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The human liver cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6 and the respiratory CYP2A13 enzymes play role in nicotine metabolism and activation of tobacco-specific nitrosamine carcinogens. Inhibition of both enzymes could offer a strategy for smoking abstinence and decreased risks of respiratory diseases and lung cancer. In this study, activity-guided isolation identified four flavonoids 14 (apigenin, luteolin, chrysoeriol, quercetin) from Vernonia cinerea and Pluchea indica, four hirsutinolide-type sesquiterpene lactones 58 from V. cinerea, and acetylenic thiophenes 911 from P. indica that inhibited CYP2A6- and CYP2A13-mediated coumarin 7-hydroxylation. Flavonoids were most effective in inhibition against CYP2A6 and CYP2A13, followed by thiophenes, and hirsutinolides. Hirsutinolides and thiophenes exhibited mechanism-based inhibition and in irreversible mode against both enzymes. The inactivation kinetic KI values of hirsutinolides against CYP2A6 and CYP2A13 were 5.32–15.4 and 0.92–8.67 µM, respectively, while those of thiophenes were 0.11–1.01 and 0.67–0.97 µM, respectively.  相似文献   
Policy implications of human-accelerated nitrogen cycling   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The human induced input of reactive N into the globalbiosphere has increased to approximately 150 Tg N eachyear and is expected to continue to increase for theforeseeable future. The need to feed (125 Tg N) andto provide energy (25 Tg N) for the growing worldpopulation drives this trend. This increase inreactive N comes at, in some instances, significantcosts to society through increased emissions of NOx,NH3, N2O and NO3 and deposition of NOy and NHx.In the atmosphere, increases in tropospheric ozone andacid deposition (NOy and NHx) have led toacidification of aquatic and soil systems and toreductions in forest and crop system production. Changes in aquatic systems as a result of nitrateleaching have led to decreased drinking water quality,eutrophication, hypoxia and decreases in aquatic plantdiversity, for example. On the other hand, increaseddeposition of biologically available N may haveincreased forest biomass production and may havecontributed to increased storage of atmospheric CO2 inplant and soils. Most importantly, syntheticproduction of fertilizer N has contributed greatly tothe remarkable increase in food production that hastaken place during the past 50 years.The development of policy to control unwanted reactiveN release is difficult because much of the reactive Nrelease is related to food and energy production andreactive N species can be transported great distancesin the atmosphere and in aquatic systems. There aremany possibilities for limiting reactive N emissionsfrom fuel combustion, and in fact, great strides havebeen made during the past decades. Reducing theintroduction of new reactive N and in curtailing themovement of this N in food production is even moredifficult. The particular problem comes from the factthat most of the N that is introduced into the globalfood production system is not converted into usableproduct, but rather reenters the biosphere as asurplus. Global policy on N in agriculture isdifficult because many countries need to increase foodproduction to raise nutritional levels or to keep upwith population growth, which may require increaseduse of N fertilizers. Although N cycling occurs atregional and global scales, policies are implementedand enforced at the national or provincial/statelevels. Multinational efforts to control N loss tothe environment are surely needed, but these effortswill require commitments from individual countries andthe policy-makers within those countries.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases are involved in insecticide resistance in insects. We previously observed an increase in CYP6P7 and CYP6AA3 mRNA expression in Anopheles minimus mosquitoes during the selection for deltamethrin resistance in the laboratory. CYP6AA3 has been shown to metabolize deltamethrin, while no information is known for CYP6P7. In this study, CYP6P7 was heterologously expressed in the Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells via baculovirus‐mediated expression system. The expressed CYP6P7 protein was used for exploitation of its enzymatic activity against insecticides after reconstitution with the An. minimus NADPH‐cytochrome P450 reductase enzyme in vitro. The ability of CYP6P7 to metabolize pyrethroids and insecticides in the organophosphate and carbamate groups was compared with CYP6AA3. The results revealed that both CYP6P7 and CYP6AA3 proteins could metabolize permethrin, cypermethrin, and deltamethrin pyrethroid insecticides, but showed the absence of activity against bioallethrin (pyrethroid), chlorpyrifos (organophosphate), and propoxur (carbamate). CYP6P7 had limited capacity in metabolizing λ‐cyhalothrin (pyrethroid), while CYP6AA3 displayed activity toward λ‐cyhalothrin. Kinetic properties suggested that CYP6AA3 had higher efficiency in metabolizing type I than type II pyrethroids, while catalytic efficiency of CYP6P7 toward both types was not significantly different. Their kinetic parameters in insecticide metabolism and preliminary inhibition studies by test compounds in the flavonoid, furanocoumarin, and methylenedioxyphenyl groups elucidated that CYP6P7 had different enzyme properties compared with CYP6AA3. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A micropropagation protocol for Gagnepainia godefroyi K Schum and G thoreliana (Baill) K Schum, two rare medicinal plants of Thailand, has been developed using terminal buds. After a total of twenty weeks of culture (4 weeks on MS added with 36.33 μM TDZ and 16 weeks on PGR-free MS), 28.77 and 13.50 shoots/explant were obtained, respectively. Rooting was spontaneous and regenerated plants were successfully transplanted to soil.  相似文献   
Two lysozymes were purified from quail egg white by cation exchange column chromatography and analyzed for amino acid sequence. The enzymes showed the same pH optimum profile for lytic activity with broad pH optima (pH 5.0-8.0) but had difference in mobility on native-PAGE. The native-PAGE immunoblot showed one or two lysozymes present in individual egg whites. The established amino acid sequence of quail egg white lysozyme A (QEWL A) was the same as quail lysozyme reported by Kaneda et al. [Kaneda, M., Kato, I., Tominaga, N., Titani, K., Narita, K., 1969. The amino acid sequence of quail lysozyme. J. Biochem. (Tokyo). 66, 747-749] and had six amino acid substitutions at position 3 (Phe to Tyr), 19 (Asn to Lys), 21 (Arg to Gln), 102 (Gly to Val) 103 (Asn to His) and 121 (Gln to Asn) compared to hen egg white lysozyme. QEWL A and QEWL B showed one substitution, at the position 21, Gln replaced by Lys, plus an insertion of Leu between position 20 and 21, being the first report that QEWL B had 130 amino acids. The amino acid differences between two lysozymes did not seem to affect antigenic determinants detected by polyclonal anti-hen egg white lysozyme, but caused them to separate well from each other by ion exchange chromatography.  相似文献   
NADPH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase from the mosquito Anopheles minimus lacking the first 55 amino acid residues was expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified enzyme loses FMN, leading to an unstable protein and subsequent aggregation. To understand the basis for the instability, we constructed single and triple mutants of L86F, L219F, and P456A, with the first two residues in the FMN domain and the third in the FAD domain. The triple mutant was purified in high yield with stoichiometries of 0.97 FMN and 0.55 FAD. Deficiency in FAD content was overcome by addition of exogenous FAD to the enzyme. Both wild-type and the triple mutant follow a two-site Ping-Pong mechanism with similar kinetic constants arguing against any global structural changes. Analysis of the single mutants indicates that the proline to alanine substitution has no impact, but that both leucine to phenylalanine substitutions are essential for FMN binding and maximum stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   


