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The similar molecules [2.2]paracyclophane (22PCP) and 1,1,2,2,9,9,10,10-octafluoro[2.2]paracyclophane (8F22PCP) have both generated considerable synthetic interest since they were first prepared. In this work, the nonlinear optical properties of 22PCP, 8F22PCP, and the related Li-doped systems 22PCP-Li and 8F22PCP-Li (which have a Li atom above 22PCP and 8F22PCP, respectively) were investigated. An analysis of natural bond orbital charges showed that there is greater charge transfer from the Li atom to the benzene rings in 8F22PCP-Li than in 22PCP-Li. The variation in the calculated nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) value as a function of the distance from the lower benzene ring towards the upper benzene ring was found to be W-shaped for both 22PCP and 22PCP-Li. Moreover, whereas all of the NICS values of 22PCP and 22PCP-Li were markedly negative, all of the NICS values of 8F22PCP and 8F22PCP-Li were either positive or only moderately negative. Calculations of the electro-optical properties of these systems showed that the first hyperpolarizability of 22PCP-Li was noticeably larger than that of 8F22PCP-Li. According to the two-level model, the larger first hyperpolarizability of 22PCP-Li is due to its smaller transition energy.

The breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 plays a major role in the DNA damage response pathway. The lack of well-characterized human BRCA1-null cell lines has limited the investigation of BRCA1 function, particularly with regard to its role in ovarian cancer. We propagated a novel BRCA1-null human ovarian cancer cell line UWB1.289 from a tumor of papillary serous histology, the most common form of ovarian carcinoma. UWB1.289 carries a germline BRCA1 mutation within exon 11 and has a deletion of the wild-type allele. UWB1.289 is estrogen and progesterone receptor negative and has an acquired somatic mutation in p53, similar to the commonly used BRCA1-null breast cancer cell line HCC1937. We used ionizing radiation to induce DNA damage in both UWB1.289 and in a stable UWB1.289 line in which wild-type BRCA1 was restored. We examined several responses to DNA damage in these cell lines, including sensitivity to radiation, cell cycle checkpoint function, and changes in gene expression using microarray analysis. We observed that UWB1.289 is sensitive to ionizing radiation and lacks cell cycle checkpoint functions that are a normal part of the DNA damage response. Restoration of wild-type BRCA1 function in these cells partially restores DNA damage responses. Expression array analysis not only supports this partial functional correction but also reveals interesting new information regarding BRCA1-positive regulation of the expression of claudin 6 and other metastasis-associated genes and negative regulation of multiple IFN-inducible genes.  相似文献   
The Werner syndrome protein, WRN, is a member of the RecQ family of DNA helicases. It possesses both 3'-->5' DNA helicase and 3'-->5' DNA exonuclease activities. Mutations in WRN are causally associated with a rare, recessive disorder, Werner syndrome (WS), distinguished by premature aging and genomic instability; all are reported to result in loss of protein expression. In addition to WS-linked mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms, with frequencies that exceed those of WS-associated mutations, are also present in WRN. We have initiated studies to determine if six of these polymorphisms affect the enzymatic activities of WRN. We show that two common polymorphisms, F1074L and C1367R, and two infrequent polymorphisms, Q724L and S1079L, exhibit little change in activity relative to wild-type WRN; the polymorphism, T172P, shows a small but consistent reduction of activity. However, an infrequent polymorphism, R834C, located in the helicase domain dramatically reduces WRN helicase and helicase-coupled exonuclease activity. The structure of the E. coli helicase core suggests that R834 may be involved in interactions with ATP. As predicted, substitution of Arg with Cys interferes with ATP hydrolysis that is absolutely required for unwinding DNA. R834C thus represents the first missense amino acid polymorphism in WRN that nearly abolishes enzymatic activity while leaving expression largely unaffected.  相似文献   
Nell2 is a neuron-specific protein containing six epidermal growth factor-like domains. We have identified Nell2 as a retinal ganglion cell (RGC)-expressed gene by comparing mRNA profiles of control and RGC-deficient rat retinas. The aim of this study was to analyze Nell2 expression in wild-type and optic nerve axotomized retinas and evaluate its potential role in RGCs. Nell2-positive in situ and immunohistochemical signals were localized to irregularly shaped cells in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and colocalized with retrogradely-labeled RGCs. No Nell2-positive cells were detected in 2 weeks optic nerve transected (ONT) retinas characterized with approximately 90% RGC loss. RT-PCR analysis showed a dramatic decrease in the Nell2 mRNA level after ONT compared to the controls. Immunoblot analysis of the Nell2 expression in the retina revealed the presence of two proteins with approximate MW of 140 and 90 kDa representing glycosylated and non-glycosylated Nell2, respectively. Both products were almost undetectable in retinal protein extracts two weeks after ONT. Proteome analysis of Nell2-interacting proteins carried out with MALDI-TOF MS (MS) identified microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1 (Macf1), known to be critical in CNS development. Strong Macf1 expression was observed in the inner plexiform layer and GCL where it was colocalizied with Thy-1 staining. Since Nell2 has been reported to increase neuronal survival of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, we evaluated the effect of Nell2 overexpression on RGC survival. RGCs in the nasal retina were consistently more efficiently transfected than in other areas (49% vs. 13%; n = 5, p<0.05). In non-transfected or pEGFP-transfected ONT retinas, the loss of RGCs was approximately 90% compared to the untreated control. In the nasal region, Nell2 transfection led to the preservation of approximately 58% more cells damaged by axotomy compared to non-transfected (n = 5, p<0.01) or pEGFP-transfected controls (n = 5, p<0.01).  相似文献   
In vitro asymbiotic seed germination potential of its immature seeds (36 weeks after pollination) of G. calceolaris was successfully tested on three different agar gelled nutrient media i.e. Murashige and Skoog (MS), Mitra et al. (M) and potato dextrose agar (PDA). Seeds germinated within 15.75+/-0.75 to 35.75+/-0.75 days in the three different media. The protocorms developed therefrom subsequently differentiated into first leaf and root primordia, and complete seedlings were obtained within 111.25+/-1.25 to 141.25+/-1.25 days on MS and M media. The protocorms, though failed to differentiate further on basal PDA medium, despite repeated subculturings, incorporation of peptone (P; 1 gl(-1)), yeast extract (YE; 2 gl(-1)) and coconut water (CW; 20%) in the medium proved beneficial in inducing differentiation, in these germinating entities. Additional use of growth additives (P/YE/CW), in general, favoured better germination, protocorm formation and seedling development. The optimal nutritional combination during seed germination, protocorm growth and multiplication and seedling development was found to be CW (10%) enriched MS medium.  相似文献   


