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The immature stages of Coquillettidia and Mansonia mosquitoes are cryptic and spend the duration of their development attached to the tissues of subsurface aquatic plants. This obligatory association makes them difficult to collect and has precluded detailed investigation of the biology of Coquillettidia linealis, a species of significant pest and vector status in Australia, as well as other species in the genus Coquillettidia in Australia and elsewhere. This paper describes the first successful establishment and maintenance of a colony of Cq. linealis. Blood‐seeking wild adults were collected and induced to oviposit under laboratory conditions, where methods were developed to rear larval populations to adult maturity in a colony that was maintained through eight successive generations. Colonies of Coquillettidia xanthogaster and Coquillettidia sp. nr crassipes were also established and reared through at least six generations and five generations, respectively, while two species of Mansonia, Mansonia uniformis and Mansonia septempunctata, were also reared successfully for six and two generations, respectively.  相似文献   


New contained semi-field cages are being developed and used to test novel vector control strategies of dengue and malaria vectors. We herein describe a new Quarantine Insectary Level-2 (QIC-2) laboratory and field cages (James Cook University Mosquito Research Facility Semi-Field System; MRF SFS) that are being used to measure the impact of the endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis on populations of Aedes aegypti in Cairns Australia.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The MRF consists of a single QIC-2 laboratory/insectary that connects through a central corridor to two identical QIC-2 semi-field cages. The semi-field cages are constructed of two layers of 0.25 mm stainless steel wire mesh to prevent escape of mosquitoes and ingress of other insects. The cages are covered by an aluminum security mesh to prevent penetration of the cages by branches and other missiles in the advent of a tropical cyclone. Parts of the cage are protected from UV light and rainfall by 90% shade cloth and a vinyl cover. A wooden structure simulating the understory of a Queenslander-style house is also situated at one end of each cage. The remainder of the internal aspect of the cage is covered with mulch and potted plants to emulate a typical yard. An air conditioning system comprised of two external ACs that feed cooled, moistened air into the cage units. The air is released from the central ceiling beam from a long cloth tube that disperses the airflow and also prevents mosquitoes from escaping the cage via the AC system. Sensors located inside and outside the cage monitor ambient temperature and relative humidity, with AC controlled to match ambient conditions. Data loggers set in the cages and outside found a <2°C temperature difference. Additional security features include air curtains over exit doors, sticky traps to monitor for escaping mosquitoes between layers of the mesh, a lockable vestibule leading from the connecting corridor to the cage and from inside to outside of the insectary, and screened (0.25 mm mesh) drains within the insectary and the cage. A set of standard operating procedures (SOP) has been developed to ensure that security is maintained and for enhanced surveillance for escaping mosquitoes on the JCU campus where the MRF is located. A cohort of male and female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were released in the cage and sampled every 3–4 days to determine daily survival within the cage; log linear regression from BG-sentinel trapping collections produced an estimated daily survival of 0.93 and 0.78 for females and males, respectively.


The MRF SFS allows us to test novel control strategies within a secure, contained environment. The air-conditioning system maintains conditions within the MRF cages comparable to outside ambient conditions. This cage provides a realistic transitional platform between the laboratory and the field in which to test novel control measures on quarantine level insects.  相似文献   
The diversity and prevalence of hereditary diseases (HDs) among Nogais of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (KChR) are described. The size of the surveyed KChR population was 387231 individuals, including 3.81% Nogais (14741 individuals). We revealed 36 nosological forms of HDs (110 patients from 81 families): 22 with autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance, 10 with autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance, and 4 with X-linked inheritance. The prevalence of HDs in Nogais was 1: 134. The features of HD diversity in Nogais were determined in comparison with the previously surveyed populations of Russia. The accumulation of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (1: 388), AD amelogenesis imperfecta (1: 3685), AD ichthyosis (1: 4914), AR nonsyndromic mental retardation (1: 1340), AR Gilbert syndrome (1: 4914), and X-linked inherited deficit of glucose-6-dehydrogenase (1: 1774 males) was established. The analysis of heterozygous carriage of mutations “major” for Russia in the genes of the four following AR diseases in 118 unrelated clinically healthy Nogais (236 analyzed chromosomes) was performed: cystic fibrosis (13 mutations in the CFTR gene: CFTRdele2,3 (21 kb), F508del, I507del, 1677delTA, 2184insA, 2143delT, 2183AA>G, 2184delA, 394delTT, 3821delT, L138ins, E92K, W1282X); phenylketonuria (six frequent mutations in the PAH gene: R261X, R408W, R413P, F331S, P211T, P211L); nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss (35delG mutation in the GJB2 gene); and Gilbert syndrome (an increase in the number of TA repeats in the UGT1A1 gene). Allelic specificity for all studied genes in the Nogai people was revealed.  相似文献   
The recent recognition of established populations of the mosquito, Culex gelidus Theobald, in Australia has raised concerns about local transmission of arboviruses. The vector competence of a mainland population of Cx. gelidus was investigated for two local alphaviruses, Ross River (RRV) and Barmah Forest (BFV) viruses, and three flaviviruses, Japanese encephalitis (JEV), Kunjin (KUNV) and Murray Valley encephalitis (MVEV) viruses. Colonised mosquitoes were exposed to virus via blood-soaked pledgets and transmission was tested using a capillary-tube method. The important Australian vectors, Aedes vigilax (Skuse) and Culex annulirostris Skuse, were used as internal controls for the alphaviruses and flaviviruses, respectively. Overall, Cx. gelidus was a more efficient vector of flaviviruses than alphaviruses. Culex gelidus was refractory to infection with BFV, and nearly 25% transmitted RRV, which was comparable to Ae. vigilax . Culex gelidus was susceptible to all three flaviviruses, with transmission rates of 96%, 95% and 41% for JEV, KUNV and MVEV, respectively. JEV transmission rates in Cx. annulirostris were unexpectedly low and this was possibly due to differences in susceptibility to JEV genotypes I and II. Considering the high susceptibility to the flaviviruses demonstrated here, and the natural infections with RRV and JEV that have been detected from northern Australian populations, the establishment of the exotic mosquito, Cx. gelidus , in Australia is potentially a significant public health concern.  相似文献   
It was established that water deprivation during 3, 6, 9 days caused a distinct decrease in phospholipid level and disturbances of phospholipid composition in the rat lung tissue. It was accompanied by alterations in the activity of antioxidant defense system enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, catalase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). These data are indicative of lipid peroxidation intensification in the rat lungs during water deprivation.  相似文献   


