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The biosynthesis of glyantrypine from radiolabelled amino acid precursors has been shown experimentally to involve anthranilic acid, tryptophan and glycine. Low values for percentage incorporation of radiolabel into glyantrypine were partly influenced by a complex array of other novel alkaloids shown by the radiolabelling experiments to be related to glyantrypine. Interpretation of radiolabel incorporation from [14C-carboxyl]-anthranilic acid into microbial metabolites seen to contain an anthranilyl moiety in various biosynthetic arrangements is discussed. The possibility of diversion of anthranilic acid from the kynurenine pathway to glyantrypine biosynthesis is recognised.  相似文献   
The 15 kiloDalton major membrane immunogen was included among the Treponema pallidum polypeptides selectively labelled with [3H]-palmitate. The cloned gene for this immunogen, tpp15, encoded a signal peptide of 17 amino acids, a consensus signal peptidase II cleavage site, and a mature protein of 124 amino acids (13,967 Daltons). As predicted by the DNA sequence, the recombinant 15 kiloDalton immunogen labelled selectively with [3H]-palmitate, and globomycin inhibited processing of the precursor to the mature polypeptide. While the native and recombinant immunogens are amphiphilic, the 15 kiloDalton immunogen synthesized in a cell-free system was hydrophilic. The covalent attachment of fatty acids appears to be responsible for the amphiphilicity of the immunogen and its membrane attachment.  相似文献   
Five alternative cDNA clones were isolated for CD46, also known as the membrane cofactor protein (MCP) for the factor I-mediated cleavage of the complement convertases. One of these cDNA clones (a) was identical to an earlier MCP clone. The other four CD46 clones 3ontained the four NH2-terminanl short consensus repeat (SCR) units of MCP, but differed at the region encoding the carboxyl-terminal of the protein which includes an extracellular segment rich in Ser, Thr, and Pro residues, a hydrophobic membrane-spanning domain, and a 33 amino acid cytoplasmic tail. The different CD46 cDNAs have variously: (b) inserted a 93 base pair (bp) exon resulting in a new cytoplasmic tail of 26 amino acids; (c) deleted a 42 bp exon from the extracellular Ser/Thr rich region; (d) used a cryptic splice acceptor sequence to delete 37 bp from an exon encoding transmembrane sequence; or (e) failed to splice the intron after the four SCR units. These were shown by northern blot and polymerase chain reaction to arise by alternative splicing of CD46 RNA. Forms (a), (b), and (c) of CD46 RNA are common in placental RNA, but (d) was rare, and (e) was incompletely processed and therefore aberrant. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to map the sites of the intron/exon junctions and demonstrate further possible splice variants of CD46. The alternative RNAs for CD46 may correlate to the different isoforms of CD46 found in different tissues, tumors, and in serum.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M58050. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: D. F. J. Purcell.  相似文献   
Studies of accident-prone drivers emphasize the frequency of unstable, aggressive or antisocial personalities expressing themselves through the automobile as a real and a symbolic weapon. Such expressions may be voluntary or unconscious and may also lead a driver to injure himself or seek injury from others.Because of the great public danger from such drivers, it is urgent that judges and enforcers of the law recognize the psychic motivation in habitual violation and withhold driving privileges from violators until a psychic adjustment has been made. Physicians can contribute in gaining acceptance for this attitude of enforcement, and in setting up adequate psychiatric procedures for correction of violators.  相似文献   
CD46, until recently known as HuLy-m5, is a non-lineage restricted surface antigen ubiquitously expressed by almost all human cells except erythrocytes. The CD46 antigen is identified by the E4.3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) and exists at the surface of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) as two acidic, non-disulfide bonded chains, and , ofM r 66 000 and 56 000. Receptor density analysis showed that CD46 was of moderately low abundance on PBLs with 7.5×103 molecules present on each cell. The two chains of CD46 were purified (144 000-fold) by immunoaffinity-chromatography with E4.3 mAb from the plasma membranes of a human spleen infiltrated with chronic myelogenous leukemia cells. Amino acid sequence analysis of the NH2-terminal of both and chains yielded the same sequence; XEEPPQ/TFEAMELIGKPKPYYEIGE. Peptide mapping studies confirmed that both CD46 chains were closely related, except for one peptide fragment. This amino acid sequence is identical to that of the NH2-terminal of the recently cloned membrane co-factor protein (MCP), a membrane protein that binds the C3b and C4b fragments of complement and acts as a co-factor for I protein-mediated decay of the complement convertases. CD46 shares a cross-reactive epitope with some primate retroviruses, and this may indicate that some retroviruses mimic the mechanisms used by autologous human cells to evade complement-mediated immune clearance. Offprint requests to: I. F. C. McKenzie.  相似文献   
Multiple RNA splicing sites exist within human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genomic RNA, and these sites enable the synthesis of many mRNAs for each of several viral proteins. We evaluated the biological significance of the alternatively spliced mRNA species during productive HIV-1 infections of peripheral blood lymphocytes and human T-cell lines to determine the potential role of alternative RNA splicing in the regulation of HIV-1 replication and infection. First, we used a semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction of cDNAs that were radiolabeled for gel analysis to determine the relative abundance of the diverse array of alternatively spliced HIV-1 mRNAs. The predominant rev, tat, vpr, and env RNAs contained a minimum of noncoding sequence, but the predominant nef mRNAs were incompletely spliced and invariably included noncoding exons. Second, the effect of altered RNA processing was measured following mutagenesis of the major 5' splice donor and several cryptic, constitutive, and competing 3' splice acceptor motifs of HIV-1NL4-3. Mutations that ablated constitutive splice sites led to the activation of new cryptic sites; some of these preserved biological function. Mutations that ablated competing splice acceptor sites caused marked alterations in the pool of virus-derived mRNAs and, in some instances, in virus infectivity and/or the profile of virus proteins. The redundant RNA splicing signals in the HIV-1 genome and alternatively spliced mRNAs provides a mechanism for regulating the relative proportions of HIV-1 proteins and, in some cases, viral infectivity.  相似文献   
Forty-five individuals with generalized anxiety (38 with GAD as defined by DSM-III) were randomized to 4 treatment conditions or a waiting list control. Patients received 8 sessions of either frontal EMG biofeedback, biofeedback to increase EEG alpha, biofeedback to decrease EEG alpha, or a pseudomeditation control condition. All treated subjects showed significant reductions in STAI-Trait Anxiety and psychophysiologic symptoms on the Psychosomatic Symptom Checklist. Only alpha-increase biofeedback subjects showed significant reductions in heart rate reactivity to stressors at a separate psychophysiological testing session. Decreased self-report of anxiety was maintained at 6 weeks posttreatment.  相似文献   
The development of a microtiter solid-phase radioimmunoassay for detection of the human reovirus-like (RVL) agent is described. The test is simple to perform and uses small amounts of reagents; a large number of specimens can rapidly be tested in a single test. Both filtered and unfiltered stool suspensions can be employed. The test was as sensitive as immune electron microscopy, and with an appropriate blocking test, was specific for the human RVL agent.  相似文献   
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