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The Podostemaceae, or river-weeds, comprise 46 genera and 270 species of dicots and are the largest family of strictly aquatic angiosperms. Despite the large size, specialized habitats, and enigmatic morphology of the family, relatively little is known about the palynology of Podostemaceae. In the current paper, pollen morphology and ultrastructure of Marathrum schiedeanum are described. Pollen grains are relatively small, spheroidal, and tricolpate to spiraperturate. The exine has a microechinate ornament, a tectate-granular sexine and a relatively thick nexine in non-apertural regions, and a semitectate sexine and thinner nexine in apertural regions. Although aperture variation occurs in the family, this is the first report of the spiral aperture type in Podostemaceae. The spiraperturate condition appears to be derived in river-weeds, as does the granular pollen wall, which represents a reduction of the typical columellae found in eudicots.  相似文献   
This study focuses on one particular layer of the pollen wall, which develops below the endexine in the free microspore stage and prior to the initiation of the intine. This membranous-granular layer (MGL) has been described by different terms in the literature and has often been interpreted either as part of the endexine, or the intine. During ontogeny, however, the granular material shows a development that is clearly distinct, both in timing and mode of formation, from the endexine as well as the intine. Its chemical composition is also characteristic; the MGL resists acetolysis. Our ontogenetic observations from four dicot and one monocot species are used to illustrate the systematically widespread occurrence of this wall layer, its ultrastructure and histochemistry, and its comparable nature throughout angiosperms.  相似文献   
The major allergen Bet ver 1 of Betula pendula (= B. verrucosa) pollen grains has been localized by gold labelling with monoclonal antibodies. The allergen is located predominantly in the starch grains and to a slight extent in the exine and intine. The possibility that environmental factors might influence the liberation of allergenic compounds present in birch pollen grains is discussed.  相似文献   
The developmental events in microspore envelope and cytoplasm and in tapetum from premeiosis until late tetrad stage were studied in Nymphaea capensis. The exceptional feature of microspore development in this species is that post-meiosis cytokinesis is retarded until the late tetrad stage. Thus, the entire development of the exine becomes completed during the tetrad stage. As a consequence of the retarded cytokinesis, the proximal portion of the forming exine lags behind the distal one during the major part of the tetrad period, but eventually the proximal part of the exine overtakes the distal part in development. The significance of this retardation is discussed. This sequence of events differs sharply from corresponding sporoderm development in other Nymphaea species. Another important topic is the microspore surface activities during exine development. The surface coatings-glycocalyx-are very similar in microspores and in tapetum cells, but their functions are completely different; the roots for this difference are discussed. A noteworthy feature of the developing microspores is the presence of gigantic, deeply cup-like mitochondria; this property is also characteristic of the microspore cytoplasm of N colorata and N. mexicana. A functional significance of these organelles and their adaptive role is discussed.  相似文献   
Pollen morphology in Primula section Carolinella has been investigated for the first time. Seven of the nine species constituting the section were available for study, i. e., P. cardioeides, P. chapaensis, P. intanoensis, P. kwangtungensis, P. kweichouensis, P. partschiana , and P. rugosa, A considerable variation in pollen morphology was found among the investigated species, particularly in number and arrangement of the apertures. Pollen of different species were either tricolpate, tricolporate, trisyncolpate, or polycolpate. Within Primula , the section Carolinella is diagnosed by having calyptrate capsules and leaves with revolute vernation, but the variation in pollen morphology indicates that this group is heterogeneous, and that either polycolpate pollen or a capsular lid has evolved more than once in the genus Primula.  相似文献   
In mature megaspores of Selaginella diffusa (C. Presl) Spring the units of the exospore are ordered and become unordered toward the outer and inner surfaces. The exospore surface is coated with silica at maturity. The insertion of the future gap begins in early stages with formation of many minigaps within the inner part of the exospore distally. The mesospore, like the exospore, is resistant to the acetolysis reaction and can, thus, provisionally be considered to consist of sporopollenin. Unit structures within the outer part of the mesospore are unordered, but become ordered in the middle and inner parts. The inner surface of the mesospore appears verrucate. In maturing megaspores, the mesospore is mostly disintegrated and the inner exospore, which encapsulated the mesospore, remains as a somewhat isolated structure, and is again near the outer exospore. There are connecting strands across the gap between the inner surface of the outer exospore and the surface of the inner exospore. There are also spheres on the outer surface of the inner exospore. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Orbicules, or Ubisch bodies, are sporopollenin particles lining the inner tangential and sometimes also the radial tapetal cell walls. They occur only in species with a secretory tapetum. The surface ornamentation of orbicules and pollen of the same species is often strikingly similar. Although orbicules were discovered more than a century ago, these structures remain enigmatic since their function is still obscure. Proposed hypotheses about their possible function are discussed. We also deal here with topics such as the possible allergenicity of orbicules and their representation in the fossil record. The use of orbicule characters for systematics is reviewed. The distribution of orbicules throughout the angiosperms, based on a literature review from the first report until today, is shown in a list with 314 species from 72 families. Those species found in the literature without orbicules are presented together with their tapetum type. We plotted this information on a dahlgrenogram to visualize the distribution of orbicules. Orbicules occur in all subclasses of the angiosperms. Their occurrence is not correlated with certain modes of pollination or habitats.
