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Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a specialized intracellular pathogen that must regulate gene expression to overcome stresses produced by host defenses during infection. SigH is an alternative sigma factor that we have previously shown plays a role in the response to stress of the saprophyte Mycobacterium smegmatis. In this work we investigated the role of sigH in the M. tuberculosis response to heat and oxidative stress. We determined that a M. tuberculosis sigH mutant is more susceptible to oxidative stresses and that the inducible expression of the thioredoxin reductase/thioredoxin genes trxB2/trxC and a gene of unknown function, Rv2466c, is regulated by sigH via expression from promoters directly recognized by SigH. We also determined that the sigH mutant is more susceptible to heat stress and that inducible expression of the heat shock genes dnaK and clpB is positively regulated by sigH. The induction of these heat shock gene promoters but not of other SigH-dependent promoters was markedly greater in response to heat versus oxidative stress, consistent with their additional regulation by a heat-labile repressor. To further understand the role of sigH in the M. tuberculosis stress response, we investigated the regulation of the stress-responsive sigma factor genes sigE and sigB. We determined that inducible expression of sigE is regulated by sigH and that basal and inducible expression of sigB is dependent on sigE and sigH. These data indicate that sigH plays a central role in a network that regulates heat and oxidative-stress responses that are likely to be important in M. tuberculosis pathogenesis.  相似文献   
An integrated platform for a very sensitive detection of cocaine based on a refractometric biosensor is demonstrated. The system uses a waveguide grating biosensor functionalized with a cocaine multivalent antigen-carrier protein conjugate. The immunoassay scheme consists of the competitive binding of cocaine-specific antibodies to the immobilized conjugates. A 1000-fold enhancement of the sensor's sensitivity is achieved when using gold conjugated monoclonal antibodies instead of free antibodies. Together with the optimization of the assay conditions, the setup is designed for a quick identification of narcotics using automated sampling. The results show that the presence of cocaine in a liquid sample could be identified down to a concentration of 0.7 nM within one minute. This value can be reduced even further when longer binding time is allowed (0.2 nM after 15 min). Application of the system to detection of narcotics at airport security control points is discussed.  相似文献   
甘肃潮水盆地潮参1井侏罗纪介形类化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潮水盆地潮参1井发现Darwinula-Timiriasevia化石组合,化石丰富.保存完好。组合特征显示其地质时代为中侏罗世晚期。  相似文献   

Key message

A high-density genetic map constructed with a wheat 55 K SNP array was highly consistent with the physical map of this species and it facilitated the identification of a novel major QTL for productive tiller number.


Productive tiller number (PTN) plays a key role in wheat grain yield. In this study, a recombinant inbred line population with 199 lines derived from a cross between ‘20828’ and ‘Chuannong16’ was used to construct a high-density genetic map using wheat 55 K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. The constructed genetic map contains 12,109 SNP markers spanning 3021.04 cM across the 21 wheat chromosomes. The orders of the genetic and physical positions of these markers are generally in agreement, and they also match well with those based on the 660 K SNP array from which the one used in this study was derived. The ratios of SNPs located in each of the wheat deletion bins were similar among the wheat 9 K, 55 K, 90 K, 660 K and 820 K SNP arrays. Based on the constructed maps, a novel major quantitative trait locus QPtn.sau-4B for PTN was detected across multi-environments in a 0.55 cM interval on 4B and it explained 17.23–45.46% of the phenotypic variance. Twenty common genes in the physical interval between the flanking markers were identified on chromosome 4B of ‘Chinese Spring’ and wild emmer. These results indicate that wheat 55 K SNP array could be an ideal tool in primary mapping of target genes and the identification of QPtn.sau-4B laid a foundation for the following fine mapping and cloning work.
