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A method for the determination of benzoic acid down to concentrations of 10 ng/ml in plasma or urine is described. After addition of an internal standard, benzoic acid is extracted at acid pH into diethyl ether. Both compounds are derivatized with pentafluorobenzyl bromide. The derivatives are determined by gas chromatography using a 43Ni electron-capture detector. Hippuric acid is hydrolysed in plasma and urine and total benzoic acid is determined by the same technique.  相似文献   
The soluble subcellular fraction of a chlB mutant contains an inactive precursor form of the molybdoenzyme nitrate reductase, which can be activated by the addition to the soluble fraction of protein FA, which is thought to be the active product of the chlB locus. Dialysis or desalting of the chlB soluble fraction leads to the loss of nitrate reductase activation, indicating that some low-molecular-weight material is required for the activation. The protein FA-dependent activation of nitrate reductase can be restored to the desalted chlB soluble fraction by the addition of a clarified extract obtained after heating the chlB soluble fraction at 100 degrees C for 8 min. The heat-stable substance present in this preparation has a molecular weight of approximately 1,000. This substance is distinct from the active molybdenum cofactor since its activity is unimpaired in heat-treated extracts prepared from the organism grown in the presence of tungstate, which leads to loss of cofactor activity. Mutations at the chlA or chlE locus, which are required for molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, similarly do not affect the activity of the heat-treated extract in the in vitro activation process. Moreover, the active material can be separated from the molybdenum cofactor activity by gel filtration. None of the other known pleiotropic chlorate resistance loci (chlD, chlG) are required for the expression of its activity. Magnesium ATP appears to have a role in the formation of the active substance. We conclude that a low-molecular-weight substance, distinct from the active molybdenum cofactor, is required to bestow activity on the molybdoenzyme nitrate reductase during its biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The DNA unwinding effects of some 9-aminoacridine derivatives were compared under reaction conditions that could be used to study drug-induced topoisomerase II inhibition. An assay was designed to determine drug-induced DNA unwinding by using L1210 topoisomerase I. 9-aminoacridines could be ranked by decreasing unwinding potency: compound C greater than or equal to 9-aminoacridine greater than o-AMSA greater than or equal to compound A greater than compound B greater than m-AMSA. Ethidium bromide was more potent than any of the 9-aminoacridines. This assay is a fast and simple method to compare DNA unwinding effects of intercalators. It led to the definition of a drug intrinsic unwinding constant (k). An additional finding was that all 9-aminoacridines and ethidium bromide inhibited L1210 topoisomerase I. Enzyme inhibition was detectable at low enzyme concentrations (less than or equal to 1 unit) and when the kinetics of topoisomerase I-mediated DNA relaxation was studied. Topoisomerase I inhibition was not associated with DNA swivelling or cleavage.  相似文献   
Ca2+ regulation of thyroid NADPH-dependent H2O2 generation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A thyroid particulate fraction contains an NADPH-dependent H2O2-generating enzyme which requires Ca2+ for activity. A Chaps solubilized extract of the thyroid particulate fraction partially purified by DEAE chromatography did not show a dependence on Ca2+ for activity. Preincubation of the particulate fraction with Ca2+ yielded a preparation insensitive to Ca2+. The non-particulate fraction obtained after incubation of the particles in the presence of Ca2+ was able to inhibit, in the presence of EGTA, the Ca2+-desensitized particulate fraction and the enzyme isolated on DEAE. It is concluded that the reversible Ca2+ activation of the NADPH-dependent H2O2 generation was modulated in porcine thyroid tissue by (a) calcium-releasable inhibitor protein(s).  相似文献   
