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Though the development of biofuel has attracted numerous studies for quantifying potential water demand applying life cycle thinking, the impacts of biofuel water consumption still remain unknown. In this study, we aimed to quantify ecological impact associated with corn-based bioethanol water consumption in Minnesota in responding to different refinery expansion scenarios by applying a life cycle impact assessment method.  相似文献   
Measurements of enzyme activity, rates of protein synthesis, and mRNA activity suggest that the induction of beta-glucuronidase in mouse kidney in response to androgen is regulated at a pretranslational level. Following an initial lag period, the rate and extent of induction follow the rules of simple turnover kinetics and can be described in terms of a zero order rate constant for acquisition of mRNA activity (ka) and a first order rate constant for loss of activity (kb). Genetic variation in kb, described here for the first time, alters the half-time and extent of induction. Variation in kb is independent of previously described variation in ka and, unlike changes in ka, is not associated with change in the lag time. The DNA sequences determining kb, like those determining ka, are genetically linked to the structural gene for beta-glucuronidase. Following the removal of androgen, beta-glucuronidase activity, rate of synthesis, and mRNA activity all decline rapidly with half-lives of 1-2 days. Even in the most rapidly inducing strains, this is significantly faster than the half-time for induction determined by kb. Furthermore, genetic variation in kb does not affect the rate of de-induction. These facts suggest that kb may not describe the turnover of beta-glucuronidase mRNA, but rather the turnover of another step in the induction process.  相似文献   
We explored changes in ocean pH in coastal Washington state, USA, by extending a decadal-scale pH data series, by reporting independent measures of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), spectrophotometric pH, and total alkalinity (TA), by exploring pH patterns over larger spatial scales, and by probing for long-term trends in environmental variables reflecting potentially important drivers of pH. We found that pH continued to decline in this area at a rapid rate, that pH exhibited high natural variability within years, that our measurements of pH corresponded well to spectrophotometric pH measures and expected pH calculated from DIC/TA, and that TA estimates based on salinity predicted well actual alkalinity. Multiple datasets reflecting upwelling, including water temperature, nutrient levels, phytoplankton abundance, the NOAA upwelling index, and data on local wind patterns showed no consistent trends over the period of our study. Multiple datasets reflecting precipitation change and freshwater runoff, including precipitation records, local and regional river discharge, salinity, nitrate and sulfate in rainwater, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in rivers also showed no consistent trends over time. Dissolved oxygen did not decline over time, indicating that long-term changes did not result from shifts in contributions of respiration to pH levels. These tests of multiple potential drivers of the observed rapid rate of pH decline indicate a primary role for inorganic carbon and suggest that geochemical models of coastal ocean carbon fluxes need increased investigation.  相似文献   
J Bigay  P Deterre  C Pfister    M Chabre 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(10):2907-2913
Fluoride activation of G proteins requires the presence of aluminium or beryllium and it has been suggested that AIF4- acts as an analogue of the gamma-phosphate of GTP in the nucleotide site. We have investigated the action of AIF4- or of BeF3- on transducin (T), the G protein of the retinal rods, either indirectly through the activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase, or more directly through their effects on the conformation of transducin itself. In the presence of AIF4- or BeF3-, purified T alpha subunit of transducin activates purified cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) in the absence of photoactivated rhodopsin. Activation is totally reversed by elution of fluoride or partially reversed by addition of excess T beta gamma. Activation requires that GDP or a suitable analogue be bound to T alpha: T alpha-GDP and T alpha-GDP alpha S are activable by fluorides, but not T alpha-GDP beta S, nor T alpha that has released its nucleotide upon binding to photoexcited rhodopsin. Analysis of previous works on other G proteins and with other nucleotide analogues confirm that in all cases fluoride activation requires that a GDP unsubstituted at its beta phosphate be bound in T alpha. By contrast with alumino-fluoride complexes, which can adopt various coordination geometries, all beryllium fluoride complexes are tetracoordinated, with a Be-F bond length of 1.55 A, and strictly isomorphous to a phosphate group. Our study confirms that fluoride activation of transducin results from a reversible binding of the metal-fluoride complex in the nucleotide site of T alpha, next to the beta phosphate of GDP, as an analogue of the gamma phosphate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
N-Ethylmaleimide, an agent which alkylates free sulfhydryls in proteins, has been used to probe the role of sulfhydryls in kinesin, a motor protein for the movement of membrane-bounded organelles in fast axonal transport. When squid axoplasm is perfused with concentrations of NEM higher than 0.5 mM, organelle movements in both the anterograde and retrograde directions cease, and the vesicles remain attached to microtubules. Incubation of highly purified bovine brain kinesin with similar concentrations of NEM modifies the enzyme's microtubule-stimulated ATPase activity and promotes the binding of kinesin to microtubules in the presence of ATP. These results suggest that alkylation of sulfhydryls on kinesin alters the conformation of the protein in a manner that profoundly affects its interactions with ATP and microtubules. The NEM-sensitive sulfhydryls, therefore, may provide a valuable tool for the dissection of functional domains of the kinesin molecule and for understanding the mechanochemical cycle of this enzyme.  相似文献   
