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Golgi vesicles were isolated and purified from rat liver, in which the specific activities of glycosyltransferases (e.g. GM3:CMP-NeuAc sialyltransferase, GD3 synthase; GM3:UDP-GalNAc galactosaminyltransferase, GM2 synthase) were 50-60-times enriched relative to microsomes or total homogenate. Synthesis of gangliosides GM2 and GM1 in such Golgi vesicles is, in the absence of any detergents, stimulated 6-fold and 20-fold respectively by phosphatidylglycerol. Other phospholipids like phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine are also significantly stimulatory. With 50 micrograms Golgi protein and 1 nmol UDP-GalNAc, optimal stimulation of GM2 synthase was obtained with 20 micrograms of phosphatidylglycerol and 7.5 nmol of the lipid acceptor GM3. Under the same experimental conditions this stimulation exceeds (by about 40%) that obtained with optimal amount (200 micrograms) of the detergent octylglucoside. Phosphatidylglycerol, on the other hand, has virtually no stimulatory activity on the synthesis of ganglioside GD3 either in the presence of Mg2+ or Mn2+, indicating that facilitation by phospholipid of GM3 transport into Golgi vesicles was not the basis of stimulation of GM2 synthesis. Tunicamycin inhibits the synthesis of gangliosides GM2 and GM1 in isolated Golgi vesicles, but only in the absence of detergents. In the presence of phosphatidylglycerol, GM2 synthesis, for example, was inhibited by 60% by 2 micrograms tunicamycin and more than 85% by 10 micrograms tunicamycin, per 50 micrograms Golgi membrane protein. The inhibition was stronger on GM1 synthesis: 85% with 2.5 micrograms of the antibiotic. The dependence on phosphatidylglycerol and the degree of inhibition by tunicamycin of the synthetic activities are strictly dependent on the intactness of the Golgi vesicles: both phenomena become increasingly less evident when the vesicles are pelleted, and frozen and thawed several times, and completely disappear when the vesicles are solubilized by detergents or disrupted by ultrasonication. Furthermore, tunicamycin inhibition is reversible by increased concentration of phosphatidylglycerol. All these results indicate that phosphatidylglycerol does not stimulate, and tunicamycin does not inhibit, the transferases themselves; rather, the two opposing effects might relate to carrier-mediated transport, e.g. of nucleotide sugars, across Golgi vesicles.  相似文献   
Losses of proteolytic peptides during extraction and/or purification procedures succeeding in-gel or in-solution digests of proteins frequently occur in the course of protein identification investigations. In order to overcome this disadvantage, the method of in-capillary digest was developed: native proteins were incubated in the presence of endoproteases in the electrospray capillary and the resulting peptides were analyzed by nanoelectrospray-mass spectrometry during the ongoing proteolysis. In-capillary digest of apomyglobin by use of trypsin in a molar ratio of 25:1 yielded complete degradation already after 15 min. The sequence coverage based on formation of molecular ions was 100% and peptide ions could be fragmented by collision-induced dissociation and sequenced. When myoglobin was incubated in the electrospray capillary with trypsin in a molar ratio of 500:1, a clear shift from molecular ions and miscleaved peptide ions to the expected final tryptic peptide ions was observed over a 2 h period. The peptide spectra obtained from tryptic in-capillary proteolysis of bovine serum albumin and apotransferrin, respectively, gave rise to sequence coverages of more than 40% for both proteins. The data obtained from the peptide maps as well as from collision-induced dissociation (CID) of selected peptides were more than sufficient for protein identification by database searches. An elephant milk protein preparation was used to demonstrate the application of in-capillary proteolysis on protein mixtures. Tryptic digest, simultaneous analysis of the proteolytic peptides by use of CID, and subsequent sequencing allowed the identification of lactoferrin, alphas1-casein, beta-casein, delta-casein, and kappa-casein by homology search.  相似文献   
