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Protein kinase cascades in meiotic and mitotic cell cycle control   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Eukaryotic cell cycle progression during meiosis and mitosis is extensively regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation. Many cell surface receptors for mitogens are ligand-stimulated protein-tyrosine kinases that control the activation of a network of cytoplasmic and nuclear protein-serine (threonine) kinases. Over 30 plasma membrane associated protein-tyrosine kinases are encoded by proto-oncogenes, i.e., genes that have the potential to facilitate cancer when disregulated. Proteins such as ribosomal protein S6, microtubule-associated protein-2, myelin basic protein, and casein have been used to detect intracellular protein-serine (threonine) kinases that are activated further downstream in growth factor signalling transduction cascades. Genetic analysis of yeast cell division control (cdc) mutants has revealed another 20 or so protein-serine (threonine) kinases. One of these, specified by the cdc-2 gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has homologs that are stimulated during M phase in maturing sea star and frog oocytes and mammalian somatic cells. Furthermore, during meiotic maturation in these echinoderm and amphibian oocytes, this is followed by activation of many of the same protein-serine (threonine) kinases that are stimulated when quiescent mammalian somatic cells are prompted with mitogens to traverse from G0 to G1 phase. These findings imply that a similar protein kinase cascade may oversee progression at multiple points in the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Studies on large samples of the population are an indispensable prerequisite for investigations into the validity and reliability of threshold levels stipulated for atmospheric pollutants purity under real conditions. Children represent suitable groups for such studies, also in the context of meaningful and effective prophylaxis. Epidemiological studies conducted over several years show that there are differences between the anthropometric, hematological and immunological parameters of subjects living in regions with major pollution loads and in so-called "clean air" regions. Conclusions are drawn regarding the work performed by national hygiene authorities, and a method is proposed for the continuation of epidemiological studies in qualitatively and quantitatively differently loaded regions as a contribution to establishing a uniform register of effects.  相似文献   
The relationship between polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis and protein kinase C (PKC) activation was explored in rabbit platelets treated with the agonists platelet-activating factor (PAF), thrombin and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), and with the anti-aggregant prostacyclin (PGI2). Measurement of the hydrolysis of radiolabelled inositol-containing phospholipids relied upon the separation of the products [3H]inositol mono-, bis- and tris-phosphates by Dowex-1 chromatography. PKC activity, measured in platelet cytosolic and Nonidet-P40-solubilized particulate extracts that were fractionated by MonoQ chromatography, was based upon the ability of the enzyme to phosphorylate either histone H1 in the presence of the activators Ca2+, diacylglycerol and phosphatidylserine, or protamine in the absence of Ca2+ and lipid. Treatment of platelets for 1 min with PAF (2 nM) or thrombin (2 units/ml) led to the rapid hydrolysis of inositol-containing phospholipids, a 2-3-fold stimulation of both cytosolic and particulate-derived PKC activity, and platelet aggregation. Exposure to TPA (200 nM) for 5 min did not stimulate formation of phosphoinositides, but translocated more than 95% of cytosolic PKC into the particulate fraction, and induced a slower rate of aggregation. PGI2 (1 microgram/ml) did not enhance phosphoinositide production, and at higher concentrations (50 micrograms/ml) it antagonized the ability of PAF, but not that of thrombin, to induce inositol phospholipid turnover, even though platelet aggregation in response to both agonists was blocked by PGI2. On the other hand, PGI2 alone also appeared to activate (by 3-5-fold) cytosolic and particulate PKC by a translocation-independent mechanism. The activation of PKC by PGI2 was probably mediated via cyclic AMP (cAMP), as this effect was mimicked by the cAMP analogue 8-chlorophenylthio-cAMP. It is concluded that this novel mechanism of PKC regulation by platelet agonists may operate independently of polyphosphoinositide turnover, and that activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase represents another route leading to PKC activation.  相似文献   
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (p42mapk) becomes transiently activated after treatment of serum-starved murine Swiss 3T3 cells or EL4 thymocytes with a diversity of mitogens. Similarly, a meiosis-activated protein kinase (p44mpk) becomes stimulated during maturation of sea star oocytes induced by 1-methyladenine. Both p42mapk and p44mpk have been identified as protein-serine/threonine kinases that are activated as a consequence of their phosphorylation. Because homologous protein kinases may play essential roles in both mitogenesis and oogenesis, we have compared in detail the biochemical properties of these two kinases. We find that these kinases are highly related based on their in vitro substrate specificities, sensitivity to inhibitors, and immunological cross-reactivity. However, they differ in apparent molecular weight and can be separated chromatographically, indicating that the two enzymes are distinct. Furthermore, in the course of this investigation, we have identified a 44-kDa protein kinase in mitogen-stimulated Swiss mouse 3T3 cells and EL4 thymocytes that co-purifies with p44mpk and thus appears to be a closer homolog of the sea star enzyme. Analysis of these protein kinases clarifies the relationships between a set of tyrosine-phosphorylated 41-45-kDa proteins present in mitogen-stimulated cells (Martinez, R., Nakamura., K. D., and Weber, M. J. (1982) Mol. Cell. Biol. 2, 653-655; Cooper, J. A., and Hunter, T. (1984) Mol. Cell. Biol. 4, 30-37), two myelin basic protein kinases identified in epidermal growth factor-treated Swiss mouse 3T3 cells (Ahn, N. G., Weiel, J. E., Chan, C. P., and Krebs, E. G. