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Base ratios and total DNA amounts can vary substantially between and within higher taxa and genera, and even within species. Gene conversion is one of several mechanisms that could cause such changes. For base substitutions, disparity in conversion direction is accompanied by an equivalent disparity in base ratio at the heterozygous site. Disparity in the direction of gene conversion at meiosis is common and can be extreme. For transitions (which give purine [R]/pyrimidine [Y] mispairs) and for transversions giving unlike R/R and Y/Y mispairs in hybrid DNA, this disparity could give slow but systematic changes in G + C percentage. For transversions giving like R/R and Y/Y mispairs, it could change AT/TA and CG/GC ratios. From the extent of correction direction disparity, one can deduce properties of repair enzymes, such as the ability (1) to excise preferentially the purine from one mispair and the pyrimidine from the other for two different R/Y mispairs from a single heterozygous site and (2) to excise one base preferentially from unlike R/R or Y/Y mispairs. Frame-shifts usually show strong disparity in conversion direction, with preferential cutting of the nonlooped or the looped-out strand of the nonpair in heterozygous h-DNA. The opposite directions of disparity for frame-shifts and their intragenic suppressors as Ascobolus suggest that repair enzymes have a strong, systematic bias as to which strand is cut. The conversion spectra of mutations induced with different mutagens suggest that the nonlooped strand is preferentially cut, so that base additions generally convert to mutant and deletions generally convert to wild-type forms. Especially in nonfunctional or noncoding DNA, this could cause a general increase in DNA amounts. Conversion disparity, selection, mutation, and other processes interact, affecting rates of change in base ratios and total DNA.   相似文献   
The insects known as thrips are commonly thought of as flower‐living and pestiferous organisms, but we report here a novel interaction between a phlaeothripine thrips species, Mirothrips arbiter gen. et sp. nov. and three species of social paper wasps in Brazil. This thrips species breeds inside the wasp colonies, and larval and adult thrips feed on wasp eggs, which become severely damaged. Infested nests can contain up to 300 M. arbiter gen. et sp. nov. individuals. The closest relatives of M. arbiter are two presumably predaceous species: Mirothrips bicolor sp. nov. , which inhabits abandoned Cecidomyiidae galls, and Mirothrips analis comb. nov. , described from individuals collected in the silken bags of the caterpillars of Psychidae moths. The behaviour exhibited by M. arbiter represents one of the most evolutionarily advanced lifestyles known among Thysanoptera, and we predict that other polistine species serve as hosts for this thrips in Brazil. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 332–341.  相似文献   
The bradykinin-potentiating peptides from Bothrops jararaca venom are the most potent natural inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme. The biochemical and biological features of these peptides were crucial to demonstrate the pivotal role of the angiotensin-converting enzyme in blood pressure regulation. In the present study, seven bradykinin-potentiating peptides were identified within the C-type natriuretic peptide precursor cloned from snake brain. The bradykinin-potentiating peptides deduced from the B. jararaca brain precursor are strong in vitro inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (nanomolar range), and also potentiate the bradykinin effects in ex vivo and in vivo experiments. Two of these peptides are novel bradykinin-potentiating peptides, one of which displays high specificity toward the N-domain active site of the somatic angiotensin-converting enzyme. In situ hybridization studies revealed the presence of the bradykinin-potentiating peptides precursor mRNAs in distinct regions of the B. jararaca brain, such as the ventromedial hypothalamus, the paraventricular nuclei, the paraventricular organ, and the subcommissural organ. The biochemical and pharmacological properties of the brain bradykinin-potentiating peptides, their presence within the neuroendocrine regulator C-type natriuretic peptide precursor, and their expression in regions of the snake brain correlated to neuroendocrine functions, strongly suggest that these peptides belong to a novel class of endogenous vasoactive peptides.  相似文献   


At present, six accessible sequences of 16S rDNA from Taylorella equigenitalis (T. equigenitalis) are available, whose sequence differences occur at a few nucleotide positions. Thus it is important to determine these sequences from additional strains in other countries, if possible, in order to clarify any anomalies regarding 16S rDNA sequence heterogeneity. Here, we clone and sequence the approximate full-length 16S rDNA from additional strains of T. equigenitalis isolated in Japan, Australia and France and compare these sequences to the existing published sequences.


