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We examined the effects of carotid body denervation on ventilatory responses to normoxia (21% O2 in N2 for 240 s), hypoxic hypoxia (10 and 15% O2 in N2 for 90 and 120 s, respectively), and hyperoxic hypercapnia (5% CO2 in O2 for 240 s) in the spontaneously breathing urethane-anesthetized mouse. Respiratory measurements were made with a whole body, single-chamber plethysmograph before and after cutting both carotid sinus nerves. Baseline measurements in air showed that carotid body denervation was accompanied by lower minute ventilation with a reduction in respiratory frequency. On the basis of measurements with an open-circuit system, no significant differences in O2 consumption or CO2 production before and after chemodenervation were found. During both levels of hypoxia, animals with intact sinus nerves had increased respiratory frequency, tidal volume, and minute ventilation; however, after chemodenervation, animals experienced a drop in respiratory frequency and ventilatory depression. Tidal volume responses during 15% hypoxia were similar before and after carotid body denervation; during 10% hypoxia in chemodenervated animals, there was a sudden increase in tidal volume with an increase in the rate of inspiration, suggesting that gasping occurred. During hyperoxic hypercapnia, ventilatory responses were lower with a smaller tidal volume after chemodenervation than before. We conclude that the carotid bodies are essential for maintaining ventilation during eupnea, hypoxia, and hypercapnia in the anesthetized mouse.  相似文献   
A peptide nucleic acid/peptide amphiphile conjugate (PNA-PA) that self-assembles into fiber-shaped nanostructures was designed to bind oligonucleotides with high affinity and specificity. Oligonucleotide binding to PNA-PA nanofibers was studied using fluorescence polarization, and thermal stability was examined by UV-vis measurement of duplex melting temperatures. The self-assembled PNA-PA DNA system was observed to bind more strongly than the corresponding DNA-DNA duplex. We also observed single base specificity with a 16 degrees C in thermal stability. As expected from the previous PNA studies, PNA-PA RNA binding is also stronger than the corresponding RNA-RNA duplex.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) induce DNA damage with the ensuing activation of the chromosomal repair enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). ROS also interact with the function of carotid body chemoreceptor cells. The possibility arises that PARP is part of the carotid chemosensing process. This study seeks to determine the presence of PARP and its changes in response to contrasting chemical stimuli, hypoxia and hyperoxia, both capable of generating ROS, in cat carotid bodies. The organs were dissected from anesthetized cats exposed in vivo to acute normoxic (PaO2 approximately 90 mmHg), hypoxic (PaO2 approximately 25 mmHg), and hyperoxic (PaO2 > 400 mmHg) conditions. Carotid body homogenate was the source of PARP and [adenine 14C] NAD was the substrate in the assay. Specimens of the superior cervical ganglion and brainstem were used as reference tissues. We found that PARP activity amounted to 27 pmol/mg protein/min in the normoxic carotid body. The activity level more than doubled in both hypoxic and hyperoxic carotid bodies. Changes of PARP in the reference tissues were qualitatively similar. We conclude that PARP is present in the carotid body but the augmentation of the enzyme activity in both hypoxia and hyperoxia reflects DNA damage, induced likely by ROS and being universal for neural tissues, rather than a specific involvement of PARP in the chemosensing process.  相似文献   
Time-dependent effect of hypoxia on carotid body chemosensory function   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The time-dependent effects of hypoxia on the discharge rate carotid chemoreceptors were measured in anesthetized cats. Hypoxic exposure of two different durations were used: a short-term exposure (2-3 h) was used to measure the response of the same carotid chemoreceptors; and a long-term exposure (28 days at inspired PO2 of 70 Torr) to study carotid chemoreceptor properties in one group of cats relative to those of a control group. In the chronically hypoxic and control groups, determinations were made of the 1) steady-state responses to four levels of arterial PO2 (PaO2) at constant levels of arterial PCO2; 2) steady-state responses to acute hypercapnia during hyperoxia; and 3) maximal discharge rates during anoxia. We found that the acute responses of carotid chemoreceptor afferents to a given level of hypoxia (PaO2 = 30-40 Torr) did not significantly change within 2-3 h. After long-term exposure the carotid chemoreceptor responses to hypoxia significantly increased, with no significant changes in the hypercapnic response and in the maximal discharge rate during anoxia. We conclude that isocapnic hypoxia may not elicit a sufficient cellular response within 2-3 h in the cat carotid body to sensitize the O2 responsive mechanism, but hypoxia of longer duration will sensitize such a mechanism, thereby augmenting the chemosensory activity.  相似文献   
This study aims to compare the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra emitted by human blood loaded with either ascorbyl-6-palmitate (AP), a lipid-soluble derivative of ascorbic acid (AA), or with AA. Whole blood of a healthy male individual was equilibrated with equimolar concentrations of AP and AA of 200, 400, and 800 micromol/l. The intensity of the ESR signal, expressed as the peak-to-peak amplitude, reflects the amount of unpaired spins that are created due to the reducing action of AA and is proportional, in relative terms, to the amount of the ascorbyl radical formed. We found that the blood with AP emitted an ESR signal whose singlet shape, width, and location precisely correlate with the known characteristics of the ascorbyl radical in vitro. The signal magnitude increased linearly with increasing concentrations of AP and was similar to that of AA. We conclude that AP is biologically active, as it generates the ascorbyl radical, an action that also underlies the scavenging process by ascorbic acid. To this end, ascorbyl-6-palmitate might have potential advantages, due to its ability to penetrate biomembranes and to act at the lipid-related molecular target sites.  相似文献   