The neoglycolipid (NeoGL) N-acetyl-1-deoxy-1-phosphatidylethanolamino lacto-N-tetraositol [Lc4Ose-PtdEtn(NAc)] and the radioactivly labeled analog [Lc4Ose-PtdEtn(N[14C]Ac)] were synthesized by coupling the corresponding oligosaccharide to phosphatidylethanolamine (dihexadecyl) via reductive amination and subsequent N-acetylation with unlabeled and [14C]acetic acid anhydride, respectively. Lc4Ose-PtdEtn(N[14C]Ac) was then incubated with homogenates of rat small intestine epithelial cells (IEC-6) at pH 4. The reaction products were shown to be the degradation products formed by glycosidases by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB MS). On the other hand, incubation of Lc4Ose-PtdEtn(NAc) with IEC-6 cell homogenates in sialyltransferase assays yielded the corresponding sialylated product. When Lc4Ose-PtdEtn(N[14C]Ac) was fed to IEC-6 cells as BSA complex, up to 5% of the NeoGL administered were taken up by the cells. After extraction of the NeoGL and separation by thin layer chromatography (TLC) the catabolic products Lc3Ose-PtdEtn(N[14C]Ac), Lac-PtdEtn(N[14C]Ac), and Glc-PtdEtn(N[14C]Ac), as well as the main anabolic product NeuGc-Lc4Ose-PtdEtn(N[14C]Ac) could be identified by FAB MS. These results demonstrate that PtdEtn-derived NeoGL can be used as probes for studies on the metabolism of specific oligosaccharide structures in cell culture.  相似文献   
Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) of the globo-series constitute specific receptors for Shiga toxins (Stxs) released by certain types of pathogenic Escherichia coli strains. Stx-loaded leukocytes may act as transporter cells in the blood and transfer the toxin to endothelial target cells. Therefore, we performed a thorough investigation on the expression of globo-series GSLs in serum-free cultivated Raji and Jurkat cells, representing B- and T-lymphocyte descendants, respectively, as well as THP-1 and HL-60 cells of the monocyte and granulocyte lineage, respectively. The presence of Stx-receptors in GSL preparations of Raji and THP-1 cells and the absence in Jurkat and HL-60 cells revealed high compliance of solid-phase immunodetection assays with the expression profiles of receptor-related glycosyltransferases, performed by qRT-PCR analysis, and Stx2-caused cellular damage. Canonical microdomain association of Stx GSL receptors, sphingomyelin, and cholesterol in membranes of Raji and THP-1 cells was assessed by comparative analysis of detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) and nonDRM fractions obtained by density gradient centrifugation and showed high correlation based on nonparametric statistical analysis. Our comprehensive study on the expression of Stx-receptors and their subcellular distribution provides the basis for exploring the functional role of lipid raft-associated Stx-receptors in cells of leukocyte origin.  相似文献   
Human leukocyte receptor IIIa (hFcγRIIIa) plays a prominent role in the elimination of tumor cells by antibody-based cancer therapies. In previous studies, a major impact of the presence of carbohydrates at Asn-162 on the binding between the receptor and the Fc part of wild type fucosylated or glycoengineered nonfucosylated antibodies has been shown. In this study, we performed a site directed carbohydrate analysis at hFcγRIIIa derived from human embryonic kidney (HEK) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, respectively. Using mass spectrometry (MS) and a multienzyme protein digest, we analyzed the proteolysis-generated glycopeptides in detail. We could show that hFcγRIIIa expressed by HEK cells was mostly bearing multifucosylated biantennary Asn162-glycans with a major fraction terminating with GalNAc residues replacing the more common Gal. We could demonstrate that the glycan antennae with terminal GalNAc could be sialylated as indicated by a novel reporter ion HexNAcHexNAcNeuAc(+) (m/z 698.28) using a source induced dissociation (SID) scan in the MS cycle. In contrast to the hFcγRIIIa Asn-162 glycosylation pattern from HEK cells, the CHO cells derived receptor contains bi- and triantennary galactosylated and highly sialylated carbohydrates. Our data suggest that the type of expression host system was a dominating factor for formation of distinct glycopatterns of hFcγRIIIa, while the protein sequence and the site of glycosylation remained unchanged for both types of cells. Using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) interaction analysis, we show that the cell type and site specific glycosylation pattern of hFcγRIIIa influences its binding behavior to immunoglobulin molecules.  相似文献   
