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To explain the mechanism of pathogenesis of channel disorder in MH (malignant hyperthermia), we have proposed a model in which tight interactions between the N-terminal and central domains of RyR1 (ryanodine receptor 1) stabilize the closed state of the channel, but mutation in these domains weakens the interdomain interaction and destabilizes the channel. DP4 (domain peptide 4), a peptide corresponding to residues Leu2442-Pro2477 of the central domain, also weakens the domain interaction and produces MH-like channel destabilization, whereas an MH mutation (R2458C) in DP4 abolishes these effects. Thus DP4 and its mutants serve as excellent tools for structure-function studies. Other MH mutations have been reported in the literature involving three other amino acid residues in the DP4 region (Arg2452, Ile2453 and Arg2454). In the present paper we investigated the activity of several mutants of DP4 at these three residues. The ability to activate ryanodine binding or to effect Ca2+ release was severely diminished for each of the MH mutants. Other substitutions were less effective. Structural studies, using NMR analysis, revealed that the peptide has two a-helical regions. It is apparent that the MH mutations are clustered at the C-terminal end of the first helix. The data in the present paper indicates that mutation of residues in this region disrupts the interdomain interactions that stabilize the closed state of the channel.  相似文献   
Long-term monitoring began 20 years ago at Burnham Beeches Site of Special Interest (SSSI), National Nature Reserve (NNR) and European Special Area of Conservation (SAC) lying 40 km west of London as a consequence of the authorization of an application to extract gravel from an adjacent site lying north of Slough Trading Estate. Dust monitoring (sticky pads) and photographic monitoring, recording and image analysis was instigated in 1992 on Parmelion communities to assess changes in lichen growth, health and community composition. Long-term monitoring identifies that the lichen flora on free-standing trees has undergone rapid expansion from a near dominance by the SO2-tolerant ‘acidophyte’ species Lecanora conizaeoides and Hypogymnia physodes following reductions in SO2 concentrations. Long-term influences of low levels of eutrophication, gaseous pollutants (particularly globally rising background ozone concentrations) on lichen and bryophyte communities and succession under changing climatic conditions are unknown. Soil–plant relationships, lichen–invertebrate interactions and a pollution legacy must also be considered.  相似文献   
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition that causes substantial morbidity and mortality and for which no treatments are available. Stem cells offer some promise in the restoration of neurological function. We used systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression to study the impact of stem cell biology and experimental design on motor and sensory outcomes following stem cell treatments in animal models of SCI. One hundred and fifty-six publications using 45 different stem cell preparations met our prespecified inclusion criteria. Only one publication used autologous stem cells. Overall, allogeneic stem cell treatment appears to improve both motor (effect size, 27.2%; 95% Confidence Interval [CI], 25.0%–29.4%; 312 comparisons in 5,628 animals) and sensory (effect size, 26.3%; 95% CI, 7.9%–44.7%; 23 comparisons in 473 animals) outcome. For sensory outcome, most heterogeneity between experiments was accounted for by facets of stem cell biology. Differentiation before implantation and intravenous route of delivery favoured better outcome. Stem cell implantation did not appear to improve sensory outcome in female animals and appeared to be enhanced by isoflurane anaesthesia. Biological plausibility was supported by the presence of a dose–response relationship. For motor outcome, facets of stem cell biology had little detectable effect. Instead most heterogeneity could be explained by the experimental modelling and the outcome measure used. The location of injury, method of injury induction, and presence of immunosuppression all had an impact. Reporting of measures to reduce bias was higher than has been seen in other neuroscience domains but were still suboptimal. Motor outcomes studies that did not report the blinded assessment of outcome gave inflated estimates of efficacy. Extensive recent preclinical literature suggests that stem-cell–based therapies may offer promise, however the impact of compromised internal validity and publication bias mean that efficacy is likely to be somewhat lower than reported here.  相似文献   
While grief, emotional distress and other mental health conditions have been associated with pregnancy loss, less is known about the mental health impact of these events during subsequent pregnancies and births. This paper examined the impact of any type of pregnancy loss on mental health in a subsequent pregnancy and postpartum. Data were obtained from a sub-sample (N = 584) of the 1973-78 cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women''s Health, a prospective cohort study that has been collecting data since 1996. Pregnancy loss was defined as miscarriage, termination due to medical reasons, ectopic pregnancy and stillbirth. Mental health outcomes included depression, anxiety, stress or distress, sadness or low mood, excessive worry, lack of enjoyment, and feelings of guilt. Demographic factors and mental health history were controlled for in the analysis. Women with a previous pregnancy loss were more likely to experience sadness or low mood (AOR = 1.75, 95% CI: 1.11 to 2.76, p = 0.0162), and excessive worry (AOR = 2.01, 95% CI: 1.24 to 3.24, p = 0.0043) during a subsequent pregnancy, but not during the postpartum phase following a subsequent birth. These results indicate that while women who have experienced a pregnancy loss are a more vulnerable population during a subsequent pregnancy, these deficits are not evident in the postpartum.  相似文献   
