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A 33-year-old man suffered from locally recurrent malignant fibrous histiocytoma of his left thigh unresponsive to previous excision, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hyperthermic treatment. He underwent radical hemipelvectomy for cure. Because of extensive tumor involvement, a free flap consisting of his distal left leg based on the popliteal artery was utilized to close the defect. Both the tibia and fibula were removed from their periosteal sheaths, and the foot was excised from the flap. The popliteal artery and vein were anastomosed to the iliac vessels. The flap survived, and the patient was discharged home after physical rehabilitation. We suggest that uninvolved portions of the distal leg may be utilized as a free flap to successfully close hemipelvectomy defects in selected patients when conventional pedicle flaps are unavailable.  相似文献   
Life-history analysis of an Artemia population in a changing environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Anemia monica Verrill population in Mono Lake, Californiahas two generations per year. Despite similarities in the year-to-yearlife history patterns, some important differences developedbetween 1979 and 1981. The first generation hatches from overwinteringcysts in early spring and reaches maturity by the end of May.The first-generation females reproduce ovoviviparously, givingrise to a second generation which matures between mid-July andAugust. In July, both first and second generation females beginproducing overwintering cysts. The population reaches it maximumin late summer, then declines to low numbers by November. Theabundance of the first generation in June declined from a meanof 20 000 m–2 to 2400 m–2. Despite the smaller firstgeneration, the second generation in 1980 and 1981 was at leastas abundant as in 1979. These differences are indicative ofa change in the Artemia population dynamics in Mono Lake. 1Address for correspondence: Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology,University of Hawaii, P.O. Box 1346 Kaneohe, HI 96744-1346,USA.  相似文献   
Liver mitochondria from rats fed ethanol chronically demonstrated a 35% decrease in mitochondrial ATPase activity. Moreover, the ATPase activity was inhibited only 61% by addition of oligomycin. Treatment of mitochondria from ethanol-fed rats with the detergent, Lubrol-WX, caused the release of 36% of the F1 from the resulting inner membrane particles. In comparison, only 5% of the F1 was dissociated when control mitochondria were subjected to the Lubrol treatment. However, when the units of ATPase activity from the supernatant and particles obtained after Lubrol treatment were added together, their sums were equivalent in preparations from control and ethanol-fed animals. Moreover, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses indicated equal amounts of the alpha + beta subunits of F1 in mitochondria from control and ethanol-fed rats. Reconstitution experiments with urea particles and F1 prepared from both control and ethanol mitochondria revealed a decrease in oligomycin sensitivity which could be attributed to an alteration in the functioning of either the oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein or a membrane sector subunit that interacts with oligomycin. Analysis by reconstitution also demonstrated that there were no ethanol-elicited alterations in the properties of the F1 portion of the ATP synthase complex. These observations indicate that the activity of the ATP synthase complex is altered significantly by ethanol-elicited changes in the functioning of those polypeptides involved in modulating both oligomycin sensitivity and the association of F1 with membrane sector subunits.  相似文献   
Treatment of cultured fibroblasts with thrombin results in the stimulation of cell division and lipid metabolism. Proteolytically active alpha-thrombin rapidly stimulates (a) release of arachidonic acid, (b) generation of inositol phosphates, and (c) increase in cellular diacylglycerol levels. Pretreatment of the fibroblasts with chymotrypsin before alpha-thrombin prevented the first two responses, (a) and (b), and reduced response c. Treatment of fibroblasts with gamma-thrombin, a proteolytic derivative of alpha-thrombin, produced a response indistinguishable from the alpha-thrombin treatment when preceded by chymotrypsin. These data support a model, similar to one for platelets [McGowan, E. B., & Detwiler, T. C. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 739-746], that fibroblasts possess two coupling mechanisms for the stimulation of lipid metabolism by thrombin. Similar to platelets, one mechanism, R1, mediates the stimulated release of arachidonic acid and is capable of activating Ni, a GTP-binding protein. R1 is inactivated by chymotrypsin and does not respond to gamma-thrombin. The other mechanism, R2, responds to gamma-thrombin and is not activated by chymotrypsin. In contrast to the mechanisms proposed for platelets, we demonstrate that the phospholipase C responsible for the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides is not activated by R2 but is activated via R1. Importantly, stimulation of either mechanism results in the elevation of cellular diacylglycerol. This indicates that the stimulated elevation of diacylglycerol, or those events dependent upon the elevation of diacylglycerol, is not a reliable indicator for establishing the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We have reconstituted protein translocation across plasma membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli using purified proOmpA and trigger factor, a 63 kd soluble protein. Treatment of membrane vesicles with urea inactivates them for translocation unless a factor present in cytoplasmic extracts is added during the translocation reaction. Sedimentation analysis showed that the stimulatory activity is of distinctly higher mol. wt than trigger factor. Cytoplasmic extracts from a strain that greatly overproduces the SecA protein are highly enriched in the stimulatory activity for untreated membranes and restore translocation to urea-treated membranes, suggesting that this protein is the stimulatory factor. This assay was used to monitor the isolation of SecA protein from the overproducing strain. The purified protein is soluble, yet binds peripherally to membranes with high affinity and supports translocation. Using pure proOmpA, SecA protein, trigger factor and urea-treated membranes, the protein export process was resolved into binding and translocation steps. We find that proOmpA binds to membrane vesicles with or without SecA protein, but that translocation only occurs when SecA was bound prior to proOmpA.  相似文献   
We have demonstrated that conventional methods for measuring total urinary aldosterone (TUA) may markedly and inconsistently underestimate aldosterone output, since under the conditions usually employed (pH 1.0), the hydrolysis of aldosterone conjugates in urine is incomplete. The use of more acidic hydrolysis conditions (pH 0.2) overcomes this problem. However free aldosterone may be damaged at this pH. Therefore to accurately measure TUA output, it is necessary to isolate the undamaged aldosterone chromatographically and to correct for procedural losses based on the recovery of aldosterone tracer added to the urine prior to hydrolysis. We compared a number of laboratory estimates of aldosterone status (including urinary free aldosterone) with the 24-h urinary sodium output in normal subjects, since this provides a good bioassay of aldosterone. Sodium output correlated best with "optimised" 24 h TUA, i.e. hydrolysed at pH 0.2, (r = -0.589, P less than 0.001), and with plasma aldosterone (r = -0.504, P less than 0.005). Both aldosterone in random urine specimens and plasma renin activity correlated poorly with 24-h sodium output. Therefore, while the measurement of optimised TUA excretion provides the best index of aldosterone activity, assay of aldosterone in random specimens of plasma, which is more convenient for patient and laboratory, may be adequate for many clinical purposes.  相似文献   
The product of the mouse Rec-1 locus is an integral membrane protein that determines susceptibility to infection by murine ecotropic retroviruses. Recently it has been determined that its role in normal cell metabolism is transport of the cationic amino acids, arginine, lysine, and ornithine across the plasma membrane. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from a panel of 48 mouse-human somatic cell hybrids assigned the human version of this gene, ATRC1, to chromosome 13. Chromosomal in situ hybridization localized the gene to 13q12-q14. A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was detected with TaqI. There were two alleles with frequencies of 0.29 and 0.71. Pairwise linkage analysis established linkage between ATRC1 and ATP1AL1, D13S1, D13S6, D13S10, D13S11, D13S21, D13S22, D13S33, D13S36, and D13S37. Multilocus linkage analysis of five of the loci indicated that the most likely order of loci in this region was D13S11-ATP1AL1-ATRC1-D13S6-D13S33.  相似文献   
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