Summary An associational plant refuge occurs when a plant that is susceptible to herbivory gains protection from herbivory when it is associated with another plant. In coastal North Carolina, the abundance of the palatable red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae is positively correlated with the abundance of the unpalatable brown alga Sargassum filipendula during times of increased herbivore activity. To see if grazing by the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata could generate this pattern, controlled experiments were conducted in out-door microcosms and in the laboratory. Gracilaria beneath a canopy of Sargassum was eaten significantly less than Gracilaria alone. When Arbacia were excluded, Gracilaria alone grew significantly more than Gracilaria beneath Sargassum, demonstrating that Sargassum is a competitor of Gracilaria. Experiments investigating Sargassum's deterrent role indicated that Sargassum decreased the foraging range of Arbacia and the rate at which it fed on Gracilaria. Additional experiments with plastic Sargassum mimics indicated that the decreased grazing on Gracilaria was not a result of Sargassum morphology, but was probably attributable to some chemical characteristic of Sargassum. The pattern of increased grazing in monocultures (only Gracilaria present) versus polycultures (both Gracilaria and Sargassum present) demonstrated in this study also has been demonstrated for plant-insect interactions in terrestrial communities. In these communities, insect density is higher in monocultures than in polycultures because insects find and immigrate to monocultures more rapidly, and once in a monoculture, they emigrate from them less often than from polycultures. In this study, urchins did not find and immigrate to monocultures more rapidly, nor did they tend to stay in them once they were found; in fact, they emigrated from monocultures of Gracilaria more rapidly than from Gracilaria and Sargassum polycultures. Increased grazing in Gracilaria monocultures resulted from increased rates of movement and feeding of individual herbivores, not from increased herbivore density as has been reported for terrestrial systems.  相似文献   
Kinesin was extensively purified from bovine brain cytosol by a microtubule-binding step in the presence of 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP), followed by gel filtration chromatography and sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. The products consistently contained 124,000 (124K) and 64,000 (64K) dalton polypeptides. These two polypeptides appear to represent heavy and light chains of kinesin, respectively, because they copurified on sucrose gradients to a constant and equimolar stoichiometry and bound stably to microtubules in the presence of AMP-PNP but not ATP. The mobilities of 124K and 64K in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels under reducing conditions were the same as under nonreducing conditions. A diffusion coefficient of (2.24 +/- 0.21) X 10(-7) cm2 s-1 and a sedimentation coefficient of (9.56 +/- 0.34) X 10(-13) s were determined for native kinesin by gel filtration and sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation, respectively. These values were used to calculate a native molecular weight of about 379,000 and suggest that kinesin has an axial ratio of approximately 20. Extensively purified kinesin exhibited microtubule-activated ATPase activity, and only the 124K subunit incorporated ATP in photoaffinity labeling experiments using [32P]ATP. Collectively, these data favor the interpretation that bovine brain kinesin is a highly elongated, microtubule-activated ATPase comprising two subunits each of 124,000 and 64,000 daltons, that the subunits are not linked to one another by disulfide bonds, and that the heavy chains are the ATP-binding subunits.  相似文献   
The influence of fixation methods, buffers and ions on the ultrastructure of parathyroid cells was studied in dogs, cats, rats and mice. Parathyroids fixed by immersion showed 3 chief cell variants referred to as cells in active, intermediate and resting stages, multinucleated syncytial cells, atrophic cells and, only in 1 feline parathyroid, a few oxyphil cells. Parathyroid glands fixed by perfusion, however, consisted only of 1 cell type. Satisfactory preservation was achieved by perfusion with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M Na cacodylate containing 0.25 mM CaCl2 and 0.5 mM MgCl2, and postfixation with 1% OsO4 in 0.1 M s-collidine containing 0.5 mM CaCl2 and 1.0 mM MgCl2. Good preservation was also obtained using Na phosphate during prefixation and postfixation. Other combinations of buffers led to shrinkage, dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae, disruption of membranes or loss of matrix and secretory granules. The results demonstrate that the variants of parathyroid chief cells, multinucleated syncytial cells and atrophic cells arise during fixation.  相似文献   
In the periphery, neuropeptide Y is present in plasma, in the adrenal medulla as well as in sympathetic nerve endings and in the juxtaglomerular apparatus. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of this peptide on renin secretion. Normotensive rats were adrenalectomized or sham-operated and made hypertensive with methylprednisolone acetate (20 mg/kg s.c. once weekly). Deoxycorticosterone pivalate (10 mg/kg s.c. once weekly) was also given to prevent mineralocorticoid deficiency. Two weeks after initial surgery, 12 adrenalectomized and 8 sham-operated conscious rats were infused for 30 min with neuropeptide Y (0.1 micrograms/min) whereas 8 other adrenalectomized and 9 sham-operated conscious rats received under similar conditions the vehicle of neuropeptide Y (10 microliter/min). Neither before nor during the infusions was there a significant difference in blood pressure and heart rate between the 4 groups of animals. Plasma renin activity, measured at the end of the infusion, was 30.5 ng/ml/hr in the adrenalectomized group receiving vehicle and 6.3 ng/ml/hr in that infused with neuropeptide Y (p less than 0.001). This latter value did not differ from that found in sham-operated rats. These results suggest that neuropeptide Y may play an important role in regulating renin secretion.  相似文献   
Chlamydomonas 12 S dynein, which makes up part of the outer arm of the flagellar axoneme, consists of three polypeptides of 330,000, 22,000, and 18,000 daltons. We have used 8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (8-N3ATP), a photoaffinity analog of ATP, to investigate which of the dynein polypeptides contains the site of ATP hydrolysis. 8-N3ATP is a competitive inhibitor of the hydrolysis of ATP by 12 S dynein and is hydrolyzed by 12 S dynein in an ATP- and vanadate-sensitive fashion, indicating that it binds to the 12 S dynein hydrolytic site in the same way as ATP. When dynein was incubated with [gamma-32P]- or [alpha-32P]8-N3ATP in the presence of UV light to activate the azido moiety, the analog was incorporated into 12 S dynein's heavy polypeptide chain, but not its light chains. The incorporation was UV-dependent, was blocked by addition of ATP or vanadate plus ADP to the reaction mixture, and did not occur in heat-denatured dynein. These results strongly suggest that the hydrolytic site of 12 S dynein is contained in its heavy chain.  相似文献   
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