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Pseudouridines (Ψ) are found in structurally and functionally important regions of RNAs. Six families of Ψ synthases, TruA, TruB, TruD, RsuA, RluA, and Pus10 have been identified. Pus10 is present in Archaea and Eukarya. While most archaeal Pus10 produce both tRNA Ψ54 and Ψ55, some produce only Ψ55. Interestingly, human PUS10 has been implicated in apoptosis and Crohn’s and Celiac diseases. Homology models of archaeal Pus10 proteins based on the crystal structure of human PUS10 reveal that there are subtle structural differences in all of these Pus10 proteins. These observations suggest that structural changes in homologous proteins may lead to loss, gain, or change of their functions, warranting the need to study the structure-function relationship of these proteins. Using comparison of structural models and a series of mutations, we identified forefinger loop (reminiscent of that of RluA) and an Arg and a Tyr residue of archaeal Pus10 as critical determinants for its Ψ54, but not for its Ψ55 activity. We also found that a Leu residue, in addition to the catalytic Asp, is essential for both activities. Since forefinger loop is needed for both rRNA and tRNA Ψ synthase activities of RluA, but only for tRNA Ψ54 activity of Pus10, archaeal Pus10 proteins must use a different mechanism of recognition for Ψ55 activity. We propose that archaeal Pus10 uses two distinct mechanisms for substrate uridine recognition and binding. However, since we did not observe any mutation that affected only Ψ55 activity, both mechanisms for archaeal Pus10 activities must share some common features.  相似文献   
Haloferax volcanii pre-tRNA(Trp) processing requires box C/D ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-guided 2'-O-methylation of nucleotides C34 and U39 followed by intron excision. Positioning of the box C/D guide RNA within the intron of this pre-tRNA led to the assumption that nucleotide methylation is guided by the cis-positioned box C/D RNPs. We have now investigated the mechanism of 2'-O-methylation for the H. volcanii pre-tRNA(Trp) in vitro by assembling methylation-competent box C/D RNPs on both the pre-tRNA and the excised intron (both linear and circular forms) using Methanocaldococcus jannaschii box C/D RNP core proteins. With both kinetic studies and single nucleotide substitutions of target and guide nucleotides, we now demonstrate that pre-tRNA methylation is guided in trans by the intron-encoded box C/D RNPs positioned in either another pre-tRNA(Trp) or in the excised intron. Methylation by in vitro assembled RNPs prefers but does not absolutely require Watson-Crick pairing between the guide and target nucleotides. We also demonstrate for the first time that methylation of two nucleotides guided by a single box C/D RNA is sequential, that is, box C'/D' RNP-guided U39 methylation first requires box C/D RNP-guided methylation of C34. Methylation of the two nucleotides of exogenous pre-tRNA(Trp) added to an H. volcanii cell extract also occurs sequentially and is also accomplished in trans using RNPs that pre-exist in the extract. Thus, this trans mechanism is analogous to eukaryal pre-rRNA 2'-O-methylation guided by intron-encoded but trans-acting box C/D small nucleolar RNPs. This trans mechanism could explain the observed accumulation of the excised H. volcanii pre-tRNA(Trp) intron in vivo. A trans mechanism would also eliminate the obligatory refolding of the pre-tRNA that would be required to carry out two cis-methylation reactions before pre-tRNA splicing.  相似文献   
Callus cultures established on MS medium containing 2.0 mg l-1 2, 4-D were inoculated on the regeneration medium supplemented with different concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3%, v/v) of culture filtrate (CF) of Ascochyta rabiei infesting chickpea. Out of 486 callus pieces and 270 regenerants obtained from immature embryo derived callus screened, 50 callus lines and 74 regenerants were found resistant. Further, these resistant callus lines and regenerants were subjected to stability test by growing them on a medium containing 3% CF. Seventeen callus lines and 28 regenerants of the selected lines showed normal growth on the selection medium. The regenerated plants were tested in pots under artificial epiphytotic conditions where they showed normal growth behaviour and high degree of resistance.  相似文献   
Assembly and guide-target interaction of an archaeal box C/D-guide sRNP was investigated under various conditions by analyzing the lead (II)-induced cleavage of the guide RNA. Guide and target RNAs derived from Haloferax volcanii pre-tRNA(Trp) were used with recombinant Methanocaldococcus jannaschii core proteins in the reactions. Core protein L7Ae binds differentially to C/D and C'/D' motifs of the guide RNA, and interchanging the two motifs relative to the termini of the guide RNA did not affect L7Ae binding or sRNA function. L7Ae binding to the guide RNA exposes its D'-guide sequence first followed by the D guide. These exposures are reduced when aNop5p and aFib proteins are added. The exposed guide sequences did not pair with the target sequences in the presence of L7Ae alone. The D-guide sequence could pair with the target in the presence of L7Ae and aNop5p, suggesting a role of aNop5p in target recruitment and rearrangement of sRNA structure. aFib binding further stabilizes this pairing. After box C/D-guided modification, target-guide pairing at the D-guide sequence is disrupted, suggesting that each round of methylation may require some conformational change or reassembly of the RNP. Asymmetric RNPs containing only one L7Ae at either of the two box motifs can be assembled, but a functional RNP requires L7Ae at the box C/D motif. This arrangement resembles the asymmetric eukaryal snoRNP. Observations of initial D-guide-target pairing and the functional requirement for L7Ae at the box C/D motif are consistent with our previous report of the sequential 2'-O-methylations of the target RNA.  相似文献   
