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Organisms are capable of developing different phenotypes by altering the genes they express. This phenotypic plasticity provides a means for species to respond effectively to environmental conditions. One of the most dramatic examples of phenotypic plasticity occurs in the highly social hymenopteran insects (ants, social bees, and social wasps), where distinct castes and sexes all arise from the same genes. To elucidate how variation in patterns of gene expression affects phenotypic variation, we conducted a study to simultaneously address the influence of developmental stage, sex, and caste on patterns of gene expression in Vespula wasps. Furthermore, we compared the patterns found in this species to those found in other taxa in order to investigate how variation in gene expression leads to phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

Pearl millet downy mildew (DM) incidence, severity and yield losses of two pearl millet varieties (local and improved) due to the disease were determined in the field. Significant differences in the disease incidence and severity were recorded in the plots sown with metalaxyl-treated seeds and those sown with non-treated seeds, indicating the efficacy of the fungicide on the fungus. Yield losses due to non-treatment of seeds with metalaxyl was 40.88 and 45.39% in a local variety and 43.00 and 18.60% in an improved variety in the 2000 and 2001 cropping seasons respectively. Significant differences between plots sown with metalaxyl-treated and those sown with non-treated seeds were obtained for other yield components such as 1000-grains weight, panicle length and weight.  相似文献   
Seedlings from four provenances of Jatropha curcas were subjected to 80, 50, and 30% of soil field capacity in potted experiments in order to study their responses to water availability. Our results showed that with the decline of soil water availability, plant growth, biomass accumulation, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration rate (E) decreased, whereas leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C), leaf pigment contents, and stomatal limitation value increased, while maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry was not affected. Our findings proved that stomatal limitation to photosynthesis dominated in J. curcas under low water availability. The increase of δ13C should be attributed to the decrease in gs and E under the lowest water supply. J. curcas could adapt to low water availability by adjusting its plant size, stomata closure, reduction of E, increasing δ13C, and leaf pigment contents. Moreover, effects of provenance and the interaction with the watering regime were detected in growth and many physiological parameters. The provenance from xeric habitats showed stronger plasticity in the plant size than that from other provenances under drought. The variations may be used as criteria for variety/provenance selection and improvement of J. curcas performance.  相似文献   


There have been increasing concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of neuroleptics in people with dementia, but there are very few long-term trials to inform clinical practice. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of long-term treatment with neuroleptic agents upon global cognitive decline and neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with Alzheimer disease.

Methods and Findings

Design: Randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled parallel two-group treatment discontinuation trial.Setting: Oxfordshire, Newcastle and Gateshead, London and Edinburgh, United Kingdom.Participants: Patients currently prescribed the neuroleptics thioridazine, chlorpromazine, haloperidol trifluoperazine or risperidone for behavioural or psychiatric disturbance in dementia for at least 3 mo.Interventions: Continue neuroleptic treatment for 12 mo or switch to an identical placebo.Outcome measures: Primary outcome was total Severe Impairment Battery (SIB) score. Neuropsychiatric symptoms were evaluated with the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI).Results: 165 patients were randomised (83 to continue treatment and 82 to placebo, i.e., discontinue treatment), of whom 128 (78%) commenced treatment (64 continue/64 placebo). Of those, 26 were lost to follow-up (13 per arm), resulting in 51 patients per arm analysed for the primary outcome. There was no significant difference between the continue treatment and placebo groups in the estimated mean change in SIB scores between baseline and 6 mo; estimated mean difference in deterioration (favouring placebo) −0.4 (95% confidence interval [CI] −6.4 to 5.5), adjusted for baseline value (p = 0.9). For neuropsychiatric symptoms, there was no significant difference between the continue treatment and placebo groups (n = 56 and 53, respectively) in the estimated mean change in NPI scores between baseline and 6 mo; estimated mean difference in deterioration (favouring continue treatment) −2.4 (95% CI −8.2 to 3.5), adjusted for baseline value (p = 0.4). Both results became more pronounced at 12 mo. There was some evidence to suggest that those patients with initial NPI ≥ 15 benefited on neuropsychiatric symptoms from continuing treatment.


