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The content of the diterpene Marrubiin was assessed by GC-FID in leaves of Marrubium vulgare plants along their ontogeny. Maximum accumulation occurred just before flowering time and in fully expanded leaves. After feeding the plants with radio labeled [3H]-geranyl geranyl diphosphate, up to 70% of the radioactivity was recovered in HPLC-Rt coincidental with authentic Marrubiin, which was also characterized by GC-EIMS, thus confirming that the biosynthesis of Marrubiin proceeds through the 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate pathway. The major accumulation of radioactivity occurred in glandular trichome cells, and the product remained stable throughout.  相似文献   
Airborne particulates were collected over a period of twelve months by the use of Hi-Vol samplers in the basin of Athens, Greece. N-Hexane extracts were tested in a battery ofin vitro tests for their ability to induce mutation in bacteria as well as mutation, sister chromatid exchange and morphological transformation in cultured mammalian cells. Positive results were found for mutagenicity withSalmonella strain TA98 in the Ames assay, for sister chromatid exchange induction in CHO cells and for transformation in BALB/c 3T3 cells in culture. They also showed weak non-doserelated induction of ouabain resistance in BALB/c 3T3 cells. The contribution of oxidizing and nitrating agents found in the Athens atmosphere, together with sunlight UV irradiation in the formation of direct acting mutagens and potential carcinogens from ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, is suggested.Abbreviations FCS fetal calf serum - FPG fluorescent-plus-Giemsa technique - ouaR ouabain resistant - PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - SCE sister chromatid exchange - TSP total suspended particulate  相似文献   
A simple and fast reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the complete separation of 35 dimethylaminoazobenzene sulfonyl (DABS)-amino acids and by-products. This method allows simultaneous determination of primary and secondary amino acids which can be present in protein and peptide hydrolysates and also detects the presence of cysteic acid, S-sulfocysteine, hydroxyproline, taurine, norleucine, cystine, and delta-hydroxylysine. The precolumn derivatization of amino acids with dimethylaminoazobenzene sulfonyl chloride (DABS-Cl) is simple and quick (10 min at 70 degrees C) and allows the complete reaction of primary and secondary amino acids. The separation of the compounds under investigation is achieved in 25 min using a reversed-phase 3-microns Supelcosil LC-18 column at room temperature. The versatility of the proposed method is documented by amino acid determination on protein samples obtained using different hydrolysis techniques (HCl, methane-sulfonic acid, and NaOH), with attention given to the detection of tryptophan in protein samples with high sugar concentration. Furthermore, we have reported the experimental conditions necessary to apply this method to the amino acid analysis of very low amount of proteins (1 to 5 micrograms) electroeluted from a stained band after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The stability of DABS-derivatives, the short time of analysis, the high reproducibility and sensitivity of the system, and the complete resolution of all compounds of interest make this method suitable for routine analysis. Furthermore, we have also developed a fast reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the complete separation of dimethylaminoazobenzene thiohydantoin (DABTH)-amino acids. The separation of the compounds under investigation is obtained, at room temperature, in less than 18 min using a reversed-phase Supelcosil LC-18 DB column, 3-micron particles, and also allows the complete separation of DABTH-Ile, DABTH-Leu, and DABTH-Norleu. The short time of analysis, together with the high reproducibility of the system and its sensitivity at picomole levels, make this method very suitable for the identification of DABTH-amino acids released during microsequencing studies of proteins and peptides with the dimethylaminoazobenzene isothiocyanate reagent. In addition, we have shown that it is possible to obtain complete separation of DABTH-amino acids also under isocratic conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
A saturable reversible binding to membranes from rat retina has been found forl-[3H]lysine. Specific binding is time, temperature and protein concentration-dependent, and shows stereospecificity. The best computer fits of the experimental data are obtalned with a receptor medel based on two independent binding sites, of which only one site with a Kd value of 229.4±14.23 nM and a Bmax of 2.04 ±0.11 pmol/mg protein could be characterized satisfactorily. Several compounds included putative neurotransmitters have moderate or no affinity forl-lysine binding sites. A different pattern of distribution ofl-[3H]lysine binding sites is observed among various regions of the brain, with the highest density in the occipital cortex, and the lowest density in ponsmedulla.The existence of binding sites in rat retinal membranes forl-lysine, as well as in the areas involved in the visual pathway, suggests a role for this amino acid in the physiological mechanism of the visual function.  相似文献   
Reovirus type 1 strain Lang is restricted from replicating in adult murine livers. In noninjured livers, approximately 1% of hepatocytes express reovirus antigen during infection. However, hepatocytes can be induced to express reovirus antigen if challenged with either toxins or trauma. We used selective hepatotoxins or surgical trauma to demonstrate that reovirus antigen localization in liver is determined by the site of hepatocellular insult and the timing of the virus inoculum.  相似文献   