DNA topoisomerases II are nuclear enzymes that have been identified recently as targets for some of the most active anticancer drugs. Antitumor topoisomerase II inhibitors such as teniposide (VM-26) produce enzyme-induced DNA cleavage and inhibition of enzyme activity. By adding to such reactions distamycin, a compound whose effects on DNA have been extensively characterized, we investigated the effects of drug binding upon topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage induced by VM-26. We have found a correspondence between distamycin binding (determined by footprinting analysis) and topoisomerase II-mediated cleavage of SV40 DNA (determined by sequencing gel analysis). Distamycin binding potentiated the cleavage of specific sites in the near proximity of distamycin-binding sites (within at least 25 base pairs), which indicates that DNA secondary structure is involved in topoisomerase II-DNA interactions. That distamycin potentiated cleavage only at sites that were recognized in the absence of distamycin and suppressed cleavage directly at distamycin-binding sites indicates that topoisomerase II recognizes DNA on the basis of primary sequence. In addition, distamycin stimulated topoisomerase II-mediated DNA relaxation and antagonized the inhibitory effect of VM-26. These results show that the DNA sequence-specific binding of distamycin produces local and propagated effects in the DNA which markedly affect topoisomerase II activity.  相似文献   
We report the activities of HIV integrase protein on a novel DNA substrate, consisting of a pair of gapped duplex molecules. Integrase catalyzed an intermolecular disintegration reaction that requires positioning of a pair of the gapped duplexes in a configuration that resembles the intgration intermediate. However, the major reaction resulted from an intramolecular reaction involving a single gapped duplex, giving rise to a hairpin. Surprisingly, a deletion mutant of integrase that lacks both the amino and carboxyl terminal regions still catalyzed the intermolecular disintegration reaction, but supported only a very low level of the intramolecular reaction. The central core region of integrase is therefore sufficient to both bind the gapped duplex DNA and juxtapose a pair of such molecules through protein-protein interactions. We suggest that the branched DNA structures of the previously reported disintegration substrate, and the intermolecular disintegration substrate described here, assist in stabilizing protein-protein interactions that otherwise require the amino and carboxy terminal regions of integrase.  相似文献   
Glutathione and cysteine bind to the heme of lactoperoxidase, thereby causing a red shift of the Soret band which is reversed upon addition of iodide or guaiacol, two substrates for lactoperoxidase. The rate of formation of the enzyme-thiol complex is enhanced by diiodotyrosine. Binding of diiodotyrosine to lactoperoxidase does not cause a shift of the Soret band which indicates binding to the protein of the enzyme. At neutral pH and low ionic strength, lactoperoxidase is adsorbed on insolubilized diiodotyrosine (diiodotyrosine-agarose). It can be eluted at slightly increased ionic strength which shows that the binding is weak. In the presence of 5 X 10(-4) M glutathione, however, the binding of the enzyme to diiodotyrosine-agarose becomes much stronger so that a high salt concentration is required for elution. Lactoperoxidase is also adsorbed on insolubilized thiols (thiol-agarose). The presence of diiodotyrosine is not required for strong binding. A simple method for the preparation of lactoperoxidase from milk by affinity chromatography is based on the interactions of the enzyme with the two ligands, thiols and diiodotyrosine.  相似文献   
The distributions of DNA cleavage sites induced by topoisomerase II in the presence or absence of specific drugs were mapped in the simian virus 40 genome. The drugs studied were 5-iminodaunorubicin, amsacrine (m-AMSA), teniposide (VM-26) and 2-methyl-9-hydroxyellipticinium; each produced a distinctive pattern of enhanced cleavage. Consistently intense cleavage, both in the presence and in the absence of drugs, occurred in the nuclear matrix-associated region. Since topoisomerase II is a major constituent of the nuclear matrix, and cleavage complexes include a covalent link between topoisomerase II and DNA, the findings suggest that topoisomerase II may function to attach DNA to the nuclear matrix. Cleavage usually occurred on both DNA strands with the expected four base-pair 5' stagger, and strong sites tended to occur within A/T runs such as have been associated with binding to the nuclear scaffold. Intense cleavage was present also in the replication termination region, but was absent from the vicinity of the replication origin. Cleavage intensities were found to change with time in a manner that depended both on the site and on the drug, suggesting that topoisomerase II can move along the DNA from a kinetically preferred site to a thermodynamically preferred site.  相似文献   
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