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Metabolic depletion of human red cells with 2-deoxy-D-glucose in the presence of EGTA decreased ATP to about 4% of the initial value and increased total ouabain- and furosemide-resistant Na+ and K+ effluxes by 20% and 100%, respectively, and furosemide-sensitive Na+ and K+ effluxes by 100% and 60%, respectively. When ATP was restored, all the components of Na+ and K+ fluxes measured returned to baseline levels suggesting a metabolic dependence.  相似文献   

Microorganisms capable of aerobic respiration on ferrous ions are spread throughout eubacterial and archaebacterial phyla. Phylogenetically distinct organisms were shown to express spectrally distinct redox‐active biomolecules during autotrophic growth on soluble iron. A new iron‐oxidizing eubacterium, designated as strain Funis, was investigated. Strain Funis was judged to be different from other known iron‐oxidizing bacteria on the bases of comparative lipid analyses, 16S rRNA sequence analyses, and cytochrome composition studies. When grown autotrophically on ferrous ions, Funis produced conspicuous levels of a novel acid‐stable, acid‐soluble yellow cytochrome with a distinctive absorbance peak at 579 nm in the reduced state.

Stopped‐flow spectrophotometric kinetic studies were conducted on respiratory chain components isolated from cell‐free extracts of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Experimental results were consistent with a model where the primary oxidant of ferrous ions is a highly aggregated c‐type cytochrome that then reduces the periplasmic rusticyanin. The Fe(II)‐dependent, cytochrome c‐catalyzed reduction of the rusticyanin possessed three kinetic properties in common with corresponding intact cells that respire on iron: the same anion specificity, a similar dependence of the rate on the concentration of ferrous ions, and similar rates at saturating concentrations of ferrous ions  相似文献   
Summary Voltage-sensitive membrane potential probes were used to monitor currents resulting from positive or negative charge movement across small and large unilamellar phosphatidylcholine (PC) vesicles. Positive currents were measured for the paramagnetic phosphonium ion or for K+-valinomycin. Negative currents were indirectly measured for the anionic proton carriers CCCP and DNP by monitoring transmembrane proton currents. Phloretin, a compound that is believed to decrease dipole fields in planar bilayers, increases positive currents and decreases negative currents when added to egg PC vesicles. In these vesicles, positive currents are increased by phloretin addition to a much larger degree than CCCP currents are reduced. This asymmetry, with respect to the sign of the charge carrier, is apparently not the result of changes in the membrane dielectric constant. It is most easily explained by deeper binding minima at the membrane-solution interface for the CCCP anion, when compared to the phosphonium. The measured asymmetry and the magnitudes of the current changes are consistent with the predictions of a point dipole model. The use of potential-sensitive probes to estimate positive and negative currents, provides a methodology to monitor changes in the membrane dipole potential in vesicle systems.  相似文献   
A 43-kDa protein factor that increases the ability of purified bovine peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM)-A and -B to produce alpha-amidated peptides at physiological pH was purified to homogeneity from bovine neurointermediate pituitary. At each step of the purification, the amount of activity correlated with the amount of protein detected on Western blots by antibody to bovine PAM(561-579). In the bovine neurointermediate pituitary the 108-kDa PAM precursor protein is cleaved to form a peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase and a peptidyl-alpha-hydroxyglycine alpha-amidating lyase, which function sequentially in the 2-step formation of alpha-amidated peptides.  相似文献   
Receptor-mediated internalization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) occurs by a process involving initially clathrin-coated pits on the cell surface and the subsequent formation of ligand-containing endosomes. Using a modified acid wash technique, cell surface-bound EGF was removed. Utilizing sucrose density centrifugation, the residual cell-associated EGF was separated into plasma membrane-associated and intracellular vesicle-associated forms. Using these procedures we have identified a transient form of cell-associated EGF that is still attached to the plasma membrane but not accessible to the extracellular fluid. This form of EGF appears to be the precursor for endosomic EGF. We suggest that this intermediate form represents the receptor-ligand complex shown by electronmicroscopy to be located in narrow-necked plasma membrane invaginations (Willingham, M. C., and Pastan, I. (1980) Cell 21, 67-77).  相似文献   