Colon cancers deficient in mismatch repair (MMR) may exhibit diminished expression of the DNA repair gene, MRE11, as a consequence of contraction of a T11 mononucleotide tract. This study investigated MRE11 status and its association with prognosis, survival and drug response in patients with stage III colon cancer.

Patients and Methods

Cancer and Leukemia Group B 89803 (Alliance) randomly assigned 1,264 patients with stage III colon cancer to postoperative weekly adjuvant bolus 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin (FU/LV) or irinotecan+FU/LV (IFL), with 8 year follow-up. Tumors from these patients were analyzed to determine stability of a T11 tract in the MRE11 gene. The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS), and a secondary endpoint was disease-free survival (DFS). Non-proportional hazards were addressed using time-dependent covariates in Cox analyses.


Of 625 tumor cases examined, 70 (11.2%) exhibited contraction at the T11 tract in one or both MRE11 alleles and were thus predicted to be deficient in MRE11 (dMRE11). In pooled treatment analyses, dMRE11 patients showed initially reduced DFS and OS but improved long-term DFS and OS compared with patients with an intact MRE11 T11 tract. In the subgroup of dMRE11 patients treated with IFL, an unexplained early increase in mortality but better long-term DFS than IFL-treated pMRE11 patients was observed.


Analysis of this relatively small number of patients and events showed that the dMRE11 marker predicts better prognosis independent of treatment in the long-term. In subgroup analyses, dMRE11 patients treated with irinotecan exhibited unexplained short-term mortality. MRE11 status is readily assayed and may therefore prove to be a useful prognostic marker, provided that the results reported here for a relatively small number of patients can be generalized in independent analyses of larger numbers of samples.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00003835  相似文献   
We tested if root colonisation by ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) could alter the susceptibility of Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings to root rot infection or necrotic foliar pathogens. Firstly, spruce seedlings were inoculated by various EMF and challenged with Heterobasidion isolates in triaxenix tubes. The ascomycete EMF Meliniomyces bicolor, that had showed strong antagonistic properties towards root rot causing Heterobasidion in vitro, protected spruce seedlings effectively against root rot. Secondly, spruce seedlings, inoculated with M. bicolor or the forest humus, were subjected to necrotrophic foliar pathogens in conventional forest nursery conditions on peat substrates. Botrytis cinerea infection after winter was mild and the level of needle damage was independent of substrate and EMF colonisation. Needle damage severity caused by Gremminiella abietina was high in seedlings grown in substrates with high nutrient availability as well as in seedlings with well-established EMF communities. These results show that albeit M. bicolor is able to protect spruce seedlings against Heterobasidion root rot in axenic cultures it fails to induce systemic protection against foliar pathogens. We also point out that unsterile inoculum sources, such as the forest humus, should not be considered for use in greenhouse conditions as they might predispose seedlings to unintended needle damages.  相似文献   
Biotechnology Letters - Unlike plant cell suspension culture, the proliferation of callus in bioreactors has received inadequate attention. The magnificent potential of plant callus becomes more...  相似文献   
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