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A water-soluble extract from maize plants exposed to 3 s-triazine herbicides (atrazine, simazine and cyanazine) has been shown to be mutagenic in strain TA100 of Salmonella. No mutagenic activity was observed in any control plant extracts using either water or a variety of organic solvents. Gel permeation studies of the extracts suggest that the mutagen(s) are small molecules (less than 1000 MW). HPLC fractionation suggests that the mutagens formed from each of the 3 herbicides are similar in polarity and water solubility, eluting in a 50/50 water:methanol fraction. Approximately 89% of 14C-labeled HPLC chromatographable metabolites of atrazine were also associated with this fraction, suggesting a close chemical link between a labeled but unidentified metabolite and the mutagenic activity.  相似文献   
Hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) is produced by indigenous sulfate-reducing bacteria in the large intestine and represents an environmental insult to the colonic epithelium. Clinical studies have linked the presence of either sulfate-reducing bacteria or H(2)S in the colon with chronic disorders such as ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer, although at this point, the evidence is circumstantial and underlying mechanisms remain undefined. We showed previously that sulfide at concentrations similar to those found in the human colon induced genomic DNA damage in mammalian cells. The present study addressed the nature of the DNA damage by determining if sulfide is directly genotoxic or if genotoxicity requires cellular metabolism. We also questioned if sulfide genotoxicity is mediated by free radicals and if DNA base oxidation is involved. Naked nuclei from untreated Chinese hamster ovary cells were treated with sulfide; DNA damage was induced by concentrations as low as 1 micromol/L. This damage was effectively quenched by cotreatment with butylhydroxyanisole. Furthermore, sulfide treatment increased the number of oxidized bases recognized by formamidopyrimidine [fapy]-DNA glycosylase. These results confirm the genotoxicity of sulfide and strongly implicate that this genotoxicity is mediated by free radicals. These observations highlight the possible role of sulfide as an environmental insult that, given a predisposing genetic background, may lead to genomic instability or the cumulative mutations characteristic of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   
The genus Phyllachora contains numerous obligate fungal parasites that produce raised, melanized structures called stromata on their plant hosts referred to as tar spot. Members of this genus are known to infect many grass species but generally do not cause significant damage or defoliation, with the exception of P. maydis which has emerged as an important pathogen of maize throughout the Americas, but the origin of this pathogen remains unknown. To date, species designations for Phyllachora have been based on host associations and morphology, and most species are assumed to be host specific. We assessed the sequence diversity of 186 single stroma isolates collected from 16 hosts representing 15 countries. Samples included both herbarium and contemporary strains that covered a temporal range from 1905 to 2019. These 186 isolates were grouped into five distinct species with strong bootstrap support. We found three closely related, but genetically distinct groups of Phyllachora are capable of infecting maize in the United States, we refer to these as the P. maydis species complex. Based on herbarium specimens, we hypothesize that these three groups in the P. maydis species complex originated from Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Although two of these groups were only found on maize, the third and largest group contained contemporary strains found on maize and other grass hosts, as well as herbarium specimens from maize and other grasses that include 10 species of Phyllachora. The herbarium specimens were previously identified based on morphology and host association. This work represents the first attempt at molecular characterization of Phyllachora species infecting grass hosts and indicates some Phyllachora species can infect a broad range of host species and there may be significant synonymy in the Phyllachora genus.  相似文献   
Broad-spectrum antimicrobial compounds have recently been identified in the epidermal mucus of fishes and probably serve as a first line of defence against microbial pathogens. Because of the ubiquitous nature of fungi and bacteria in aquatic systems, defence against these pathogens should be required throughout the lifespan of fishes, including the egg stage. We conducted experiments on Etheostoma crossopterum (Percidae: Catonotus), the fringed darter, to determine if the presence of a guarding male inhibits microbial colonization of eggs. Based on results from a combination of in-stream experiments, in vitro microbial assays, and morphological characteristics and behaviour of breeding males, we propose that antimicrobial egg cleaning by the guarding male is an effective component of parental care in these fish. Although innate antimicrobial compounds have been identified in a variety of organisms ranging from insects to vertebrates, integration of these compounds into a species's reproductive life history has been identified only in a small number of insect species. The results from this study not only indicate that E. crossopterum males provide a novel form of vertebrate parental care, but also have implications regarding the evolution of parental care in fishes and transitional evolutionary stages from no parental care to male parental care.  相似文献   
