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A new strain of the green sulfur bacteria was isolated from the monimolimnion of Buchensee (near Radolfzell, Lake Constance region, FRG). Single cells were rod-shaped, nonmotile and contained gas vacuoles. Typical net-like colonies were formed by ternary fission of the cells. As photosynthetic pigments bacteriochlorophylls a, e, isorenieratene and -isorenieratene were present. Sulfide, sulfur and thiosulfate were used as electron donors during anaerobic phototrophic growth. Besides carbon dioxide, acetate and propionate could serve as carbon sources under mixotrophic conditions in the light. Like all other members of the green sulfur bacteria, the new bacterium is strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic. The possession of gas vacuoles and the formation of net-like colonies and the guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA (47.9 mol% G+C) are typical characteristics of the genus Pelodictyon. Because of its photosynthetic pigments which differ from those of Pelodictyon clathratiforme, strain BU 1 represents a new species, P. Phaeoclathratiforme sp. nov.  相似文献   
The ethanol-oxidizing, proton-reducing Pelobacter acetylenicus was grown in chemostat cocultures with either Acetobacterium woodii, Methanobacterium bryantii, or Desulfovibrio desulfuricans. Stable steady state conditions with tightly coupled growth were reached at various dilution rates between 0.02 and 0.14 h-1. Both ethanol and H2 steady state concentrations increased with growth rate and were lower in cocultures with the sulfate reducer < methanogen < homoacetogen. Due to the higher affinity for H2, D. desulfuricans outcompeted M. bryantii, and this one A. woodii when inoculated in cocultures with P. acetylenicus. Cocultures with A. woodii had lower H2 steady state concentrations when bicarbonate reduction was replaced by the energetically more favourable caffeate reduction. Similarly, cocultures with D. desulfuricans had lower H2 concentrations with nitrate than with sulfate as electron acceptor. The Gibbs free energy (G) available to the H2-producing P. acetylenicus was independent of growth rate and the H2-utilizing partner, whereas the G available to the latter increased with growth rate and the energy yielding potential of the H2 oxidation reaction. The critical Gibbs free energy (Gc), i.e. the minimum energy required for H2 production and H2 oxidation, was-5.5 to-8.0 kJ mol-1 H2 for P. acetylenicus,-5.1 to-6.3 kJ mol-1 H2 for A. woodii,-7.5 to-9.1 kJ mol-1 H2 for M. bryantii, and-10.3 to-12.3 kJ mol-1 H2 for D. desulfuricans. Obviously, the potentially available energy was used more efficiently by homoacetogens > methanogens > sulfate reducers.  相似文献   
Anaerobic bacteria degrading 2-methoxyethanol were enriched from freshwater sediments, and three strains were isolated in pure culture. Two of them were Grampositive non-spore-forming rods and grew strictly anaerobically by acetogenic fermentation. Optimal growth occurred at 30°C, initial pH 7.5–8.0. 2-Methoxyethanol and 2-ethoxyethanol were fermented to acetate and corresponding alcohols. Hydrogen plus carbon dioxide, formate, acetoin, l-malate, lactate, pyruvate, fructose, and methoxyl groups of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate and 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamate were fermented to acetate. 1,2-Propanediol was fermented to acetate, propionate, and propanol. Strain MuME1 was described as a new species, Actetobacterium malicum. It had a DNA base composition of 44.1 mol% guanine plus cytosine. The third strain, which was identified as Pelobacter venetianus, fermented 2-methoxyethanol to methanol, ethanol, and acetate.  相似文献   
Four new strains of Thiopedia rosea were isolated in pure culture from blooms of platelet-forming purple sulfur bacteria in the top layers of the anoxic hypolimnia of two freshwater lakes. Individual cells of the new strains as well as of T. rosea strain 4211 were spherical to oval, nonmotile and contained gas vesicles in the central part. The predominant photosynthetic pigments were bacteriochlorophyll a and okenone. All strains were strictly anaerobic and obligately phototrophic. Optimal growth occurred at low light intensities of 100 E · m-2 s-1 (tungsten lamp); intensities above 150 E · m-2 s-1 inhibited growth completely. Photoautotrophic growth was possible at sulfide concentrations up to 0.6 mM; higher concentrations were inhibitory. Acetate, butyrate and valerate supported photoorganotrophic growth in the presence of bicarbonate and sulfide concentrations below 1 mM. Sulfide was required as a source of cellular sulfur because assimilatory sulfate reduction is lacking. All strains were assigned to the species Thiopedia rosea with strain 4211 as a neotype.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. G. Schlegel on the occasion of his 66th birthday  相似文献   
