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Plant‐invasive success is one of the most important current global changes in the biosphere. To understand which factors explain such success, we compared the foliar traits of 41 native and 47 alien‐invasive plant species in Oahu Island (Hawaii), a location with a highly endemic flora that has evolved in isolation and is currently vulnerable to invasions by exotic plant species. Foliar traits, which in most cases presented significant phylogenetic signal, i.e. closely related species tended to resemble each other due to shared ancestry, separated invasive from native species. Invasive species had lower leaf mass per area and enhanced capacities in terms of productivity (photosynthetic capacity) and nutrient capture both of macro‐ (N, P, K) and microelements (Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn). All these differences remain highly significant after removing the effects of phylogenetic history. Alien‐invasive species did not show higher efficiency at using limiting nutrient resources, but they got faster leaf economics returns and occupied a different biogeochemical niche, which helps to explain the success of invasive plants and suggests that potential increases in soil nutrient availability might favor further invasive plant success.  相似文献   
Leaf hydraulics of Aesculus hippocastanum L. were measured over the growing season and during extensive leaf mining by the larvae of an invasive moth (Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimic) that specifically destroy the palisade tissue. Leaves showed seasonal changes in hydraulic resistance (Rlamina) which were related to ontogeny. After leaf expansion was complete, the hydraulic resistance of leaves and the partitioning of resistances between vascular and extra‐vascular compartments remained unchanged despite extensive disruption of the palisade by leafminers (up to 50%). This finding suggests that water flow from the petiole to the evaporation sites might not directly involve the palisade cells. The analysis of the temperature dependence of Rlamina in terms of Q10 revealed that at least one transmembrane step was involved in water transport outside the leaf vasculature. Anatomical analysis suggested that this symplastic step may be located at the bundle sheath where the apoplast is interrupted by hydrophobic thickening of cell walls. Our findings offer some support to the view of a compartmentalization of leaves into well‐organized water pools so that the transpiration stream would involve veins, bundle sheath and spongy parenchyma, while the palisade tissue would be largely by‐passed with the possible advantage of protecting cells from short‐term fluctuations in water status.  相似文献   
Abstract: A mass occurrence, numbering tens of thousands of individuals in a single lens, belonging to a single species of asteroid, is described from the late Maastrichtian (Late Cetaceous) of Morocco. The lens of partially silicified asteroidal limestone is made up largely of fully articulated specimens of similar size and probably represents the mass mortality of a single recruitment. By comparison with mass strandings of the present‐day species Asterias rubens (Linnaeus), it can be inferred that a feeding swarm of individuals was swept into a submarine channel by either a storm or an exceptionally strong tidal current, and permanently buried. The genus and species are herein described as Cretasterias reticulatus gen. et sp. nov. The exceptional preservation of the material enables the identification of wreath organs (clusters of crossed pedicellariae set in a dermal pad around spines) for the first time in the fossil record. Comparison between extant Asteriidae, putative fossil asteriids and C. reticulatus provides ambiguous evidence of its affinities; it appears to display a combination of plesiomorphic and derived characters. It is shown that all Mesozoic forcipulatid asteroids described so far share a very simple arm construction (single row of adradial ossicles) unknown in adult extant Forcipulatida.  