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Several studies have shown that proteolytic cleavage can enhance the biological activity of the growth hormone (GH) molecule. It seemed possible, therefore, that proteolytic modification of GH might be a normal function of GH-target tissues. Plasmalemma-enriched fractions isolated from rabbit liver were found to contain a proteinase(s) which cleaves the large disulfide loop of human and rat GH. The proteolytic activity was specific to plasmalemma-enriched fractions in that much lower activities were observed in microsomal-enriched fractions prepared from the same livers. The plasmalemmal proteinase(s) may be a trypsin-like enzyme because proteolytic activity was decreased by two serine proteinase inhibitors. Inhibition by unlabeled human GH of 125I-GH binding to receptors did not prevent cleavage of the tracer; therefore, hormone-receptor interaction was not required for cleavage of the GH molecule. In binding studies, cleaved GH associated more readily than did intact hormone with rabbit liver receptors. These studies suggest that plasmalemma-enriched fractions prepared from rabbit liver contain a proteinase which cleaves the GH molecule in a highly specific manner. Moreover, it is unlikely that inactivation of GH is the function of this limited proteolysis because cleaved hormone is bound preferentially by at least a subset of receptors in rabbit liver.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that a monoclonal antibody (MAb) recognizing the human growth hormone (hGH) antigenic domain left exposed after binding to lactogenic receptors enhanced hGH binding probably through allosteric effects on the hormone binding site. Since receptors displaying different specificities would not recognize exactly the same hGH region, we explored whether some of our MAb could affect hGH binding to somatogenic receptors from rabbit liver and to human liver hGH-specific receptors.The effect of MAbAE5, AC8 and F11 on hGH binding was measured by determining the formation of125I-MAb:hGH:receptor complexes using two different experimental approaches. Results from procedure A, which involved the previous binding of the hormone to microsomes before adding125I-MAb, indicated that the hGH domain defined by epitopes AE5, AC8 and F11 is uncovered in the various hormone:receptor complexes.Procedure B was devised to reveal any alteration in the hGH molecule induced by the MAb. In this case preformed125I-MAb:hGH complexes were added to microsomes. Data showed that125I-MAb AE5:hGH complexes bound better to the various receptors than125I-MAb AE5 to hGH:receptor complexes. On the contrary, hGH previously bound to125I-MAb AC8 or125I-MAb F11 was less recognized by the receptors than the free hormone. Furthermore, binding of MAb AE5 or MAb F11 to hGH 20 K (a natural hGH variant lacking residues 32–46) also enhanced its affinity to the various receptors whereas MAb AC8 did not inhibit hGH 20 K binding.Results indicated that MAb recognizing the hGH antigenic area that remains unmasked after binding to different membrane-bound receptors are able to affect hormone binding site. MAb would induce either positive or negative allosteric changes in the hormone region involved in its binding to lactogenic, somatogenic and hGH-specific receptors.  相似文献   
ERCC1 (excision repair cross-complementation group 1) plays essential roles in the removal of DNA intrastrand crosslinks by nucleotide excision repair, and that of DNA interstrand crosslinks by the Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway and homology-directed repair processes (HDR). The function of ERCC1 thus impacts on the DNA damage response (DDR), particularly in anticancer therapy when DNA damaging agents are employed. ERCC1 expression has been proposed as a predictive biomarker of the response to platinum-based therapy. However, the assessment of ERCC1 expression in clinical samples is complicated by the existence of 4 functionally distinct protein isoforms, which differently impact on DDR. Here, we explored the functional competence of each ERCC1 protein isoform and obtained evidence that the 202 isoform is the sole one endowed with ERCC1 activity in DNA repair pathways. The ERCC1 isoform 202 interacts with RPA, XPA, and XPF, and XPF stability requires expression of the ERCC1 202 isoform (but none of the 3 others). ERCC1-deficient non-small cell lung cancer cells show abnormal mitosis, a phenotype reminiscent of the FA phenotype that can be rescued by isoform 202 only. Finally, we could not observe any dominant-negative interaction between ERCC1 isoforms. These data suggest that the selective assessment of the ERCC1 isoform 202 in clinical samples should accurately reflect the DDR-related activity of the gene and hence constitute a useful biomarker for customizing anticancer therapies.  相似文献   


Aluminum (Al) toxicity is an important limitation to food security in tropical and subtropical regions. High Al saturation on acid soils limits root development, reducing water and nutrient uptake. In addition to naturally occurring acid soils, agricultural practices may decrease soil pH, leading to yield losses due to Al toxicity. Elucidating the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying maize Al tolerance is expected to accelerate the development of Al-tolerant cultivars.


