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Upon exposure to pathogenic bacteria, resistant and nonhost plants undergo a hypersensitive reaction (HR) that is expressed as rapid plant cell death. If sufficient concentrations of these bacteria are inoculated to such plant tissue, then that portion of the tissue rapidly collapses and becomes necrotic. As the tissue collapses the water relations of inoculated tissues become markedly disturbed. We measured a decline in the relative water content (RWC) in the leaf-like cotyledons of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv Immune 216) within the first 4 h (cut at 1 h) after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv tabaci. However, the decrease in RWC was not caused by a decrease in initial fresh weight but by increased water uptake during incubation in water. By 8 h after inoculation, cotyledons still on the plant had lost turgidity, and their area decreased. K+ efflux was also observed concurrently with the decrease in RWC, providing a reason for the loss of turgidity in the tissue. These observations suggest that cells lose turgor and change shape from cylinders with large intercellular spaces to those of a more tabular shape. During this change cell walls come closer together, providing an avenue for increased water uptake through capillary action. The stomatal diffusive resistance of intact cotyledons increased; hence, water loss through stomata is not the cause of the observed wilting and RWC decline. An increase in K+ per dry weight suggests that phloem loading or movement may also be impaired during bacterially induced HR.  相似文献   
SPOR domains are about 75 amino acids long and probably bind septal peptidoglycan during cell division. We mutagenized 33 amino acids with surface-exposed side chains in the SPOR domain from an Escherichia coli cell division protein named FtsN. The mutant SPOR domains were fused to Tat-targeted green fluorescent protein (TTGFP) and tested for septal localization in live E. coli cells. Lesions at the following 5 residues reduced septal localization by a factor of 3 or more: Q251, S254, W283, R285, and I313. All of these residues map to a β-sheet in the published solution structure of FtsNSPOR. Three of the mutant proteins (Q251E, S254E, and R285A mutants) were purified and found to be defective in binding to peptidoglycan sacculi in a cosedimentation assay. These results match closely with results from a previous study of the SPOR domain from DamX, even though these two SPOR domains share <20% amino acid identity. Taken together, these findings support the proposal that SPOR domains localize by binding to septal peptidoglycan and imply that the binding site is associated with the β-sheet. We also show that FtsNSPOR contains a disulfide bond between β-sheet residues C252 and C312. The disulfide bond contributes to protein stability, cell division, and peptidoglycan binding.  相似文献   
Autophagy is an important cellular process that controls cells in a normal homeostatic state by recycling nutrients to maintain cellular energy levels for cell survival via the turnover of proteins and damaged organelles. However, persistent activation of autophagy can lead to excessive depletion of cellular organelles and essential proteins, leading to caspase-independent autophagic cell death. As such, inducing cell death through this autophagic mechanism could be an alternative approach to the treatment of cancers. Recently, we have identified a novel autophagic inducer, saikosaponin-d (Ssd), from a medicinal plant that induces autophagy in various types of cancer cells through the formation of autophagosomes as measured by GFP-LC3 puncta formation. By computational virtual docking analysis, biochemical assays and advanced live-cell imaging techniques, Ssd was shown to increase cytosolic calcium level via direct inhibition of sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase pump, leading to autophagy induction through the activation of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase–AMP-activated protein kinase–mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. In addition, Ssd treatment causes the disruption of calcium homeostasis, which induces endoplasmic reticulum stress as well as the unfolded protein responses pathway. Ssd also proved to be a potent cytotoxic agent in apoptosis-defective or apoptosis-resistant mouse embryonic fibroblast cells, which either lack caspases 3, 7 or 8 or had the Bax-Bak double knockout. These results provide a detailed understanding of the mechanism of action of Ssd, as a novel autophagic inducer, which has the potential of being developed into an anti-cancer agent for targeting apoptosis-resistant cancer cells.  相似文献   
