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On 22 August 1985 a fire occurred on a Boeing 737 jet airliner at take off at Manchester Airport. One hundred and thirty seven passengers and crew were on board. Fifty two passengers died on the aircraft, 85 escaped. Most survivors had minor physical injuries, but 15 required admission to hospital because of smoke inhalation and two of these had severe burns. At presentation only one survivor required ventilation but within 12 hours a further five required ventilation. Although initially patients suffering from smoke inhalation may seem relatively well, lung function may deteriorate rapidly in the first 24 hours. Careful organisation and regular practice of procedures to deal with a major accident are essential to be able to respond adequately to such an event.  相似文献   
During the process of compaction, mouse 8-cell blastomeres flatten upon each other and polarize along an axis perpendicular to cell contacts. If the process of flattening is prevented, polarization can still occur, but does so in a lower proportion of cells than for control populations, and without the normal contact-directed orientation. We compared contact-directed and noncontact-directed processes to see if they involve common mechanisms. In nonflattened cells, surface polarization was favored in cells with nuclei located close to the cell surface, and the positions of surface poles and of nuclei tended to coincide. We present evidence that microtubules are involved in the development of microvillous poles associated with nuclei. In contrast it is known that polarization of microvilli occurs in the absence of microtubules if blastomeres are allowed to flatten. We conclude that surface polarization of mouse blastomeres can be accomplished by at least two alternative routes. One requires flattening but is independent of microtubules, and another can occur without flattening but involves a microtubule-mediated interaction between the nucleus and the cell cortex. It seems that both these pathways operate in the undisturbed embryo.  相似文献   
The process of cell polarization in mouse 8-cell embryos includes the formation of a polar cluster of cytoplasmic endocytotic organelles (endosomes) subjacent to an apical surface pole of microvilli. A similar polar morphology, supplemented by basally localized secondary lysosomes, is evident following division to the 16-cell stage in outside blastomeres, precursors of the trophectodermal lineage. The roles of microfilaments and microtubules in generating and stabilizing endocytotic and surface features of polarity (visualized by horseradish peroxidase incubation and indirect immunofluorescence labeling, respectively) have been evaluated by exposure of 8- and 16-cell embryos and 8-cell couplets to drugs (cytochalasin D, colcemid, nocodazole) that disrupt the cytoskeleton. The generation of endocytotic polarity is dependent upon intact microtubules and microfilaments, but the newly established endocytotic pole in blastomeres from compacted 8-cell embryos appears to be stabilized exclusively by microtubules. Polarized endocytotic organelles at the 16-cell stage are more resistant to drug treatment than at the 8-cell stage (probably due to microfilament interactions) indicating a maturation phase in the polar cell lineage. Microtubules are also responsible for the orientation of endocytotic clusters along the cell's axis of polarity. In contrast, the generation and stability of polarity at the cell surface appears relatively independent of cytoskeletal integrity. The results are discussed in relation to the mechanisms that may control the development and stabilization of polarization during cleavage.  相似文献   
A cross sectional survey investigating "building sickness" was carried out in two buildings with similar populations of office workers but differing ventilation systems, one being fully air conditioned with humidification and the other naturally ventilated. The prevalence of symptoms related to work was assessed by a questionnaire administered by a doctor. A stratified, randomly selected sample of workers was seen (84% response). Building sickness includes several distinct syndromes related to work, most of which were significantly more common in the air conditioned building than the naturally ventilated building--namely, rhinitis (28% v 5%), nasal blockage and dry throat (35% v 9%), lethargy (36% v 13%), and headache (31% v 15%). The prevalence of work related asthma and humidifier fever was low and did not differ significantly between the two buildings. An environmental assessment of the offices was performed to attempt to identify possible factors responsible for the differences in the prevalence of disease. Globe temperature, dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, moisture content, air velocity, positive and negative ions, and carbon monoxide, ozone, and formaldehyde concentrations were all measured. None of these factors differed between the buildings, suggesting that building sickness is caused by other factors.  相似文献   
In anaerobic phosphate buffer, pH 6.3-7.5, deoxyhemerythrin is oxidized to semi-methemerythrin (semi-met) by excess sodium nitrite. This oxidation is quantitative as judged by EPR spectroscopy. Further oxidation to methemerythrin is not detected. The absorbance changes of hemerythrin during the oxidation are biphasic. The rate of the faster first phase is linearly dependent on [H+] and [NO2-] suggesting that the oxidant is nitrous acid rather than nitrite. During the slower second phase, the characteristic EPR spectrum of semi-methemerythrin appears. The first phase can be interpreted by a scheme in which nitrous acid transforms deoxyhemerythrin (FeIIFeII) to the semi-met nitrosyl adduct (FeIIFeIIINO) and hydroxide. Independent experiments confirm that the combination of semi-met plus NO produces an EPR-silent adduct. The rates of the absorbance changes for the second phase are nearly independent of nitrite concentration and pH in the range 6.3-7.5. This slower phase involves the transformation of the EPR-silent intermediate to the semi-met nitrite adduct (FeIIFeIIINO2-) and is consistent with rate-limiting dissociation of nitric oxide followed by rapid attachment of nitrite. Nitrite appears to be a unique oxidant of deoxyhemerythrin in that when employed in excess, the final, stable product is semi-met- rather than methemerythrin. The lack of reactivity of ethyl nitrite with deoxyhemerythrin suggests that HONO oxidizes deoxyhemerythrin via an "inner-sphere" process in contrast to oxidants such as Fe(CN)6(3-). A proposed generalization is that excesses of "inner-sphere" oxidants convert deoxy to (semi-met)R, which is stabilized with respect to (semi-met)R, which is stabilized with respect to (semi-met)0 and met because the oxidant and/or a product of the oxidant can bind to the iron site.  相似文献   
