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We compared movement patterns and rhythms of activity of a top predator, the Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus, a mesopredator, the red fox Vulpes vulpes, and their shared principal prey, the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, in relation to moon phases. Because the three species are mostly nocturnal and crepuscular, we hypothesized that the shared prey would reduce its activity at most risky moon phases (i.e. during the brightest nights), but that fox, an intraguild prey of lynx, would avoid lynx activity peaks at the same time. Rabbits generally moved further from their core areas on darkest nights (i.e. new moon), using direct movements which minimize predation risk. Though rabbits responded to the increased predation risk by reducing their activity during the full moon, this response may require several days, and the moon effect we observed on the rabbits had, therefore, a temporal gap. Lynx activity patterns may be at least partially mirroring rabbit activity: around new moons, when rabbits moved furthest and were more active, lynxes reduced their travelling distances and their movements were concentrated in the core areas of their home ranges, which generally correspond to areas of high density of rabbits. Red foxes were more active during the darkest nights, when both the conditions for rabbit hunting were the best and lynxes moved less. On the one hand, foxes increased their activity when rabbits were further from their core areas and moved with more discrete displacements; on the other hand, fox activity in relation to the moon seemed to reduce dangerous encounters with its intraguild predator.  相似文献   
Many animals aggregate into organized temporary or stable groups under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors, and some studies have shown the influence of habitat features on animal aggregation. This study, conducted from 2002 to 2004 in the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic, studied a herd of forest buffaloes (Syncerus caffer nanus) to determine whether spatial aggregation patterns varied by season and habitat. Our results show that both habitat structure and season influenced spatial aggregation patterns. In particular, in open habitats such as clearings, the group covered a larger area when resting and was more rounded in shape compared to group properties noted in forest during the wet season. Moreover, forest buffaloes had a more aggregated spatial distribution when resting in clearings than when in the forest, and individual positions within the herd in the clearing habitat varied with age and sex. In the clearings, the adult male (n = 24) was generally, on most occasions, located in the centre of the herd (n = 20), and he was observed at the border only four times. In contrast, females (n = 80) occupied intermediate (n = 57), peripheral (n = 14) and central positions (n = 9) within the group. Juveniles (n = 77) also occurred in intermediate (n = 64) and peripheral positions (n = 13). Based on these results, we concluded that habitat characteristics and social behaviour can have relevant effects on the spatial distribution of animals within a group.  相似文献   
Sib–sib or, more generally, family resemblance for dispersal seems a widespread characteristic of vertebrates, and the birthplace has the potential to shape the dynamics and features of animal populations. Dispersal studies have often stressed the fundamental link between the fate of dispersers and population dynamics, but few have focused on the dispersal directions of individuals, despite the profound implications that this may have on population distribution, structure, dynamics and viability. We investigated the directions followed by 72 radio‐tagged dispersers (43 males and 29 females from 14 nest sites) in an eagle owl Bubo bubo population, and assessed their a) inter‐individual distances during dispersal and b) age at dispersal departure. For siblings, as well as potential‐siblings (i.e. individuals born in the same nest in different years), the birthplace influenced inter‐individual distances and dispersal directions, i.e. dispersers from the same nest moved to similar locations during the study; moreover, in each year, individuals from the same birthplace moved across the same areas in a short time period. Finally, siblings and potential‐siblings born in the same nest in different years started dispersal at similar ages. Based on the movement patterns of dispersers we discuss: a) the potential implications of the birthplace‐dependent dispersal on the ideal free distribution theory, as well as in terms of kin competition, inbreeding avoidance and population dynamics; and, more generally, b) the effect of the temporal features of the natal dispersal on the concept of habitat suitability vs density of individuals developed by the ideal free distribution theory.  相似文献   
Predatory interactions among top predators, like superpredation or intraguild predation (IGP), can influence community structure. Diurnal raptors occupy high trophic levels in terrestrial food webs, and thus can regulate the presence of mesopredators. We studied superpredation (the killing and eating of another predator) in four large European raptors. We gathered 121 dietary studies, totalling 161,456 prey for the Goshawk Accipiter gentilis L., Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos L., Bonelli’s Eagle Aquila fasciata Vieillot, and Eagle Owl Bubo bubo L. Results showed that superpredation: (1) is a widespread interaction in large raptors, but it can vary according to the top predator species; (2) is not an important energetic resource for large raptors, but rather seems mostly related to diet diversification when the main prey decreases; (3) is spatially clustered reflecting habitat heterogeneity, but shows no temporal or large-scale spatial trends; and (4) it is associated with lower breeding success of the top predator species. These findings support the food stress hypothesis as the main driving force behind increases in superpredation and IGP in raptors, with the decrease in breeding performance as a side effect. Superpredation by large raptors deserves future research to understand its effects on mesopredators, because on one hand it might contribute to promote biodiversity, while on the other hand, it can sometimes represent an additional risk for small populations of endangered mesopredators.  相似文献   
We present a new idea about the possible effects of human-induced mortality on different age cohorts (i.e., breeders vs. juveniles) in long-lived animals. Our hypothesis is based on Curios idea on the effect of natural selective processes on cohorts to explain age-related increases in fecundity (selection hypothesis). We believe that negative human pressure may modify such contribution to reproduction of good versus low quality phenotypes, altering the genetic structure of the population. Ecologists and environmental managers in general should be aware of how stochastic events provoked by humans may induce changes in the genetic structure of populations.  相似文献   
