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Salmonella typhimurium DA 361 bears an env D1 mutation with the following abnormal phenotypical and biochemical characteristics: a) it autolyses at stationary phase in nutrient broth; b) it grows in chains of short rods; c) it is a poor maltose fermenter and d) it has a diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG) content twice as high than its isogenic non-lytic pair DA 362 (env D+) and LT2, of which both are derivatives. Growth of DA 361 in the presence of 400 mM ethanol leads on a 50% decrease of DPG level, thereby equalling its PG/DPG ratio with those of the control strain. Consequently, a correction on the other phenotypical and biochemical anomalies are induced since the DA 361 strain decreases its autolytic activity, ferments normally maltose and appear as rods undifferentiated from DA 362.  相似文献   
LyM-1 is the provisional designation given to a system of murine cell-surface alloantigens which are controlled by genes closely linked to those of theMls system. Formal genetic analysis has failed to disclose separation of genes determiningMls and LyM-1 antigens, but studies of the distribution of these antigens among inbred strains shows that the LyM-1 polymorphism is not primarily responsible for the MLR activity associated with Mls differences, and suggests that LyM-1 and Mls substances are products of genes at closely linked, but probably separate loci. Absorption analysis shows that strains whose cells react with anti-LyM-1.2 can be divided into at least two classes on the basis of the efficiency with which their cells remove anti-LyM-1.2 antibodies. This provides evidence for the existence of two LyM-1 alleles in addition to the one(s) possessed by nonreactive mouse strains.  相似文献   
Asymmetric membrane currents and fluxes of Ca2+ release were determined in skeletal muscle fibers voltage clamped in a Vaseline-gap chamber. The conditioning pulse protocol 1 for suppressing Ca2+ release and the "hump" component of charge movement current (I gamma), described in the first paper of this series, was applied at different test pulse voltages. The amplitude of the current suppressed during the ON transient reached a maximum at slightly suprathreshold test voltages (-50 to -40 mV) and decayed at higher voltages. The component of charge movement current suppressed by 20 microM tetracaine also went through a maximum at low pulse voltages. This anomalous voltage dependence is thus a property of I gamma, defined by either the conditioning protocol or the tetracaine effect. A negative (inward-going) phase was often observed in the asymmetric current during the ON of depolarizing pulses. This inward phase was shown to be an intramembranous charge movement based on (a) its presence in the records of total membrane current, (b) its voltage dependence, with a maximum at slightly suprathreshold voltages, (c) its association with a "hump" in the asymmetric current, (d) its inhibition by interventions that reduce the "hump", (e) equality of ON and OFF areas in the records of asymmetric current presenting this inward phase, and (f) its kinetic relationship with the time derivative of Ca release flux. The nonmonotonic voltage dependence of the amplitude of the hump and the possibility of an inward phase of intramembranous charge movement are used as the main criteria in the quantitative testing of a specific model. According to this model, released Ca2+ binds to negatively charged sites on the myoplasmic face of the voltage sensor and increases the local transmembrane potential, thus driving additional charge movement (the hump). This model successfully predicts the anomalous voltage dependence and all the kinetic properties of I gamma described in the previous papers. It also accounts for the inward phase in total asymmetric current and in the current suppressed by protocol 1. According to this model, I gamma accompanies activating transitions at the same set of voltage sensors as I beta. Therefore it should open additional release channels, which in turn should cause more I gamma, providing a positive feedback mechanism in the regulation of calcium release.  相似文献   
