术平台,主要包括水稻大型T—DNA插入突变体库、基因全长cDNA文库、基因表达谱芯片以及相应的生物信息学分析平台等;分离鉴定了大批与产量、品质、抗病、抗逆、营养高效利用相关的具有重要应用前景的重要农艺性状基因.并适时提出了RICE2020的研究计划,旨在积极推动水稻功能基因的深入研究和建立国际合作.  相似文献   
Segmental Duplications Are Common in Rice Genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Segmental duplications on rice (Oryza sativa L.) chromosomes 8, 9, 11, and 12 were studied by examining the distributions of sequences resolved by 13 probes detecting multiple copies of DNA sequences. Four of the hybridization bands detected by a repetitive sequence probe, rTRS, were mapped to the ends of all the four chromosomes. Two or three of the bands detected by each of the other 12 probes were also mapped to different chromosomes. The bands detected by the same probe usually occurred in similar locations of different chromosomes. Loci detected by different DNA probes were often similarly arranged on different chromosomes. Chromosomes 8 and 9 showed colinearity of marker loci arrangement indicating a possible common origin. A segment on chromosome 9 was also very similar to the previously reported duplicated fragments on the ends of chromosomes 11 and 12 which were also detected in this study, indicating a likely common origin. Moreover, the various degrees of distributional similarity of the segments suggest a complex relationship among the chromosomes in the evolution of the rice genome. These results support the proposition that chromosome duplication and diversification may be a mechanism for the origin and evolution of the chromosomes in the rice genome.  相似文献   
序列同源性分析软件Blast的WEB界面构建及其应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于局域网(Intranet)内的PC/Linux服务器, 构建了序列同源性分析软件Blast的WEB界面. 局域网内的所有计算机均可通过WEB方式访问该服务器进行公共数据库和自建数据库的查询,具有保密、高效、免费的优点,能够满足实验室和研究院所的大规模、快速数据分析任务.  相似文献   
Many stress responsive genes have been reported with an effect on improving stress resistance in model plants under greenhouse conditions. Towards identification of genes for drought resistance breeding, seven well documented genes (CBF3, SOS2, NCED2, NPK1, LOSS, ZAT10, and NHX1) in stress resistance were selected in this study and transformed into rice cultivar Zhonghua 11 under the control of constitutive promoter Actinl and stress-inducible pro- moter of a rice HVA22 homolog, and transgenic rice were tested for drought resistance under field conditions. A total of 1598 independent transgenic To plants were generated. The percentages of single copy and expression of the transgenes were 36.7% and 57.6%, respectively. For each gene construct, 30 T1 families with expression of transgene were selected for drought resistance testing at the reproductive stage in field, and 10 of them were tested in PVC pipes with a defined stress protocol at the same stage. Relative yield and relative spikelet fertility were used as two major criteria to evaluate drought resistance performance because significantly decreased yield was observed in the T1 generation, Trans- genic families of eight constructs (HVA22P:CBF3, HVA22P:NPK1, Actin 1:LOS5, HVA22P:L OS5, Actin 1:ZA T10, HVA22P:ZA T10, Actinl:NHX1, and HVA22P:NHX1) showed significantly higher RY than wild-type (WT) under both drought stress field and PVC tube conditions. Transgenic families of 9 constructs (HVA22P.SOS2 and CBF3, LOS5, ZAT10, and NHX1 by both promoters) showed significantly higher relative spikelet fertility than WT in the field or PVC pipes. In the field drought resistance testing of T2 families derived from the T1 families with relatively lower yield decrease, transgenic families of seven constructs (HVA22P:CBF3, Actinl:NPK1, HVA22P:NPK1, Actinl:LOS5, HVA22P:LOS5, Actin1:ZAT10, and HVA22P:ZAT10) showed significantly higher yield per plant than WT, and families of nine constructs (Actinl:CBF3, HVA22P:CBF3,  相似文献   
光敏核不育水稻农垦 5 8S系由正常晚粳品种农垦 5 8自然突变产生 .以农垦 5 8S与农垦 5 8杂交F2 为材料作RFLP分析 ,确定了原始光敏不育基因突变位点为位于第 1 2染色体上的pms3,即由正常品种农垦 5 8变为光敏不育农垦 5 8S是pms3上基因突变的结果 .还对 (农垦 5 8S× 1 5 1 4)群体做了大量的RAPD和AFLP分析 ,找到并定位了 4个与pms3连锁的标记 ,增加了该区间的分子标记密度 .  相似文献   
中、西蜂间自然交尾干扰问题的观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中西蜂蜂王性引诱信息素对中、西蜂雄蜂具有交互引诱交尾作用 ,且处女王婚飞和雄蜂出游时间一致。在中、西蜂 (主要指意蜂 )混养区 ,空中交尾竞争处于劣势的中蜂 ,受到西蜂严重干扰而繁殖受阻 ,是中蜂在平原等地区日益缩减多因素中的一个重要原因。蜂种间“自然交尾干扰”论点的提出 ,为保护中蜂资源、发展中蜂生产提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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