We present the results of an individual-based simulation model, showing that increasing the mortality of non-breeding dispersers within settlement areas can lead to the extinction of species and (meta)populations in a subtle way. This is because the areas where dispersers settle are generally unknown or difficult to detect. Consequently, fewer efforts are devoted to the conservation of these sites than to the conservation of breeding territories. Additionally, high mortality rates affecting the floater sector of a population become evident in the breeding sector only after several of years, when it is too difficult or too late to halt the decline. As a result, because most conservation projects on endangered species and populations mainly focus on breeding areas, many current efforts may be wasted in locations other than those in which conservation would be really necessary and effective.  相似文献   
Within the field of spatial ecology, it is important to study animal movements in order to better understand population dynamics. Dispersal is a nonlinear process through which different behavioral mechanisms could affect movement patterns. One of the most common approaches to analyzing the trajectories of organisms within patches is to use random-walk models to describe movement features. These models express individual movements within a specific area in terms of random-walk parameters in an effort to relate movement patterns to the distributions of organisms in space. However, only using the movement trajectories of individuals to predict the spatial spread of animal populations may not fit the complex distribution of individuals across heterogeneous environments. When we empirically tested the results from a random-walk model (a residence index) used to predict the spatial equilibrium distribution of individuals, we found that the index severely underestimated the spatial spread of dispersing individuals. We believe this is because random-walk models only account for the effects of environmental conditions on individual movements, completely overlooking the crucial influence of behavior changes over time. In the future, both aspects should be accounted for when predicting general rules of (meta)population abundance, distribution, and dynamics from patterns of animal movements.  相似文献   
We develop two individual-based models using a large and detailed data set (information gathered over more than a century) on a population of a longlived and territorial predator, the Spanish imperial eagle. We investigated the relationship between survival and predator pressure, prey behaviour and patch availability (i.e. settlement areas). Survival of dispersing individuals was highly dependent on the number of available settlement areas, mediated by prey availability. Changes in prey behaviour due to predation pressure (e.g. shifting from diurnal to nocturnal activity) can decrease their availability for predators even if the density significantly exceeds the predator needs. Environmental stochasticity had a strong influence on population viability when it occurred in a synchroneous way between breeding and settlement areas, and an increase in floater mortality negatively influenced stability and dynamics of the breeding segment of populations in reproductive areas. Our simulations demonstrated the link between the dynamics in settlement and breeding areas: factors affecting floater survival also influence whole population dynamics. Moreover, model outputs provided insights into the relationship between environmental stochasticity and population dynamics.  相似文献   
The interactions among the multiple factors regulating predator-prey relationships make predation a more complex process than previously thought. The degree to which substandard individuals are captured disproportionately seems to be better a function of the difficulty of prey capture than of the hunting techniques (coursing vs. ambushing predators). That is, when the capture and killing of a prey species is easy, substandard individuals will be predated in proportion to their occurrence in the prey population. In the present study, we made use of eagle owls Bubo bubo and their main prey, the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus : (a) the brightness of the white tails of rabbits seems to be correlated with the physical condition of individuals, (b) by using the tails of predated rabbits as an index of individual condition, we found that eagle owls seem to prefer substandard individuals (characterized by duller tails), and (c) by using information from continuous radiotracking of 14 individuals, we suggest that the difficulty of rabbit capture could be low. Although the relative benefits of preying on substandard individuals should considerably decrease when a predator is attacking an easy prey, we hypothesise that the eagle owl preference for substandard individuals could be due to the easy detection of poor individuals by a visual cue, the brightness of the rabbit tail. Several elements allow us to believe that this form of visual communication between a prey and one of its main predators could be more widespread than previously thought. In fact: (a) visual signalling plays a relevant role in intraspecific communication in eagle owls and, consequently, visual signals could also play a role in interspecific interactions, and (b) empirical studies showed that signals may inform the predator that it has been perceived, or that the prey is in a sufficiently healthy state to elude the predator.  相似文献   
After some 70 years of debate on density-dependent regulation of animal populations, there is still poor understanding of where spatial and temporal density dependence occurs. Clearly defining the portion of the population that shapes density-dependent patterns may help to solve some of the ambiguities that encircle density dependence and its patterns. In fact, individuals of the same species and population can show different dynamics and behaviors depending on their locations (e.g., breeding vs. dispersal areas). Considering this form of intrapopulation heterogeneity may improve our understanding of density dependence and population dynamics in general. We present the results of individual-based simulations on a metapopulation of the Spanish imperial eagle Aquila adalberti. Our results suggest that high rates of floater mortality within settlement areas can determine a shift in the classical relationship (from negative to positive) between the fecundity (i.e., fledglings per pair) and density (i.e., number of pairs) of the breeding population. Finally, we proved that different initial conditions affecting the breeder portion of the population can lead to the same values of fecundity. Our results can represent a starting point for new and more complex approaches studying the regulation of animal populations, where the forgotten and invisible component--the floater--is taken into account.  相似文献   
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