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The effects of cage fish farming on physico-chemical and bacteriological water quality in Lake Volta, Ghana, were investigated in 2013–2014. Farmed and unfarmed (control) areas of the lake were selected for monitoring. Nutrients, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, pH, total coliforms, Pseudomonas and Vibrio spp. in the water were monitored monthly. Analyses of the water samples were carried out according to standard procedures. Physico-chemical quality of the water in both farm and control sites were within ranges typical of minimally impacted water and did not vary significantly between the two contrasting sites. The bacteriological analysis, however, revealed contamination of the lake water by fish farming. The bacterial counts at the farmed sites were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of the control sites, with figures at the farmed sites ranging from 132 to 1 708 cfu 100 ml?1 for total coliforms, 514 to 5 170 cfu 100 ml?1 Pseudomonas spp. and 14 to 516 cfu 100 ml?1 for Vibrio spp. The results suggested that cage fish farming has increased bacterial loads in the lake water, but has had minimal impact on its physico-chemical quality.  相似文献   
This paper presents the work conducted on the chemical constituents of some common and widely distributed halophyte taxa from Cyprus with the aim that these studies will help in the evaluation of halophytes for different economical purposes. The plant species of Crithmum maritimum L., Limbarda crithmoides (L.) Dumort, Atriplex portulacoides L., Salsola kali L., Atriplex halimus L., Limonium oleifolium Mill., L. meyeri (Boiss.) Kuntze; and Tetraena alba (L.f.) Beier & Thulin were collected in the middle of July. The shoot tissue and leaf samples were collected from the natural habitats and left for drying under air circulation followed by placing them in oven at 60 °C for 96 hours. The material was crushed using mortar and pestle and subjected to an analysis of macro- and micro-nutrients and biochemical compounds. K+/Na+ in the leaf tissues of the dicot species showed relatively high values depicting their behavior as Na+ includes but very low Cl- levels were recorded. Out of the species investigated here in 4 TFAA content was rather high. Values ranging from 0.5% to 1% dry weight were exhibited in one species. However, only 3 species showed very low TFAA values. Later may be due to low nitrogen availability in their environment. The phenetic analyses of eight halophyte species performed on the data matrix using Ntsys-pc program version 2.1 revealed that, cluster analysis of the overall results obtained here leads to 2 clusters. This discrimination appears to be as a result of their different abilities to accumulate either proline or glycine betaine.  相似文献   
Halieutopsis bathyoreos Bradbury, 1988 (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae), previously described only on the basis of the holotype (62.6mm in standard length) from the central North Pacific, is redescribed on the basis of the holotype and six additional specimens (41.2–68.7mm in standard length) collected from the western South Pacific, off Papua New Guinea, and the western North Pacific, including the Japanese Archipelago. Halieutopsis bathyoreos is distinguished from its congeners by having a shelflike rostrum extending anteriorly well beyond the mouth, a dorsal escal lobe slightly bisected ventrally, an illicial cavity square in outline and completely visible in ventral view, and lacking tubercles on the ventral surface of the disk. The following characters are newly added to the diagnoses of this species: rostrum width 21–29% of head length, tubercles on the dorsal surface of the disk about half the diameter of those on the lateral margin, and 13–15 large lateral-line scales on the tail.  相似文献   


Professor Zdzisław Pucek (1930–2007)  相似文献   
The precise orosensory inputs engaged for dietary lipids detection in humans are unknown. We evaluated whether a common single nucleotide polymorphism (rs1761667) in the CD36 gene that reduces CD36 expression and the addition of orlistat, a lipase inhibitor, to reduce FA release from triacylglycerols (TGs), the main component of dietary fats, would attenuate fat orosensory sensitivity in humans. Twenty-one obese subjects with different rs1761667 genotypes (6 AA, 7 AG, and 8 GG) were studied on two occasions in which oleic acid and triolein orosensory detection thresholds were measured using emulsions prepared with and without orlistat. Subjects homozygous for the G-allele had 8-fold lower oral detection thresholds for oleic acid and triolein than subjects homozygous for the A allele, which associates with lower CD36 expression (P = 0.03). Thresholds for heterozygous subjects were intermediate. The addition of orlistat increased detection thresholds for triolein (log threshold = -0.3 ± 0.2 vs. 0.3 ± 0.1; P < 0.001) but not oleic acid (log threshold = -1.0 ± 0.2 vs. -0.8 ± 0.2; P > 0.2). In conclusion, this is the first experimental evidence for a role of CD36 in fat gustatory perception in humans. The data also support involvement of lingual lipase and are consistent with the concept that FA and not TG is the sensed stimulus.