Résumé  Les orbicules, ou corps d’Ubisch, sont des particules de sporopollénine couvrant la surface intérieure tangentiale et parfois la surface radiale des cellules du tapétum. On ne les retrouve que dans les espèces possédant un tapétum sécréteur. L’ornementation superficielle des orbicules et celle du pollen d’une même espèce est souvent remarquablement similaire. Malgré le fait que les orbicules ont été découvert il y a plus d’un siècle, ces structures restent énigmatiques et leur fonction est toujours méconnue. Les hypothèses proposées concernant la fonction éventuelle des orbicules sont commentées dans cet article. Nous avons également traité des sujets tels que les éventuels effets allergènes des orbicules ainsi que leur présence dans les strates fossiles. L’utilisation de caractères orbiculaires dans la systématique est analysée. Nous présentons une liste de 314 espèces appartenant à 72 familles possédant des orbicules, sur base d’une analyse de la litérature à partir de la première observation jusqu’au présent. Pour les espèces rapportées dans la litérature qui ne possèdent pas d’orbicules, nous présentons aussi leur type de tapétum. Nous avons projeté cette information sur un Dahlgrenogramme afin de visualiser la distribution des orbicules. Nous les retrouvons dans toutes les sous-classes des angiospermes. Leur présence n’est pas correlée avec certains modes de pollinisation ou avec divers types d’habitat.
Silent information regulator 1 (SIRT-1), a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent deacetylase, was found to regulate cell apoptosis, inflammation, and oxidative stress response in living organisms. Therefore, the role of SIRT-1 in regulating forkhead box O/poly ADP-ribose polymerase-1 (FOXO-1/PARP-1) signaling could provide the necessary validation for developing new pharmacological targets for the promotion or inhibition of SIRT-1 activity toward radiation sensitivity. In the present study, the SIRT-1 signaling pathway is being investigated to study the possible modulatory effect of resveratrol (RSV, SIRT-1 activator) versus nicotinamide (NAM, SIRT-1 inhibitor) in case of liver damage induced by whole-body gamma irradiation. Rats were exposed to 6 Gy gamma radiation after being pretreated with either RSV (10 mg/kg/day) or NAM (100 mg/kg/day) for 5 days, and subsequent examining hepatic morphological changes and apoptotic markers were assessed. The expression of SIRT-1, FOXO-1, and cleaved PARP-1 in the liver was analyzed. RSV improved radiation-induced apoptosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, and inflammation signified by low expression of caspase-3, lactate dehydrogenase, complex-I activity, myeloperoxidase, and total nitric oxide content. RSV increased the expression of SIRT-1, whereas cleaved PARP-1 and FOXO-1 were suppressed. These protective effects were suppressed by inhibition of SIRT-1 activity using NAM. These findings suggest that RSV can attenuate radiation-induced hepatic injury by reducing apoptosis and inflammation via SIRT-1 activity modulation.  相似文献   
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