Given the aging demographics of most developed countries, understanding the public health impact of mild/moderate road traffic crash injuries in older adults is important. We aimed to determine whether health outcomes (pain severity and quality of life measures) over 24 months differ significantly between older (65+) and younger adults (18–64).


Prospective cohort study of 364, 284 and 252 participants with mild/moderate injury following a vehicle collision at baseline, 12 and 24 months, respectively. A telephone-administered questionnaire obtained information on socio-economic, pre- and post-injury psychological and heath characteristics.


At baseline, there were 55 (15.1%) and 309 (84.9%) participants aged ≥65 and 18–64 years, respectively. At 12- and 24-month follow-up, older compared to younger participants who had sustained a mild/moderate musculoskeletal injury had lower physical functioning (3.9-units lower Short Form-12 Physical Composite Score, multivariable-adjusted p = 0.03 at both examinations). After multivariable adjustment, older (n = 45) versus younger (n = 207) participants had lower self-perceived health status (8.1-units lower European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions Visual Acuity Scale scores at 24 months, p = 0.03), 24 months later.


Older compared to younger participants who sustained a mild/moderate injury following a road-traffic crash demonstrated poorer physical functioning and general health at 24 months.  相似文献   
The effect of financial compensation on health outcomes following musculoskeletal injury requires further exploration because results to date are varied and controversial. This systematic review identifies compensation related factors associated with poorer health outcomes following musculoskeletal injury. Searches were conducted using electronic medical journal databases (Medline, CINAHL, Embase, Informit, Web of Science) for prospective studies published up to October 2012. Selection criteria included: prognostic factors associated with validated health outcomes; six or more months follow up; and multivariate statistical analysis. Studies solely measuring return to work outcomes were excluded. Twenty nine articles were synthesised and then assessed using GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) methodology to determine evidence levels. The results were mixed. There was strong evidence of an association between compensation status and poorer psychological function; and legal representation and poorer physical function. There was moderate evidence of an association between compensation status and poorer physical function; and legal representation and poorer psychological function. There was limited evidence of an association between compensation status and increased pain. In seven studies the association depended on the outcome measured. No studies reported an association between compensation related factors and improved health outcomes. Further research is needed to find plausible reasons why compensation related factors are associated with poorer health following musculoskeletal injury.  相似文献   
Water quality in streams typically changes fast, and sensitive biological indicators are crucial for monitoring these changes in water quality. Diatoms are widely used in biological stream quality assessment. However, interannual and intra‐annual variation of diatom population densities is large, often hampering a reliable quality assessment. We studied the importance of different species traits on temporal occurrence of diatom species. We also examined whether temporal occurrence of diatoms is related to species' local abundance or regional distribution using a data set collected in Finnish streams. According to the general linear model (GLM), temporal occurrence of diatoms increased with increasing local abundance and regional distribution. Species that occurred more frequently also had larger niche breadths and nonmarginal niche positions. In addition, cell size and attachment ability were positively related to species temporal occurrence. Our results imply that abundant and widely distributed species with large niches and ability to attach sustain persistent populations in varying environmental conditions typical for streams. We suggest that future studies could concentrate on monitoring these common (abundant) species when detecting the possible changes in the biological state of streams. We advise, however, to consider a relatively large number of species as many of the most common species may have low indicator values.  相似文献   
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