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We have developed a three-step cross-linking procedure that is specifically targeted at the carbohydrate on a protein and applied it to CD4 as a model system for studying the role of multivalent interactions in function. In the first step CD4 was oxidized with periodate, creating aldehydes that served as targets for the subsequent chemistry. Next the aldehydes were modified with cystamine, converting the reactive group into a thiol. Finally cross-linking through the thiol moiety was generated with the homobifunctional cross-linker bismaleimidohexane. With this procedure, approximately 60% of the CD4 was converted into higher molecular weight complexes that were soluble and retained function as assessed by glycoprotein gp120 binding activity. CD4 dimers and tetramers by mass were 4 and 15 times as active as CD4 monomer in blocking virus infection with HTLV-IIIB in an in vitro cellular assay. The cross-linking chemistry provides an efficient method for producing homomultimers of a glycoprotein.  相似文献   
We have used electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry to investigate Gag protein structure and processing in Rous sarcoma virus, the prototype of the avian sarcoma and leukemia viruses. Molecular masses determined for the mature virion proteins MA, CA, NC, and PR agree closely with those predicted by currently accepted models for their structures. However, the data for p10 imply that only about 10% of the product has the predicted mass while the remainder is missing the C-terminal methionine residue. Molecular masses also were obtained for products generated by PR cleavage in vitro of a Gag precursor polyprotein expressed in Escherichia coli. The data confirm the predicted Gag cleavage sites for PR. Thus, carboxypeptidase activity appears to be responsible for generating the des-Met form of p10. The same activity may account for the small amount of the mature des-Met CA, as previously reported. Analysis of cleavage products generated in vitro also serves to define the PR processing site separating the p2a and p2b peptides, Asn-164-Cys-165. In conjunction with published characterizations of these two peptides processed from the segment of Gag between MA and p10, these data suggest trimming of p2b by an aminopeptidase. Finally, the molecular masses determined for the MA-related species p19f, p23, and p35 now accurately define the structures of these proteins.  相似文献   
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) may either stimulate or inhibit cell growth. To elucidate the mechanism of these varied effects, we compared EGF action in parental A431 cells in which cell growth is inhibited, and clone 15, a mutant of these cells resistant to EGF growth inhibition. In both lines, EGF receptor was present in similar concentrations and underwent tyrosine phosphorylation to the same extent. Likewise, in both lines, acute exposure to EGF stimulated an increase in free cytoplasmic [Ca2+], as well as a similar increase in phosphorylation of lipocortin 1, a major substrate for the EGF receptor kinase whose phosphorylation is calcium-dependent. On the other hand, pretreatment of clone 15 cells with EGF for 72 h abolished EGF-induced phosphorylation of lipocortin 1 and led to a loss of the increase in cytoplasmic free [Ca2+], whereas no such desensitization was seen in the parental A431 cells. These data indicate a link between EGF-induced increase in cytoplasmic calcium, lipocortin phosphorylation, and cell growth and suggest that differences in mechanisms of desensitization to these immediate actions of EGF may lead to altered growth response to this hormone.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: There are several reports that indicate a linkage between exposure to power frequency (50 - 60 Hz) magnetic fields with abnormalities in the early embryonic development of the chicken. The present study was designed to understand whether power frequency electromagnetic fields could act as an environmental insult and invoke any neurochemical or toxicological changes in developing chick embryo model. METHODS: Fertilized chicken eggs were subjected to continuous exposure to magnetic fields (50 Hz) of varying intensities (5, 50 or 100 microT) for a period of up to 15 days. The embryos were taken out of the eggs on day 5, day 10 and day 15. Neurochemical (norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine) and amino acid (tyrosine, glutamine and tryptophan) contents were measured, along with an assay of the enzyme glutamine synthetase in the brain. Preliminary toxicological investigations were carried out based on aminotransferases (AST and ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase activities in the whole embryo as well as in the liver. RESULTS: The study revealed that there was a significant increase (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001) in the level of norepinephrine accompanied by a significant decrease (p < 0.01 and p < 0.001) in the tyrosine content in the brain on day 15 following exposure to 5, 50 and 100 microT magnetic fields. There was a significant increase (p < 0.001) in glutamine synthetase activity