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Genetic variation at the Major Histocompatibility Complex locus DQ beta was analyzed in 233 beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from seven populations: St. Lawrence Estuary, eastern Beaufort Sea, eastern Chukchi Sea, western Hudson Bay, eastern Hudson Bay, southeastern Baffin Island, and High Arctic and in 12 narwhals (Monodon monoceros) sympatric with the High Arctic beluga population. Variation was assessed by amplification of the exon coding for the peptide binding region via the polymerase chain reaction, followed by either cloning and DNA sequencing or single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis. Five alleles were found across the beluga populations and one in the narwhal. Pairwise comparisons of these alleles showed a 5:1 ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions per site leading to eight amino acid differences, five of which were nonconservative substitutions, centered around positions previously shown to be important for peptide binding. Although the amount of allelic variation is low when compared with terrestrial mammals, the nature of the substitutions in the peptide binding sites indicates an important role for the DQ beta locus in the cellular immune response of beluga whales. Comparisons of allele frequencies among populations show the High Arctic population to be different (P < or = .005) from the other beluga populations surveyed. In these other populations an allele, Dele-DQ beta*0101-2, was found in 98% of the animals, while in the High Arctic it was found in only 52% of the animals. Two other alleles were found at high frequencies in the High Arctic population, one being very similar to the single allele found in narwhal.   相似文献   
In the present study, the effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin on tumor blood flow and tumor regrowth were compared as verteporfin distributed in different compartments within the RIF-1 tumor. Tissue distribution of verteporfin was examined by fluorescence microscopy, and blood flow measurements were taken with a laser Doppler system. It was found that, at 15 min after drug administration, when verteporfin was mainly confined within the vasculature, PDT induced a complete arrest of blood flow by 6 h after treatment. PDT treatment at a longer drug-light interval (3 h), which allowed the drug to diffuse to the tumor interstitium, caused significantly less flow decrease, only to 50% of the initial flow in 6 h. A histological study and Hoechst 33342 staining of functional tumor vasculature confirmed the primary vascular damage and the decrease in tumor perfusion. The regrowth rate of tumors treated with 15-min interval PDT was 64% of that of the control group. However, when tumors were treated with 3-h interval PDT, the regrowth rate was not significantly different from that of the control, indicating that only the 15-min interval PDT caused serious damage to the tumor vascular bed. These results support the hypothesis that temporal pharmacokinetic changes in the distribution of the photosensitizer between the tumor parenchyma and blood vessels can significantly alter the tumor target of PDT.  相似文献   
The role of p27(Kip1) in maintaining the levels of D-type cyclins in vivo   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This in vivo study employs p27-deficient mice to investigate the significance of p27 for the metabolism of D-type cyclins in differentiated cells. The absence of p27 results in decreased levels of cyclins D2 and/or D3 in some organs. As demonstrated on Leydig cells of testis, such dependency is only restricted to certain cell types including terminally differentiated ones, and the absence of p27 in these cells can interfere with their differentiation. The decrease of cyclin D caused by the absence of p27 equals the amount of cyclin D physically associated with p27 in non-mutant animals. The data indicate that it is the proportion of p27-associated cyclin D that determines the response to p27 deficiency. Cells in which the level of D-type cyclin is dependent on p27 do not up-regulate the activity of their CDK2 and CDK4 upon loss of p27, and these cells have a negligible amount of p27 bound to CDK2 and/or cyclin A/E under normal conditions. Together, the findings suggest the existence of a dual role for p27, one being a classical regulation of cell cycle via inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK), and the other being participation in the establishment and/or maintenance of differentiated status that is realized in conjunction with D-type cyclins.  相似文献   
NOX proteins are cell surface-associated and growth-related hydroquinone (NADH) oxidases with protein disulfide-thiol interchange activity. A defining characteristic of NOX proteins is that the two enzymatic activities alternate to generate a regular period length of about 24 min. HeLa cells exhibit at least two forms of NOX. One is tumor-associated (tNOX) and is inhibited by putative quinone site inhibitors (e.g., capsaicin or the antitumor sulfonylurea, LY181984). Another is constitutive (CNOX) and refractory to inhibition. The periodic alternation of activities and drug sensitivity of the NADH oxidase activity observed with intact HeLa cells was retained in isolated plasma membranes and with the solubilized and partially purified enzyme. At least two activities were present. One had a period length of 24 min and the other had a period length of 22 min. The lengths of both the 22 and the 24 min periods were temperature compensated (approximately the same when measured at 17, 27 or 37 degrees C) whereas the rate of NADH oxidation approximately doubled with each 10 degrees C rise in temperature. The rate of increase in cell area of HeLa cells when measured by video-enhanced light microscopy also exhibited a complex period of oscillations reflective of both 22 and 24 min period lengths. The findings demonstrate the presence of a novel oscillating NOX activity at the surface of cancer cells with a period length of 22 min in addition to the constitutive NOX of non-cancer cells and tissues with a period length of 24 min.  相似文献   
Data from 3991 records of museum collections representing 421 species of plants, arthropods, amphibians, fish, and primates were analyzed with GIS to identify areas of high species diversity and endemism in Amazonia. Of the 472 1 × 1° grid cells in Amazonia, only nine cells are included in the highest species diversity category (43–67 total species) and nine in the highest endemic species diversity category (4–13 endemic species). Over one quarter of the grid cells have no museum records of any of the organisms in our study. Little correspondence exists between the centers of species diversity identified by our collections-based data and those areas recommended for conservation in an earlier qualitative study of Amazonian biodiversity. Museum collections can play a vital role in identifying species-rich areas for potential conservation in Amazonia, but a concerted and structured effort to increase the number and distribution of collections is needed to take maximum advantage of the information they contain.  相似文献   
This study characterizes the scatter‐specific tissue contrast that can be obtained by high spatial frequency (HSF) domain imaging and cross‐polarization (CP) imaging, using a standard color imaging system, and how combining them may be beneficial. Both HSF and CP approaches are known to modulate the sensitivity of epi‐illumination reflectance images between diffuse multiply scattered and superficially backscattered photons, providing enhanced contrast from microstructure and composition than what is achieved by standard wide‐field imaging. Measurements in tissue‐simulating optical phantoms show that CP imaging returns localized assessments of both scattering and absorption effects, while HSF has uniquely specific sensitivity to scatter‐only contrast, with a strong suppression of visible contrast from blood. The combination of CP and HSF imaging provided an expanded sensitivity to scatter compared with CP imaging, while rejecting specular reflections detected by HSF imaging. ex vivo imaging of an atlas of dissected rodent organs/tissues demonstrated the scatter‐based contrast achieved with HSF, CP and HSF‐CP imaging, with the white light spectral signal returned by each approach translated to a color image for intuitive encoding of scatter‐based contrast within images of tissue. The results suggest that visible CP‐HSF imaging could have the potential to aid diagnostic imaging of lesions in skin or mucosal tissues and organs, where just CP is currently the standard practice imaging modality.   相似文献   
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