Fossil wood collections at the Natural History Museum, London, were searched for the type material of two important species, described as early as 1831 by Witham, on the basis of material at least partly furnished by Nicol and collected in the Liassic of Whitby (Yorkshire, UK). The names given to these two species by Witham are the basionyms for more than ten other species names, while these species names also provide syntypes for several generic names. Despite this, the original material has been only rarely and partly revised, leading to much confusion.We managed to locate some of the original material. Several topotypes were also studied. On the basis of this review we propose here a neotypification for Peuce huttoniana Witham, a lectotypification for Cupressinoxylon barberi Seward and a lectotypification for Tiloxylon Hartig. We evidence several taxonomical and nomenclatural synonymies, assign Peuce lindleyana Witham to Protocedroxylon and P. huttoniana to Xenoxylon Gothan, and introduce the new combination Xenoxylon huttonianum (Witham) nov. comb. as the correct name for Xenoxylon ellipticum Gottwald & Holleis ex Schultze-Motel.A topotype of Araucariopitys americana Hollick & Jeffrey was also reviewed, which, together with previous results, leads us to suggest that Araucariopitys Hollick & Jeffrey, Protocedroxylon Gothan and Planoxylon Stopes should not be considered as taxonomical synonyms. This point is crucial to the interpretation of the fossil record of Early Abietinae.  相似文献   
Blood plasma is the major vehicle by which metabolites are transported around the body in mammalian species, and chemical analysis of plasma can provide a wealth of information relating to the biochemical status of an individual and is important for diagnostic purposes. However, plasma is very complex in physicochemical terms because it is composed of a range of organic and inorganic constituents with a wide range of molecular weights and chemical classes and this makes analysis non-trivial. It is now well established that high-resolution (1)H NMR spectroscopy of blood plasma provides useful qualitative and quantitative biochemical information relating to metabolic disorders. However, one of the problems encountered in NMR spectroscopic analysis of blood plasma is the extensive peak overlap or presence of broad macromolecule peaks in the (1)H NMR spectrum, which can severely limit the amount of obtainable information. Even with spectroscopic editing, information relating to low-molecular-weight (MW) metabolites is frequently lost. Therefore, the efficiency of a range of conventional protein removal methods, in combination with the use of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic methods for evaluation, have been compared for the extraction of NMR-observable low-MW metabolites. It has been shown that these "deproteinization" methods vary considerably in recovery of low MW metabolites and a judicious choice is crucial for optimal extraction of a given analyte. The results presented here show that while ultrafiltration provides the "safest" method of plasma deproteinization, the signal-to-noise ratio of the resultant (1)H NMR spectra is poor. On the other hand, acetonitrile precipitation at physiological pH allows the detection of more low-MW metabolites and at higher concentrations than any other method and provides the further advantages of being a rapid and simple procedure.  相似文献   
B-class floral homeotic genes are required for the proper formation and identity of petals and stamens in dicot flowers. A partial cDNA clone encoding a B-class gene, BnAP3 (Brassica napus APETALA3), was isolated from a B. napus cDNA library derived from young inflorescence meristems. The 5' region of the cDNA was retrieved by RACE. The deduced amino acid sequence of the full-length clone exhibited high similarity to APETALA3 of Arabidopsis thaliana and functionally homologous proteins from other species. 5' RACE and Southern analysis suggests that BnAP3 has multiple alleles in B. napus. Expression analysis assayed by RT-PCR shows that BnAP3 is expressed in floral tissues, as well as non-floral tissues such as root and bract. Transformation of wild-type A. thaliana and B. napus plants with BnAP3 under the control of a promoter specific to reproductive organs converts carpels to stamens, while the expression of this construct in A. thaliana plants mutant for AP3 restores the development of third-whorl stamens in addition to directing a carpel to stamen conversion in the fourth whorl.  相似文献   
A reconstituted glycolytic system has been established from individually purified enzymes to simulate the conversion of glucose to ethanol plus CO2 by yeast. Sustained and extensive conversion occurred provided that input of glucose matched the rate of ATP degradation appropriately.ATPase activity could be replaced by arsenate, which uncoupled ATP synthesis from glycolysis. The mode of uncoupling was investigated, and it was concluded that the artificial intermediate, 1-arseno-3-phosphoglycerate, has a half-life of no more than a few milliseconds. Arsenate at 4 mM concentration could simulate the equivalent of 10 μmol ml?1 min?1 of ATPase activity.The reconstituted enzyme system was capable of totally degrading 1 M (18% w/v) glucose in 8 h giving 9% (w/v) ethanol. The levels of metabolites during metabolism were measured to detect rate-limiting steps.The successful operation of the reconstituted enzyme system demonstrates that it is possible to carry out complex chemical transformations with multiple enzyme systems in vitro.  相似文献   
A biometrical analysis of the dinoflagellate cyst Lingulodinium machaerophorum [Deflandre, G., Cookson, I.C., 1955. Fossil microplankton from Australia late Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments. Australian journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 6: 242–313.] Wall, 1967 in 144 globally distributed surface sediment samples revealed that the average process length is related to summer salinity and temperature at a water depth of 30 m by the equation (salinity/temperature) = (0.078?average process length + 0.534) with R2 = 0.69. This relationship can be used to reconstruct palaeosalinities, albeit with caution. The particular ecological window can be associated with known distributions of the corresponding motile stage Lingulodinium polyedrum (Stein) Dodge, 1989. Confocal laser microscopy showed that the average process length is positively related to the average distance between process bases (R2 = 0.78), and negatively related to the number of processes (R2 = 0.65). These results document the existence of two end members in cyst formation: one with many short, densely distributed processes and one with a few, long, widely spaced processes, which can be respectively related to low and high salinity/temperature ratios. Obstruction during formation of the cysts causes anomalous distributions of the processes. From a biological perspective, processes function to facilitate sinking of the cysts through clustering.  相似文献   
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