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The shallow lakes of Eastern England have been subject to intense anthropogenic pressures including nutrient enrichment and fish stocking. We sought to determine the relationships between fish community structure and other ecosystem characteristics in 28 of these lakes through classification of fish species into piscivorous, zooplanktivorous and benthivorous feeding guilds according to the literature. Canonical correspondence analysis produced clear associations between fish and ecosystem characteristics that generally agreed with other theoretical (e.g. the alternative stable states hypothesis) and empirical studies, but with some important differences. There was a striking lack of relationships between nutrients and other variables, indicating the importance of top-down rather than bottom-up processes as a structuring force in the generally eutrophic study lakes. The presence of submerged (and shoreline) vegetation was associated with a diverse assemblage of apparently co-existing piscivorous (principally pike Esox lucius) and zooplanktivorous species. Perch Perca fluviatilis, a significant predator in other studies, was unimportant and argued to be limited by water quality in the extremely shallow lakes. In contrast, the benthivorous fish guild (principally carp Cyprinus carpio, bream Abramis brama and tench Tinca tinca) essentially represented the inverse of the potential pelagic associations between piscivores/zooplanktivores and vegetation. The introduction of large benthivores to many study lakes could have precipitated a loss of submerged vegetation through direct uprooting during foraging, with the effect of simplifying the fish community being most acute where littoral vegetation was limited by other anthropogenic factors. It is implied that attempts to promote or restore submerged vegetation in these lakes would best target benthivorous species.  相似文献   
Sixty acutely alcoholic patients were treated in unsegregated rooms of two to twelve beds in a general hospital to determine the feasibility of open ward care. Personnel caring for them were first educated in the nature of alcoholism, the aberrations it produces and treatment with tranquilizing drugs. Fears and objections were overcome.Violent or unpredictable patients were excluded from the test, but those with alcoholic hallucinations or delirium suspectible to control were admitted. Preliminary physical examination was done to find out whether there was coincidental disease. In three patients, one with subarachnoid hemorrhage, one with severe anemia and one with pneumonia and shock, this examination followed by prompt treatment was probably life-saving. Tranquilizers, fluids and vitamins were given routinely, by mouth as soon as possible.Alcoholic patients were found to be no more unmanageable than others.If it were generally accepted that acutely alcoholic patients, diagnosed as such, could be admitted to open ward care in general hospitals, candor in diagnosis would be encouraged thereby, coincident disease probably would be promptly recognized if present, and long-term treatment for the alcoholic addiction could be begun early.  相似文献   
SUMMARY 1. Piscivores (annual stocking of 1000 individuals ha?1 of 0+ pike and a single stocking of 30 kg ha?1 of large 20–30 cm perch) were stocked in seven consecutive years in a shallow eutrophic lake in Denmark. The stocking programme aimed at changing food‐web structure by reducing zooplanktivorous and benthivorous fish, with resultant effects on lower trophic levels and ultimately water quality. 2. The fish community and water quality parameters (Secchi depth, concentrations of total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and suspended solids) were monitored between 1996 and 2000 and relationships were evaluated between predatory fish and potential prey and between zooplanktivorous or benthivorous fish and water quality parameters. In addition, potential consumption of piscivorous fishes was calculated. 3. The density of fish feeding on larger zooplankton or benthos (roach >15 cm, crucian carp >15 cm) declined distinctly during the study period. This effect was attributed to predation by large (>50 cm) pike. Based on scale readings, we cautiously suggest that the stocking of 0+ pike boosted the adult pike population to produce an unexpected impact in later years. Conversely, no direct impact of stocked 0+ pike was detected on 0+ roach. 4. A major decline in the recruitment strength of 0+ roach was observed in 2000. A combination of (i) the indirect effect of large pike preying on adult roach, with negative effect on roach reproduction and (ii) the direct predation effect of 0+ pike and/or 1+ and 2+ perch recruited in the lake, provides the most likely explanation of this phenomenon. 5. A marked increase in Secchi depth in 2000 and declining trends in suspended solids, chlorophyll‐a and total phosphorus concentrations were observed. These changes may also be attributable to changes in the fish community, although the relationships were not straightforward. 6. This 7‐year study indicates that piscivorous fish may be a significant structuring force in shallow eutrophic lakes, suggesting that stocking piscivores can increase predation pressure on cyprinids. However, the general lack of impact of 0+ pike points to the need of refining current stocking practices in several countries across Europe.  相似文献   
