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Protein structural fluctuations occur over a wide spatial scale, ranging from minute, picometer-scale displacements, to large, interdomain motions and partial unfolding. While large-scale protein structural changes and their effects on protein function have been the focus of much recent attention, small-scale fluctuations have been less well studied, and are generally assumed to have proportionally smaller effects. Here we use the bacterial photoreceptor photoactive yellow protein (PYP) to test if subtle structural changes do, indeed, imply equally subtle functional effects. We flash froze crystals of PYP to trap the protein's conformational ensemble, and probed the molecules in this ensemble for their ability to facilitate PYP's biological function (i.e., light-driven isomerization of its chromophore). Our results indicate that the apparently homogeneous structural state observed in a 0.82 A crystal structure in fact comprises an ensemble of conformational states, in which subpopulations with nearly identical structures display dramatically different functional properties.  相似文献   
The molecular motor, myosin, undergoes conformational changes in order to convert chemical energy into force production. Based on kinetic and structural considerations, we assert that three crystal forms of the myosin V motor delineate the conformational changes that myosin motors undergo upon detachment from actin. First, a motor domain structure demonstrates that nucleotide-free myosin V adopts a specific state (rigor-like) that is not influenced by crystal packing. A second structure reveals an actomyosin state that favors rapid release of ADP, and differs from the rigor-like state by a P-loop rearrangement. Comparison of these structures with a third structure, a 2.0 angstroms resolution structure of the motor bound to an ATP analog, illuminates the structural features that provide communication between the actin interface and nucleotide-binding site. Paramount among these is a region we name the transducer, which is composed of the seven-stranded beta-sheet and associated loops and linkers. Reminiscent of the beta-sheet distortion of the F1-ATPase, sequential distortion of this transducer region likely controls sequential release of products from the nucleotide pocket during force generation.  相似文献   
In eukaryotes and in archaea late steps of translation initiation involve the two initiation factors e/aIF5B and e/aIF1A. In eukaryotes, the role of eIF5B in ribosomal subunit joining is established and structural data showing eIF5B bound to the full ribosome were obtained. To achieve its function, eIF5B collaborates with eIF1A. However, structural data illustrating how these two factors interact on the small ribosomal subunit have long been awaited. The role of the archaeal counterparts, aIF5B and aIF1A, remains to be extensively addressed. Here, we study the late steps of Pyrococcus abyssi translation initiation. Using in vitro reconstituted initiation complexes and light scattering, we show that aIF5B bound to GTP accelerates subunit joining without the need for GTP hydrolysis. We report the crystallographic structures of aIF5B bound to GDP and GTP and analyze domain movements associated to these two nucleotide states. Finally, we present the cryo-EM structure of an initiation complex containing 30S bound to mRNA, Met-tRNAiMet, aIF5B and aIF1A at 2.7 Å resolution. Structural data shows how archaeal 5B and 1A factors cooperate to induce a conformation of the initiator tRNA favorable to subunit joining. Archaeal and eukaryotic features of late steps of translation initiation are discussed.  相似文献   
The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans exhibits an extreme resistance to ionizing radiation. A small subset of Deinococcus genus-specific genes were shown to be up-regulated upon exposure to ionizing radiation and to play a role in genome reconstitution. These genes include an SSB-like protein called DdrB. Here, we identified a novel protein encoded by the dr1245 gene as an interacting partner of DdrB. A strain devoid of the DR1245 protein is impaired in growth, exhibiting a generation time approximately threefold that of the wild type strain while radioresistance is not affected. We determined the three-dimensional structure of DR1245, revealing a relationship with type III secretion system chaperones and YbjN family proteins. Thus, DR1245 may display some chaperone activity towards DdrB and possibly other substrates.  相似文献   
Role of ChREBP in hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The treatment of helical objects as a string of single particles has become an established technique to resolve their three-dimensional (3D) structure using electron cryo-microscopy. It can be applied to a wide range of helical particles such as viruses, microtubules and helical filaments. We have made improvements to this approach using Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) as a test specimen and obtained a map from 210,000 asymmetric units at a resolution better than 5 A. This was made possible by performing a full correction of the contrast transfer function of the microscope. Alignment of helical segments was helped by constraints derived from the helical symmetry of the virus. Furthermore, symmetrization was implemented by multiple inclusions of symmetry-related views in the 3D reconstruction. We used the density map to build an atomic model of TMV. The model was refined using a real-space refinement strategy that accommodates multiple conformers. The atomic model shows significant deviations from the deposited model for the helical form of TMV at the lower-radius region (residues 88 to 109). This region appears more ordered with well-defined secondary structure, compared with the earlier helical structure. The RNA phosphate backbone is sandwiched between two arginine side-chains, stabilizing the interaction between RNA and coat protein. A cluster of two or three carboxylates is buried in a hydrophobic environment isolating it from neighboring subunits. These carboxylates may represent the so-called Caspar carboxylates that form a metastable switch for viral disassembly. Overall, the observed differences suggest that the new model represents a different, more stable state of the virus, compared with the earlier published model.  相似文献   
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