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The biocontrol properties of Trichoderma species are well documented, but their effectiveness in antagonism of the problematic Sclerotium cepivorum, the causal agent of white rot in Allium species, appears limited with reports of significant control only relating to deliberately-mutated strains of Trichoderma. Our previous studies have indicated the possibility of using selected naturally-occurring strains of the antagonist in the suppression of other diseases; now in vitro and controlled environment in vivo studies have indicated that a degree of control of Onion White Rot is possible, and that the selected antagonist strains can be used in integrated treatments with Iprodione to good effect. The possible value of such treatments is considered in light of other approaches to the suppression of this continuing problem.  相似文献   
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified ribosomal RNA gene amplicons was used to study the stool microbiota of hospitalized patients and to examine the effect of antibiotic therapy. For one patient, 16 anaerobic species identified by random cloning and sequencing of PCR-amplified rRNA genes from stool were represented by bands on the DGGE gel. DGGE analysis and similarity index comparisons demonstrated that the anaerobic microbiota of this individual remained stable in the absence of antibiotic therapy, was minimally affected by ciprofloxacin but markedly reduced by clindamycin therapy, and recovery of some organisms was evident within days after discontinuation of clindamycin. DGGE analysis of additional patients demonstrated similar disruptions of the intestinal microbiota associated with antibiotic therapy. The DGGE banding patterns of nine patients showed considerable variability, but several bands were shared among patients. Thus, our findings are consistent with previous studies that utilized culture techniques, and suggest that DGGE is a useful technique for analysis of the stool microbiota of hospitalized patients.  相似文献   
A continuous-flow competitive exclusion (CFCE) culture model of human stool microflora was used to examine whether supplemental anaerobic gas is necessary for maintenance of anaerobes and inhibition of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). CFCE cultures of human stool microflora were maintained with supplemental nitrogen, without supplemental nitrogen, or with percolated room air. Cultures with or without supplemental nitrogen maintained >9 log10 CFU mL–1 of obligate anaerobes and eliminated 106 CFU mL–1 of VRE. When room air was percolated into the culture, anaerobes were detected at 2 log10 CFU mL–1, and the same VRE inoculum was not eliminated (P < 0.001). These data demonstrate that human stool CFCE cultures maintain high levels of obligate anaerobes and inhibit VRE without the addition of supplemental anaerobic gas.  相似文献   
The intestinal mucus layer provides a potential niche for colonization by vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREF). We therefore examined the ability of six VREF strains to adhere to human intestinal mucus and determined binding kinetics. Four of six (67%) VREF strains demonstrated significant adhesion to immobilized intestinal mucus compared with a Salmonella typhimurium–negative control strain, but the level of adherence was low compared with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Binding kinetics studies demonstrated that the maximum number of these four VREF strains that could adhere to a unit surface area of immobilized mucus was similar to or higher than the maximum number of L. rhamnosus GG that could adhere; however, L. rhamnosus GG demonstrated 20- to 130-times higher affinity than the VREF strains. These results demonstrate that VREF strains may adhere to human intestinal mucus and suggest that L. rhamnosus GG might be able to displace VREF strains.  相似文献   
One of the earliest steps of embryonic development is the establishment of polarity along the anteroposterior axis. Extensive studies of Drosophila embryonic development have elucidated mechanisms for establishing polarity, while studies with other model systems have found that many of these molecular components are conserved through evolution. One exception is Bicoid, the master organizer of anterior development in Drosophila and higher dipterans, which is not conserved. Thus, the study of anteroposterior patterning in insects that lack Bicoid can provide insight into the evolution of the diversity of body plan patterning networks. To this end, we have established the long germ parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis as a model for comparative studies with Drosophila. Here we report that, in Nasonia, a gradient of localized caudal mRNA directs posterior patterning, whereas, in Drosophila, the gradient of maternal Caudal protein is established through translational repression by Bicoid of homogeneous caudal mRNA. Loss of caudal function in Nasonia results in severe segmentation defects. We show that Nasonia caudal is an activator of gap gene expression that acts far towards the anterior of the embryo, placing it atop a cascade of early patterning. By contrast, activation of gap genes in flies relies on redundant functions of Bicoid and Caudal, leading to a lack of dramatic action on gap gene expression: caudal instead plays a limited role as an activator of pair-rule gene expression. These studies, together with studies in short germ insects, suggest that caudal is an ancestral master organizer of patterning, and that its role has been reduced in higher dipterans such as Drosophila.  相似文献   
Summary : FT is a tool written in C++, which implements the Fourier analysis method to locate periodicities in aminoacid or DNA sequences. It is provided for free public use on a WWW server with a Java interface. Availability : The server address is http://o2.db. uoa.gr/FT Contact : shamodr@atlas.uoa.gr   相似文献   
The utility of a nuclear protein-coding gene for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships within the family Culicidae was explored. Relationships among 13 species representing three subfamilies and nine genera of Culicidae were analyzed using a 762-bp fragment of coding sequence from the eye color gene, white. Outgroups for the study were two species from the sister group Chaoboridae. Sequences were determined from clone PCR products amplified from genomic DNA, and aligned following conceptual intron splicing and amino acid translation. Third codon positions were characterized by high levels of divergence and biased nucleotide composition, the intensity and direction of which varied among taxa. Equal weighting of all characters resulted in parsimony and neighboring-joining trees at odds with the generally accepted phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphology and rDNA sequences. The application of differential weighting schemes recovered the traditional hypothesis, in which the subfamily Anophelinae formed the basal clade. The subfamily Toxorhynchitinae occupied an intermediate position, and was a sister group to the subfamily Culicinae. Within Culicinae, the genera Sabethes and Tripteroides formed an ancestral clade, while the Culex-Deinocerites and Aedes- Haemagogus clades occupied increasingly derived positions in the molecular phylogeny. An intron present in the Culicinae- Toxorhynchitinae lineage and one outgroup taxon was absent in the basal Anophelinae lineage and the second outgroup taxon, suggesting that intron insertions or deletions may not always be reliable systematic characters.   相似文献   
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