Alagille syndrome (AGS) is a clinically defined disorder characterized by cholestatic liver disease with bile duct paucity, peculiar facies, structural heart defects, vertebral anomalies, and ocular abnormalities. Multiple patients with various cytogenetic abnormalities involving 20p12 have been identified, allowing the assignment of AGS to this region. The presence of interstitial deletions of varying size led to the hypothesis that AGS is a contiguous gene deletion syndrome. This molecular analysis of cytogenetically normal AGS patients was performed in order to test this hypothesis and to refine the localization of the known AGS region. Investigation of inheritance of simple tandem repeat polymorphism alleles in 67 members of 24 cytogenetically normal Alagille families led to the identification of a single submicroscopic deletion. The deletion included loci D20S61, D20S41, D20S186, and D20S188 and presumably intervening uninformative loci D20S189 and D20S27. The six deleted loci are contained in a single YAC of 1.9 Mb. The additional finding of multiple unrelated probands who are heterozygous at each locus demonstrates that microdeletions at known loci within the AGS region are rare in cytogenetically normal patients with this disorder. This suggests that the majority of cases of AGS may be the result of a single gene defect rather than a contiguous gene deletion syndrome.  相似文献   
For optimum mutagensis in V79 Chinese hamster cells, the amount of liver postmitochondrial fraction in the assay was found to be of critical importance, depending on the chemicals being tested. Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) required lower (1-5%) concentrations of the liver 15 000 X g supernatant (S15) from methylcholanthrene pretreated rats for a maximum induction of cytotoxicity and mutagenicity, as determined by 8-azaguanine- and ouabain-resistance. A sharp peak of mutagenicity and cytotoxicity was induced by 7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene (7,8-diol BP) at a concentration of 1% of the S15 fraction. Little or no response was induced by these compounds with the S15 concentrations of more than 10%. Similarly, aflatoxin B1 induced a sharp peak of mutagenicity and cytotoxicity at a concentration of 2% of the liver S15 fraction from Aroclor-pretreated rats. Under the same condition, non-carcinogenic aflatoxin G2 did not induce cytotoxicity and mutagenicity. Analysis of BP metabolites by high-pressure liquid chromatography indicates that with the 30% S15 fraction, more than 80% of BP was metabolized during the first 15 min, while with the 2% S15 fraction, 7,8-diol BP increased continuously throughout the 120-min incubation period, suggesting a strong metabolic competition to rapidly remove BP and 7,8-diol BP with a high concentration of the S15. In contrast with these compounds, N-nitrosodimethylamine induced mutagenicity and cytotoxicity which increased linearly in proportion to the increasing amount of the S15 fraction from phenobarbitone- and Aroclor-pretreated rats. Various nitrosamines with different lipophilicity were examined at a high (30%) and low (2%) concentration of the S15 fraction from Aroclor-pretreated rats, in which ratios of mutation frequencies at 30% and 2% correlated inversely with lipophilicity of the compound. This result suggests that the lipid solubility of test compounds may be one factor which determines the concentration of post-mitochondrial supernatant for optimum mutagenesis.  相似文献   
Very late Ag (VLA)-3, VLA-4, and VLA-5, belonging to the beta-1 subfamily of integrins, have been recently identified as receptors for different binding regions of fibronectin (FN). We have detected VLA-4 and VLA-5, but not VLA-3, on fresh CD3-, CD16+, CD56+ human NK cells by flow cytometry and immunochemical analyses using mAb directed against beta-1, alpha-3, alpha-4, and alpha-5 subunits. Binding assays, performed on FN-coated plates, showed that NK cells specifically adhere to FN and their binding capacity is increased by MgCl2 but not by CaCl2. Using as inhibitory probes a polyclonal antibody against the beta-1 chain of the human FN receptor, the synthetic peptide GRGDSP, which is able to inhibit cellular adhesion mediated by VLA-5, the CS1 fragment, which contains the principal adhesion site in the IIICS domain recognized by VLA-4, and functional mAb directed against alpha-4 or alpha-5 subunits, we show that both VLA-4 and VLA-5 mediate the adhesion of human NK cells to FN. The expression of these integrin receptors may be relevant for NK interaction with extracellular matrix components and other cell types.  相似文献   

The distribution of macrophytic plant communities, defined by phytosociological numerical methods, in the irrigation system of the Lower river Po Plane was correlated with water characteristich. Water samples were collected periodically within phytocoena well-characterized from the phytosociological viewpoint. Nymphaeid-dominated communities (all. Nymphaeion) usually occur in deeper waters than elodeid- myriophyllid-, and ceratophyllid-dominated vegetation types (all. Potamogetonion). Hydrochemically, all of the studied waterbodies can be classified as rich in electrolytes and in bicarbonates. The distribution of phytocoena reflects a gradient in nutrient content: the Nymphoidetum peltatae characterizes waters moderately rich; the Myriophyllum spicatum community and the Trapetum natantis fairly rich; the Potamogetonetum pectinati and the Ceratophyllum demersum community very rich in nutrients.  相似文献   

Soil microfungi in homogeneous areas of three plant communities of North Italy.—The soil microfungi associated with three different community types in Prealpine region of North Italy were investigated. Frequency values for the taxonomic entities isolated were calculated, based on occurrence at sampling sites, in each community. Most of the entities were quantitatively rare. The microfungal communities associated with Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior, with Ostrya carpinifolia and with Fagus sylvatica appeared to be a distinctive group, even if many of them contained a substantial number of species wich are common with other vegetation types.  相似文献   
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