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 11487-11494), and p42mapk. Our work points to the existence of a group of related serine/threonine protein kinases, regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation and functioning at different stages of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Casein kinase 2 (CK2) is a ubiquitous, multifunctional protein-seryl/threonyl kinase that has been implicated in cellular regulation. Synthetic peptides were patterned after three highly conserved regions in CK2: the N terminus (CK2-NT); the lysine-rich, kinase subdomain III segment (CK2-III) (nomenclature of Hanks et al. (Hanks, S. K., Quinn, A. M., and Hunter, T. (1988) Science 241, 42-52)); and a 10-residue segment located near kinase subdomain X that is shared between CK2 and p34cdc2 (CK2/cdc2). The CK2-III and CK2/cdc2 peptides markedly stimulated the autophosphorylation of the alpha- and alpha'-subunits of purified CK2 from sea star oocytes, and they elicited up to 2-fold increases in its casein or phosvitin phosphotransferase activity. These peptides completely reversed nearly total inhibition of CK2 phosphotransferase activity toward itself, casein, and phosvitin by either heparin or poly(Glu,Tyr; 4:1), whereas CK2-NT was ineffective. Elution of CK2 from heparin-agarose with the CK2-III peptide indicated that this region of CK2 might mediate heparin binding to CK2. Affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies developed against both CK2-III and CK2/cdc2, but not CK2-NT, also produced up to 1.8-fold enhancements of the casein and phosvitin phosphotransferase activities of purified CK2. All three of the antipeptide antibody preparations immunoreacted with the alpha- and alpha'-subunits of CK2 on Western blots. These studies indicate that kinase subdomains III and X are involved in the modulation of CK2 phosphotransferase activity.  相似文献   
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent activator of antibacterial responses by macrophages. Following LPS stimulation, the tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins is rapidly increased in macrophages, and this event appears to mediate some responses to LPS. We now report that two of these tyrosine phosphoproteins of 41 and 44 kDa are isoforms of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. Each of these proteins was reactive with anti-MAP kinase antibodies and comigrated with MAP kinase activity in fractions eluted from a MonoQ anion-exchange column. Following LPS stimulation, column fractions containing the tyrosine phosphorylated forms of p41 and p44 exhibited increased MAP kinase activity. Inhibition of LPS-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins was accompanied by inhibition of MAP kinase activity. Additionally, induction of p41/p44 tyrosine phosphorylation and MAP kinase activity by LPS appeared to be independent of activation of protein kinase C, even though phorbol esters also induced these responses. These results demonstrate that LPS induces the tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of at least two MAP kinase isozymes. Since MAP kinases appear to modulate cellular processes in response to extracellular signals, these kinases may be important targets for LPS action in macrophages.  相似文献   
The subcellular distribution, size, and activation state of protein kinase C (PKC) were studied after short term exposure of rabbit platelets to a saturating dose of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). Cytosolic and Nonidet P-40-solubilized particulate extracts prepared from TPA-treated platelets were subjected to analytical column chromatography on Mono Q, hydroxylapatite, and Superose 6/12. PKC activity was assayed according to the ability of the enzyme to phosphorylate (i) histone H1 in the presence of the activators calcium, diacylglycerol, and phosphatidylserine; (ii) histone H1 after proteolytic activation of PKC with trypsin; and (iii) protamine in the absence of calcium and lipid. Within 1 min of TPA treatment of platelets, greater than 95% of the PKC activity was particulate associated, as assessed by all three methods. The particulate PKC activity from 1-min TPA-treated cells eluted from Mono Q with approximately 0.35 M NaCl (peak I), and it was highly dependent upon Ca2+ and lipid for optimal histone H1 phosphorylation. With longer exposure times of platelets to TPA, the disappearance of the Mono Q peak I form of PKC was correlated with the production of new PKC species that were released from Mono Q with approximately 0.4 M NaCl (peak II), approximately 0.5 M NaCl (peak III), and approximately 0.6 M NaCl (peak IV). These last forms of PKC were still lipid activated but exhibited little Ca2+ dependence. The Mono Q peak III form displayed a particularly high level of histone H1 phosphorylating activity in the absence of lipid and Ca2+. All of these forms behaved as approximately 65-kDa proteins on Superose 6/12, but on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, Western blotting with anti-PKC-beta antibodies revealed immunoreactive polypeptides of approximately 79 kDa (Mono Q peaks I, II, and IV) and approximately 100-kDa (Mono Q peak III). Hydroxylapatite column chromatography permitted partial resolution of the Mono Q peaks I and II forms, which were eluted within a concentration range of potassium phosphate (100-150 mM) which was typical of the beta isozyme of PKC. Treatment of the Mono Q peak III and IV PKC forms with alkaline phosphatase resulted in the production of the peak I form, which implicated protein phosphorylation in the interconversion of the various PKC forms.  相似文献   