西北地区潮水盆地侏罗系青土井群轮藻化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潮水盆地青土井群为一套含煤碎屑岩,在盆地东部潮参l井青土井群三段发育大量以Aclistochara占优势的轮藻化石群,其组合特征显示浓厚的晚侏罗世色彩。青土井群一、二段轮藻化石稀少,结合地层层序,推测其地质时代为早侏罗世。围岩沉积特征表明本井轮藻化石群为浅水生物群。  相似文献   
杨韬  章文艳  戴蓉  郑普阳  舒国成  邹琪  李成 《生态学报》2022,42(7):2648-2656
爬行动物是受道路影响的主要野生脊椎动物类群之一,2019-2020年,采用路巡调查法对云南省普洱市思茅区爬行动物路杀现象进行了调查。结果发现,路杀爬行动物有7科22种100只,钝头蛇科的横纹钝头蛇Pareas margaritophorus、眼镜蛇科的银环蛇Bungarus multicinctus是路杀数量最多的物种,包括2种国家二级重点保护野生动物:闪鳞蛇Xenopeltis unicolor和三索蛇Coelognathus radiatus。爬行动物的路杀有3个高峰时间段,7:00-10:00时是最集中的路杀时间段。温度20-25℃是最集中的路杀温度范围。进一步的分析发现,爬行动物的路杀与其活动节律有关,7:00-10:00时的晒阳行为可能是路杀的主要诱因。  相似文献   
栖息地丧失和退化严重威胁全球两栖类动物的生存与繁衍,栖息地保护在两栖动物保育中具有高的优先性。大凉螈(Liangshantriton taliangensis)是国内外广泛关注的横断山区特有珍稀有尾类物种。结合大凉螈33个分布位点和9个环境变量数据,本文运用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型预测了大凉螈当前潜在适宜分布区,再根据现有自然保护地(5个国家级和9个省级)分布进行了保护空缺分析,同时,借助比例体重指数法(SMI)衡量了7个种群共218个个体的身体状况,比较了保护区内外种群间的差异,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)识别了保护区内植被变化,据此对四川栗子坪国家级自然保护区的保护成效进行了评估。结果表明,(1)影响大凉螈分布的最主要环境变量为NDVI(贡献值34.33%)、最干月份降水量(贡献值26.81%)和海拔(贡献值20.92%);(2)大凉螈适宜生境主要集中在小相岭和凉山山系,占研究区域总面积的15.38%,现有自然保护地覆盖了大凉螈23.62%的适宜生境,仍有3760.91km2的保护空缺;(3)栗子坪保护区内雄性个体肥满度指数显著大于保护区外个体(t-tes...  相似文献   
Host factor pathways are known to be essential for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and replication in human liver cells. To search for novel host factor proteins required for HCV replication, we screened a subgenomic genotype 1b replicon cell line (Luc-1b) with a kinome and druggable collection of 20,779 siRNAs. We identified and validated several enzymes required for HCV replication, including class III phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PI4KA and PI4KB), carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase (CAD), and mevalonate (diphospho) decarboxylase. Knockdown of PI4KA could inhibit the replication and/or HCV RNA levels of the two subgenomic genotype 1b clones (SG-1b and Luc-1b), two subgenomic genotype 1a clones (SG-1a and Luc-1a), JFH-1 genotype 2a infectious virus (JFH1-2a), and the genomic genotype 1a (FL-1a) replicon. In contrast, PI4KB knockdown inhibited replication and/or HCV RNA levels of Luc-1b, SG-1b, and Luc-1a replicons. The small molecule inhibitor, PIK93, was found to block subgenomic genotype 1b (Luc-1b), subgenomic genotype 1a (Luc-1a), and genomic genotype 2a (JFH1-2a) infectious virus replication in the nanomolar range. PIK93 was characterized by using quantitative chemical proteomics and in vitro biochemical assays to demonstrate PIK93 is a bone fide PI4KA and PI4KB inhibitor. Our data demonstrate that genetic or pharmacological modulation of PI4KA and PI4KB inhibits multiple genotypes of HCV and represents a novel druggable class of therapeutic targets for HCV infection.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes liver disease in humans, including chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (52). The HCV genome is a single-stranded RNA molecule where both the 5′ and the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) contain highly conserved RNA structures necessary for polyprotein translation and genome replication (43). The processed polyprotein yields at least three structural proteins and six nonstructural proteins. The structural proteins include the core, which forms the viral nucleocapsid, and the envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2. The viral proteins processed by signal peptidases form viral particles that assemble at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and/or Golgi bodies and are released from the host cell by viral budding. The structural protein coding regions are separated from nonstructural proteins by the short membrane peptide p7, thought to function as an ion channel (43, 53). The nonstructural proteins NS2, NS3/4A, NS5A, and NS5B are involved in coordinating the intracellular processes of the virus life cycle, including polyprotein processing and viral RNA replication (34).The Luc-1b cell is a human hepatoma cell line (Huh7) that contains a genotype 1b HCV subgenomic replicon, a luciferase reporter, and a neomycin selection marker, allowing HCV replication to be studied both in vitro and in vivo (8, 36). This subgenomic replicon lacks the coding regions for NS2 and the structural proteins but contains the nonstructural proteins in cis, which are required for replication of the viral RNA. Expression of the luciferase gene acts as a surrogate marker for levels of HCV RNA produced in the cell. The goal of the present study was to use this subgenomic HCV replicon to screen siRNA libraries and identify novel host proteins that are involved in HCV replication.A number of cellular pathways and proteins that play critical roles in HCV replication have recently been described (41, 42, 46). In particular, replication of HCV is tied closely to its localization and transport to various internal membranes and to lipid metabolism (2). Most of the HCV proteins appear to be targeted to the surface of the ER and replication complexes appear to be transported to lipid rafts, where RNA replication can occur (2). Infectious virus particle formation occurs in association with lipid droplets, and this process requires the core and NS5A proteins. In addition, cholesterol pathway production of geranylgeranyl-PP is important to geranylate the FBL2 protein, which serves as a membrane anchor for NS5A (62). The hVAP proteins involved in the localization and trafficking between internal membranous structures are known to be associated with the HCV proteins NS5A and NS5B (59). Thus, host factor lipid metabolism and intracellular protein transport are necessary for HCV replication in cells.Targeting host factors that are required for viral replication offers a strategy to overcome viral resistance and may allow treatment for more than one genotype of HCV and/or a related Flaviviridae virus such as Dengue, West Nile, or yellow fever virus. The current standard-of-care treatment for the genotype 1 strain of HCV infection is pegylated interferon alpha plus ribavirin over a 6-month time course with more than half of infected patients being refractory to this treatment (57). In addition to genotype 1, there are at least five naturally occurring genotype variants of HCV that can complicate a patient''s response to therapy when infected with more than one genotype. As well as the development of mutations, the presence of multiple variants coexisting in patients is thought to contribute to the rapid development of resistance (40). A variety of antiviral therapeutic strategies aim to inhibit viral proteins directly with small molecules or siRNAs (13, 31, 33). Although some small molecule approaches have been successful in preclinical studies, small-molecule strategies directed against the viral targets can still be rendered ineffective due to the development of mutant, treatment-resistant viral strains (13, 40). Thus, combination therapies are a necessary approach to treat the many variants of HCV that exist in the patient population.In the present study, a set of 779 SMARTpool small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting the kinome and 4 siRNAs targeting 5,000 druggable genes (20,000 siRNAs) were tested for their ability to block replication of the Luc-1b HCV subgenomic replicon. siRNAs targeting CAD (carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase), a tripartite enzyme that catalyzes the first three steps of pyrimidine biosynthesis, inhibited both the Luc-1b replicon and JFH1-2a virus expression. This activity is consistent with the known inhibitor of this enzyme, leflunomide, which has been shown previously to inhibit both respiratory syncytial virus and HCV (12, 54). siRNAs targeting the mevalonate (diphospho) decarboxylase (MVD) enzyme, which catalyzes the formation of mevalonate, were found to inhibit Luc-1b replication (19). Inhibition of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway and host cell geranylation has been previously reported to inhibit HCV subgenomic replication (3, 24, 51, 62, 67). siRNA-mediated knockdown of the class III phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases PI4KA and PI4KB inhibited luciferase expression not only for the genotype 1b subgenomic replicons (Luc-1a and Luc-1b) but also for the viral RNA levels of SG-1b, Luc-1b, and Luc-1a. PI4KA knockdown also inhibited Renilla expression in the JFH-1 genotype 2a infectious virus (JFH1-2a), genotype 2a subgenomic replicon (SG-1a), and a genomic and subgenomic genotype 1a replicon (FL-1a and SG-1a). Using the small-molecule inhibitor PIK93 in compound affinity competition experiments and in vitro biochemical assays, we demonstrated PIK93 could bind and inhibit both PI4KA and PI4KB enzymatic activity (58). PIK93 could inhibit luciferase expression in the Luc-1b, Luc-1a, and JFH1-2a infectious virus assays in the submicromolar range. Together, our data suggest that PI4KA and PI4KB regulate HCV replication and that pharmacological inhibition of these enzymes represents a new class of antiviral agents for multiple genotypes of HCV. Finally, since PI4KA and PI4KB are known to regulate protein and lipid transport to and from the ER and Golgi bodies, their function may hold clues as to how movement of HCV replication complexes throughout different organelles is regulated.  相似文献   
A five-capillary system has been developed for DNA sequencing and analysis. The post-column fluorescence detector is based on a sheath-flow cuvette. The instrument provides uniform and continuous illumination of the samples. The cuvette virtually eliminates cross-talk in the fluorescence signal between capillaries. Discrete single-photon counting avalanche photodiodes provide high efficiency light detection. The instrument has detection limits (3sigma) of 130 +/- 30 fluorescein molecules injected onto each capillary. Over 650 bases of sequence at 98.8% accuracy were generated in 100 min at 50 degrees C from M13mp18. Separation and detection of short tandem repeats proved efficient and accurate with the use of internal standards for direct comparison of migration times between capillaries.  相似文献   
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