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Opisthorchis viverrini infection causes inflammation and liver injury leading to periductal fibrosis. Little is known about the pathological alterations in bile canaliculi in opisthorchiasis. This study aimed to investigate bile canalicular alterations in O. viverrini-infected hamsters and to examine the chemopreventive effects of curcumin on such changes. Hamsters were infected with O. viverrini and one group of animals was fed with 1% dietary curcumin supplement. Animals were examined during the acute infection phase, days 21 and 30 post-infection (PI) and chronic infection phase (day 90 PI). Scanning electron microscopy revealed that in the infected group fed with a normal diet, bile canaliculi became slightly tortuous by 30 day PI and more tortuous at day 90 PI. Transmission electron microscopy showed a reduction in microvilli density of canaliculi starting at day 30 PI, with a marked loss of microvilli at day 90 PI. These ultrastructral changes were slightly seen at day 21 PI, which was similar to that found in infected animals fed with 1% curcumin-supplemented diet. Notably, curcumin treatment prevented the reduction of microvilli density, reduced the dilation of bile canaliculi, and decreased the tortuosity of the bile canaliculi relative to non-infected animals on a normal diet at days 30 and 90 PI. These results suggest that curcumin reduces alteration of bile canaliculi and may be a promising agent to prevent the onset of bile duct abnormalities induced by O. viverrini infection.  相似文献   
A lectin from the hemolymph of the banana shrimp Fenneropenaeus merguiensis was purified by affinity chromatography on a fetuin-agarose column following by gel filtration on a Superose-12 column. The native molecular mass of purified F. merguiensis lectin (FmL) determined by gel filtration was 316.2 kDa and its carbohydrate content was estimated to be 4.4%. By SDS-PAGE analysis, purified FmL consisted of 32.3 kDa and 30.9 kDa subunits. These data suggest that this lectin is an oligomer. Two-dimensional electrophoresis showed that it had a pI value of 6.0 and was mainly composed of glycine, serine, histidine, glutamic acids and glutamine, with relatively lower amounts of methionine and tyrosine. Purified FmL expressed higher agglutination activity against rabbit and rat erythrocytes than with those from human, and its activity was Ca(2+)-dependent. The hemagglutinating activity of FmL was stable up to 55 degrees C and at pH 7.5-8. N-acetylated sugars, such as ManNAc, GlcNAc, GalNAc, and NeuNAc were strong inhibitors of the FmL induced hemagglutinating activity with NeuNAc being most effective. Porcine stomach mucin and fetuin were the most potent inhibitors of FmL. Purified FmL caused selective agglutination of Vibrio harveyi, and Vibrio parahemolyticus both pathogens of this Penaeus species and to a lesser extent Vibrio vulnificus but had no effect on the non-pathogenic strains; Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli. Its bacterial agglutination was also completely inhibited by NeuNAc, mucin, fetuin and also anti-FmL antibody. This observation indicates that FmL may contribute to the defense response of this species of penaeid shrimps to potentially pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a facultative, lactic acid bacterium in the phylum Firmicutes. Lactobacillus spp. are generally considered beneficial, and specific strains of L. rhamnosus are validated probiotics. We describe the draft genomes of three L. rhamnosus strains (L31, L34, and L35) isolated from the feces of Thai breastfed infants, which exhibit anti-inflammatory properties in vitro. The three genomes range between 2.8 – 2.9 Mb, and contain approximately 2,700 protein coding genes.  相似文献   
An earlier study reported that cecal calcium absorption contributes less than 10% of total calcium absorbed by the intestine, although the cecum has the highest calcium transport rate compared with other intestinal segments. Thus, the physiological significance of the cecum pertaining to body calcium metabolism remains elusive. Herein, a 4-wk calcium balance study in cecectomized rats revealed an increase in fecal calcium loss with marked decreases in fractional calcium absorption and urinary calcium excretion only in the early days post-operation, suggesting the presence of a compensatory mechanism to minimize intestinal calcium wasting. Further investigation in cecectomized rats showed that active calcium transport was enhanced in the proximal colon but