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Trevor B.  Poole 《Journal of Zoology》1973,170(3):395-414
Experiments are described which were designed to investigate the significance of individual differences in aggressiveness between polecats and the relation between the familiarity of the opponent and the pattern and outcome of fighting.
The behaviour of Mustela putorius, M. furo and hybrids between the two species was investigated in an indoor arena of 16 m2.
Two kinds of fighting between male polecats were recorded, "companion fighting" between cage mates, in which biting was inhibited and neither of the opponents became intimidated and "uninhibited fighting" between unfamiliar individuals from which a winner and loser generally emerged and a rank order formed.
Individual differences in aggressiveness were assessed by means of a scoring system which statistical analysis showed, generally, to be consistent for any one individual. The rank of an animal, however, was found not to be invariably related to its aggression score.
A number of other factors influencing fighting were investigated, the earlier introduction of one individual into the arena increases its chances of winning a fight; when offered a choice, male polecats fight strangers in preference to cage mates; and the separation of a group of cage mates for as little as 48 hours induces them to behave towards one another like strangers with the result that a rank order is formed. Factors which had no apparent effect on fighting between males were the weight of the individual or the presence of females.
The attributes of familiar and unfamiliar opponents are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   
Nisin stimulated oxygen consumption by nongrowing, glucose-metabolizing Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli cells, indicating a protonophore mode of action. A similar stimulation in E. coli cells osmotically stressed to disrupt the outer cell membrane confirmed the cytoplasmic membrane as the site of nisin action and showed that nisin uptake was not prevented by the outer membrane.  相似文献   
Expression of engrailed proteins in arthropods, annelids, and chordates   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
engrailed is a homeobox gene that has an important role in Drosophila segmentation. Genes homologous to engrailed have been identified in several other organisms. Here we describe a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a conserved epitope in the homeodomain of engrailed proteins of a number of different arthropods, annelids, and chordates; we use this antibody to isolate the grasshopper engrailed gene. In Drosophila embryos, the antibody reveals engrailed protein in the posterior portion of each segment during segmentation, and in a segmentally reiterated subset of neuronal cells during neurogenesis. Other arthropods, including grasshopper and two crustaceans, have similar patterns of engrailed expression. However, these patterns of expression are not shared by the annelids or chordates we examined. Our results provide the most comprehensive view that has been obtained of how expression patterns of a regulatory gene vary during evolution. On the basis of these patterns, we suggest that engrailed is a gene whose ancestral function was in neurogenesis and whose function was co-opted during the evolution of segmentation in the arthropods, but not in the annelids and chordates.  相似文献   
Membrane proteins labeled in vivo from cold-acclimated and ABA-treatedalfalfa seedlings of two cultivars differing in cold-tolerancehave been compared by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisand fluorography. Results thus obtained indicate that severalqualitative changes occur in the membrane protein-profile specificallyin response to cold acclimation or ABA treatment. While somepolypeptides disappear from the non-acclimated protein patterns,others specifically appear in response to acclimation. Separationby two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and fluorography hasconfirmed the above and has enabled us to detect two proteinsof Mr 42 kDa and 120 kDa that are induced by both acclimationand ABA treatment in the freezing tolerant cultivar. (Received November 30, 1987; Accepted February 22, 1988)  相似文献   
Growth ofPseudomonas testosteroni in a medium containing 1mm Cu(II) causes a color change from blue to green. The spectrum of the supernatant solution from the blue culture shows an absorption at 660 nm, identical to that of 1mm [Cu(II)] in the medium. The green supernatant solution shows a UV absorption, which tails into the visible and so is responsible for the green color, and ad-d absorption at 720 nm. The absorption at 660 nm for the blue supernatant solution is probably due to [Cu(NH3)3(H2O)3]2+. Growth of the organism causes loss of ammonia and a speciation change to [Cu(NH3)2(H2O)4]2+, with a shift in absorption maximum from 660 to 720 nm. These conclusions are based upon the spectra of known aquaammine complexes of Cu(II) and calculations of the speciation of Cu(II) before and after growth. Change in metal speciation owing to nutrient uptake by an organism does not appear to have been recognized previously.  相似文献   
K Poole  E Schiebel    V Braun 《Journal of bacteriology》1988,170(7):3177-3188