The influence of cyclic AMP analogues and fatty acids on glycerolipid biosynthesis in monolayer cultures of rat hepatocytes was investigated. Chlorophenylthio-cyclic AMP and adenosine 3':5'-cyclic phosphorothioate inhibited the rate of triacylglycerol synthesis from [1(3)-3H]glycerol, and phosphatidylcholine synthesis from [Me-3H]-choline. Supplementation of the hepatocytes with palmitate (1 mM) reversed chlorophenylthio-cyclic AMP inhibition of triacylglycerol synthesis. Similarly, cyclic AMP analogue-inhibition of phosphatidylcholine synthesis was abolished when the cells were simultaneously incubated with oleate (3 mM). Reactivation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis in chlorophenylthio-cyclic AMP-supplemented cells with oleate was accompanied by conversion of CTP: phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase into the membrane-bound form, since these cells released the enzyme more slowly after treatment with digitonin. The opposing actions of cyclic AMP and fatty acids are discussed in relation to the regulation of glycerolipid biosynthesis during starvation, diabetes and stress.  相似文献   
This study characterizes the insulin-activated serine/threonine protein kinases in H4 hepatoma cells active on a 37-residue synthetic peptide (called the SKAIPS peptide) corresponding to a putative autoinhibitory domain in the carboxyl-terminal tail of the p70 S6 kinase as well as on recombinant p70 S6 kinase. Three peaks of insulin-stimulated protein kinase active on both these substrates are identified as two (possibly three) isoforms of the 40-45-kDa erk/microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-2 kinase family and a 150-kDa form of cdc2. Although distinguishable in their substrate specificity, these protein kinases together with the p54 MAP-2 kinase share a major common specificity determinant reflected in the SKAIPS peptide: the requirement for a proline residue immediately carboxyl-terminal to the site of Ser/Thr phosphorylation. In addition, however, at least one peak of insulin-stimulated protein kinase active on recombinant p70, but not on the SKAIPS peptide, is present although not yet identified. MFP/cdc2 phosphorylates both rat liver p70 S6 kinase and recombinant p70 S6 kinase exclusively at a set of Ser/Thr residues within the putative autoinhibitory (SKAIPS peptide) domain. erk/MAP kinase does not phosphorylate rat liver p70 S6 kinase, but readily phosphorylates recombinant p70 S6 kinase at sites both within and in addition to those encompassed by the SKAIPS peptide sequences. Although the tryptic 32P-peptides bearing the cdc2 and erk/MAP kinase phosphorylation sites co-migrate with a subset of the sites phosphorylated in situ in insulin-stimulated cells, phosphorylation of the p70 S6 kinase by these proline-directed protein kinases in vitro does not reproducibly activate p70 S6 kinase activity. Thus, one or more erk/MAP kinases and cdc2 are likely to participate in the insulin-induced phosphorylation of the p70 S6 kinase. In addition to these kinases, however, phosphorylation of the p70 S6 kinase by other as yet unidentified protein kinases is necessary to recapitulate the multisite phosphorylation required for activation of the p70 S6 kinase.  相似文献   
A synthetic peptide modeled after the major threonine (T669) phosphorylation site of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was an efficient substrate (apparent Km approximately 0.45 mM) for phosphorylation by purified p44mpk, a MAP kinase from sea star oocytes. The peptide was also phosphorylated by a related human MAP kinase, which was identified by immunological criteria as p42mapk. Within 5 min of treatment of human cervical carcinoma A431 cells with EGF or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), a greater than 3-fold activation of p42mapk was measured. However, Mono Q chromatography of A431 cells extracts afforded the resolution of at least three additional T669 peptide kinases, some of which may be new members of the MAP kinase family. One of these (peak I), which weakly adsorbed to Mono Q, phosphorylated myelin basic protein (MBP) and other MAP kinase substrates, immunoreacted as a 42 kDa protein on Western blots with four different MAP kinase antibodies, and behaved as a approximately 45 kDa protein upon Superose 6 gel filtration. Another T669 peptide kinase (peak IV), which bound more tightly to Mono Q than p42mapk (peak II), exhibited a nearly identical substrate specificity profile to that of p42mapk, but it immunoreacted as a 40 kDa protein only with anti-p44mpk antibody on Western blots, and eluted from Superose 6 in a high molecular mass complex of greater than 400 kDa. By immunological criteria, the T669 peptide kinase in Mono Q peak III was tentatively identified as an active form of p34cdc2 associated with cyclin A. The Mono Q peaks III and IV kinases were modestly stimulated following either EGF or PMA treatments of A431 cells, and they exhibited a greater T669 peptide/MBP ratio than p42mapk. These findings indicated that multiple proline-directed kinases may mediate phosphorylation of the EGF receptor.  相似文献   
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