Abstract Denitrification in intact sediment cores was measured by the acetylene inhibition technique and compared with the nitrate flux between water and sediment. Less than half of the nitrate-N consumed by the sediment could be recovered as nitrous oxide-N. The low recovery rate of nitrous oxide from intact sediment cores indicated losses of nitrous oxide by diffusion down to nitrate-free sediment layers, where reduction of nitrous oxide may take place. In sediment slurries 100% of nitrate-N could be recovered as nitrous oxide-N as long as the nitrate concentration in the liquid phase was above 10 μM. Nitrous oxide added to nitrate-free sediment slurries was reduced regardless of whether acetylene was present or not. Therefore denitrification may be significantly underestimated by this method.  相似文献   
Abstract Acetobacterium woodii was continuously grown on 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate as pure culture or in commensalistic combination with Pelobacter acidigallici and Desulfobacter postgatei . Under pure culture conditions the following growth parameters were determined: μ max= 0.112 h−1, K s= 1.07 mM, Y max= 35 g/mol, and m = 0.22 mmol·g−1·h−1. In coculture with P. acidigallici the affinity for the substrate increased and the K s value was found to be 135 μM. Under batch culture conditions mixed populations of A. woodii, P. acidigallici , and D. postgatei completely mineralized 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate to CO2, whereas under continuous culture conditions more than 3 mM acetate remained unused.  相似文献   
Kin recognition and cannibalism in polyphenic salamanders   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We investigated kin discrimination among larvae of Arizona tigersalamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum) which occur as "typical"morphs that feed mostly on invertebrate prey and occasionallyon conspecifics, and as "cannibal" morphs that feed primarilyon conspecifics. When housed with smaller larvae that differedin relatedness, both cannibals and typicals preferentially consumedless-related individuals. Cannibals ate typicals much quickerwhen the choice was between nonkin and siblings than when thechoice was between nonkin and cousins, indicating that cannibalscould distinguish different categories of relatives. Cannibalswere less likely to eat a larval sibling that was a cannibalmorph than a sibling that was a typical morph. Occluding animals'nares temporarily eliminated kin discrimination, implying thatolfaction is important in recognition. Larvae from differentsibships varied considerably in their ability to discriminatekin, and the greater the probability that a larva from a givensibship would develop into a cannibal morph, the more likelythe members of that sibship were to discriminate kin. Our resultsenable us to infer the functional significance of kin recognitionin this species and to develop an evolutionary model of themechanisms underlying the joint control of kin recognition andcannibalistic polyphenism.  相似文献   
Three strains (2ac9, 3ac10 and 4ac11) of oval to rodshaped, Gram negative, nonsporing sulfate-reducing bacteria were isolated from brackish water and marine mud samples with acetate as sole electron donor. All three strains grew in simple defined media supplemented with biotin and 4-aminobenzoic acid as growth factors. Acetate was the only electron donor utilized by strain 2ac9, while the other two strains used in addition ethanol and/or lactate. Sulfate served as electron acceptor and was reduced to H2S. Complete oxidation of acetate to CO2 was shown by stoichiometric measurements with strain 2ac9 in batch cultures using sulfate, sulfite or thiosulfate as electron acceptors. With sulfate an average growth yield of 4.8 g cell dry weight was obtained per mol of acetate oxidized; with sulfite or thiosulfate the growth yield on acetate was about twice as high. None of the strains contained desulfoviridin. In strain 2ac9 cytochromes of the b- and c-type were detected. Strain 2ac9 is described as type strain of the new species and genus, Desulfobacter postgatei.  相似文献   
Archives of Microbiology - A new strictly anaerobic, polarly flagellated, sporing, acetate-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacterium was isolated from anaerobic fresh or sea water mud samples. The...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Entwicklungszustand von bodeneigenen Streptomyces-Mycelien wurde auf Aufwuchsplatten untersucht, welche anfangs täglich, später jeden 2. Tag aus dem Boden entnommen waren. Im ganzen ergab sich das Bild einer Entwicklung, nach welcher schließlich der größte Teil der Streptomyceten in Form von Chlamydosporen und Luftmycelsporen angetroffen wurde. In den gleichen Boden eingebrachte Streptomyces-Sporen blieben zum größten Teil ungekeimt liegen und konnten sich nur am Erdrand auf dem freien Glas und in abgestorbenen Bodenamoeben entwickeln.Meinem verehrten Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. A. Rippel, zum 70. Geburtstag in Dankbarkeit gewidmet.  相似文献   
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