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is driven by vascular remodelling due to inflammation and cellular stress, including endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress). The main ER-stress chaperone, glucose-regulated protein 78 kDa (GRP78), is known to have protective effects in inflammatory diseases through extracellular signalling. The aim of this study is to investigate its significance in PAH. Human pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMC) were stimulated with compounds that induce ER stress, after which the secretion of GRP78 into the cell medium was analysed by western blot. We found that when ER stress was induced in PASMC, there was also a time-dependent secretion of GRP78. Next, naïve PASMC were treated with conditioned medium (CM) from the ER-stressed donor PASMC. Incubation with CM from ER-stressed PASMC reduced the viability, oxidative stress, and expression of inflammatory and ER-stress markers in target cells. These effects were abrogated when the donor cells were co-treated with Brefeldin A to inhibit active secretion of GRP78. Direct treatment of PASMC with recombinant GRP78 modulated the expression of key inflammatory markers. Additionally, we measured GRP78 plasma levels in 19 PAH patients (Nice Group I) and correlated the levels to risk stratification according to ESC guidelines. Here, elevated plasma levels of GRP78 were associated with a favourable risk stratification. In conclusion, GRP78 is secreted by PASMC under ER stress and exhibits protective effects from the hallmarks of PAH in vitro. Circulating GRP78 may serve as biomarker for risk adjudication of patients with PAH.Graphical abstractProposed mechanism of ER-stress-induced GRP78 secretion by PASMC. Extracellular GRP78 can be measured as a circulating biomarker and is correlated with favourable clinical characteristics. Conditioned medium from ER-stressed PASMC reduces extensive viability, ROS formation, inflammation, and ER stress in target cells. These effects can be abolished by blocking protein secretion in donor cells by using Brefeldin A. Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12192-022-01292-y.  相似文献   
The nutrient characteristics of aquatic environments at Hope Bay (Antarctica) depend on different factors, penguin enrichment being one of the most important. In this study we surveyed three water bodies of different morphometry and trophic status: Esperanza Lake (oligotrophic), Boeckella Lake (meso-eutrophic), and Pingüi Pond (hypereutrophic). This research provides a preliminary characterization of the periphyton colonization on artificial substrata (glass slides) of these water bodies from the end of January to mid-March 2000. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the algae, chlorophyll a, dry weight, ash-free dry weight, and physical and chemical variables of the lakes were assessed. The Autotrophic Index and the Lakatos system of classification were also applied. All three lakes differed clearly in all the variables considered. The periphyton from Esperanza Lake was first dominated by Bacillariophyceae and subsequently by the chrysophyce Phaeogloea mucosa. P. mucosa was the dominant species at Boeckella Lake and Chlamydomonas subcaudata was dominant at Pingüi Pond. Highest mean maximum density values were reached at Pingüi Pond, followed by Boeckella and Esperanza Lakes. Highest biomass figures were registered with increasing trophic status. According to the Lakatos index, the periphyton of Esperanza Lake was the least developed and it was mainly organic and heterotrophic; Boeckella Lake showed intermediate development in periphyton mass, which was autotrophic and mainly inorganic whereas Pingüi Pond showed the highest development in periphytic mass, and it was mainly autotrophic.  相似文献   
The degradation of plant material was studied in order to obtain degradation coefficients and nutrient release kinetics of the vegetation that will be submerged during the filling of the future Parana Medio man-made lake. A group of 13 plant species representative of the whole vegetation of the area were chosen.The plant samples (submerged at 2.5–4 m in the Setubal lagoon), were periodically analyzed during 97 days. The experimental data were fitted to an exponential decomposition model. The plants were classified according to their velocities of degradation into three groups: fast (K>0.01), mean (0.01>K>0.005) and slow (K<0.005). The curves of release of P, N, Ca, Mg, Na and K in function of time are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
【背景】杨树溃疡病是一种主要由葡萄座腔菌引起的杨树枝干病害,危害严重。前期从杨树中分离到一株内生拮抗细菌N6-34,研究表明该菌株拮抗效果好,对多种植物病原菌均有较强的拮抗作用。【目的】对拮抗细菌N6-34产生的抗菌活性物质进行分离纯化,并鉴定了活性物质组分的结构。【方法】通过硫酸铵盐析、甲醇抽提、分子筛、高效液相色谱等方法分离纯化N6-34菌株的抗菌活性物质,并对其进行结构鉴定。【结果】N6-34菌株发酵液经多步分离纯化,共获得14个组分,其中有13个组分具有抗菌活性,经一级质谱分析,获得了13种抗菌活性组分的分子量;经二级质谱分析,将13种抗菌活性物质鉴定为Fengycin A或Fengycin B的同系物或同分异构体。【结论】从N6-34菌株发酵液中分离获得了13种抗菌成分,为杨树溃疡病的生物防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
