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Visuomotor transformations for grasping have been associated with a fronto-parietal network in the monkey brain. The human homologue of the parietal monkey region (AIP) has been identified as the anterior part of the intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), whereas the putative human equivalent of the monkey frontal region (F5) is located in the ventral part of the premotor cortex (vPMC). Results from animal studies suggest that monkey F5 is involved in the selection of appropriate hand postures relative to the constraints of the task. In humans, the functional roles of aIPS and vPMC appear to be more complex and the relative contribution of each region to grasp selection remains uncertain. The present study aimed to identify modulation in brain areas sensitive to the difficulty level of tool object - hand posture matching. Seventeen healthy right handed participants underwent fMRI while observing pictures of familiar tool objects followed by pictures of hand postures. The task was to decide whether the hand posture matched the functional use of the previously shown object. Conditions were manipulated for level of difficulty. Compared to a picture matching control task, the tool object – hand posture matching conditions conjointly showed increased modulation in several left hemispheric regions of the superior and inferior parietal lobules (including aIPS), the middle occipital gyrus, and the inferior temporal gyrus. Comparison of hard versus easy conditions selectively modulated the left inferior frontal gyrus with peak activity located in its opercular part (Brodmann area (BA) 44). We suggest that in the human brain, vPMC/BA44 is involved in the matching of hand posture configurations in accordance with visual and functional demands.  相似文献   
High oxidative stress, Th1/Th17 immune response, M1 macrophage inflammation, and cell death are associated with cardiovascular diseases. Controlled oxidative stress, Th2/Treg anti-tumor immune response, M2 macrophage inflammation, and survival are associated with cancer. MiR-21 protects against cardiovascular diseases but may induce tumor growth by retaining the anti-inflammatory M2 macrophage and Treg phenotypes and inhibiting apoptosis. Down-regulation of let-7, miR-1, miR-9, miR-16, miR-20a, miR-22a, miR-23a, miR-24a, miR-26a, miR-29, miR-30a, miR-34a, miR-124, miR-128, miR-130a, miR-133, miR-140, miR-143-145, miR-150, miR-153, miR-181a, miR-378, and miR-383 may aid cancer cells to escape from stresses. Upregulation of miR-146 and miR-223 may reduce anti-tumor immune response together with miR-21 that also protects against apoptosis. MiR-155 and silencing of let-7e, miR-125, and miR-126 increase anti-tumor immune response. MiR expression depends on oxidative stress, cytokines, MYC, and TGF-β, and expression of silencing lncRNAs and circ-RNAs. However, one lncRNA or circ-RNA may have opposite effects by targeting several miRs. For example, PVT1 induces apoptosis by targeting miR-16a and miR-30a but inhibits apoptosis by silencing miR-17. In addition, levels of a non-coding RNA in a cell type depend not only on expression in that cell type but also on an exchange of microvesicles between cell types and tumors. Although we got more insight into the function of a growing number of individual non-coding RNAs, overall, we do not know enough how several of them interact in functional networks and how their expression changes at different stages of disease progression.  相似文献   
Plant and Soil - Upland rice production is often constrained by phosphorus deficiency (P) and drought events. Methods are needed to maximize P use efficiency, while promoting deep root development...  相似文献   
The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a fascinating species, exhibiting a complex life cycle. The species is, however, listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List due to an amalgam of factors, including habitat loss. This study investigated the burrowing behaviour and substrate preference of glass, elver and yellow stages of A. anguilla. Preference was determined by introducing eels in aquaria with different substrates and evaluating the chosen substrate for burrowing. In addition, burrowing was recorded using a camera in all substrate types and analysed for kinematics. The experiments showed that all of these life stages sought refuge in the sediments with particle sizes ranging from sand to coarse gravel. Starting from a resting position, they shook their head horizontally in combination with rapid body undulations until half of their body was within the substrate. High-speed X-ray videography revealed that once partly in the sediment, eels used only horizontal head sweeps to penetrate further, without the use of their tail. Of the substrates tested, burrowing performance was highest in fine gravel (diameter 1–2 mm; lower burrowing duration, less body movements and/or lower frequency of movements), and all eels readily selected this substrate for burrowing. However, glass eels and elvers were able to use coarse gravel (diameter >8 mm) because their smaller size allowed manoeuvring through the spaces between the grains. Further, burrowing performance increased with body size: glass eels required more body undulations compared to yellow eels. Interestingly, the urge to hide within the sediment was highest for glass eels and elvers. Documentation of substrate preference and burrowing behaviour of A. anguilla provides new information about their potential habitat use. Considering that habitat alterations and deteriorations are partly responsible for the decline of the eel, this information can contribute to the development of more effective conservation measures.  相似文献   
Highlights? Conditional and inducible reprogrammable mouse model presented ? Allows removal of the Yamanaka factors after reprogramming ? Fully and partially reprogrammed endothelial cells generated ? Lineage-directed differentiation of iPSCs toward beating cardiomyocytes  相似文献   