Chronic inflammation is frequently observed on histological analysis of malignant and non-malignant prostate specimens. It is a suspected supporting factor for prostate diseases and their progression and a main cause of false positive PSA tests in cancer screening. We hypothesized that inflammation induces autoantibodies, which may be useful biomarkers. We aimed to identify and validate prostate inflammation associated serum autoantibodies in prostate cancer patients and evaluate the expression of corresponding autoantigens.


Radical prostatectomy specimens of prostate cancer patients (N = 70) were classified into high and low inflammation groups according to the amount of tissue infiltrating lymphocytes. The corresponding pre-surgery blood serum samples were scrutinized for autoantibodies using a low-density protein array. Selected autoantigens were identified in prostate tissue and their expression pattern analyzed by immunohistochemistry and qPCR. The identified autoantibody profile was cross-checked in an independent sample set (N = 63) using the Luminex-bead protein array technology.


Protein array screening identified 165 autoantibodies differentially abundant in the serum of high compared to low inflammation patients. The expression pattern of three corresponding antigens were established in benign and cancer tissue by immunohistochemistry and qPCR: SPAST (Spastin), STX18 (Syntaxin 18) and SPOP (speckle-type POZ protein). Of these, SPAST was significantly increased in prostate tissue with high inflammation. All three autoantigens were differentially expressed in primary and/or castration resistant prostate tumors when analyzed in an inflammation-independent tissue microarray. Cross-validation of the inflammation autoantibody profile on an independent sample set using a Luminex-bead protein array, retrieved 51 of the significantly discriminating autoantibodies. Three autoantibodies were significantly upregulated in both screens, MUT, RAB11B and CSRP2 (p>0.05), two, SPOP and ZNF671, close to statistical significance (p = 0.051 and 0.076).


We provide evidence of an inflammation-specific autoantibody profile and confirm the expression of corresponding autoantigens in prostate tissue. This supports evaluation of autoantibodies as non-invasive markers for prostate inflammation.  相似文献   
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