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Conidia of the speciesFusarium culmorum /W.G.Sm./ Sacc. andFusarium graminearum Schwabe are characterized by variability in zearalenone production and dimensions depending on the substrate. The sporulation of isolates from some wheat eultivars have been deprived in vivo and in vitro in the first passage, but not their pathogenicity and toxic metabolites production. Nonsporulating strains produced lower quantités of zearalenone than sporulating ones. Liquid filtrates of such nonsporulating strains had a high phytotoxic effect on wheat caryopses. The crystalline toxin DAS /0,25 ug/ml/ had low phytotoxic effect on wheat caryopses.  相似文献   
African mole-rats are fossorial rodents that consist of five chisel-tooth digging genera (Heterocephalus, Heliophobius, Georychus, Fukomys, and Cryptomys) and one scratch digger (Bathyergus). They are characterized by striking physiological, morphological, and behavioral adaptations intimately related to their subterranean life. The influence of their mode of life in shaping the cranial morphology has yet to be evaluated in comparison to other Ctenohystrica, especially fossorial genera, which include the subterranean genera Spalacopus and Ctenomys. In our study, we seek to determine to what extent subterranean life affects the morpho-functional properties of the skull among fossorial ctenohystricans. 3D geometric morphometric analyses were performed on 277 skulls, encompassing 63 genera of Ctenohystrica, and complemented by biomechanical studies. African mole-rats and other subterranean Ctenohystrica, especially chisel-tooth diggers, have a short snout, a wide cranium with enlarged zygomatic arches, and a strongly hystricognathous mandible. Even if convergences are also manifest between most fossorial Ctenohystrica, subterranean rodents departed from the main ctenohystrican allometric trends in having a skull shape less size-dependent, but under stronger directional selection with intense digging activity as a major constraint. African mole-rats, notably chisel-tooth diggers, show important mechanical advantage for the temporalis muscles favoring higher forces at the bite point, while mechanical advantage of the superficial masseter muscles is lower compared to other Ctenohystrica. If subterranean species can be clearly discriminated based on their skull morphology, the intrinsic mosaic of anatomical characters of each genus (e.g., skull, teeth, and muscles) can be understood only in the light of their ecology and evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Theoretical investigation of Pt(0)-olefin organometallic complexes containing tertiary phosphine ligands was focused on the strength of platinum-olefin electronic interaction. DFT theoretical study of electronic effects in a substantial number of ethylene derivatives was evaluated in terms of the Pt-olefin binding energy using MP2 correlation theory. Organometallics bearing coordinated olefins with general formula (R1R2C = CR3R4)Pt(PH3)2 [R = various substituents] had been selected, including olefins containing both electron-donor substituents as well as electron-withdrawing groups. The stability of the corresponding complexes increases with a strengthening electron-withdrawal ability of the olefin substituents. Figure Representation of (CH2 = CHR)Pt(PPh3)2 and the stability chart  相似文献   
S3EPY is a Python extension to the program Sparky written to facilitate the assessment of coupling constants from in-phase/antiphase and spin-state-selective excitation (S3E) experiments. It enables the routine use of small scalar couplings by automating the coupling evaluation procedure. S3EPY provides an integrated graphical user interface to programs which outputs graphs and the table of determined couplings.  相似文献   
Recombinant Escherichia coli cells, over-expressing cyclopentanone monooxygenase activity, were immobilized in polyelectrolyte complex capsules, made of sodium alginate, cellulose sulfate, poly(methylene-co-guanidine), CaCl2 and NaCl. More than 90% of the cell viability was preserved during the encapsulation process. Moreover, the initial enzyme activity was fully maintained within encapsulated cells while it halved in free cells. Both encapsulated and free cells reached the end point of the Baeyer–Villiger biooxidation of 8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-en-3-one to 4,9-dioxabicyclo[4.2.1]non-7-en-3-one at the same time (48 h). Similarly, the enantiomeric excess above 94% was identical for encapsulated and free cells.  相似文献   
