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Fillet samples of the toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides and D. mawsoni can be distinguished readily by muscle proteins revealed by isoelectric focusing and mitochondrial DNA markers. The proteins also distinguish toothfish from other species marketed under similar trade names.  相似文献   
Summary Municipal compost applied to soils in plot experiments with cabbages, lettuces, beans, potatoes and peas in three successive years (25–100 tonnes per hectare) has produced significant enhancement of available soil Cu, Zn and B in each year. Associated significant increases in uptake were as follows: Cu, Zn and B with lettuces and beans, Zn and B with potatoes and B with peas. No significant increases in uptake of any of these elements was obtained in two experiments with cabbages.Compost treatment was associated with severe phytotoxic effects in the experiment with beans and with yield responses in the experiments with peas and potatoes. re]19721116  相似文献   
Earlier reports have described a novel protein kinase in cells infected with herpes simplex or pseudorabies viruses. These novel enzymes were characterized by their acceptance of protamine as a substrate and by their differential chromatographic behavior in anion-exchange chromatography. We report that this activity was not present in extracts of uninfected cells or of cells infected with a mutant constructed so as to contain a deletion in the US3 open reading frame mapping in the small component of herpes simplex virus 1 DNA. The activity was present in extracts of cells infected with wild-type virus and with a recombinant in which the US3 open reading frame had been rescued. Our results are consistent with the observation reported earlier that the coding sequences predict an amino acid motif common to protein kinases and lead to the conclusion that the US3 open reading frame encodes a virus-specific protein kinase that is not required for virus growth in cells in culture.  相似文献   
Identified neurons and glial cells in a parasympathetic ganglion were observed in situ with video-enhanced microscopy at intervals of up to 130 d in adult mice. Whereas the number and position of glial cells associated with particular neurons did not change over several hours, progressive differences were evident over intervals of weeks to months. These changes involved differences in the location of glial nuclei on the neuronal surface, differences in the apparent number of glial nuclei associated with each neuron, and often both. When we examined the arrangement of neurons and glial cells in the electron microscope, we also found that presynaptic nerve terminals are more prevalent in the vicinity of glial nuclei than elsewhere on the neuronal surface. The fact that glial nuclei are associated with preganglionic endings, together with the finding that the position and number of glial nuclei associated with identified neurons gradually changes, is in accord with the recent observation that synapses on these neurons are normally subject to ongoing rearrangement (Purves, D., J. T. Voyvodic, L. Magrassi, and H. Yawo. 1987. Science (Wash. DC). 238:1122-1126). By the same token, the present results suggest that glial cells are involved in synaptic remodeling.  相似文献   
Simple models of two-species ecosystems are usually analyzed in terms of the existence and stability of a static equilibrium state. We examine the way in which perturbations, in the form of periodic reductions in both species, lead to stable coexistence in a state of dynamic equilibrium. We establish general criteria for the occurrence of such dynamic equilibrium states. We show that coexistence in a dynamic equilibrium occurs for a fairly wide range of model parameters, and that dynamic equilibrium states are a rather robust feature of simple models.  相似文献   
In a continuing study of the biosynthetic pathway and regulatory mechanisms governing indole-3-acetic acid (auxin) formation, we report the isolation and initial characterization of three distinct indole-3-acetaldehyde reductases from cucumber seedlings. These enzymes catalyze the reduction of indole-3-acetaldehyde to indole-3-ethanol with the concomitant oxidation of NAD(P)H to NAD(P)+. Two of the reductases are specific for NADPH as second substrate, while the third is specific for NADH. The enzymes show a strong specificity for indoleacetaldehyde, with apparent Km values of 73mum, 130mum, and 400mum being calculated for the two NADPH-specific reductases and the NADH-specific reductase, respectively. Under no conditions of substrate concentration, incubation time, or assay method could the reverse reaction be observed. Chromatography on a calibrated Sephadex gel column led to estimated molecualr weights of 52,000 and 17,000 for the NADPH-specific reductases, while a value of 33,000 was obtained for the NADH-specific reductase. Both NADPH-specific reductases showed a pH optimum of 5.2 with a secondary optimum at 7.0, and both enzymes were activated by increasing ionic strength. The NADH-specific reductase showed a pH optimum of 7.0 with a secondary optimum at 6.1 and was slightly inhibited by increasing ionic strength.  相似文献   
The role of tree mortality in the global carbon balance is complicated by strong spatial and temporal heterogeneity that arises from the stochastic nature of carbon loss through disturbance. Characterizing spatio‐temporal variation in mortality (including disturbance) and its effects on forest and carbon dynamics is thus essential to understanding the current global forest carbon sink, and to predicting how it will change in future. We analyzed forest inventory data from the eastern United States to estimate plot‐level variation in mortality (relative to a long‐term background rate for individual trees) for nine distinct forest regions. Disturbances that produced at least a fourfold increase in tree mortality over an approximately 5 year interval were observed in 1–5% of plots in each forest region. The frequency of disturbance was lowest in the northeast, and increased southwards along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts as fire and hurricane disturbances became progressively more common. Across the central and northern parts of the region, natural disturbances appeared to reflect a diffuse combination of wind, insects, disease, and ice storms. By linking estimated covariation in tree growth and mortality over time with a data‐constrained forest dynamics model, we simulated the implications of stochastic variation in mortality for long‐term aboveground biomass changes across the eastern United States. A geographic gradient in disturbance frequency induced notable differences in biomass dynamics between the least‐ and most‐disturbed regions, with variation in mortality causing the latter to undergo considerably stronger fluctuations in aboveground stand biomass over time. Moreover, regional simulations showed that a given long‐term increase in mean mortality rates would support greater aboveground biomass when expressed through disturbance effects compared with background mortality, particularly for early‐successional species. The effects of increased tree mortality on carbon stocks and forest composition may thus depend partly on whether future mortality increases are chronic or episodic in nature.  相似文献   
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