not in the small intestine, whereas passive calcium transport along the whole intestine was unaltered. Since apical exposure to calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) agonists similarly increased proximal colonic calcium transport, activation of apical CaSR in colonic epithelial cells could have been involved in this hyperabsorption. Calcium transporter genes, i.e., TRPV6 and calbindin-D(9k), were also upregulated in proximal colonic epithelial cells. Surprisingly, elevated serum parathyroid hormone levels and hyperphosphatemia were evident in cecectomized rats despite normal plasma calcium levels, suggesting that colonic compensation alone might be insufficient to maintain normocalcemia. Thus, massive bone loss occurred in both cortical and trabecular sites, including lumbar vertebrae, femora, and tibiae. The presence of compensatory colonic calcium hyperabsorption with pervasive osteopenia in cecectomized rats therefore corroborates that the cecum is extremely crucial for body calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   
In order to determine the primary structure of banana shrimp, Penaeus merguiensis, vitellogenin (Vg), we previously purified vitellin (Vt) from the ovaries of vitellogenic females, and chemically analyzed the N-terminal amino acid sequence of its 78 kDa subunit. In this study, a cDNA from this species encoding Vg was cloned based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the major 78 kDa subunit of Vt and conserved sequences of Vg/Vt from other crustacean species. The complete nucleotide sequence of Vg cDNA was achieved by RT-PCR and 5' and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length Vg cDNA consisted of 7,961 nucleotides. The open reading frame of this cDNA encoding a precursor peptide was comprised of 2,586 amino acid residues, with a putative processing site, R-X-K/R-R, recognized by subtilisin-like endoproteases. The deduced amino acid sequence was obtained from the Vg cDNA and its amino acid composition showed a high similarity to that of purified Vt. The deduced primary structure, of P. merguiensis Vg was 91.4% identical to the Vg of Penaeus semisulcatus and was also related to the Vg sequences of six other crustacean species with identities that ranged from 86.9% to 36.6%. In addition, the amino acid sequences corresponding to the signal peptide, N-terminal region and C-terminal region of P. merguiensis Vg were almost identical to the same sequences of the seven other reported crustacean species. Results from RT-PCR analysis showed that Vg mRNA expression was present in both the ovary and hepatopancreas of vitellogenic females but was not detected in other tissues including muscle, heart, and intestine of females or in the hepatopancreas of mature males. These results indicate that the Vg gene may be expressed only by mature P. merguiensis females and that both the ovary and hepatopancreas are possible sites for Vg synthesis in this species of shrimp.  相似文献   
We identified a novel GTPase, SLIP-GC, with expression limited to a few tissues, in particular germinal center B cells. It lacks homology to any known proteins, indicating that it may belong to a novel family of GTPases. SLIP-GC is expressed in germinal center B cells and in lymphomas derived from germinal center B cells such as large diffuse B cell lymphomas. In cell lines, SLIP-GC is expressed in lymphomas that express activation-induced deaminase (AID) and that likely undergo somatic hypermutation. SLIP-GC is a nuclear protein, and it localizes to replication factories. Reduction of SLIP-GC levels in the Burkitt lymphoma cell line Raji and in non-Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines resulted in an increase in DNA breaks and apoptosis that was AID-dependent, as simultaneous reduction of AID abrogated the deleterious effects of SLIP-GC reduction. These results strongly suggest that SLIP-GC is a replication-related protein in germinal center B cells whose reduction is toxic to cells through an AID-dependent mechanism.The germinal center (GC)3 is a transient structure formed during T-dependent B cell responses wherein B cell affinity maturation to a specific antigen occurs, leading to the formation of high affinity memory B cells (13). Many features of this reaction are unique in biology such as the somatic hypermutation (SHM) of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes, the genetic rearrangement of the constant domains in class switch recombination to generate B cells bearing receptors of downstream isotypes such