resulting in the significantly enhanced (p < 0.001) level of glutamine in the brain on day 15 (for 100 microT only). The possible mechanisms for these alterations are discussed. Further, magnetic fields had no effect on the levels of tryptophan and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the brain. Similarly, there was no effect on the activity of either aminotransferases or lactate dehydrogenase in the whole embryo or liver due to magnetic field exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Based on these studies we conclude that magnetic field-induced changes in norepinephrine levels might help explain alterations in the circadian rhythm, observed during magnetic field stress. Also, the enhanced level of glutamine can act as a contributing factor for developmental abnormalities.  相似文献   
In this report, we describe the involvement of the quail neuroretina 1 (QN1) protein in retinal development. The Qn1 cDNA was isolated as a gene specifically expressed at the onset of neuronal cell cycle withdrawal (Bidou et al., Mech. Dev. 43 (1993) 159). Qn1 is located in the cytoplasm in proliferating cells during the early stages of the development. Its distribution changes, becoming predominantly nuclear, in neurons during establishment of the quiescent state upon the differentiation. We decreased the amount of QN1 protein by an antisense strategy in vitro or in vivo. This decrease of the amount of QN1 protein results in additional mitosis and in severe abnormalities such as retinal dysplasia. Our results suggest that QN1 plays a key role at the onset of neuronal cell cycle withdrawal.  相似文献   
Rare earth metals play a conspicuous role in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for detecting cancerous cells. The alkali metal potassium is a neurotransmitter in the sodium–potassium pump in biomedical sciences. This unique property of rare earth metals and potassium drew our attention to carry forward this study. Therefore, in this work, previously synthesized potassium (K) complexes formed by the reflux of 4-N,N-dimethylaminobenzoic acid (DBA) and potassium hydroxide in methanol, and named [(μ2–4-N,N-dimethylaminobenzoate-κO)(μ2–4-N,N-dimethylaminobenzoic acid-κO)(4-N,N-dimethylaminobenzoic acid-κO) potassium(I) coordination polymer)] were treated hydrothermally with La2O3 nanomaterials to obtain a nanohybrid La2O3/K-complex. After that, the K-complex was analyzed using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. In addition, the structural and morphological properties of the as-prepared nanostructured La2O3/K-complex were also characterized, which involved an investigation using X-ray diffraction (XRD)spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, atomic force spectroscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. After this, the electrochemical redox behaviour of the synthesized nanohybrid material was studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Therefore, the results from these studies revealed that the as-prepared material was a La2O3/K-complex that has a promising future role in sensing various analytes, as it showed effective electrocatalytic behaviour.  相似文献   
Human IgG4 subtype antibodies have often been reported to have a significant portion (5-50%) of a heavy chain-light chain dimer ("half-antibody") on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), in which the heavy chain is not covalently linked through the hinge disulfides to another heavy chain. We demonstrate here that there can be artifactual sources of half-antibody. One occurred during SDS-PAGE sample preparation where rapid disulfide scrambling was initiated by preexisting free sulfhydryls in the monoclonal antibody (mAb) and by free sulfhydryl produced by destruction of disulfide bonds during heating. Inclusion of N-ethylmaleimide in the sample buffer prevented the disulfide scrambling. Presumably, cyclization of the flexible IgG4 hinge during this disulfide scrambling leads to the preferential separation of heavy chains. A second condition producing half-antibody was reoxidation after exposure to reductant, where 46% of the antibody was trapped in the intrachain disulfide form. The amount of half-antibody was reduced to 4% by reoxidation in the presence of a mixture of oxidized and reduced glutathione. When the improved sample preparation conditions were used, IgG4 mAb freshly isolated from cells contained 4.5-15% half-antibody, indicating that equilibration of the interchain and intrachain hinge disulfide pairing was not always attained in cells.  相似文献   
A case of primary nonsecretory plasmacytoma of the spleen is reported. On laparotomy and splenectomy a 920 g spleen was removed, measuring 16×14×6 cm. The cut surface of the entire spleen showed that the tumour occupied most of the splenic tissue. A bone marrow aspirate and trephine, skeletal survey showed no signs of myeloma. Biopsy of the liver and regional lymph nodes was normal. Immunocytochemistry of the splenic tumour showed positivity for pan-B and plasma cell markers. After splenectomy the patient was treated with chemotherapy according to protocol VBCMP (M2).  相似文献   
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