Four manifestations of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling were derived from measurements in cut skeletal muscle fibers of the frog, voltage clamped in a Vaseline-gap chamber: intramembranous charge movement currents, myoplasmic [Ca2+] transients, flux of calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and the intrinsic optical transparency change that accompanies calcium release. In attempts to suppress Ca release by direct effects on the SR, three interventions were applied: (a) a conditioning pulse that causes calcium release and inhibits release in subsequent pulses by Ca-dependent inactivation; (b) a series of brief, large pulses, separated by long intervals (greater than 700 ms), which deplete Ca2+ in the SR; and (c) intracellular application of the release channel blocker ruthenium red. All these reduced calcium release flux. None was expected to affect directly the voltage sensor of the T-tubule; however, all of them reduced or eliminated a component of charge movement current with the following characteristics: (a) delayed onset, peaking 10-20 ms into the pulse; (b) current reversal during the pulse, with an inward phase after the outward peak; and (c) OFF transient of smaller magnitude than the ON, of variable polarity, and sometimes biphasic. When the total charge movement current had a visible hump, the positive phase of the current eliminated by the interventions agreed with the hump in timing and size. The component of charge movement current blocked by the interventions was greater and had a greater inward phase in slack fibers with high [EGTA] inside than in stretched fibers with no EGTA. Its amplitude at -40 mV was on average 0.26 A/F (SEM 0.03) in slack fibers. The waveform of release flux determined from the Ca transients measured simultaneously with the membrane currents had, as described previously (Melzer, W., E. Ríos, and M. F. Schneider. 1984. Biophysical Journal. 45:637-641), an early peak followed by a descent to a steady level during the pulse. The time at which this peak occurred was highly correlated with the time to peak of the current suppressed, occurring on average 6.9 ms later (SEM 0.73 ms). The current suppressed by the above interventions in all cases had a time course similar to the time derivative of the release flux; specifically, the peak of the time derivative of release flux preceded the peak of the current suppressed by 0.7 ms (SEM 0.6 ms). The magnitude of the current blocked was highly correlated with the inhibitory effect of the interventions on Ca2+ release flux.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   


Vitamin D is associated with lung function in cross-sectional studies, and vitamin D inadequacy is hypothesized to play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Further data are needed to clarify the relation between vitamin D status, genetic variation in vitamin D metabolic genes, and cross-sectional and longitudinal changes in lung function in healthy adults.


We estimated the association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and cross-sectional forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) in Framingham Heart Study (FHS) Offspring and Third Generation participants and the association between serum 25(OH)D and longitudinal change in FEV1 in Third Generation participants using linear mixed-effects models. Using a gene-based approach, we investigated the association between 241 SNPs in 6 select vitamin D metabolic genes in relation to longitudinal change in FEV1 in Offspring participants and pursued replication of these findings in a meta-analyzed set of 4 independent cohorts.


We found a positive cross-sectional association between 25(OH)D and FEV1 in FHS Offspring and Third Generation participants (P = 0.004). There was little or no association between 25(OH)D and longitudinal change in FEV1 in Third Generation participants (P = 0.97). In Offspring participants, the CYP2R1 gene, hypothesized to influence usual serum 25(OH)D status, was associated with longitudinal change in FEV1 (gene-based P < 0.05). The most significantly associated SNP from CYP2R1 had a consistent direction of association with FEV1 in the meta-analyzed set of replication cohorts, but the association did not reach statistical significance thresholds (P = 0.09).


Serum 25(OH)D status was associated with cross-sectional FEV1, but not longitudinal change in FEV1. The inconsistent associations may be driven by differences in the groups studied. CYP2R1 demonstrated a gene-based association with longitudinal change in FEV1 and is a promising candidate gene for further studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-015-0238-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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