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D Poland 《Biopolymers》1999,50(7):720-732
A statistical mechanical model is given for linear associating systems that contain defects, using the double-stranded actin polymer as an example. We treat the system as a one-dimensional lattice that can desorb monomers (giving defects) using grand partition function techniques. The main difference from a standard adsorption problem is that the monomer units are also responsible for the structural integrity of the lattice (polymer) and if too many desorb the polymer will be broken. We use literature data to estimate the density of defects in the actin polymer.  相似文献   
In the present paper we show how one can use the perturbation of some molecular optical property (for example circular dichroism or chemical shift) as a function of concentration to construct cluster distribution functions describing the self-association of molecules in solution. The optical data are first converted into data giving the variation of the average extent of clustering as a function of the total concentration and then, using straightforward thermodynamics, a set of moments of the cluster distribution function can be obtained. Utilizing the maximum-entropy method, the moments are then used to calculate approximate distribution functions, where the more moments that are used the better the approximation obtained. Given the probability distribution for clusters of different sizes one can then calculate the equilibrium constant for each stage of association. Thus one converts average degree of association into equilibrium constants without having to use any specific model. By this method one can clearly tell whether the equilibrium constants remain constant, increase, or decrease with the number of molecules in a cluster. We apply the method to literature data for two systems, namely daunorubicin, which has a strong tendency to cluster in solution, and Mg(ATP)(2-) which forms weaker clusters. We find that the successive equilibrium constants for adding a monomer to a cluster are approximately constant for daunorubicin but clearly decrease as a function of increasing cluster size for Mg(ATP)(2-).  相似文献   
Photoaffinity labeling of the Ah receptor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A series of halodibenzo-p-dioxins with the photolabile aryl azide functional group were synthesized and screened as potential photoaffinity labels for the Ah receptor, and 2-azido-3-iodo-7,8-dibromodibenzo-p-dioxin was selected for radiosynthesis with 125I (specific activity 2176 Ci/mmol, equilibrium dissociation constant, KD = 0.76 nM). Following incubation of this 125I-labeled photoaffinity ligand with the protamine sulfate-precipitated fraction of C57BL/6J mouse liver cytosol, and irradiation with long wavelength ultraviolet light, the radiolabeled macromolecules were precipitated with acetone and analyzed by denaturing gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Among the labeled products, two peptides with apparent molecular masses of 95,000 and 70,000 daltons had the following properties: 1) they were selectively labeled at low ligand concentrations; 2) they were labeled in approximately a 1:1 ratio; 3) co-incubation with receptor agonists inhibited the photoaffinity labeling of both peptides to a similar extent, and structure activity relationship for inhibition of labeling by these agonists corresponded to that for their binding affinity to the Ah receptor; 4) upon nondenaturing chromatographic separation of photoaffinity labeled cytosol on high performance liquid chromatography size exclusion and anion exchange columns, the 95- and 70-kDa peptides coelute; 5) the migration of these peptides upon denaturing electrophoresis is the same in the presence or absence of a thiol reducing agent; and 6) proteolysis of the 95- and 70-kDa peptides produces a similar pattern of cleavage peptides. The simplest structure of the Ah receptor in mouse liver cytosol, appears to be a dimer composed of two noncovalently linked subunits of apparent molecular masses of 95 and 70 kDa, which have homologous structure and similar ligand binding sites, but other possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   
We have developed a new approach to the measurement of phylogenetic signal in character state matrices called relative apparent synapomorphy analysis (RASA). RASA provides a deterministic, statistical measure of natural cladistic hierarchy (phylogenetic signal) in character state matrices. The method works by determining whether a measure of the rate of increase of cladistic similarity among pairs of taxa as a function of phenetic similarity is greater than a null equiprobable rate of increase. Our investigation of the utility and limitations of RASA using simulated and bacteriophage T7 data sets indicates that the method has numerous advantages over existing measures of signal. A first advantage is computational efficiency. A second advantage is that RASA employs known methods of statistical inference, providing measurable sensitivity and power. The performance of RASA is examined under various conditions of branching evolution as the number of characters, character states per character, and mutations per branch length are varied. RASA appears to provide an unbiased and reliable measure of phylogenetic signal, and the general approach promises to be useful in the development of new techniques that should increase the rigor and reliability of phylogenetic estimates.   相似文献   