After the diversion of a nutrient-rich inflow, the eutrophic lake, Alderfen Broad, initially showed reduced total phosphorus concentrations and phytoplankton populations, clear water and the establishment of submerged macrophytes. Internal P loading then increased, perhaps stimulated by the senescence of submerged macrophytes and exacerbated by the lack of flushing. Cyanophytes appeared in the summer of two years. As a consequence of poor recruitment of roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)), the chief zooplanktivore, and a summerkill of the fish population, populations of large-bodied Cladocera (Daphnia hyalina/ longispina and ultimately D. magna) developed. In the long-term, these may have limited the further development of phytoplankton populations and clear water and submerged macrophytes returned. During this latter period, internal P release has remained high (> 380 µg l-1), thereby indicating the scope for biomanipulation even in eutrophic conditions. However, isolation of the lake has led to a decrease in water level (which through increased temperatures and lowered dissolved oxygen levels was probably responsible for the fish deaths) and further concentration of internal P load. Sediment is now being removed to reestablish greater water depth.  相似文献   
Tracking tags have been used to map the distributions of a wide variety of avian species, but few studies have examined whether the use of these devices has impacts on the study animals that may bias the spatial data obtained. As Global Positioning System (GPS) tags small enough for deployment on terns (family: Laridae) have only recently become available, until now tracking of this group has been conducted by following unmanipulated individuals by boat, which offers a means of comparing distributions obtained from GPS‐tracking. We compared the utilization distributions (UDs) of breeding Arctic Terns Sterna paradisaea obtained by GPS‐tracking 10 individuals over 2 weeks, with UDs derived from contemporaneous visual boat tracks from 81 individuals. The 50% and 95% UDs of both methods had high similarity scores, indicating good agreement in the density distributions derived from the two methods. The footprints of the UDs of tagged birds were ~ 75–80% larger, which may reflect an effect of tagging on foraging range or the occasional inability to follow by boat individuals which roamed further from the colony. We also compared the nest attendance and chick provisioning rates of adults that were (1) fitted with a GPS tag and leg‐flag, (2) handled and marked with a leg‐flag but not tagged and (3) fitted with a leg‐flag in a previous year but unhandled in the year of the study. There was some evidence that birds fitted with both a GPS tag and leg‐flag spent slightly less time at the nest compared with unhandled birds and those fitted with a leg‐flag only. Both treatments where birds were fitted with a leg‐flag in the year of the study had similarly lower provisioning rates to those of unhandled control birds > 48 h after handling, suggesting that negative effects on provisioning are due to capture and handling or leg‐flag attachment rather than to GPS tag attachment/loading per se. Overall brood‐provisioning rate was compensated for by the increased effort by the unhandled partner. Our study suggests that despite slight effects of GPS‐tagging on behaviour, the estimates of marine density distribution obtained were very similar to those of unmanipulated birds.  相似文献   
This palaeolimnological study investigates recent changes in the biological structure of an English shallow lake (Upton Great Broad, Norfolk). By focusing on the historical occurrence of submerged macrophytes, particularly the rare UK species, Najas marina L. (Holly-leaved Naiad), we address a management question that frequently arises for shallow lakes, namely whether to undertake sediment removal to increase water depth and/or restore conservation value. Macro-remains of aquatic macrophytes and molluscs were analysed in two littoral sediment cores and combined with other historical ecological data covering the last 100 years. Before around 1900, the lake had Chara meadows (including at least three species) and an associated species-rich community of Mollusca. Between around 1900–1970 a period of high angiosperm diversity is suggested with a reduction of Characeae and the development of patches of water-lily (particularly Nymphaea alba L.) and fen swamp in the open water. Then, after around 1970, our data indicate a rapid shift towards Najas-dominance coupled with a decrease in the seasonal length of the plant-covered period. The expansion of Najas was clearly associated with, and may even be dependent upon, a highly unusual fluid, green sediment formation that developed at the site from around the same time. Thus, despite the loss of an earlier more diverse vegetation and associated fauna, we suggest that best practice conservation may be allow natural site development and not to undertake active management such as sediment removal which might threaten the status of Najas. Our conclusion could only have been arrived at through the long-term ecological perspective that a palaeolimnological approach provides.  相似文献   