The transfer of lpr BM stem cells into lethally irradiated non-lpr recipients (including the congenic MRL/+ differing only at the lpr locus) causes GVHD characterized by a wasting syndrome. In this study we investigated the interaction between the autoimmune (lpr) and normal (A-Thy) B, T, and RBC cell lineages in two types of radiation chimeras: MRL/lpr plus A-Thy----(MRL/lpr X A-Thy)F1 and MRL/+ plus A-Thy----(MRL/lpr X A-Thy)F1. Analysis of B cell repopulation by competitive RIA of serum Igh-1 allotype showed that both the MRL and the A-Thy donor cells initially engrafted. However, by 2 to 4 mo post-transplantation the normal A-Thy allotype was barely detectable (reduced greater than 2 orders of magnitude), whereas the autoimmune MRL/lpr allotype persisted at normal levels. Similarly, investigation of the donor origin of peripheral blood T cells by two-color flow cytometry showed that by 8 mo post-transplantation normal A-Thy T cells had been eliminated and only MRL/lpr T cells were present in the circulation. In contrast, erythrocytes from both the MRL/lpr and A-Thy donor strains successfully engrafted the F1 recipients and persisted until the termination of the study. Control chimeras transplanted with a mixture of MRL/+ plus A-Thy BM were stably engrafted with both donor strains in both the erythroid and lymphoid populations. Additional experiments in which either B6/lpr or MRL/lpr (and B6/+ or MRL/+ control) BM cells were transferred into (MRL/lpr X B6/+)F1 and (MRL/lpr X B6/lpr)F1 recipients demonstrated that the development of GVHD was not simply due to increased alloreactivity by the lpr donor cells. In these chimeras only the recipients heterozygous (but not homozygous) for the lpr gene developed lpr-GVHD, although both types of recipients had identical genotypes except at the lpr locus.  相似文献   
The influence of the major histocompatibility (B) complex and sex on the phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) wattle response was studied in 136 segregants (B2/B2, B2/B5 and B5/B5) of a fourth generation cross between inbred lines 6(1) and 15(1). At 6 weeks of age, chickens were injected with 100 micrograms purified PHA-P. Wattle thickness measurements were taken 4, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after injection. Analysis of variance showed that 4 h after injection, males had a significantly higher response than females but the sex-genotype interaction was also significant. Females had higher responses than males 24 and 48 h after injection as a consequence of more rapid development and earlier resolution of the reaction in males. B2/B2 chickens had significantly lower responses than B5/B5 chickens 72 and 96 h after injection, signifying a faster late resolution phase in the B2/B2 genotype. The developmental and early resolution phases of the PHA wattle response were influenced by sex while the late resolution phase was influenced by B genotype.  相似文献   
Root morphology, shoot morphology, and water uptake for Agavedeserti and Ferocactus acanthodes of various sizes were studiedusing allometric relationships (y = axb) and a previously developedwater uptake model. Shoot surface area increased with shootvolume with an exponent b of 0.75 for both species. Root lengthand the ground area explored by the roots increased with shootsurface area with b's of 0.72 for A. deserti and 0.92 for F.acanthodes. Various sized individuals had about the same ratioof root length to explored ground area, with higher values occurringfor A. deserti. Predicted water uptake averaged over the exploredground area was approximately constant over a 104-fold rangein shoot surface area, suggesting that shoot size confers nointraspecific competitive advantage for water uptake. For theroot lengths per explored ground area observed in the field,water uptake was predicted to be 85 per cent of maximal; wateruptake could be increased by the production of more rain roots.When differences in shoot volume were accounted for by allometry,small plants had relatively less shoot surface area and relativelymore root length per shoot volume than did large plants, whichmay be important for the water relations of seedling establishment. Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, allometry, desert succulents, root distribution, root length, seedling growth, seedling establishment, shoot surface area, shoot volume, water uptake  相似文献   
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