Reconstructions of the human-African great ape phylogeny by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been subject to considerable debate. One confounding factor may be the lack of data on intraspecific variation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of intraspecific mtDNA diversity on the phylogenetic reconstruction of another Plio- Pleistocene radiation of higher primates, the fascicularis group of macaque (Macaca) monkey species. Fifteen endonucleases were used to identify 10 haplotypes of 40-47 restriction sites in M. mulatta, which were compared with similar data for the other members of this species group. Interpopulational, intraspecific mtDNA diversity was large (0.5%- 4.5%), and estimates of divergence time and branching order incorporating this variation were substantially different from those based on single representatives of each species. We conclude that intraspecific mtDNA diversity is substantial in at least some primate species. Consequently, without prior information on the extent of genetic diversity within a particular species, intraspecific variation must be assessed and accounted for when reconstructing primate phylogenies. Further, we question the reliability of hominoid mtDNA phylogenies, based as they are on one or a few representatives of each species, in an already depauperate superfamily of primates.   相似文献   
Dwora.  I 《昆虫分类学报》1993,15(2):91-121
本文首先根据眼小叶蝉族Alebrini讨论翅的命名,接着是眼小叶蝉属Alebra Fieb.和东半球眼小叶蝉族各属的评论。Homa elongata Kato移入属AsialebraDwor.,Shaddai distanti Dwor.是S.typicus Dist.的异名。描述了6个新种,即Sobralacapreola,S.clara,Orientalebra drawidana,Afralebra melichari,A.youngi,A.paolii. 本文引言部分讨论小叶蝉亚科Typhlocybinae翅的形态学,正文为分类部分。 在描述内部构造以及端节、头、和胸部背面时,使用习惯术语。 新种模式标本系列保存于下列博物馆中;正模的保管者在有关描述中最先提到: SMTD——德国得累斯顿,国家动物学博物馆。 BMNH——英国伦敦,英国自然历史博物馆。 USNM——美国华盛顿,美国国家博物馆。 MM——捷克斯洛伐克Brno,Moravian博物馆。  相似文献   
1. Climate change could be one of the main threats faced by aquatic ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity. Improved understanding, monitoring and forecasting of its effects are thus crucial for researchers, policy makers and biodiversity managers. 2. Here, we provide a review and some meta‐analyses of the literature reporting both observed and predicted climate‐induced effects on the distribution of freshwater fish. After reviewing three decades of research, we summarise how methods in assessing the effects of climate change have evolved, and whether current knowledge is geographically or taxonomically biased. We conducted multispecies qualitative and quantitative analyses to find out whether the observed responses of freshwater fish to recent changes in climate are consistent with those predicted under future climate scenarios. 3. We highlight the fact that, in recent years, freshwater fish distributions have already been affected by contemporary climate change in ways consistent with anticipated responses under future climate change scenarios: the range of most cold‐water species could be reduced or shift to higher altitude or latitude, whereas that of cool‐ and warm‐water species could expand or contract. 4. Most evidence about the effects of climate change is underpinned by the large number of studies devoted to cold‐water fish species (mainly salmonids). Our knowledge is still incomplete, however, particularly due to taxonomic and geographic biases. 5. Observed and expected responses are well correlated among families, suggesting that model predictions are supported by empirical evidence. The observed effects are of greater magnitude and show higher variability than the predicted effects, however, indicating that other drivers of changes may be interacting with climate and seriously affecting freshwater fish. 6. Finally, we suggest avenues of research required to address current gaps in what we know about the climate‐induced effects on freshwater fish distribution, including (i) the need for more long‐term data analyses, (ii) the assessment of climate‐induced effects at higher levels of organisation (e.g. assemblages), (iii) methodological improvements (e.g. accounting for uncertainty among projections and species’ dispersal abilities, combining both distributional and empirical approaches and including multiple non‐climatic stressors) and (iv) systematic confrontation of observed versus predicted effects across multi‐species assemblages and at several levels of biological organisation (i.e. populations and assemblages).  相似文献   