Archaeal Pus10 proteins can produce both pseudouridine 54 and 55 in tRNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gurha P  Gupta R 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2008,14(12):2521-2527
Pus10, a recently identified pseudouridine (Ψ) synthase, does not belong to any of the five commonly identified families of Ψ synthases. Pyrococcus furiosus Pus10 has been shown to produce Ψ55 in tRNAs. However, in vitro studies have identified another mechanism for tRNA Ψ55 production in Archaea, which uses Cbf5 and other core proteins of the H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex, in a guide RNA-independent manner. Pus10 homologs have been observed in nearly all sequenced archaeal genomes and in some higher eukaryotes, but not in yeast and bacteria. This coincides with the presence of Ψ54 in the tRNAs of Archaea and higher eukaryotes and its absence in yeast and bacteria. No tRNA Ψ54 synthase has been reported so far. Here, using recombinant Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and P. furiosus Pus10, we show that these proteins can function as synthase for both tRNA Ψ54 and Ψ55. The two modifications seem to occur independently. Salt concentration dependent variations in these activities of both proteins are observed. The Ψ54 synthase activity of M. jannaschii protein is robust, while the same activity of P. furiosus protein is weak. Probable reasons for these differences are discussed. Furthermore, unlike bacterial TruB and yeast Pus4, archaeal Pus10 does not require a U54•A58 reverse Hoogstein base pair and pyrimidine at position 56 to convert tRNA U55 to Ψ55. The homology of eukaryal Pus10 with archaeal Pus10 suggests that the former may also have a tRNA Ψ54 synthase activity.  相似文献   
Deleting the box C/D RNA-containing intron in the Haloferax volcanii tRNATrp gene abolishes RNA-guided 2′-O methylations of C34 and U39 residues of tRNATrp. However, this deletion does not affect growth under standard conditions.  相似文献   
RNA-guided pseudouridine (Psi) synthesis in Archaea and Eukarya requires a four-protein one-RNA containing box H/ACA ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex. The proteins in the archaeal RNP are aCbf5, aNop10, aGar1 and L7Ae. Pyrococcus aCbf5-aNop10 is suggested to be the minimal catalytic core in this synthesis and the activity is enhanced by L7Ae and aGar1. The protein aCbf5 is homologous to eukaryal Cbf5 (dyskerin, NAP57) as well as to bacterial TruB and eukaryal Pus4; the last two produce YPsi55 in tRNAs in a guide RNA-independent manner. Here, using recombinant Methanocaldococcus jannaschii proteins, we report that aCbf5 and aGar1 together can function as a tRNA Psi55 synthase in a guide RNA-independent manner. This activity is enhanced by aNop10, but not by L7Ae. The aCbf5 alone can also produce Psi55 in tRNAs that contain the canonical 3'-CCA sequence and this activity is stimulated by aGar1. These results suggest that the roles of accessory proteins are different in guide RNA-dependent and independent Psi synthesis by aCbf5. The presence of conserved C (or U) and A at tRNA positions 56 and 58, respectively, which are required for TruB/Pus4 activity, is not essential for aCbf5-mediated Psi55 formation. Conserved A58 in tRNA normally forms a tertiary reverse Hoogstein base pair with an equally conserved U54. This base pair is recognized by TruB. Apparently aCbf5 does not require this base pair to recognize U55 for conversion to Psi55.  相似文献   
Archaeal RNA splicing involves at least two protein enzymes, a specific endonuclease and a specific ligase. The endonuclease recognizes and cleaves within a characteristic bulge-helix-bulge (BHB) structure formed by pairing of the regions near the two exon-intron junctions, producing 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-hydroxyl termini. The ligase joins the exons and converts the cyclic phosphate into junction phosphate. The ligated product contains a seven-base hairpin loop, in which the splice junction is in between the two 3' terminal residues of the loop. Archaeal splicing endonucleases are also involved in rRNA processing, cutting within the BHB structures formed by pairing of the 5' and 3' flanking regions of the rRNAs. Large free introns derived from pre-rRNAs have been observed as stable and abundant circular RNAs in certain Crenarchaeota, a kingdom in the domain Archaea. In the present study, we show that the cells of Haloferax volcanii, a Euryarchaeote, contain circular RNAs formed by 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage between the two termini of the introns derived from their pre-tRNAs. H. volcanii ligase, in vitro, can also circularize both endonuclease-cleaved introns, and non-endonuclease-produced substrates. Exon joining and intron circularization are mechanistically similar ligation reactions that can occur independently. The size of the ligated hairpin loop and position of the splice junction within this loop can be changed in in vitro ligation reactions. Overall, archaeal RNA splicing seems to involve two sets of two symmetric transesterification reactions each.  相似文献   
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