Human laminin-5 fragments, comprising the heterotrimeric C-terminal part of the coiled-coil (CC) domain and the globular (G) domain with defined numbers of LG subdomains, were produced recombinantly. The alpha3' chain with all five LG subdomains was processed proteolytically in a manner similar to the wild-type alpha3 chain. Conditions were established under which the proteolytic cleavage was either inhibited in cell culture or was brought to completion in vitro. The shorter chains of the laminin-5CCG molecule, beta3'and gamma2', produced in a bacterial expression system associated into heterodimers, which then combined spontaneously with the alpha3' chains in vitro to form heterotrimeric laminin-5CCG molecules. Only heterotrimeric laminin-5CCG with at least subdomains LG1-3, but not the single chains, supported binding of soluble alpha3beta1 integrin, proving the coiled-coil domain of laminin-5 to be essential for its interaction with alpha3beta1 integrin. The N-glycosylation sites in wild-type alpha3 chain were mapped by mass spectrometry. Their location in a structural model of the LG domain suggested that large regions on both faces of the LG1 and LG2 domains are inaccessible by other proteins. However, neither heterotrimerization nor alpha3beta1 integrin binding was affected by the loss of N-linked glycoconjugates. After the proteolytic cleavage between the subdomains LG3 and LG4, the LG4-5 tandem domain dissociated from the rest of the G domain. Further, the laminin-5CCG molecule with the alpha3'LG1-3 chain showed an increased binding affinity for alpha3beta1 integrin, indicating that proteolytic processing of laminin-5 influences its interaction with alpha3beta1 integrin.  相似文献   
α- and β-chains of hemoglobins derived from several species were analyzed directly from diluted blood samples by simultaneous in-capillary proteolytic digestion and nanoESI MS and MS/MS analysis. Starting from fresh or frozen and thawed blood samples, sequence coverages of >80% were usually obtained. Only 2 h after resuspension of a dried blood spot, human origin could be demonstrated from data obtained by in-capillary tryptic digestion, nanoESI mass spectrometric analysis, and data base search. A fast and facile differentiation of closely related species by hemoglobin-derived proteolytic “marker peptides” was demonstrated for Asian (Elephas maximus) and African elephants (Loxodonta africana). Finally, amino acid sequences deduced from collision-induced dissociation experiments during in-capillary proteolytic digestion of the corresponding blood samples allowed de novo sequencing of previously unknown sequences of hemoglobin chains of the Patagonian cavy (Dolichotum patagona) and the Persian gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa subgutturosa). 100% of the α-chain sequences and more than 85% of the β-chain sequences were covered for both the species. Additionally, sequence data derived from tandem MS experiments obtained with the Q-Tof analyzer were confirmed by high resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometric experiments. Accurate protein mass determination of the intact hemoglobin chains directly from the corresponding blood samples by use of a Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer corroborated the deduced sequences of the respective α-chains. The present study demonstrates that in-capillary digestion allows fast characterization and/or sequencing of hemoglobin chains directly from blood samples.  相似文献   
Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli are the leading cause of hemorrhagic colitis and life-threatening extraintestinal complications in humans. Stx1 and Stx2 are transferred by yet to be delineated mechanisms from the intestine to the circulation where they injure microvascular endothelial cells. The resulting vascular lesions cause renal failure and brain damage. Because lipoproteins are potential carriers of Stx through the circulation, we investigated human lipoprotein-associated neutral glycosphingolipids (GSLs) with emphasis on high (globotriaosylceramide) and low (globotetraosylceramide) affinity Stx-receptors. TLC overlay employing Stx1, Stx2, and anti-GSL antibodies demonstrated preferential distribution of globo-series GSLs to very low- and low-density lipoproteins compared with minor association with high-density lipoproteins. Electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry portrayed C24:0/C24:1 and C16:0 as the major fatty acid of the ceramide moieties of Stx-receptors carrying nonvarying d18:1 sphingosine. This structural heterogeneity was also found in precursor lactosylceramide, glucosylceramide, and galactosylceramide, the last showing an exceptionally high degree of hydroxylated C24 fatty acids. Our findings provide the basis for exploring the functional role of lipoprotein-associated Stx-receptors in human blood.  相似文献   
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