Objectives To explore whether the angiotensin T -converting enzyme (ACE) I/D (insertion/ deletion) polymorphism is associated with the susceptibility to high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) in the Han Chinese. Methods One hundred and forty-seven HAPE-p (HAPE patients) and 193 HAPE-r (HAPE resistants) were enrolled from the Yushu earthquake reconstruction workers in Qinghai province where the altitude is over 3 500 m above sea level. Blood samples were collected from each of the HAPE-p and HAPE-r groups. Information about physiological phenotypes was obtained via fieldwork investigation. The ACE-I/D polymorphism in HAPE-p and HAPE-r was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results The SaO2 was significantly lower while HR was significantly higher in HAPE-p group than those in HAPE-r group. The genotype frequencies of ACE-I/D for II, ID, DD in HAPE-r and HAPE-p groups were 0.430, 0.446, 0.124 and 0.435, 0.469, 0.095, respectively, the allelic frequencies of I and D were 0.650, 0.350 and 0.670, 0.330, respectively. The OR of ID, DD and D alleles relative to II for HAPE was 0.961 (0.610-1.514), 1.322 (0.634-2.758) and 1.080 (0.783-1.489). There was no significant difference of the genotypic and the allelic frequencies in ACE-I/D polymorphism between HAPE-p and HAPE-r groups. Conclusions There is no relation between ACE-I/D polymorphism and HAPE in the Han Chinese.  相似文献   
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanofibres are a novel fibrous nanomaterial with increasing applications in a variety of fields. While the biological effects of TiO2 nanoparticles have been extensively studied, the toxicological characterization of TiO2 nanofibres is far from being complete. In this study, we evaluated the toxicity of commercially available anatase TiO2 nanofibres using TiO2 nanoparticles (NP) and crocidolite asbestos as non-fibrous or fibrous benchmark materials. The evaluated endpoints were cell viability, haemolysis, macrophage activation, trans-epithelial electrical resistance (an indicator of the epithelial barrier competence), ROS production and oxidative stress as well as the morphology of exposed cells. The results showed that TiO2 nanofibres caused a cell-specific, dose-dependent decrease of cell viability, with larger effects on alveolar epithelial cells than on macrophages. The observed effects were comparable to those of crocidolite, while TiO2 NP did not decrease cell viability. TiO2 nanofibres were also found endowed with a marked haemolytic activity, at levels significantly higher than those observed with TiO2 nanoparticles or crocidolite. Moreover, TiO2 nanofibres and crocidolite, but not TiO2 nanoparticles, caused a significant decrease of the trans-epithelial electrical resistance of airway cell monolayers. SEM images demonstrated that the interaction with nanofibres and crocidolite caused cell shape perturbation with the longest fibres incompletely or not phagocytosed. The expression of several pro-inflammatory markers, such as NO production and the induction of Nos2 and Ptgs2, was significantly increased by TiO2 nanofibres, as well as by TiO2 nanoparticles and crocidolite. This study indicates that TiO2 nanofibres had significant toxic effects and, for most endpoints with the exception of pro-inflammatory changes, are more bio-active than TiO2 nanoparticles, showing the relevance of shape in determining the toxicity of nanomaterials. Given that several toxic effects of TiO2 nanofibres appear comparable to those observed with crocidolite, the possibility that they exert length dependent toxicity in vivo seems worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   
We have analyzed nucleic acid and amino acid sequence alignments of a variety of voltage-sensitive ion channels, using several methods for phylogenetic tree reconstruction. Ancient duplications within this family gave rise to three distantly related groups, one consisting of the Na+ and Ca++ channels, another the K+ channels, and a third including the cyclic nucleotide-binding channels. A series of gene duplications produced at least seven mammalian homologues of the Drosophila Shaker K+ channel; clones of only three of these genes are available from all three mammalian species examined (mouse, rat, and human), pointing to specific genes that have yet to be recovered in one or another of these species. The Shaw-related K+ channels and the Na+ channel family have also undergone considerable expansion in mammals, relative to flies. These expansions presumably reflect the needs of the high degree of physiological and neuronal complexity of mammals. Analysis of the separate domains of the four-domain channels (Ca++ and Na+) supports their having evolved by two sequential gene duplications and implies the historical existence of a functional two-domain channel.   相似文献   
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