The nucleotide sequence of a 7.3-kilobase-pair fragment of DNA encoding a hemolytic activity from Serratia marcescens was determined. Two large open reading frames were identified, designated shlA (Serratia hemolysin) and shlB, capable of encoding polypeptides of 165, 056 and 61,897 molecular weight, respectively. Both reading frames were expressed in vivo. The shlB gene product was localized to the outer membrane of Escherichia coli cells harboring the S. marcescens hemolysin determinant. Consistent with this location, a signallike sequence was identified at the N terminus of the polypeptide predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the shlB gene. Hyperexpression of the shlB locus permitted the identification of two shlB-encoded polypeptides of 65,000 and 62,000 molecular weight, respectively. Determination of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified 62,000-molecular-weight protein confirmed that it was the mature form of the ShlB protein initially synthesized as a precursor (65,000-molecular-weight protein). By using polyclonal antisera raised against the purified proteins, ShlA and ShlB were identified in the outer membrane of S. marcescens. The shlA gene product was shown to interact with erythrocyte membranes, confirming it as the hemolysin proper. Both hemolysis and the interaction of ShlA with erythrocyte membranes did, however, require the ShlB function. Progressive deletion of the C terminus of the ShlA protein gradually reduced hemolytic activity until 37% of the amino acids had been removed. Elimination of 54% of the amino acids produced a nonhemolytic protein which, however, was still capable of associating with erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that the lactate threshold (Tlac) during incremental exercise could be increased significantly during the first 3 wk of endurance training without any concomitant change in the ventilatory threshold (Tvent). Tvent is defined as O2 uptake (VO2) at which ventilatory equivalent for O2 [expired ventilation per VO2 (VE/VO2)] increased without a simultaneous increase in the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (VE/VCO2). Weekly measurements of ventilatory gas exchange and blood lactate responses during incremental and steady-rate exercise were performed on six subjects (4 male; 2 female) who exercised 6 days/wk, 30 min/session at 70-80% of pretraining VO2max for 3 wk. Pretraining Tlac and Tvent were not significantly different. After 3 wk of training, significant increases (P less than 0.05) occurred for mean (+/- SE) VO2max (392 +/- 103 ml/min) and Tlac (482 +/- 135 ml/min). Tvent did not change during the 3 wk of training, despite significant (P less than 0.05) reductions in VE responses to both incremental and steady-rate exercise. Thus ventilatory adaptations to exercise during the first 3 wk of exercise training were not accompanied by a detectable alteration in the ventilatory "threshold" during a 1-min incremental exercise protocol. The mean absolute difference between pairs of Tlac and Tvent posttraining was 499 ml/min. Despite the significant training-induced dissociation between Tlac and Tvent a high correlation between the two parameters was obtained posttraining (r = 0.86, P less than 0.05). These results indicate a coincidental rather than causal relationship.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
To allow a more valid comparison between our previous ultrastructural data and the immunolocalization of type IX and other minor collagen species in cryosectioned cartilage, we examined both normal and testicular hyaluronidase-digested canine tibial cartilage by electron microscopy. Removal of matrix proteoglycans caused the pericellular capsule to collapse against the cell surface, suggesting that its normal anatomical position is mediated by pericellular matrix hydration. Detailed examination of the pericellular capsule and pericellular channel revealed fine, faintly banded fibrils and an amorphous component somewhat similar in structure to basement membrane collagens. Matrix vesicles and the electron-dense material of the interterritorial matrix were only partially digested by hyaluronidase. We propose that the pericellular capsule is composed of a "felt-like" network of minor collagen species which act synergistically to maintain both the composition of the pericellular matrix and the integrity of the chondrocyte/pericellular matrix complex during compressive loading.  相似文献   
The engrailed locus of Drosophila: structural analysis of an embryonic transcript   总被引:169,自引:0,他引:169  
S J Poole  L M Kauvar  B Drees  T Kornberg 《Cell》1985,40(1):37-43
cDNA clones originating from the engrailed gene of Drosophila have been isolated from recombinant phage libraries that were made using poly(A)+ RNA extracted from early embryos. The DNA sequence of one of these clones includes a homeo box, a 180 bp sequence present in several other Drosophila genes important in formation of body pattern during development. The homeo boxes found in the other Drosophila genes, as well as in cognate sequences from a wide range of segmented animals, including higher vertebrates, are highly conserved. By contrast, the homeo box within the engrailed gene diverges substantially and, unlike the other homeo boxes, is interrupted by an intervening sequence. The engrailed homeo box is located near the 3' end of a 1700 bp open reading frame. If translated, this sequence would produce a protein of unusual composition. We also show that a neighboring gene has a large region with strong homology to engrailed, and that it also contains a homeo box.  相似文献   
By using a murine monoclonal antibody produced against an IL 2-dependent human T cell line, we defined a T lineage-specific molecule, termed Ta1, that is expressed strongly on activated T lymphocytes of both the T4 and T8 subsets, as well as on T cell lines and clones, but only weakly on a fraction of resting T cells. SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates from 125I-labeled, activated T cells demonstrates a single major band of apparent m.w. 105 KD under both reducing and nonreducing conditions. Unlike anti-IL 2 receptor antibodies, anti-Ta1 does not inhibit T cell proliferative responses to mitogen, antigen, or IL 2-containing medium. Moreover, anti-Ta1 has no effect on T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Ta1 appears to be a novel human T cell-specific activation antigen that may serve as a useful marker of T cell activation in human disease.  相似文献   
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