Species delineation is particularly challenging in taxa with substantial intra-specific variation. In systematic studies of fishes, meristics and linear measurements that describe shape are often used to delineate species. Yet, little is known about the taxonomic value of these two types of morphological characteristics. Here, we used Tropheus (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from the southern subbasin of Lake Tanganyika to test which of these types of characters best matched genetic lineages that could represent species in this group of stenotypic rock-dwelling cichlids. We further investigated intra-population variation in morphology. By linking this to a proxy of a population’s age, we could assess the evolutionary stability of different kinds of morphological markers.


Morphological data was collected from 570 specimens originating from 86 localities. An AFLP approach revealed the presence of five lineages in the southern subbasin: T. moorii, T. brichardi, T. sp. ‘maculatus’, T. sp. ‘Mpimbwe’ and T. sp. ‘red’, which we consider to represent distinct species. Although both types of morphological data supported this classification, a comparison of PST-values that describe inter-population morphological differentiation, revealed a better correspondence between the taxon delineation based on AFLP data and the patterns revealed by an analysis of meristics than between the AFLP-based taxon delineation and the patterns revealed by an analysis of shape. However, classifying southern populations of Tropheus was inherently difficult as they contained a large amount of clinal variation, both in genetic and in morphological data, and both within and among species. A scenario is put forward to explain the current-day distribution of the species and colour varieties and the observed clinal variation across the subbasin’s shoreline. Additionally, we observed that variation in shape was larger in populations from shallow shores whereas populations from steep shores were more variable in meristics. This difference is explained in terms of the different timescales at which small and large scale lake level fluctuations affected populations of littoral cichlids at steep and shallow shores.


Our results showed meristics to be more evolutionary stable, and of higher taxonomic value for species delimitation in Tropheus, than linear measurements that describe shape. These results should be taken into account when interpreting morphological differences between populations of highly stenotypic species, such as littoral cichlids from the Great East African Lakes.
The aim of this article is to describe a newly created open access database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium. The MEMOR database ( www.memor.be ) was created to provide an overview of the current practices of loans, reburial, and the research potential of human skeletons from archeological sites currently stored in Flanders. In addition, the project aimed to provide a legal and ethical framework for the handling of human remains and was created around stakeholder involvement from anthropologists, geneticists, contract archeologists, the local, regional and national government agencies, local and national government, universities, and representatives of the major religions. The project has resulted in the creation of a rich database with many collections available for study. The database was created using the open-source Arches data management platform that is freely available for organizations worldwide to configure in accordance with their individual needs and without restrictions on its use. Each collection is linked to information about the excavation and the site the remains originate from, its size and time period. In addition, a research potential tab reveals whether any analyses were performed, and whether excavation notes are available with the assemblage. The database currently contains 742 collections, ranging in size from 1 to over 1000 individuals. New collections will continue to be added when new assemblages are excavated and studied. The database can also be expanded to include human remains collections from other regions and other material categories, such as archaeozoological collections.  相似文献   
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