In this study, we attempted to determine the role of GABA neurotransmission in augmentation of hypoxic respiration by antecedent hyperoxic breathing. The experiments were performed in anesthetized, paralyzed and vagotomized cats divided into control and bicuculline (a GABAA receptor blocker)-injected groups. The experimental protocol consisted of exposing the animals to successive hypoxic-hyperoxic-hypoxic conditions. Respiration was assessed using phrenic electroneurograms, from which the peak phrenic height, a surrogate of the tidal volume component, and respiratory rate were obtained, and their product, the respiratory minute output, was calculated. We found that prior hyperoxic ventilation increased the subsequent respiratory response to hypoxia by an average of 23.5%, compared with the preoxygen response. This increase was driven by volume respiration. The biphasic character of the hypoxic respiratory response, consisting of stimulatory and depressant phases, was sustained. Bicuculline abolished the augmentative effect on hypoxic respiration of prior hyperoxia, which suggests that oxygenation induces GABAA-mediated hyperexcitability of respiratory neurons, possibly by the liberation of reactive oxygen species. We concluded that GABA neurotransmission is pertinent to the effect of hyperoxia on hypoxic respiratory reactivity.  相似文献   
The effects of body position on ventilatory responses to chemical stimuli have rarely been studied in experimental animals, despite evidence that position may be a factor in respiratory results. The purpose of this study was to test whether body position could affect acute ventilatory responses to 4-min periods of moderate hypercapnia (5% CO(2) in O(2)) and poikilocapnic hypoxia (15% O(2) in N(2)) in the urethane-anaesthetised mouse. Respiratory measurements were conducted with mice in the prone and supine positions with a whole-body, single-chamber plethysmograph. During hypoxia, the time course of minute ventilation (V (E)) was similar in the two positions, but the breathing pattern was different. After the response peak, V (E) depended on respiratory frequency (f) and tidal volume (V(T)) in the prone position but mainly on V(T) in the supine position. In the supine position, f declined below the baseline values toward the end of hypoxic exposure. During hypercapnia, there were no ventilatory differences between the prone and supine positions. Brief hypoxic exposure elicited f depression in the supine position in the anaesthetised mouse. The depressive effect on f suggests that the supine position may not be optimal for sustaining ventilation, particularly during hypoxia.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to trace the consequences of insufficient sleep, in terms of chronic sleep reduction rather than acute sleep deprivation, on fatigue, mood, cognitive performance self‐estimations, and daytime sleepiness in different age‐social groups. The age group of the subjects reflects their social situation and their working time organization: adolescents (n=191) obeyed the strict school schedules with starting times often before 08:00 h; university students (n=115) had more flexible timetables; young employees (n=126) were engaged in regular morning schedules or irregular daytime hours or day and night shifts. A questionnaire study determined the declared need of sleep, self‐reported sleep length, chronic fatigue (using a scale comprised of eight fatigue symptoms and four mood and three cognitive items), and daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale). The declared need for sleep decreased in subsequent age groups from 9 h 23 min in school children to 8 h 22 min in university students and to 7 h 37 min in young employees. Consequently, the discrepancy between preferred and real sleep length (sleep deficit) was the largest in adolescents: 106 min. Females showed a greater need of sleep than males (p=.025) and significantly more fatigue, mood, and cognitive problems; they also exhibited higher level of daytime sleepiness (p<.000). The sleep index (reported sleep length related to requirements) correlated significantly with all health issues in women (p<.000), while only with fatigue symptoms in men (p=.013). Actual sleep length was unrelated to mood and fatigue issues; the declared individual need of sleep and sleep index showed significant associations, especially in the group of adolescents. The most frequent complaints of adolescents included tiredness on awakening (46%), nervousness, and general weakness; university students reported excessive drowsiness (50%), tension, and nervousness; employees suffered mostly from negative moods, such as tension (49%), nervousness, and irritability. The findings of the study indicate that chronic sleep loss seems to affect females more severely than males. The associations of fatigue and mood with sleep need and sleep index were more pronounced in younger subjects. Surprisingly, fatigue symptoms in school children and university students were as frequent as in hard‐working adults. Because the problem of insufficient sleep is already present in youngsters, their work time organization needs more attention.  相似文献   
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