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Light- and electron-microscopic studies were used to investigate connections between specific subgroups of neurons in the myenteric plexus of the guineapig small intestine. Inputs to two classes of calretinin-immunoreactive (IR) nerve cells, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons, were examined. Inputs from calbindin-IR primary sensory neurons and from three classes of descending interneurons were studied. Electron-microscopic analysis showed that calbindin-IR axons formed two types of inputs, synapses and close contacts, on calretinin-IR neurons. About 40% of inputs to the longitudinal muscle motor neurons and 70% to ascending interneurons were calbindin-IR. Approximately 50% of longitudinal muscle motor neurons were surrounded by bombesin-IR dense pericellular baskets and 40% by closely apposed varicosities. At the electron-microscope level, the bombesin-IR varicosities were found to form synapses and close contacts with the motor neurons. Dense pericellular baskets with bombesin-IR surrounded 36% of all ascending interneurons, and a further 17% had closely apposed varicosities. Somatostatin-and 5-HT-IR descending interneurons provided no dense pericellular baskets to calretinin-IR nerve cells. Thus, calretinin-IR, longitudinal muscle motor neurons and ascending interneurons receive direct synaptic inputs from intrinsic primary sensory neurons and from non-cholinergic, bombesin-IR, descending interneurons.  相似文献   
Wasmannia auropunctata is known as one of the worst invasive ants in the World. A cytogenetic study was conducted on two native populations from southeastern Bahia, Brazil. The analysis of the chromosomes observed in mitotic metaphases was made by a combination of methods: Giemsa conventional staining, chromomycin A3 (CMA3) and 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) fluorochrome staining, and acridine orange banding. The workers have all the karyotype 2n=32, with ten pairs of metacentric and six pairs of acrocentric chromosomes. One chromosome arm of the pair ten was positive for CMA3 and acridine orange, suggesting the occurrence of a nucleolar organizing region. This region is an interesting marker because is very conservative and seems to constitute an interesting specific taxonomic character. The pericentromeric region of many chromosomes was stained with DAPI, evidencing the occurrence of AT bases rich heterochromatin.  相似文献   
Adaptations of the nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) banding technique using precipitation of silver salts significantly improved the NOR characterization of some species of hymenopterans and one coleopteran. The bee Melipona marginata (2n = 18) showed one metacentric pair of chromosomes with a NOR in the pericentromeric position. The parasitic wasp Mellitobia australica (2n = 12) also showed one metacentric pair with a strongly Ag-positive NOR. The male lady-beetle Cycloneda sanguinea (2n = 18 + Xy(p)) displayed a NOR on a pair of acrocentric autosomes. In the male Euglossa sp. (a haplodiploid species) (n = 21) the NOR were multiple, and occurred in five chromosomes. In the bee Plebeia sp. 1 (2n = 34) the NOR seemed restricted to one of the homologues of a metacentric pair. The systematic advances brought out by using this technique in the context of current theories of karyotypic evolution of these taxa are described and discussed.  相似文献   
Melipona mandacaia is a stingless bee endemic to northeast Brasil. We describe the M. mandacaia karyotype using C-banding technique. fluorochrome staining and treatment with restriction enzymes and discuss the position of this species in the context of the phylogeny of the genus. Melipona mandacaia has 2n = 18 (14 SM + 2 M + 2 A). Heterochromatin was detected in the pericentromeric region of pairs 1, 2 and 8 and in the form of small blocks in the remaining pairs. Staining with base-specific fluorochromes showed that this heterochromatin was rich AT (QM and DAPI), except in the region corresponding to the NOR which was rich GC (CMA3) and was cleaved by the HaeIII enzyme. Melipona mandacaia is a member of Group I Melipona. Treatment with DraI/Giemsa discloses a larger number of bands than treatment with DraI/QM. Pre-cleavage with DraI gave rise to a larger number of bands following QM staining; a circumstance evidently due to a removal of the DNA-protein complex that prevented the association of the fluorochrome with AT-rich DNA. The results highlight the complex nature of heterochromatin.  相似文献   