The activity patterns and habitat selection of tench in a shallow eutrophic lake were determined by radio telemetry. Environmental variables, including prey availability, depth and vegetational composition were quantified in order to explain observed patterns of distribution. Tench were generally only active at night, foraging on benthic animal prey, particularly chironomid larvae. Feeding fish clearly selected for particular locations although only weak associations with depth and densities of preferred prey were found. In addition, it appears that fish spent a considerable time searching for prey and travelling relatively large distances in the process, with the result that only relatively few prey were ingested during the course of a night. During daylight, fish were almost completely inactive, resting together in favoured locations and displaying a strong association for the littoral emergent vascular plant, Typha angustifolia . This may be because Typha usually grows in relatively deep water and forms stands of relatively widely spaced stems, thus allowing such large fish to penetrate deeply into cover. Management of eutrophic waters to encourage tench should take this habitat preference into account.  相似文献   
Large planktonic Cladocera are typically the most important components of the diet of underyearling roach. Selection for large species and individuals by fish can result in a shift in the species composition of the cladoceran community as well as a reduction in the mean size of the individuals of large species and in the assemblage as a whole. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that underyearlings feeding on Daphnia hyalina smaller than 1 mm in length has a significantly lower intake of prey volume per unit time than when feeding on prey greater than 1.5 mm. A decrease in the nutritional quality of zooplankton prey, brought about by increasing predation pressure is suggested as the mechanism for density-dependent reductions in the growth of underyearling roach in eutrophic water bodies.  相似文献   
Recruitment success of roach varied dramatically between 1978 and 1985 in Alderfen Broad, a small lake in eastern England. All size classes of roach feed to a significant extent upon zooplankton, but the underyearling fish have the greatest effects upon the abundance, species composition and mean size of zooplankton. During years of good recruitment (1979, 1981, 1983 and 1985) when the 0 + age group was abundant, they showed poor growth as a result of the depression of their prey populations. Older fish also tended to grow poorly in these years and may have been less fecund the following year. In years of poor recruitment (1980, 1982 and 1984), with the release of the depressive effect upon the zooplankton exerted by underyearling fish, the older size classes tended to grow well with higher fecundity the following season, giving rise to good recruitment of underyearling fish, even when the number of spawners was low. The evidence indicates that there is a 2-year cycle of roach recruitment in Alderfen and this will be described.  相似文献   
In Mexico, as in many other subtropical and tropical countries, there has been a recent trend towards stocking non-native carp (Cyprinus carpio) in lakes and ponds as a source of food in rural areas. However, the results of a study in a series of small(1–8 ha.), shallow (<2 m), semi-natural ponds in Acambay, a high altitude valley in the basin of the Lerma river in the volcanic belt in central west Mexico, illustrate that the stocking of carp over a threshold value may have a detrimental ecological impact at several trophic levels. Ponds with carp tended to be turbid with high levels of suspended solids, and with few rooted macrophytes and epibenthic invertebrates. In contrast, ponds without carp had clear water and abundant rooted macrophytes and associated invertebrates, particularly gastropod molluscs. The direct uprooting of macrophytes by benthic foraging carp appeared to be the most important mechanism in switching the ponds from a clear macrophyte-dominated to a turbid state. The subtropical study ponds thus appear to confirm the alternative stable-state hypothesis developed intemperate lakes, although the importance of benthic rather than pelagic interactions was emphasised. The implications of stocking carp for native fauna of high intrinsic conservation value and as a food supply for local people are outlined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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