Subterranean rodents continuously extend their burrow systems primarily in search of food, which has an important impact on the ecosystem in which they live. Excavated soil may be pushed either into aboveground mounds or into tunnels underground. Factors affecting the amount of burrowing and the preference of aboveground or underground soil deposition are, nevertheless, little known. We investigated the influence of food supply, soil hardness, and the animal’s body mass on the mode of soil deposition in ten burrow systems of free ranging silvery mole-rats Heliophobius argenteocinereus Peters, 1846. In each burrow system, we estimated the volume of backfilled tunnels and the volume of soil deposited aboveground. The highest amount of variation in these parameters was explained by the interaction of food supply and soil hardness. The ratio of the volume of backfilled tunnels to the volume of mounds was not significantly dependent on any of the explanatory variables. The proportion of backfilled tunnels decreased with the increasing volume of the complete burrow system. We propose that both low food supply and soft soil lead to an increased amount of burrowing, which results in a larger volume of soil deposited both above ground and under ground over a given period of time.  相似文献   
The chloroplast DNA of 43 species including 16 sections from the genus Hypericum was studied by PCR-RFLP analysis. The PCR-amplified products of four cpDNA regions, trnC-trnD, psbC-trnS, trnL-trnF and rbcL were digested with four restriction endonucleases. A high level of interspecific variation was detected while intraspecific diversity was not observed. The resulting parsimony analysis indicated the monophyletic assemblage of the sections Androsaemum, Olympia, Drosocarpium and Trigynobrathys. Monophyly of Hypericum is weakly supported, but close relationships of H. perforatum and H. maculatum are indicated. The members of Ascyreia are weakly resolved, but clustering of H. kouytchense and H. oblongifolium is well supported, however, H. reptans is nested with Olympia. CpDNA profiles and the positions on the parsimony tree indicate that the chloroplast donor among the putative parents of the hybrid species H. ×inodorum is H. androsaemum.  相似文献   
Data on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages of two alpine lakes in the Tatra Mts (Slovakia) collected in 1914, 1933, 1979–1982, 1993–1997, and 2000 were collated and analysed in an attempt to define their relationship to major environmental events affecting these alpine lakes over the last century. The oldest data were considered an important background before the onset of acidification in one of the lakes in the 1950s, while the most current contain possible information on biological recovery. Results show that data from the 1910s are insufficient to characterize the macroinvertebrate fauna. Deep zone assemblages of both studied lakes have remained stable since the 1930s. Changes in the density of dominant species over time were found in the acidified lake, suggesting a connection between an increase in phosphorus and chlorophyll-a concentration. The composition of the littoral assemblages in the acidified lake in the 1930s indicates that the lake was not strongly acidified at that time. A stable composition since the 1980s reflects the ongoing acid stress. Incomplete species data on the non-acidified lake did not allow us to detect possible changes in the littoral fauna related to acidification. Single findings of species indicating a recovery process need longer-term data to confirm such a trend. Results from this study suggest that historical datasets consist of valuable information that can supplement palaeolimnological analyses in the reconstruction of lake ontogeny.  相似文献   


Transposable elements (TEs) are considered to be an important source of genome size variation and genetic and phenotypic plasticity in eukaryotes. Most of our knowledge about TEs comes from large genomic projects and studies focused on model organisms. However, TE dynamics among related taxa from natural populations and the role of TEs at the species or supra-species level, where genome size and karyotype evolution are modulated in concert with polyploidy and chromosomal rearrangements, remain poorly understood. We focused on the holokinetic genus Eleocharis (Cyperaceae), which displays large variation in genome size and the occurrence of polyploidy and agmatoploidy/symploidy. We analyzed and quantified the long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons Ty1-copia and Ty3-gypsy in relation to changes in both genome size and karyotype in Eleocharis. We also examined how this relationship is reflected in the phylogeny of Eleocharis.  相似文献   
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