Clarification of any anomalies regarding 16S rDNA sequence heterogeneity of T. equigenitalis was carried out. When cloning, sequencing and comparison of the approximate full-length 16S rDNA from 17 strains of T. equigenitalis isolated in Japan, Australia and France, nucleotide sequence differences were demonstrated at the six loci in the 1,469 nucleotide sequence. Moreover, 12 polymorphic sites occurred among 23 sequences of the 16S rDNA, including the six reference sequences.


High sequence similarity (99.5% or more) was observed throughout, except from nucleotide positions 138 to 501 where substitutions and deletions were noted.  相似文献   
In simple societies, activity of the workers can be regulated in a centralized way by a sole individual. Polistes wasps are simple in some respects because they have small, open colonies, with a single queen who is not morphologically differentiated from the workers. Worker activity in Polistes is episodic. Pause periods are followed by periods of intense activity, when most individuals are in motion. One way to investigate the regulation of worker activity is to see if activity periods are initiated by one specific individual. The queen was found regulating the resumption of activity in P. fuscatus in a centralized way, but recently, a decentralized regulation was found in P. instabilis and P. dominula. Thus, what is the pattern of regulation of worker activity in Polistes? To solve this question, broader studies of other species are desirable. Therefore, we investigated whether activity of P. versicolor workers are regulated by one individual. We tested for two mechanisms: triggering periods of colonial activity or actually physically stimulating workers to forage. The results demonstrated that no single individual was responsible to start periods of activity or physically stimulate worker’s departure. P. versicolor appears to be an example of a society with an intermediary organization of work, where the queen controls reproduction but does not organize work.  相似文献   
Physical aggression among nestmates is commonly observed in animal societies like Polistes paper wasps, where it can be used to suppress worker reproduction. There is no consensus about how individuals use aggression in contexts other than reproduction. In order to clarify this topic, the regulation of worker-foraging behavior was studied in the Neotropical eusocial wasp Polistes versicolor. By experimentally manipulating food demand, we found evidence that aggression is used as a decentralized mechanism of regulating foraging, because after food supplementation: (1) aggression levels and foraging rates decreased and (2) aggression received and exhibited by foragers and non-foragers decreased. P. versicolor can use aggression in both reproductive and foraging contexts. The conclusion is drawn that this species is a good model for understanding how individuals differ from aggression related to reproduction and foraging, which would allow understanding of the evolutionary shift in the function of aggression from being the mechanism of reproductive control to being co-opted for the decentralized, self-organized regulation of worker-foraging.  相似文献   
Insect seed predation may vary depending on seed production. The present study considers the hypothesis that the rates of seed predation tend to be smaller in years of higher fruit production. Thus, we monitored the production of fruits and predation of seeds of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana over 2?years in the Atlantic Forest (Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil), between July 2006 and June 2008. Plots of 0.25?m2 were fitted under 20 mother plants and fruits were monthly collected for assessment of abundance and seed predation. There was variation in fruit production between the 2?years and among reproductive plants. Predation rates were high and occurred in the predispersal phase by the Curculionidae Revena rubiginosa Boheman, Anchylorhynchus aegrotus Fahraeus, and Anchylorhynchus variabilis Gyllenhal. Seed predation by these species of Anchylorhynchus is first registered in the present study. In average, about 60% of the seeds monthly produced in the population tend to escape insect predation in year of high or low production, becoming available for recruitment. The predation rate was not related to the amount of fruits produced per reproductive plant. Also, different than expected, there was a positive relation between the rates of seed predation and the total of fruits produced monthly on the plots. Thus, no evidence for the satiation of insect seed predators was found in this study with S. romanzoffiana.  相似文献   
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