Five genomic regions were significantly associated with Al tolerance, using 54,455 SNP markers in a recombinant inbred line population derived from Cateto Al237. Candidate genes co-localized with Al tolerance QTLs were further investigated. Near-isogenic lines (NILs) developed for ZmMATE2 were as Al-sensitive as the recurrent line, indicating that this candidate gene was not responsible for the Al tolerance QTL on chromosome 5, qALT5. However, ZmNrat1, a maize homolog to OsNrat1, which encodes an Al3+ specific transporter previously implicated in rice Al tolerance, was mapped at ~40 Mbp from qALT5. We demonstrate for the first time that ZmNrat1 is preferentially expressed in maize root tips and is up-regulated by Al, similarly to OsNrat1 in rice, suggesting a role of this gene in maize Al tolerance. The strongest-effect QTL was mapped on chromosome 6 (qALT6), within a 0.5 Mbp region where three copies of the Al tolerance gene, ZmMATE1, were found in tandem configuration. qALT6 was shown to increase Al tolerance in maize; the qALT6-NILs carrying three copies of ZmMATE1 exhibited a two-fold increase in Al tolerance, and higher expression of ZmMATE1 compared to the Al sensitive recurrent parent. Interestingly, a new source of Al tolerance via ZmMATE1 was identified in a Brazilian elite line that showed high expression of ZmMATE1 but carries a single copy of ZmMATE1.


High ZmMATE1 expression, controlled either by three copies of the target gene or by an unknown molecular mechanism, is responsible for Al tolerance mediated by qALT6. As Al tolerant alleles at qALT6 are rare in maize, marker-assisted introgression of this QTL is an important strategy to improve maize adaptation to acid soils worldwide.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-153) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) frequently involves the loss of tolerance to citrullinated antigens, which may play a role in pathogenicity. Citrullinated fibrinogen is commonly found in inflamed synovial tissue and is a frequent target of autoantibodies in RA patients. To obtain insight into the B-cell response to citrullinated fibrinogen in RA, its autoepitopes were systematically mapped using a new methodology.  相似文献   
We describe an analysis, applicable to any spotted microarray dataset produced using genomic DNA as a reference, that quantifies prokaryotic levels of mRNA on a genome-wide scale. Applying this to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we validate the technique, show a correlation between level of expression and biological importance, define the complement of invariant genes and analyze absolute levels of expression by functional class to develop ways of understanding an organism's biology without comparison to another growth condition.  相似文献   


The number of completely sequenced plastid genomes available is growing rapidly. This array of sequences presents new opportunities to perform comParative analyses. In comParative studies, it is often useful to compare across wide phylogenetic spans and, within angiosperms, to include representatives from basally diverging lineages such as the genomes reported here: Nuphar advena (from a basal-most lineage) and Ranunculus macranthus (a basal eudicot). We report these two new plastid genome sequences and make comparisons (within angiosperms, seed plants, or all photosynthetic lineages) to evaluate features such as the status of ycf15 and ycf68 as protein coding genes, the distribution of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and longer dispersed repeats (SDR), and patterns of nucleotide composition.


The Nuphar [GenBank:NC_008788] and Ranunculus [GenBank:NC_008796] plastid genomes share characteristics of gene content and organization with many other chloroplast genomes. Like other plastid genomes, these genomes are A+T-rich, except for rRNA and tRNA genes. Detailed comparisons of Nuphar with Nymphaea, another Nymphaeaceae, show that more than two-thirds of these genomes exhibit at least 95% sequence identity and that most SSRs are shared. In broader comparisons, SSRs vary among genomes in s of abundance and length and most contain repeat motifs based on A and T nucleotides.


SSR and SDR abundance varies by genome and, for SSRs, is proportional to genome size. Long SDRs are rare in the genomes assessed. SSRs occur less frequently than predicted and, although the majority of the repeat motifs do include A and T nucleotides, the A+T bias in SSRs is less than that predicted from the underlying genomic nucleotide composition. In codon usage third positions show an A+T bias, however variation in codon usage does not correlate with differences in A+T-richness. Thus, although plastome nucleotide composition shows "A+T richness", an A+T bias is not apparent upon more in-depth analysis, at least in these aspects. The pattern of evolution in the sequences identified as ycf15 and ycf68 is not consistent with them being protein-coding genes. In fact, these regions show no evidence of sequence conservation beyond what is normal for non-coding regions of the IR.  相似文献   
Root colonization was studied in ten species of the Epacridaceaeat three sites in Victoria by morphological and cross-inoculationexperiments. The sites and genera chosen were Cranbourne [Epacrisimpressa Labill. andLeucopogon ericoides(Smith) R. Br.] andRye [L. parviflorus(Andrews) Lindley] on the Mornington Peninsula,and the Grampians[Astroloma conostephioides(Sond.) Benth.,A.humifusum(Cav.) R. Br.,A pinifolium(R. Br.) Benth,Brachylomadaphnoides(Smith) Benth.,E. impressa, E. impressavar.grandifloraBenth.andStyphelia adscendensR. Br.] in western Victoria. For morphologicalstudies, samples of roots from each species at each site werecleared and stained and examined microscopically. For cross-inoculationstudies, cuttings from each site were struck in potting mediuminoculated with soil from the same and other sites. The ericoidmycorrhizae in the roots of plants found at or grown in Cranbourneand Rye soils were similar. Both were significantly differentfrom the internal hyphae found in the roots of plants foundat or grown in Grampians soils, which were three times largerin diameter and formed dense coils which filled the host celland invaded adjacent epidermal cells. This suggests that morethan one fungus is involved in the relationships, that the MorningtonPeninsula sites had a different fungus from the Grampians siteand that host specificity is low. Vesicular structures werealso found commonly on plants at the Grampians site, in contrastwith other sites. Epacridaceae; root; fungus; mycorrhiza; morphology; inoculation  相似文献   
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