as IgG, IgE, and IgA, and the cellular selection process that recruits high affinity variants generated via SHM. In SHM the variable (V) regions of the heavy and light chain loci of Ig genes undergo a directed process of hypermutation where base substitutions accumulate, particularly in regions encoding the antigen binding pockets of the B cell receptor. The molecular basis for SHM is not fully understood, but it is known to be triggered by a cytosine deaminase, AID (4, 5). However, it is clear that novel factors are yet to be discovered in SHM. For example, AID alone is not sufficient for proper targeting to the Ig locus, and it is likely that a novel factor targets AID to the Ig locus (6). In addition, AID-mediated deamination of cytosines explains only mutations at G:C base pairs, yet mutations at A:T base pairs occur at approximately the same rate as G:C mutations. Although A:T mutations have been linked to the activities of the mismatch repair (MMR) proteins MSH/MSH6 and the error-prone DNA polymerase η, hypermutating Burkitt lymphoma cell lines have intact MMR and polymerase η, yet mutations at A:T base pairs are markedly reduced (7). The class switch recombination reaction is also only partly understood. Targeting of AID, the DNA substrate subjected to AID deamination, and the subsequent DNA breaks and their repair also remain only partially defined for class switch recombination. Finally, it remains unclear how these reactions are coordinated in the GC environment with both cellular selection for increased affinity to foreign antigen and tolerance mechanisms to prevent or minimize autoreactivity acquired during hypermutation that can lead to high affinity pathogenic IgG antibodies (8, 9). Clearly, efforts to understand these mechanisms and to identify novel proteins that contribute to this unique environment are needed.To identify proteins that may contribute to SHM or other aspects of the GC reaction, we mined expression libraries generated by the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium (10) through informatics tools in the Cancer Genome Anatomy Group website (11). Given that BCL6 is a critical protein for the GC reaction (12, 13), we pooled libraries derived from GC B cells with BCL6 expression and compared them to all other libraries (see Fig. 1A for the scheme). This strategy led us to the discovery of a novel protein, SLIP-GC (speckled-like pattern in the germinal center), expressed in GC B cells, and its expression profile was similar to that of AID. Subsequent experiments showed that this protein is expressed in GC B cells and localizes to replication factories in the nucleus and when reduced in AID+ lymphoma cell lines results in an increase in DNA breaks and in cell death. These studies reveal SLIP-GC to be a novel factor that likely contributes to the unique reactions in GCs. The data also suggest that SLIP-GC reduction is toxic to B cells through an AID-mediated mechanism.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Identification of a novel GTPase expressed in germinal center B cells. A, Shown is a schematic representation of the method used to identify novel proteins primarily expressed in germinal center B cells by mining EST libraries. B, shown is the amino acid sequence of SLIP-GC. Italic boldface motifs are potential nuclear localization signals. The underlined boldfaced motif is a GTPase motif (P-loop), whereas the underlined italic sequence near the C terminus is the coiled-coil region. C, shown is a representative graph of GTPase assay of immunoprecipitated SLIP-GC from lipopolysaccharide-activated and unstimulated B cells. CRL-2289 is a cell line with endogenous SLIP-GC. As a positive control, RhoA, a ubiquitous GTPase, was immunoprecipitated with specific antibodies and tested the same way as SLIP-GC. We also performed GTPase assays on CRL-2631, which does not express SLIP-GC. Accordingly, a Coomassie Blue gel of immunoprecipitated SLIP-GC only shows a SLIP-GC band in the CRL-2289 extracts (data not shown), and SLIP-GC GTPase activity in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated CRL-2631 was negligible, whereas RhoA GTPase activity was high (SLIP-GC, 0.36 nmol GDP/min; RhoA, 28.48 nmol GDP/min). The assay was done at least two times.  相似文献   