Comprehensive studies have provided a clear understanding of the effects of gonadal steroids on the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), but some inconsistent results exist with regard to effects on synthesis. It is clear that regulation of both synthesis and the secretion of GnRH are effected by neurotransmitter systems in the brain. Thus, steroid regulation of GnRH synthesis and secretion can be direct, but the predominant effects are transmitted through steroid-responsive neuronal systems in various parts of the brain. There is also emerging evidence of direct effects on GnRH cells. Overriding effects on synthesis and secretion of GnRH can be observed during aging, in undernutrition and under stressful situations; these involve various neuronal systems, which may have serial or parallel effects on GnRH cells. The effect of aging is accompanied by changes in GnRH synthesis, but comprehensive studies of synthesis during undernutrition and stress are less well documented. Altered GnRH and gonadotropin secretion that occurs in seasonal breeding animals and during the pubertal transition is not generally accompanied by changes in GnRH synthesis. Secretion of GnRH from the brain is a reflection of the inherent function of GnRH cells and the inputs that integrate all of the central regulatory elements. Ultimately, the pattern of secretion dictates the reproductive status of the organism. In order to fully understand the central mechanisms that control reproduction, more extensive studies are required on the neuronal circuitry that provides input to GnRH cells.  相似文献   
Among insect taxa, ants exhibit one of the most variable chromosome numbers ranging from n = 1 to n = 60. This high karyotype diversity is suggested to be correlated to ants diversification. The karyotype evolution of ants is usually understood in terms of Robertsonian rearrangements towards an increase in chromosome numbers. The ant genus Mycetophylax is a small monogynous basal Attini ant (Formicidae: Myrmicinae), endemic to sand dunes along the Brazilian coastlines. A recent taxonomic revision validates three species, Mycetophylax morschi, M. conformis and M. simplex. In this paper, we cytogenetically characterized all species that belongs to the genus and analyzed the karyotypic evolution of Mycetophylax in the context of a molecular phylogeny and ancestral character state reconstruction. M. morschi showed a polymorphic number of chromosomes, with colonies showing 2n = 26 and 2n = 30 chromosomes. M. conformis presented a diploid chromosome number of 30 chromosomes, while M. simplex showed 36 chromosomes. The probabilistic models suggest that the ancestral haploid chromosome number of Mycetophylax was 17 (Likelihood framework) or 18 (Bayesian framework). The analysis also suggested that fusions were responsible for the evolutionary reduction in chromosome numbers of M. conformis and M. morschi karyotypes whereas fission may determines the M. simplex karyotype. These results obtained show the importance of fusions in chromosome changes towards a chromosome number reduction in Formicidae and how a phylogenetic background can be used to reconstruct hypotheses about chromosomes evolution.  相似文献   
Eriopis connexa presents a chromosome number of 2n = 18 + XX for most females analyzed and a meioformula of n = 9 + Xyp for all males. A small metacentric B chromosome restricted to females occurred in 10% of our sample and, when submitted to C-banding, it was shown to be almost completely euchromatic. Chromosome pairs 2 and 3 had satellites and probably contained the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). C-band analysis also revealed that the constitutive heterochromatin was localized in the centromeres of all chromosomes in the complement.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of nerve cells with immunoreactivity for the calcium-binding protein, calbindin, has been studied in the small intestine of the guinea-pig, and the projections of these neurons have been analysed by tracing their processes and by examining the consequences of nerve lesions. The immunoreactive neurons were numerous in the myenteric ganglia; there were 3500±100 reactive nerve cells per cm2 of undistended intestine, which is 30% of all nerve cells. In contrast, reactive nerve cells were extremely rare in submucous ganglia. The myenteric nerve cells were oval in outline and gave rise to several long processes; this morphology corresponds to Dogiel's type-II classification. Processes from the cell bodies were traced through the circular muscle in perforating nerve fibre bundles. Other processes ran circumferentially in the myenteric plexus. Removal of the myenteric plexus, allowing time for subsequent fibre degeneration, showed that reactive nerve fibres in the submucous ganglia and mucosa came from the myenteric cell bodies. Operations to sever longitudinal or circumferential pathways in the myenteric plexus indicated that most reactive nerve terminals in myenteric ganglia arise from myenteric cell bodies whose processes run circumferentially for 1.5 mm, on average. It is deduced that the calbindin-reactive neurons are multipolar sensory neurons, with the sensitive processes in the mucosa and with other processes innervating neurons of the myenteric plexus.  相似文献   
Four colonies of the stingless bee Partamona cupira (Hymenoptera: Apidae) were cytogenetically analyzed using conventional staining and the fluorochromes CMA(3) e DAPI. The females have 2n = 34 chromosomes (2K = 32 Mˉ+2 Aˉ). Some females, however, presented an additional large B acrocentric chromosome, to a total of 2n = 35. Chromosome B and the chromosomal pairs 2, 9 and 10 showed CMA (3) (+) bands, indicating an excess of CG base-pairs. A clear association was verified between the P. helleri B chromosome SCAR marker and the presence of a B chromosome in P. cupira. The data obtained suggests that B chromosomes in P. helleri and P. cupira share a common origin.  相似文献   
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