相似文献   
探讨疣粒野生稻应答黄单胞杆菌水稻致病变种(Xoo)的基因芯片制作,通过芯片杂交筛选抗病相关基因。芯片含有2436个片段,来自于应答撖)O的疣粒野生稻差减文库和cDNA文库,通过芯片杂交及微阵列分析基因表达,选其中800个样品点测序比对。其中,35个无同源序列,大部分有同源序列的功能未知,已知功能的序列中明显上调表达的基因有:富含脯氨酸蛋白、泛素连接酶、伸展蛋白、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶II、脂类转移酶等,明显下调表达的基因有:细胞色素P450单加氧酶、醛缩酶、金属硫蛋白、硫氧还蛋白、热激蛋白等,表达无明显变化的基因有:抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、转铜伴侣、脂酶、花丝温敏H2A蛋白等。高通量基因芯片的利用及微阵列分析是筛选抗病相关基因、获取大量抗病相关信息的有效手段。  相似文献   

The site of yolk protein synthesis in crustaceans has long been a subject of controversy. A portion of the vitellogenin gene structure was reported recently in a freshwater giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodori), in which the hepatopancreas was confirmed to be the extraovarian site of vitellogenin synthesis. The ovary is also frequently reported to be the site of yolk protein synthesis in penaeid shrimp. The same PCR product was obtained using cDNA from the hepatopancreas or the ovary as a template. The deduced amino acid sequence of Vg in P. vannamei showed high identities of 57% and 78% with those from M. rosenbergii and P. monodon, respectively. The same location of the intron in the sequenced region of genomic DNA was also found between these three species. We therefore concluded that the hepatopancreas and ovary are sites of vitellogenin synthesis in P. vannamei. The partial structure of the vitellogenin gene is further presented.  相似文献   
白翅叶蝉是福建省水稻的重要害虫,苗期受害严重者,整片稻苗苍白,甚至枯死;早稻孕穗、抽穗期常大量发生为害,影响谷粒饱满度,造成减产。福州和闽侯地区一年发生4代,部分5代。成虫越冬。冬季日平均温度达11℃以上时仍能取食为害。春季成虫侵入稻田,4月下旬前后大量产卵,5月中旬虫数激增,5月下旬或6月初达到高峰。早稻收割时由于农事活动引致若虫大量死亡。晚稻田于8、9月虫数较多,但危害不如早稻严重。10月中旬以后成虫逐渐离开稻田,迁往越冬场所。 寄主植物幼嫩茂密和较大湿度的小生境有利于白翅叶蝉的发育繁殖。大发生的气候因子主要是春季多雨。适宜的温湿度范围为温度20—25℃,相对湿度85—90%。 DDT单独使用或DDT与666混用防治白翅叶蝉都能收到满意的效果。早稻秧田宜在播种后两周施药防治;本田于5月中旬虫口密度开始增长之际施药,亦能抑制为害。冬季小麦出土以前清除田边杂草,也是一项有效的防治措施  相似文献   
为了探讨高原低氧对机体无氧代谢阈值(AT)的影响,本研究采用Wasserman无创性方法,分别测定了11名新兵在平原(四川淮口,海拔500m)和经空运进驻高原 (西藏错那,海拔4370m)后的第3、5、7和14天的AT。结果表明:新兵进驻高原后AT由平原的813.6±147.4kg·m/min降低到395.5±194.5 kg·m/min(P<0.01);高原低氧引起AT的降低幅度与受试者平原AT的高低呈正相关(r=0.933,P<0.01);进驻高原后第3、5、7天AT维持在较低水平,随后呈上升趋势。但移居高原1年战士的AT仍低于平原水平(P<0.05)。提示,高原低氧能够显著地降低机体的AT,并且AT越高的个体进驻高原后受低氧环境的影响程度越大。  相似文献   
目的探讨骨形成蛋白(BMPs)与口腔鳞癌的发生、发展的可能关系。方法将含有BMP-Ⅱ突变受体的真核表达载体转染入Tea8113舌癌细胞,筛选和鉴定后,构建稳定表达BMP-Ⅱ突变受体的细胞株tBRⅡ-Tea8113。对tBRⅡ—Tca8113细胞和Tca8113细胞分别进行MTT检测,流式细胞仪(FCM)分析、BrdU标记检测细胞的增殖活性及DNA合成;检测tBRⅡ-Tca8113细胞和Tea8113细胞的凋亡及细胞周期相关因子(CyclinD1,CDK-4,p27,p57)的表达。结果Tea8113细胞和tBRⅡ-Tea8113细胞的增殖指数MTT检测为0.47±0.01和0.35±0.008(t=22.953,P=0.000),BrdU检测为12.0±3.4和23.0±1.9(f=6.918,P=0.000),FCM检测为6.3和7.9;两组的凋亡指数为3.7±1.2和8.7±1.6(t=29.583,P=0.000);细胞周期因子在Tca8113和tBRⅡ-ca8113细胞中的平均灰度测量值为CyclinD1(186.5±2.4和145.6±3.9,t=28.244,P=0.000),CDK4(169.9±2.9和129.5±3.2,t=29.583,P=0.000),p27(110.1±1.1和167.34-1.8,f=85.754,P=0.000),p57(107.9±2.1和156.8±2.2,t=50.844,P=0.000)。结论BMPs及其受体可能在口腔上皮组织的恶变过程中有重要作用,研究结果为探讨BMPs信号在上皮性肿瘤中的作用提供了重要依据。tBRⅡ-Tea8113细胞的建立,进一步表明了BMPs及其受体在口腔上皮组织的恶变过程中有重要作用,并为进一步探讨BMP信号在上皮性肿瘤的恶变过程中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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