Vitellin (Vt) was purified from ovary extracts of mature females of the banana shrimp Litopenaeus merguiensis using DEAE-Sephacel and Superdex 200 columns. Native Vt had an apparent molecular mass of 398 kDa as determined by native PAGE and by gel filtration chromatography. Under reducing and denaturing conditions (SDS-PAGE), Vt is composed of two major subunits of 87 and 78 kDa, although some faint bands were also detected. The N-terminal 10 amino acids sequence of the 78 kDa subunit is identical to that of Litopenaeus vannamei Vt and very similar to that of Litopenaeus japonicus vitellogenin (Vg) as well as Litopenaeus semisulcatus Vt, with an identity of 89%. Anti-Vt polyclonal antibody raised against purified Vt shows a high specificity with only ovarian Vt and hemolymph Vg of vitellogenic shrimps in double immunodiffusion and Western blot assays. Vg and Vt concentrations in hemolymph, hepatopancreas and ovaries were measured by ELISA. Vg concentrations increased in the hemolymph in the early stages of ovarian development and declined in the maturation stages. As there were undetectable concentrations of Vg in the hepatopancreas while an elevation of Vg levels occurred in the hemolymph, during the time that Vt was accumulating in the ovaries during oogenesis, this would suggest that the contribution of Vg synthesized by the hepatopancreas only might be not sufficient for adequate development of the oocytes in the banana shrimp L. merguiensis during vitellogenesis.  相似文献   
The human population at large is exposed to many critical factors (e.g. bad food habits, chemical substances, and stress) leading to the development of serious diseases. Colon or colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancer in many countries. Despite being a multi-factorial chronic disease, resulting from the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors, the critical factor is mostly a poor diet regimen. Therefore, an accumulation of constant mutations leads to a complex arrangement of events during tumor initiation, development and propagation. It is well known that many plants are rich in polyphenols with anti-oxidant, anti-atherogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds are secondary metabolites with the ability to donate electrons to free radicals through different mechanisms. In recent years, a large number of studies have attributed a protective effect to polyphenols and foods containing these compounds (e.g. plants, vegetables, cereals, tea, coffee or chocolate). Polyphenolic compounds have been described to inhibit cancer development and propagation, being used as chemopreventive agents. Some polyphenols reported a preventive action against colon cancer, e.g. curcumin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate. The present article focuses on the properties of these molecules as chemopreventive agents and the recent advances on their formulation in nanoparticulate systems for targeted therapy and increased bioavailability.  相似文献   
Aurora kinase B (AURKB) is critical to the process of mitosis, aiding in chromosome condensation by phosphorylating histone H3. We investigated the effects of AZD1152, an AURKB inhibitor, on radiosensitivity of androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cells. The goal of this study was to test whether AZD1152 increases the susceptibility of hormone-refractory prostate cancer cells to radiation-induced DNA damage and to determine the conditions of AZD1152 treatment that maximize radiosensitization. PC3 and DU145 cells were treated with various AZD1152 doses for various durations to elucidate the conditions that yielded maximal increases in G(2)/M-phase and polyploid cells. To assess DNA damage, γ-H2AX phosphorylation was quantified for cells grown under radiosensitizing conditions and subjected to either no radiation or 5 Gy radiation. Radiosensitivity was determined by clonogenic assays. Cell cycle effects in both cell lines were maximized by treatment with 60 nM AZD1152 for 48 h. AZD1152-treated cells exhibited significantly increased DNA damage 30 min postirradiation (PC3: 100% compared to 68%, P = 0.035; DU145: 100% compared to 69%, P = 0.034), with additional DNA damage 6 h postirradiation (PC3: 85% compared to 15%, P = 0.002; DU145: 67% compared to 21%, P = 0.012). Radiosensitivity was increased in both cell lines, with dose enhancement ratios of 1.53 for PC3 cells (P = 0.017) and 1.71 for DU145 cells (P = 0.02). This study identifies the optimal AZD1152 treatment conditions to maximize the radiosensitization of PC3 and DU145 cells. These results suggest a major role for DNA damage and impairment of DNA repair mechanisms in AZD1152-induced radiosensitization of prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   
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