For most patients with AD, withdrawal of neuroleptics had no overall detrimental effect on functional and cognitive status. Neuroleptics may have some value in the maintenance treatment of more severe neuropsychiatric symptoms, but this benefit must be weighed against the side effects of therapy.Trial registration: Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials/National Research Register (#ISRCTN33368770).  相似文献   
Rokitta M  Peuke AD  Zimmermann U  Haase A 《Protoplasma》1999,209(1-2):126-131
A fast nuclear-magnetic-resonance imaging method was developed in order to measure simultaneously and quantitatively the water flow velocities in the xylem and the phloem of intact and transpiring plants. Due to technical improvements a temporal resolution of 7 min could be reached and flow measurements could be performed over a time course of 12-30 h. The novel method was applied to the hypocotyl of 35- to 40-day-old, leafy plants of Ricinus communis which were subjected to different light-dark regimes. The results showed that the xylem flow velocities and the xylem volume flow responded immediately to light on-off changes. Upon illumination the flow velocity and the volume flow increased as expected in respect to literature. In contrast, the phloem flow velocity did not change in response to the light-dark regimes. Interestingly, though, the volume flow in the phloem increased during darkness. These findings can be explained by assuming that the conducting area of the phloem becomes enlarged during the dark period due to opening of sieve pores.  相似文献   
Ricinus plants were supplied with nutrient solutions containingdifferent N-sources or different nitrate concentrations andwere also exposed to mild salinity. Between 41 and 51 d aftersowing, the ratio of inorganic to total nitrogen in xylem andphloem saps, the content of inorganic nitrogen and malate intissues, and nitrate reductase activities were determined. Theflows of nitrate, ammonium, and malate between root and shootwere modelled to identify the site(s) of inorganic nitrogenassimilation and to show the possible role of malate in a pH-statmechanism. Only in the xylem of nitrate-fed plants did inorganicnitrogen, in the form of nitrate, play a role as the transportsolute. The nitrate percentage of total nitrogen in the xylemsap generally increased in parallel with the external nitrateconcentration. The contribution of the shoot to nitrate reductionincreased with higher nitrate supply. Under salt treatment relativelymore nitrate was reduced in the root as compared with non-treatedplants. Ammonium was almost totally assimilated in the root,with only a minor recycling via the phloem. Nitrate reductaseactivities measured in vitro roughly matched, or were somewhatlower than, calculated rates of nitrate reduction. From therates of nitrate reduction (OH -production) and rates of malatesynthesis (2H+-production) it was calculated that malate accumulationcontributed 76, 45, or 39% to the pH-stat system during nitratereduction in plants fed with 0.2, 1.0 or 4.0 mM nitrate, malateflow in the phloem played no role. In tissues of ammonium-fedplants no malate accumulation was found and malate flows inxylem and phloem were also relative low. Key words: Ammonium, Ricinus communis, phloem, xylem, transport, nitrate, nitrate reductase, nitrogen assimilation, malate  相似文献   
The influence of P deficiency on the uptake, flow and utilizationof C, N and H20 by intact NO3-fed castor bean plants {Ricinuscommunis L.) was studied over a 9 d period in the middle oftheir vegetative growth. The modelling techniques incorporateddata on net increments or losses of C, N and H2O in plant parts,photosynthetic gains in and respiratory losses of C, molar C:Nratios of solutes in phloem and xylem sap and transpirationallosses of H20. Plant growth was inhibited within 3 d of withholdingP supply and dry matter production was less than one-third ofthe controls. Leaf growth was particularly depressed, whileroot growth was much less affected than that of the shoot. Shoot:rootratio of low-P plants was 1.5 compared with 2.6 under P supply.Over the 9 d study period total plant C and N increased by 560and 47 mmol, respectively, in the controls, but by only 113and 6.9 mmol in the low-P treatment. The particularly low incrementof N in P-deficient plants was due principally to decreasedN03- uptake. Flows of C and N during the study period were markedlydifferent between control and P-deficient plants. The partitioningprofile for C in P-deficient plants showed a dramatic inhibitionof net photosynthesis and attendant photoassimilate flow. Proportionaldownward to upward allocation of carbon increased with increasein sink size of the root relative to shoot. This was reflectedin greater relative allocation of C to root dry matter and rootrespiration than in P-sufficient plants, and suppressed cyclingof C from root to shoot via xylem. Nitrogen intake and xylemtransport to the shoot of P-deficient plants were only 15% ofthe control and, as in the case of C, downward allocation ofN predominated over upward phloem translocation. Apart fromthese severe changes, however, the basic patterns of N flowsincluding xylem-to-phloem and xylem-to-xylem transfer of N werenot changed, a feature highlighting the vital nature of thesetransfer processes even under deficiency conditions. The alterationsin flows and partitioning of C, N and H2O in response to low-Pconditions are discussed in relation to the corresponding effectsof moderate salt stress in Ricinus and the conclusion is reachedthat changes in nutrient flows under P deficiency were morehighly co-ordinated than when plants experience salt stress.Flow profiles under P deficiency which favour root growth andactivity are viewed as a means for increasing the potentialcapability of the plant to acquire P from the nutrient medium. Key words: Ricinus communis L., P deficiency, carbon, nitrogen, water, partitioning, xylem transport, phloem transport  相似文献   
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