Pickering, Gisèle P., Nicole Fellmann, BéatriceMorio, Patrick Ritz, Aimé Amonchot, Michel Vermorel, and JeanCoudert. Effects of endurance training on the cardiovascularsystem and water compartments in elderly subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4): 1300-1306, 1997.Theeffects of endurance training on the water compartments and thecardiovascular system were determined in 10 elderly subjects [age62 ± 2 yr, pretraining maximal oxygen consumption(O2 max)/kg = 25 ± 2 ml · min1 · kg1body wt]. They trained on a cycloergometer 3 times/wk for 16 wk(50-80%O2 max,then 80-85%O2 max). They werechecked at 8 wk, 16 wk, and 4 mo after detraining. Training improvedO2 max (+16%) andinduced plasma volume expansion (+11%). No change in total body water,extracellular fluid, interstitial and intracellular fluid volumes,fat-free mass, and body weight was detected in this small sample withtraining. Body fat mass decreased (2.1 ± 2.2 kg).Echocardiography at rest showed increased fractional shortening andejection fraction and decreased left ventricular end-systolic dimension(P < 0.05). Blood volume expansioncorrelates with cardiac contractility and has an impact on cardiacfunction. These improvements are precarious, however, and arecompletely lost after 4 mo of detraining, when elderly subjects losethe constraints and the social stimulation of the imposed protocol.

Summary The neurophysin that is biosynthesised in association with the neurohypophysial hormone vasopressin (vasopressin-neurophysin) affects the growth and DNA synthesis of rat hypothalamic non-neuronal cells in culture. Over a narrow range of concentrations vasopressin-neurophysin stimulated growth, as assessed by increase in cell numbers, about five-fold, in conditions where fetal calf serum concentration was limiting (0.2% fetal calf serum). Maximum stimulation occurred in the presence of 20 to 30 ng vasopressin-neurophysin per ml of medium. DNA synthesis was increased by a factor of three in the presence of 30 ng vasopressin-neurophysin per ml of medium. At least two populations of non-neuronal hypothalamic cells were present in the cultures, and these were both affected by vasopressin-neurophysin.This study allows the suggestion that neurophysin may be acting as a growth-regulating factor at its release site, playing a part in the interactions of neurones and glial cells in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system.  相似文献   
Random samples or the entire workforce in nine offices in which similar clerical work was being performed were studied using a doctor administered questionnaire that inquired into symptoms that have been linked with the "sick building syndrome." Five of the offices were fully air conditioned, one had recirculation of air and mechanical ventilation, and three were naturally ventilated. Workers in three air conditioned and three naturally ventilated buildings were interviewed blind. Seven of the buildings were studied at our request in the absence of any known problem. Comparison of prevalences of symptoms between the naturally ventilated and the other buildings showed a repeated pattern of nasal, eye, and mucous membrane symptoms with lethargy, dry skin, and headaches. There were highly significant excesses of these six symptoms in the air conditioned buildings when compared by chi 2 tests with the naturally ventilated buildings. It is suggested that these six symptoms represent the sick building syndrome and that the size of the problem is probably greater than is currently recognised. Possible causes are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary One of the aims of the interspecific crossing programme between Hordeum vulgare L. and H. bulbosum L. has been to introgress desirable genes into barley from the wild species. However, despite their close taxonomic relationship there have been few reports of achieving this objective using amphidiploid hybrids. In order to broaden the range of available hybrids, partially fertile triploids between H. vulgare (2n = 2x = 14) and H. bulbosum (2n = 4x = 28) were developed and crossed with H. vulgare as female parent. From 580 progeny which were screened, eight putative single monosomic chromosome substitution lines and one double monosomic substitution were identified by cytological analysis. These involved the substitution of H. vulgare chromosome 1 (two lines), 6 (four lines), 6L (one line), 7 (one line) and 1 + 4 (one line) by their respective H. bulbosum homoeologues. The H. bulbosum chromosome was frequently eliminated during plant development, but it was observed regularly in pollen mother cells of two lines. However, pairing between the H. bulbosum chromosome and its H. vulgare homoeologue was low. Several of the lines were more resistant than their H. vulgare parents to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC. f.sp. hordei Em. Marchai), net blotch (Drechslera teres Sacc.) and scald (Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) Davis). Apart from their use in studying genome relationships, their value to plant breeders will depend on the ease of inducing translocations between the parental chromosomes.  相似文献   
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