We applied the nuclear DNA Diffusion Assay, described as an accurate tool to estimate apoptotic and necrotic cells [N.P. Singh, A simple method for accurate estimation of apoptotic cells, Exp. Cell Res. 256 (2000) 328-337] to tobacco root and leaf cells. In this assay, isolated nuclei are embedded in an agarose microgel on a microscope slide and low molecular-weight DNA fragments diffuse into the microgel. Exposure of the roots to hydrogen peroxide significantly increased the average nuclear area of isolated nuclei. After 4 and 24 h of recovery, all DNA damage was repaired. The data clearly demonstrate that the manifestation of diffused nuclei upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide is not the result of non-repairable apoptotic or necrotic DNA fragmentation, but represents repairable genotoxin-induced DNA damage. In contrast, treatment with the alkylating agent ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) followed by 24 h of recovery produced a significant increase in the average nuclear area. The contribution of apoptosis to this increase cannot be excluded. Heat treatment of leaves at 50 degrees C for 1-15 min leading to necrosis, and treatment of isolated nuclei with DNase-I, which digests DNA to nucleosome-sized fragments as during apoptosis, also led to a dose-dependent increase in the nuclear area. The use of different fluorochromes (ethidium bromide, DAPI or YOYO-1) for DNA staining yielded similar results in the DNA Diffusion Assay. As all types and sizes of diffused nuclei were observed after EMS and hydrogen peroxide treatments, we were unable to differentiate, on the basis of the structure of the nuclei, between apoptotic or necrotic DNA fragmentation and other types of genotoxin-induced DNA damage in plants.  相似文献   
Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) are a group of disorders caused by the significant reduction of circulation in coronary arteries. The most common reason of the dysfunction is a blood clot formed in place of plaque rupture. The role of scavenger receptors in development and progression of atherosclerosis has been confirmed in many animal experiments, however the knowledge about contribution of the receptors in the development of ACS symptoms in humans still remains insufficient. The aim of this work was to define the expression of two scavenger receptors: CD36 and MSR1 in monocytes of patients with ACS after the onset of symptoms and after the 6?months of treatment. The analysis of CD36 and MSR1 expression was carried out with the use of real-time PCR and flow cytometry. Analyses of lipid and glucose concentration in blood and the level of inflammatory markers in plasma were performed additionally for all ACS patients. All data obtained during the research were analyzed using statistical tests, such as Mann Whitney test, Wilcoxon test, or correlation. In all patients with symptoms of ACS the amount of CD36 and MSR1 mRNA in circulating monocytes, as well as the density of both receptors on the cells surface was significantly higher. Re-analysis of subjects after 6?months of treatment, showed a significant decrease in the CD36 and MSR1 expression in all patients who received atorvastatin. The results of presented studies demonstrate that both investigated receptors are involved in the development and/or progression of ACS.  相似文献   
In this study, we expanded the use of the genus Tradescantia to investigate the plant activation of promutagens and further refine the methodology of the plant cell/microbe coincubation assay. Liquid suspension cell cultures of Tradescantia clone 03 and Tradescantia clone 4430 were used to activate the promutagen m-phenylenediamine into a mutagenic compound which was detected by Salmonella typhimurium strain TA98 in the plant cell/microbe coincubation assay. Optimum treatment parameters were established for both plant cell lines. Optimum was defined as the lowest concentration or shortest time period that provided consistently positive results and high rates of revertants. Preliminary experiments with both cell lines defined 2.5 mumoles m-phenylenediamine per plate as the optimum concentration to be used in the determination of the optimal coincubation period and the optimal concentration of plant cells. These experiments also determined the optimal physiological stage at which both clones should be used in the coincubation assay. Differences were found in the optimal of coincubation (1h for clone 03, 2 h for clone 4430) and growth stage (mid-log for clone 03, mid- to late-log for clone 4430). Similar activation responses were seen for both clones when the concentration of plant cells (mg/ml) was varied. Under optimized conditions, clone 03 cells demonstrated an approximately 10% higher activation response than clone 4430.  相似文献   
We observed multiple uncommon chromosome abnormalities resulting in marker formation in a patient with AMMoL-M4. The breakpoints of the aberrations corresponded to common "cancer breakpoints" described by Mitelman and also--to localisation of some protooncogenes. The activation of these multiple protooncogenes in the described case might result in rapid progression of the disease and in the resistance to therapy.  相似文献   
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