Motile extracts have been prepared from Dictyostelium discoideum by homogenization and differential centrifugation at 4 degrees C in a stabilization solution (60). These extracts gelled on warming to 25 degrees Celsius and contracted in response to micromolar Ca++ or a pH in excess of 7.0. Optimal gelation occurred in a solution containing 2.5 mM ethylene glycol-bis (β-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (EGTA), 2.5 mM piperazine-N-N'-bis [2-ethane sulfonic acid] (PIPES), 1 mM MgC1(2), 1 mM ATP, and 20 mM KCI at ph 7.0 (relaxation solution), while micromolar levels of Ca++ inhibited gelation. Conditions that solated the gel elicited contraction of extracts containing myosin. This was true regardless of whether chemical (micromolar Ca++, pH >7.0, cytochalasin B, elevated concentrations of KCI, MgC1(2), and sucrose) or physical (pressure, mechanical stress, and cold) means were used to induce solation. Myosin was definitely required for contraction. During Ca++-or pH-elicited contraction: (a) actin, myosin, and a 95,000-dalton polypeptide were concentrated in the contracted extract; (b) the gelation activity was recovered in the material sqeezed out the contracting extract;(c) electron microscopy demonstrated that the number of free, recognizable F-actin filaments increased; (d) the actomyosin MgATPase activity was stimulated by 4- to 10-fold. In the absense of myosin the Dictyostelium extract did not contract, while gelation proceeded normally. During solation of the gel in the absense of myosin: (a) electron microscopy demonstrated that the number of free, recognizable F- actin filaments increased; (b) solation-dependent contraction of the extract and the Ca++-stimulated MgATPase activity were reconstituted by adding puried Dictyostelium myosin. Actin purified from the Dictyostelium extract did not gel (at 2 mg/ml), while low concentrations of actin (0.7-2 mg/ml) that contained several contaminating components underwent rapid Ca++ regulated gelation. These results indicated : (a) gelation in Dictyostelium extracts involves a specific Ca++-sensitive interaction between actin and several other components; (b) myosin is an absolute requirement for contraction of the extract; (c) actin-myosin interactions capable of producing force for movement are prevented in the gel, while solation of the gel by either physical or chemical means results in the release of F-actin capable of interaction with myosin and subsequent contraction. The effectiveness of physical agents in producting contraction suggests that the regulation of contraction by the gel is structural in nature.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated that brucine and some analogues allosterically enhance the affinity of ACh at muscarinic receptor subtypes M1, M3 or M4. Here we describe allosteric effects at human M1-M4 receptors of four stereoisomers of a pentacyclic structure containing features of the ring structure of brucine. All compounds inhibited 3H-NMS dissociation almost completely at all subtypes with slopes of 1, with similar affinity values at the 3H-NMS-occupied receptor to those estimated from equilibrium assays, consistent with the ternary complex allosteric model. Compound 1a showed positive cooperativity with H-NMS and small negative or neutral cooperativity with ACh at all subtypes. Its stereoisomer, 1b, showed strong negative cooperativity with both 3H-NMS and ACh across the subtypes. Compound 2a was positive with 3H-NMS at M2 and M4 receptors, neutral at M3 and negative at M1 receptors; it was negatively cooperative with ACh at all subtypes. Its stereoisomer, 2b, was neutral with 3H-NMS at M1 receptors and positive at the other subtypes; 2b was negatively cooperative with ACh at M1, M3 and M4 receptors but showed 3-fold positive cooperativity with ACh at M2 receptors. This latter result was confirmed with further 3H-NMS and 3H-ACh radioligand binding assays and with functional assays of ACh-stimulated 35S-GTPgammaS binding. These results provide the first well characterised instance of a positive enhancer of ACh at M2 receptors, and illustrate the difficulty of predicting such an effect.  相似文献   
A major structural element of bacterial endospores is a peptidoglycan (PG) wall. This wall is produced between the two opposed membranes surrounding the developing forespore and is composed of two layers. The inner layer is the germ cell wall, which appears to have a structure similar to that of the vegetative cell wall and which serves as the initial cell wall following spore germination. The outer layer, the cortex, has a modified structure, is required for maintenance of spore dehydration, and is degraded during spore germination. Theories suggest that the spore PG may also play a mechanical role in the attainment of spore dehydration. Inherent in one of these models is the production of a gradient of cross-linking across the span of the spore PG. We report analyses of the structure of PG found within immature, developing Bacillus subtilis forespores. The germ cell wall PG is synthesized first, followed by the cortex PG. The germ cell wall is relatively highly cross-linked. The degree of PG cross-linking drops rapidly during synthesis of the first layers of cortex PG and then increases two- to eightfold across the span of the outer 70% of the cortex. Analyses of forespore PG synthesis in mutant strains reveal that some strains that lack this gradient of cross-linking are able to achieve normal spore core dehydration. We conclude that spore PG with cross-linking within a broad range is able to maintain, and possibly to participate in, spore core dehydration. Our data indicate that the degree of spore PG cross-linking may have a more direct impact on the rate of spore germination and outgrowth.  相似文献   
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