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the characteristics of the normal human aorta has been constrained by lack of data on fresh aortic tissue, especially from healthy individuals. In this study, the gene expression and morphological characteristics of the thoracic ascending aorta (AA) of healthy organ donors have been evaluated, with the aim of providing reference data for the analysis of pathological AAs. We analysed by RT-PCR the differential expression of mRNAs coding for myocardin, smoothelin, alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) and the ED-A isoform of fibronectin (ED-A FN) in AA specimens from donors, integrating the results with immunohistochemical analysis of the same targets. Morphological and morphometric characteristics of the AAs were also evaluated. In order to account for possible regional variations in wall structure, the convexity of the aortic profile was compared to the concavity. No differences in gene expression occurred for any of the target genes between the concavity and the convexity of AAs. Immunohistochemistry revealed a different distribution of total FN and of its ED-A isoform in the media and in the intima. Smoothelin is expressed by the majority of cells in the media, with some positive cells also in the intima. Alpha-SMA is expressed in all the tunicae. Immunohistochemistry also revealed in the convexity of 50% of AAs the presence of discrete areas in the subadventital media with altered structure and cell morphology and with altered gene expression, resulting positive for ED-A FN and alpha-SMA, but not for smoothelin, indicating the occurrence of early lesions also in macroscopically healthy AAs.  相似文献   
1. Decomposition of litter mixtures in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems often shows non‐additive diversity effects on decomposition rate, generally interpreted in streams as a result of the feeding activity of macroinvertebrates. The extent to which fungal assemblages on mixed litter may influence consumption by macroinvertebrates remains unknown. 2. We assessed the effect of litter mixing on all possible three‐species combinations drawn from four tree species (Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Juglans regia and Quercus robur) on both fungal assemblages and the rate of litter consumption by a common shredder, Gammarus fossarum. After a 9‐week inoculation in a stream, batches of leaf discs were taken from all leaf species within litter mixture combinations. Ergosterol, an indicator of fungal biomass, and the composition of fungal assemblages, assessed from the conidia released, were determined, and incubated litter offered to G. fossarum in a laboratory‐feeding experiment. 3. Mixing leaf litter species enhanced both the Simpson’s index of the fungal assemblage and the consumption of litter by G. fossarum, but had no clear effect on mycelial biomass. Specifically, consumption rates of J. regia were consistently higher for mixed‐species litter packs than for single‐species litter. In contrast, the consumption rates of B. pendula were not affected by litter mixing, because of the occurrence of both positive and negative litter‐mixing effects in different litter species combinations that counteracted each other. 4. In some litter combinations, the greater development of some fungal species (e.g. Clavariopsis aquatica) as shown by higher sporulation rates coincided with increased leaf consumption, which may have resulted from feeding preferences by G. fossarum for these fungi. 5. Where litter mixture effects on decomposition rate are mediated via shredder feeding, this could be due to indirect effects of the fungal assemblage.  相似文献   
The coup de grâce for the nested clade phylogeographic analysis?   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) has become a popular method for reconstructing the history of populations across species ranges. Ever since its invention in 1995, criticisms have been formulated, but the method, which has been regularly updated, continues to attract investigators. Molecular Ecology has published a large fraction of the literature on the topic — both pro and con. A recent study by Panchal and Beaumont (2007) finally allows a precise evaluation of the method by developing software that automates the somewhat complicated NCPA procedure. Using simulations of random-mating populations, Panchal and Beaumont find a high frequency of false-positives with their automated NCPA procedure (over 75%). These findings, which echo and amplify earlier warnings, appear serious enough to suggest to researchers to await further evaluation of the method. Although no other all-encompassing method such as the NCAP currently exists to evaluate phylogeographic data sets, researchers have many alternative methods to test ever more refined hypotheses.  相似文献   
The San Diego fairy shrimp Branchinecta sandiegonensis is a federally endangered species endemic to vernal pools in southern California, USA. Filling events in these habitats are highly variable, with some pools failing to hold water long enough for reproduction over many successive years. Studies of this species are thus hindered by the relatively rare appearance of aquatically active life history phases. Because diapausing cysts are abundant and present at all times, they provide an underutilized opportunity for both species identification and genetic studies. However, methods for extracting DNA from cysts are technically challenging because of their structure and size. Here we present a protocol for extracting DNA from B. sandiegonensis cysts in sufficient quantities for “DNA Barcoding”, microsatellite analysis and other genotyping and sequencing applications. The technique will aid in population genetic studies and species identification (since taxonomic keys only distinguish among adults), and will be applicable to other crustaceans with similar diapausing cysts.  相似文献   
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