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The house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus), as a successful invasive species worldwide, has to forage a variety of resources. Subantarctic mice display among the most notable diet shift from the usual omnivorous–granivorous diet, relying on a larger proportion of terrestrial animal prey. In agreement, a recent study of their mandible morphology evidenced an evolution of their mandible shape to optimize incisor biting and hence seize preys. Here, the incisors themselves are the focus of a morphometric analysis combined with a 3D study of their internal structure, aiming at a comparison between subantarctic populations (Guillou island, Kerguelen archipelago) with a range of western European continental, commensal mice. The predatory foraging behavior of Guillou mice was indeed associated with a sharper bevel of the lower incisor, which appears as an efficient morphology for piercing prey. The incisor of these mice also displays a reduced pulp cavity, suggesting slower eruption counterbalancing a reduced abrasion on such soft food material. The dynamics of the ever‐growing incisor may thus allow adaptive incisor sculpting and participate to the success of mice in foraging diverse resources.  相似文献   
Milk fat globule membranes (MFGM) are three-layered structures that enclose fat droplets, and are composed by an internal monolayer of endoplasmic reticulum origin, surrounded by a bilayer derived from the apical membrane of the lactating cell. In this work, an optimized protein extraction method was applied to sheep MFGM, and extracts were subjected to SDS-PAGE separation followed by shotgun LC tandem mass spectrometry (GeLC-MS/MS) for identification and characterization. In total, 140 unique sheep MFGM proteins (MFGMPs) were identified. All protein identification data were subjected to Gene Ontology (GO) classification for localization and function. Moreover, the relative abundance of all identified MFGMPs was estimated by means of the normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF) approach, and GO abundance classes were obtained. The data gathered in this work provide a detailed picture of the proteome expressed in healthy sheep MFGs, and lay the foundations for future studies on sheep lactation physiology and on its alterations in pathological conditions.  相似文献   
A new sucking louse is recorded for the French Anopluran fauna, Enderleinellus tomiasis found on the introduced Sciurid Tamias sibiricus. This observation highlights the maintenance of parasites when introduced with their hosts and when their hosts settle into a novel environments. It suggests a common origin for two out of four populations of Siberian chipmunks examined. The authors describe the morphological criteria that allow the distinction between the two species of Enderleinellus and each infecting a sciurid host found in our country.  相似文献   
hMTH1 protects against mutation during oxidative stress. It degrades 8‐oxodGTP to exclude potentially mutagenic oxidized guanine from DNA. hMTH1 expression is linked to ageing. Its downregulation in cultured cells accelerates RAS‐induced senescence, and its overexpression in hMTH1‐Tg mice extends lifespan. In this study, we analysed the effects of a brief (5 weeks) high‐fat diet challenge (HFD) in young (2 months old) and adult (7 months old) wild‐type (WT) and hMTH1‐Tg mice. We report that at 2 months, hMTH1 overexpression ameliorated HFD‐induced weight gain, changes in liver metabolism related to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. It prevented DNA damage as quantified by a comet assay. At 7 months old, these HFD‐induced effects were less severe and hMTH1‐Tg and WT mice responded similarly. hMTH1 overexpression conferred lifelong protection against micronucleus induction, however. Since the canonical activity of hMTH1 is mutation prevention, we conclude that hMTH1 protects young mice against HFD by reducing genome instability during the early period of rapid growth and maximal gene expression. hMTH1 protection is redundant in the largely non‐growing, differentiated tissues of adult mice. In hMTH1‐Tg mice, expression of a less heavily mutated genome throughout life provides a plausible explanation for their extended longevity.  相似文献   
Convergent evolution in similar environments constitutes strong evidence of adaptive evolution. Transported with people around the world, house mice colonized even remote areas, such as Sub‐Antarctic islands. There, they returned to a feral way of life, shifting towards a diet enriched in terrestrial macroinvertebrates. Here, we test the hypothesis that this triggered convergent evolution of the mandible, a morphological character involved in food consumption. Mandible shape from four Sub‐Antarctic islands was compared to phylogeny, tracing the history of colonization, and climatic conditions. Mandible shape was primarily influenced by phylogenetic history, thus discarding the hypothesis of convergent evolution. The biomechanical properties of the jaw were then investigated. Incisor in‐lever and temporalis out‐lever suggested an increase in the velocity of incisor biting, in agreement with observations on various carnivorous and insectivorous rodents. The mechanical advantage related to incisor biting also revealed an increased functional performance in Sub‐Antarctic populations, and appears to be an adaptation to catch prey more efficiently. The amount of change involved was larger than expected for a plastic response, suggesting microevolutionary processes were evolved. This study thus denotes some degree of adaptive convergent evolution related to changes in habitat‐related changes in dietary items in Sub‐Antarctic mice, but only regarding simple, functionally relevant aspects of mandible morphology.  相似文献   
The reproductive activity of feral male mice on an island of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago was influenced by biological factors depending on periods within the breeding season. After having controlled host reproductive activity indices for body size, i.e. age, and body condition effects, Syphacia obvelata prevalence did not vary with host reproductive status or age either during the beginning or the middle-end of the reproductive season. Considering the beginning of the breeding season, worm abundance was more pronounced in males the year following a strong winter crash of the population than in years when high over wintering survival occurred. During the middle-end of the breeding season, males with the highest reproductive status were more infected than males with a lower reproductive status in years when oldest individuals dominated the population. It is suggested that this situation was due to an endocrine related increased host susceptibility partly influenced by a change in the age structure of the population, and that an increase in worm transmission was not directly related to male activity concurrent with reproductive status, nor to population density.  相似文献   
Between May 1976 and April 1977, 100 patients underwent cardiac valve replacement with a unique low profile glutaraldehyde-treated porcine aortic xenograft. These patients were classified in four groups: Group I, 43 patients who underwent isolated mitral valve replacement (MVR); Group II, 27 patients who had isolated aortic valve replacement (AVR); Group III, 10 patients who had MVR and AVR; and Group IV, 20 patients who had MVR or AVR associated with other cardiac procedures. The operative mortality for Group I was 2.3% (1 of 43) and 15% (3 of 20) in Group IV. The total operative mortality was 4% (4 of 100) and the late mortality was 1.02% (1 of 96 survivors), who died apparently secondary to a cardiac arrhythmia. During a follow-up period extending for 16 months, thromboembolic complications occurred early in the postoperative period in 3% (3 of 100), one patient with neurological residual, and two patients with transient symptoms only. The embolic complications occurred only in Group I. Considering all patients in whom the mitral valves were replaced, the incidence of emboli was 4.9% (3 of 61). The 96 patients did not receive anticoagulant therapy. Reoperation was necessary in one patient because of periprosthetic leak. The incidence of endocarditis was 1.02% (1 of 96 survivors). We recommend anticoagulant therapy for eight to twelve weeks postoperatively in MVR patients after bioprosthetic insertion.  相似文献   
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